[Adopted as Title 4, Ch. 3, of the 1978 Code; amended in its entirety 4-16-2012 by Ord. No. 660]
This article is adopted under the zoning authority of the Village of Warrensburg in furtherance of the more general purposes set forth in the zoning ordinance adopted April 16, 2012, in Ordinance No. 660. The general purpose of these regulations is to further an overall plan for the enhancement of public safety, consistent community development, preservation of property values, and the general welfare of the Village, more specifically to aid in traffic control and safety by reducing the distractive characteristics of signs along public highways, township roads and streets, lessen congestion of land and air space, avoid uncontrolled proliferation of signs, preserve the wholesome and attractive character of the Village and the various approaches to its communities and recognize that the general welfare of the public includes a plan that provides for a community that shall be beautiful as well as healthful, spacious as well as clean, and well-balanced in growth and development.
As used in this article, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
A billboard which has carried no message for more than 180 days or which no longer identifies a bona fide business, lessor, service, owner, product or activity date or time of past event, and/or for which no legal owner can be found. The definition shall also include any billboard structure which no longer supports the billboard for which it was designed.
A billboard is an off-premises object, device, display, sign or structure, or part thereof, displayed outdoors or visible from a public way, which is used to advertise, identify, display, direct or attract attention to an object, person, institution, organization, business, product, service, event or location, or to express a point of view, by any means, including words, letters, figures, design, symbols, advertising flags, fixtures, colors, illuminations or projected images. Each substantially different face of a billboard structure shall constitute a separate billboard. Billboards do not include on-premises commercial or political signage nor small commercial or noncommercial signs temporarily placed in residential lawns by residents, owners, contractors, realtors, or by or on behalf of political candidates or issues.
The facing of a billboard, including copy, insignia, background, structural supports and border and trim. The measurement shall be determined by the smallest rectangle inclusive of all letters and images. The structural supports shall be excluded if they do not constitute a major part of the billboard or if the structure is not used to identify or attract attention to the business or product.
A light source which, in whole or in part, physically changes in light intensity or gives the appearance of such change at intervals.
A billboard that was constructed in violation of regulations that existed at the time it was built.
A billboard which was lawfully erected and maintained at the effective date, April 16, 2012, of this article, or any amendment thereto, that does not conform to the regulations of the district in which it is located.
The continuous land in the same ownership or control which is not divided by a highway, road or street.
Spacing of billboards shall be the minimum distance between outdoor advertising billboard structures measured along the nearest edge of the pavement between points directly opposite the billboards along each side of the highway and shall apply to outdoor advertising billboard structures located on both sides of the highway involved.
Anything built that requires a permanent location.
The designated government official whose responsibility it is to administer the provisions of this article, i.e., the Zoning Officer. These activities may include, but are not limited to, reviewing applications for billboard permits, corresponding and/or meeting with applicants, issuing and denying billboard permits, inspecting billboards and interpreting and enforcing the provisions of this article.
[Amended 6-7-2021 by Ord. No. 764]
Off-premises billboards permitted in accordance with the requirements of this article shall also comply with the following:
All billboards shall be no greater than 50 feet in height with a minimum clearance under the bottom of the sign of eight feet;
All billboards shall be no greater than 288 square feet in area;
All billboards shall not have more than four billboard faces, two on each side, on each billboard structure;
All billboards shall not be so illuminated such that it:
Interferes with the safety of aircraft flight in the vicinity of the billboard;
Interferes with the use and enjoyment of any adjacent landowners; or
Allows the illumination source to be directly visible from any right-of-way or adjoining property;
All billboards shall not have any flashing illumination;
All billboards shall not be erected within 1,500 feet of an existing billboard on either side of the highway, township road or street;
All billboards shall be located in areas with a Community Business Zone, Highway Commercial Zone or Industrial Zone;
All billboards shall be located at least 20 feet from any property line and placed so as not to pose a visibility or other hazard to vehicular traffic in the vicinity of the billboard;
All billboards shall be located a minimum of 200 feet from a residential zoned area;
All billboards shall be located a minimum of 100 feet from any other on-premises sign;
All billboards existing as the effective date of this article and which would otherwise be prohibited shall only be permitted to continue as a nonconforming billboard as hereinafter provided:
In the event that a nonconforming billboard is discontinued for a period of one year, then said billboard shall thereafter conform to the requirements herein provided;
When a nonconforming billboard is damaged by wind, fire, explosion or other casualty, act of God or the public enemy to the extent of more than 50% of its value, then said billboard shall be restored in conformity with the regulations and requirements herein provided;
These provisions apply in the same manner to a sign which may become a nonconforming sign due to a later amendment to this article.
This article shall not apply to the following:
Official notices authorized by a court, public body or public safety official;
Directional, warning or information signs authorized by federal, state or municipal governments;
Temporary political campaign signs may be erected and maintained within the boundaries of private property only and shall not extend over or into the public right-of-way and all such signs shall be removed within 14 days following the date of election to which the signs pertain;
Public signs or signs of a public, noncommercial nature to include safety signs, danger signs, municipal identification signs, signs indicating scenic or historic points of interest, memorial plaques, signs and emblems of nationally recognized service club organizations and all signs erected by an order of a public official in the performance of a public duty;
Flags bearing the official design of a nation, state, municipality, educational institution or service organization when such flags are appropriately and properly displayed;
Underground public utility warning signs marking the routes of underground pipes, conduits and cables;
Issue of general public interest sign which depicts an issue of general public interest and/or personal beliefs and views to same may be erected and maintained within the boundaries of private property only and shall not extend over or into public right-of-way and such sign is to be removed within 14 days after the public interest question has transpired or been finalized by court or other governmental mandate;
Seed grain signs denoting seed brand and variety in demonstration field plots for comparison viewing in farm field areas.
Enforcement officer. All administration and enforcement of this article shall be primarily implemented by the Zoning Officer or his/her designate (the "Officer"). The Officer shall have the responsibility and full authority to administer and enforce all provisions of this article, other than those provisions specifically reserved for the authority of the Zoning Board of Appeals. Anyone who wishes to report a billboard that may be in violation of this article should do so to the Officer.
Permit procedure. All billboards, except as otherwise provided in § 956-4 of this article, shall require a billboard permit prior to being constructed, reconstructed, moved, altered, placed or repaired. Billboard permits shall be issued by the Officer.
Permit application. All applications for billboard permits for the erection or relocation of a billboard shall be submitted to the Officer and shall contain or have attached at a minimum the following information in either written or graphic form:
Application date.
Name, address and telephone number of the billboard owner and, if different, the owner of the land on which the billboard will be erected.
Address of the property where the billboard or billboard structure will be erected.
Signatures(s) of the billboard owner and, if different, the owner of the land on which the billboard will be displayed.
Location of the billboard on the property in relation to public rights-of-way, lot lines, buildings.
General description of structural design and construction materials of the billboard.
Drawing(s) of the proposed billboard which shall contain specifications indicating height, perimeter and area dimensions, means of support, methods of illumination, if any, and any other significant aspect of the proposed billboard.
Any other information requested by the Officer in order to carry out the purpose and intent of this article
Permit fees. Each application for billboard permit shall be accompanied by the applicable fees, which shall be established by the governing body of the Village of Warrensburg from time to time.
Permit application completeness. Within five working days of receiving an application for a billboard permit, the Officer shall review it for completeness. If the Officer finds that it is complete, the application shall then be processed. If the Officer finds that it is incomplete, he/she shall, within such five-day period, send to the applicant a notice of the specific ways in which the application is deficient, with appropriate references to the applicable sections of this article.
Permit issuance/denial action. All billboard permits shall be dated and numbered in the order of their issuance. Within 10 working days of the submission of a complete application for a billboard permit, the Officer shall either:
Issue the billboard permit, if the billboard that is the subject of the application conforms in every respect with the requirement of this article; or
Deny the billboard permit, if the billboard that is subject of the application fails in any way to conform with the requirements of this article. In case of a rejection, the Officer shall specify in the rejection the section or sections of the article or applicable plan with which the billboard is inconsistent.
Lapses of billboard permit. A billboard permit shall lapse if the billboard is an abandoned billboard or if the permittee's business license lapses, is revoked or is not renewed. A billboard permit shall lapse if the use of the billboard is discontinued for a period of 180 days or more. A billboard that was constructed or maintained in conformance with a permit under this article, but for which the permit has lapsed, shall be in violation of this article.
Assignment of the billboard permit. A current and valid permit shall be freely assignable to a successor, as owner of the property where the billboard is located or of the leasehold of the billboard, subject to filing such application as the Officer or may require and paying any applicable fee. The assignment shall be accomplished by filing and shall not require approval.
Violations. The Officer, upon finding that any provision of this article or any condition of a permit issued under this article is being violated, is authorized to institute legal proceedings to enjoin violations of this article.
Appeal procedure. Any person applying for a billboard permit who is denied a permit or disagrees with any ruling by the Officer may appeal to the Zoning Board of Appeals. The Zoning Board of Appeals may review or overturn the ruling, but may not issue a billboard permit. The findings of the Zoning Board of Appeals shall be reported to the Village Board for final decision.
Permits for existing billboards. For any billboard in the Village's jurisdictional area on the effective date of this article, an application for a billboard permit must be submitted to the Officer within 180 days. For any billboard on property within the corporate limits of a municipality and is detached therefrom at a later date, applications for billboard permits shall be submitted within six months of the effective date of such detachment. Applications for permits for existing billboards submitted within 180 days of the effective date of this article shall be exempt from the initial fees adopted under the authority of this article, but not from any subsequent fees.
Expiration of billboard permits. If an approved billboard is not erected within a period of six months from the date the permit was originally issued, the permit shall expire and become null and void.
Fines. A person who violates the provisions of this article or the conditions of a permit shall be guilty of a civil violation. Each day the violation constitutes a separate offense subject to a $200 fine. Such persons shall also be liable for court costs and reasonable attorney fees incurred by the Village.
Illegal billboards. The Officer may remove or order the removal at the expense of the billboard owner or lessor of any illegal billboard and any billboard, other than a nonconforming billboard governed by § 956-3K, not in compliance with the provisions of this article.
Immediate peril. If the Officer shall find any billboard which poses an immediate peril to persons or property, the billboard shall be removed. If the Officer cannot locate the billboard owner or lessor for immediate removal of the billboard, he/she shall remove or order the removal of the billboard at the expense of the billboard owner or lessor.
Variances as described hereinafter may be permitted by the Zoning Board of Appeals in appropriate cases, subject to the legislative intent specified in the above § 956-1, Purpose. The Zoning Board of Appeals shall have the authority to recommend to the Village Board variances from the maximum height, maximum area and minimum setback requirements.