[1977 Code § 77-1; Ord. No. 10-86; Ord. No. 12-87]
Residential Property.
It is mandatory in the Township for all persons who are owners, lessees or occupants of residential property to separate newspapers, leaves, glass containers and aluminum cans (and as may be further hereinafter defined by this chapter or subsequent law and rules and regulations) from all other solid waste produced by such residents for disposal and collection and recycling of the materials.
Tin and bimetal cans shall also be separated from all other solid waste as hereinabove indicated.
It is mandatory in the Township for all nonresidential establishments, including, without limitations, all owners, lessees and occupants, including successors and assigns, of business and industrial property and of private, public and governmental institutions and buildings, as well as those engaged in commercial ventures, to separate newspapers, leaves, glass containers, aluminum cans and materials, corrugated cardboard and high-grade paper and tin and bimetal cans (and as may be further hereinafter defined by this section or subsequent law or rules and regulations) from all other solid waste produced by the nonresidential establishments for the disposal and collection and recycling of the materials.
Commencing with the effective date of this section and as may be provided for in accordance with existing State regulations, including N.J.A.C. 14A:3-11 and other related statutes and provisions of the Administrative Code, all service stations, oil retailers and motor vehicle reinspection stations with used oil-holding tanks shall accept up to five gallons at a time of used motor oil from individuals changing oil from private passenger motor vehicles (cars and trucks), lawnmowers or motorcycles and shall post a sign informing the public that they are a used oil collection site.
All generators (including, without limitation, residential and nonresidential) of demolition materials, including asphalt/concrete and wood waste, shall be required, according to State law, to handle them separately and will be prohibited from disposing of the same at the Monmouth County Landfill pursuant to the Monmouth County Solid Waste Management Plan.
[1977 Code § 77-2; Ord. No. 10-86; Ord. No. 12-87]
As used in this section:
Shall mean and include, without limitation, all disposable items made of aluminum, including aluminum containers used for soda, beer or other beverages, foil, wrappers, containers for prepared food, screen frames and lawn chairs and other aluminum products.
Shall mean and include cardboard of the type used to make cardboard boxes, cartons, pasteboard and similar corrugated and Kraft paper material.
Shall mean and include all products made from silica or sand, soda ash and limestone, the product being transparent or translucent and being used for packaging or bottling of various materials, excluding however, blue or flat glass commonly known as "window glass."
Shall mean and include white and off-white stationery, and photocopy and computer paper.
Shall mean and include all garbage, rubbish and refuse normally produced by the occupants of commercial, industrial and residential property and disposed of by private or public pickup.
Shall mean and include, without limitation, all disposable items made of metal, including cans used for foodstuffs and beverages, other than aluminum.
[1977 Code § 77-3; Ord. No. 10-86; Ord. No. 12-87]
Upper Freehold Township shall appoint a Recycling Coordinator for a term of one year, expiring December 31 of each year, the appointment being made by the Township Committee, and the Township Committee may take such other actions as may be deemed necessary through the process of adoption of resolutions by the Township Committee concerning the promulgation of rules and regulations governing this program for mandatory recycling as required by the County of Monmouth or State law.
Pursuant to such laws and regulations of public entities that are applicable, the Recycling Coordinator shall be responsible to the Township Committee and may suggest such reasonable rules and regulations which shall not be effective unless adopted by the Township Committee by resolution or set forth pursuant to law. The suggested regulations shall concern the manner, dates, and times for the collection, sorting, transportation, sale or marketing of the recyclable materials, as well as the manner in which private residences, businesses or persons or entities, private or public, comply with the applicable regulations and programs by themselves in order to encourage the preservation of material resources while minimizing the cost of the recycling program to the Township. The Township Committee shall have the power on its own to initiate, establish and promulgate reasonable rules and regulations that are not contrary to existing State laws or with the mandatory County Plan as to the provisions of this section in its discretion, at any time by resolution.
The Recycling Coordinator shall be responsible with any other municipal officials or agencies designated by the Township Committee with respect to developing and contracting for collection and marketing of recyclable materials and the enforcement of this section subject to the approval of the Township Committee.
[1977 Code § 77-4; Ord. No. 10-86]
The Township Committee may use municipal personnel to collect recyclable material set forth herein from any drop-off center and may sell the recyclable material if a market exists therefor pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40A:11-1 et seq.
The Township Committee may elect to enter into such agreements with qualified persons or corporations authorizing the collection of the recyclable material from an established drop-off center and to sell the recyclable material.
[1977 Code § 77-5; Ord. No. 10-86]
The Township Committee may elect to provide requirements by way of regulation through resolution as well as, in its discretion, through ordinance that persons or entities subject to this section shall comply with this section but shall also be able to comply with respect to leaves and grass clippings in this agricultural community by disposing of the same in appropriate compost fashion upon their own property or personally utilizing the same with respect to agricultural and quasi-agricultural use on their own or other properties.
[1977 Code § 77-6; Ord. No. 10-86]
The recyclable material as defined herein shall become the property of the Township once brought to a drop-off center for collection as established by the Township Committee.
It shall be a violation of this section for any person unauthorized by the Township Committee to pick up or cause to be picked up the recyclable materials as defined and set forth in this section. Each such collection shall be considered in violation of this section and constitute a separate and distinct offense punishable as hereinafter provided.
[1977 Code § 77-7; Ord. No. 10-86]
With respect to the direct disposal of recyclable material by residents or those covered by this section anything herein to the contrary notwithstanding, any person who is the owner, lessee or occupant of residential or nonresidential property or establishment may donate or sell the recyclable materials defined herein to any person whether or not operating for profit at any time. The person, however, shall not pick up the recyclable material from any municipal drop-off center, unless specifically authorized by resolution of the Township Committee.
[1977 Code § 77-8; Ord. No. 10-86; Ord. No. 112-03]
Any person who violates or fails to comply with any provision of this section or any rule or regulation promulgated pursuant thereto by resolution of the Township Committee to the penalty stated in Chapter 1, Section 1-5. Subsections 17-1.1a and b, violations or failure to comply with any regulation promulgated pursuant to subsections 17-1.1a and b shall be punishable by a fine not to exceed $100 for each such violation.
As an alternative penalty, the Court shall have the discretion to impose a penalty wherein a convicted person or entity may be ordered to perform community service in the recycling program for a period not to exceed 90 days.
Each day of a violation or failure to comply with this section, as well as any rules and regulations promulgated with respect to his Mandatory Recycling Program, shall constitute a separate offense and be punishable as such.