[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Meeting of the Town of Ashford as indicated in article histories. Amendments noted where applicable.]
[Adopted 12-16-1975]
The purpose of this article is to waive the budget publication requirements of § 7-344 of the Connecticut General Statutes, Revision of 1958, Revised to 1975, and any subsequent revisions as may from time to time be made by the Connecticut General Assembly, the Town of Ashford being a town with less than 5,000 population based on the latest federal census figures.
The Board of Finance of the Town of Ashford shall not be required to prepare and cause its budget recommendations to be published in a newspaper having circulation in the Town of Ashford.
The Board of Finance shall prepare and cause its budget, in compliance with the requirements of state statutes, to be printed or mimeographed in a quantity equal to not less than 10% of the population of the Town of Ashford based on the latest available federal census figures and which copies shall be available for distribution five days before the annual budget meeting of the Town.
[Adopted 4-29-1980]
The purpose of this article is to limit, by Town ordinance, the increase in the annual combined Town budget to revenue generated by growth in the grand list, in state and federal assistance, and other income, except for increases, voted upon by Town Meeting, necessary to cover debt service on legal obligations, court judgments against the Town, state-mandated programs, and emergency expenditures.
In the event of property revaluation, the actual dollar increase in the combined Town budget shall be limited to the dollar amount of increase in the preceding year's budget or the average amount of increase over the preceding three years, whichever is lower.