It is hereby declared to be the intent of the V District to:
Recognize the existing, mixed-use village character of unincorporated villages within Hamiltonban Township, including but not limited to Orrtanna Village.
Establish reasonable standards to provide for a mix of residential, limited commercial, office, and institutional uses within existing village settings.
Encourage the full economic use of established and historic structures within existing village settings.
Permit uses that promote conversion of existing buildings in a manner than maintains the visual character and architectural scale of existing development within village settings.
Accommodate infill development in a manner that reflects the placement, location pattern, and scale of the existing village, while also maintaining the visual and community character of the village.
Limit the degree to which the accommodation of the automobile affects the visual character of existing villages.
Permitted uses. The following uses are permitted in the V District:
Bed-and-breakfast, in accordance with § 375-80F.
Child-care facility, in accordance with § 375-80I.
Emergency services.
Governmental uses.
Mixed-use buildings, in accordance with § 375-80GG.
Personal service shops.
Places of worship.
Professional offices.
Single-family detached dwellings.
Single-family semidetached dwellings.
Specialty retail shops.
Two-family dwellings.
Accessory uses. The following uses are permitted as accessory uses to any permitted principal use in the SR District:
Child-care facility (accessory to nonresidential use), in accordance with § 375-80I.
Detached accessory structures, including but not necessarily limited to detached garages and utility sheds.
Group child care, in accordance with § 375-80I.
Homestays, in accordance with § 375-80Y.
Home occupations, in accordance with § 375-80Z.
No-impact home-based businesses, in accordance with § 375-80II.
Wireless communication facility, co-location, outside public right-of-way, proposed as either a stand-alone facility or as part of a DAS, in accordance with § 375-80VV.
Special exception uses. The following uses are permitted by special exception in the V District in accordance with the following standards and criteria, any reasonable conditions that the Zoning Hearing Board may deem necessary, and in accordance with the procedures set forth in § 375-111 of this chapter:
Events venue, in accordance with § 375-80P.
Group home, in accordance with § 375-80W.
Infill development, in accordance with § 375-80AA.
Wireless communication facility, co-location, inside public right-of-way, proposed as either a stand-alone facility or as part of a DAS, in accordance with § 375-80UU.
Wireless communication facility, tower-based, inside public right-of-way, proposed as either a stand-alone facility or as part of a DAS, in accordance with § 375-80WW.
Uses not expressly permitted elsewhere in this chapter and that exhibit the same general character of the uses listed in § 375-32, when authorized as a special exception by the Zoning Hearing Board in accordance with §§ 375-80ZZ and 375-111.
Developed properties. Currently developed properties shall be subject to the following requirements:
The front facade of buildings on existing developed properties shall be maintained.
Additions to buildings on existing developed properties shall be located to the side or rear of the building. Additions to the side of an existing building shall be located behind the front building line of the existing building. Additions to the front of buildings on existing developed properties shall not be permitted.
Vacant or redeveloped properties. Vacant properties or properties proposed for redevelopment shall be subject to the following requirements:
Development on vacant property or the redevelopment of a currently developed property shall be reviewed in accordance with § 375-32C(3) and be subject to the development standards of § 375-80AA.
Minimum lot area:
Single-family detached dwelling: 3,500 square feet.
Single-family semidetached dwelling: 2,500 square feet for each dwelling unit.
All other uses: 5,000 square feet.
Minimum lot width.
Single-family detached dwelling: 35 feet.
Single-family semidetached dwelling: 25 feet for each dwelling unit.
All other uses: 50 feet.
Maximum build-to line: five feet.
Minimum building setbacks.
Side setback: five feet. No side setback requirement shall be applied along a side property line that follows a common party wall of a single-family semidetached dwelling.
Rear setback: five feet.
Where existing buildings on an adjacent property are closer than five feet to the side or rear property line, a setback of an equivalent distance may be applied.
Maximum lot coverage.
Residential uses: 50%.
Nonresidential uses: 65%.
Minimum vegetative coverage.
Residential uses: 50%.
Nonresidential uses: 35%.
Maximum building height: 40 feet.