[HISTORY: Adopted by Ordinance Nos. 19-2002 and 20-2002. Amendments noted where applicable.]
[Ord. No. 20-2002; amended by Ord. No. 2011-007; Ord. No. 2012-014]
A Length of Service Awards Program (LOSAP) is herewith created in accordance with Chapter 338 of the Laws of 1997, to reward members of the Spring Lake First Aid Squad, all of whom are volunteer first aid/rescue squad members, for their loyal, diligent and devoted services to the residents of the Borough of Spring Lake.
The LOSAP shall provide for fixed annual contributions to a deferred income account for each volunteer first aid/rescue squad member that meets the criteria set forth below; that such contributions shall be made in accordance with a plan that will be established by the Borough of Spring Lake pursuant to P.L. 1997, c.388 (N.J.S.A. 40A: 14-183 et seq.); and that such plan shall be administered in accordance with the laws of the State of New Jersey, the U.S. Internal Revenue Code and this section.
The LOSAP shall provide for annual contributions to each eligible member that meets the criteria set forth below:
An "active volunteer member" who has been so designated by the governing board and who is faithfully and actually performed volunteer service for the year.
Has accumulated, at least, the 100 required points in the aggregate, as set forth in this section.
Has met the required five year of eligible service in order to become "vested" in the program. The active volunteer member shall not be permitted to receive a distribution of the funds in his or her LOSAP account until the completion of a five-year vesting period.
No credit for services rendered prior to January 1, 2001 shall be provided under this section.
Vesting period shall commence as of January 1, 2001.
No credit shall be given to any member who does not earn the minimum required 100 points, in the aggregate, in any calendar year.
The maximum contribution, under this program, to be made to each active volunteer member, who qualifies, shall be $1,150 per year of active service, which cost shall be shared equally by the Borough of Spring Lake and the Borough of Spring Lake Heights.
[Amended 11-12-2012 by Ord. No. 2012-014]
Any volunteer who resigns from volunteer duty shall not be eligible to rejoin the LOSAP program for a period of one year commencing January 1st of the year following their successful reentry into the volunteer organization. In addition, it is noted that any vesting requirement shall begin from the one year date. Should member who has previously resigned choose at a later date to rejoin the organization, they must do so as a "new" member and cannot use any previous service credit(s). No member can rejoin the organization within one year of resignation.
The LOSAP shall provide for contributions as credit for prior year services for each eligible volunteer who met the criteria for the year 2001 and 2002.
The estimated cost of the program has been calculated as follows:
To reward members of the Spring Lake First Aid Squad approximately $15,000 per year.
To reward members of the Spring Lake First Aid Squad for prior credit for the year 2001 and 2002 approximately $16,000.
Each active volunteer member shall be credited with points for volunteer services provided to the Spring Lake First Aid Squad in accordance with the Schedule A attached hereto. However, points accumulated for service to one organization will not be transferable for credit in another organization.
LOSAP Point System (Based on A 100 Point Scale)
Spring Lake First Aid Squad
Schedule A—August 2002
Emergency Responses, Meetings, Drills, Training, and Special Events:
Conversion Factor from 410 Point System
1st Sergeant
2nd Sergeant
Asst. Treasurer
Longevity Bonus:
Years With SLFAS
15 Years +
Standard First Aid
1st Responder
A member may receive credit (points) for a maximum of one office.
CEU training and EMT training will be awarded one point per hour within the 410-point conversion system.
A member receiving points for attending EMT class shall not also receive credit for first aid drills, meetings, or calls while he or she is in EMT class.
Special Events will be awarded one point per hour of service within the 410-point conversion system.
To receive points for holding a certificate (e.g. Standard First Aid, First Responder, or EMT), a member must possess a valid certificate for the entire year (January 1-December 31).
The Spring Lake First Aid Squad shall be required to appoint a LOSAP Officer who shall be charged with the responsibility to certify, by sworn affidavit, to the Governing Body the number of points attained by each member of the squad, in accordance with Schedule A, on a quarterly basis. Reports shall be due within five business days of the close of each quarter and shall be submitted to the Borough Administrator for review and distribution to the Mayor and Council. The Governing Body shall, within 30 days, review it and, if necessary, request any records or other such backup that it deems necessary in order to substantiate the information provided. No points shall be considered to be valid without the certification of the LOSAP Officer.
The maximum number of active first aid/rescue squad member shall be fixed as
35 active members.
If a member of the Spring Lake First Aid Squad has achieved the required number of points, in a given year of service, but then ceases to be an active participant prior to meeting the five year requirement for vesting in compliance with the LOSAP Regulations, such individual shall have three years within which to resume active status or their accrued earnings shall be forfeited to the Borough's LOSAP account.
Appropriations for the purpose of funding the Borough's LOSAP Plan shall be included as a separate line item in the Borough's Budget commencing with the year 2003.
Notwithstanding anything contained herein to the contrary, the annual contribution to be made by the Borough for active volunteer members may be subject to periodic increases based upon the "consumer price index factor" pursuant to subsection f. of N.J.S.A. 40A:14-185.
The estimated cost of the program to the Borough has been calculated to be approximately $15,000 for 2003.
The Plan Administrator shall have the right to require any active volunteer member, at the time of his or her becoming a participant to agree, in writing, to be bound by the terms, covenants and conditions of the LOSAP and accompanying trust. Each participant shall furnish to the Plan Administrator all pertinent information required for the administration of the LOSAP. The Plan Administrator shall rely upon all such information furnished.
[Ord. No. 19-2002; amended by Ord. No. 2011-006; Ord. No. 2012-013; Ord. No. 2014-003]
A Length of Service Awards Program (LOSAP) is herewith created in accordance with Chapter 338 of the Laws of 1997, to reward members of the Fire Company No. 1 and Goodwill Fire Company No. 2, all of whom are volunteer fire fighters, for their loyal, diligent and devoted service; to the residents of the Borough of Spring Lake.
The LOSAP shall provide for fixed annual contributions to a deferred income account for each volunteer fire fighter that meets the criteria set forth below; that such contributions shall be made in accordance with a plan that will be established by the Borough of Spring Lake pursuant to P.L. 1997, c.388 (N.J.S.A. 40A:14-183 et seq.); and that such plan shall be administered in accordance with the laws of the State of New Jersey, the U.S. Internal Revenue Code and this section.
The LOSAP shall provide for annual contributions to each eligible member that meets the criteria set forth below:
An "active volunteer member" who has been so designated by the governing board and who is faithfully and actually performed volunteer service for the year.
Has accumulated, at least, the 100 required points, in the aggregate, as set forth in this section.
Has met the required five year of eligible service in order to become "vested" in the program. The active volunteer member shall not be permitted to receive a distribution of the funds in his or her LOSAP account until the completion of a five-year vesting period.
No credit for services rendered prior to January 1, 2001 shall be provided under this section.
Vesting period shall commence as of January 1, 2001.
No credit shall be given to any member who does not earn the minimum required 100 points, in the aggregate, in any calendar year.
The maximum contribution, under this program, to be made to each active volunteer member, who qualifies, shall be $1,150 per year.
[Amended 11-12-2012 by Ord. No. 2012-013]
Any volunteer who resigns from volunteer duty shall not be eligible to rejoin the LOSAP program for a period of one year commencing January 1st of the year following their successful reentry into the volunteer organization. In addition, it is noted that any vesting requirement shall begin from the one year date. Should member who has previously resigned choose at a later date to rejoin the organization, they must do so as a "new" member and cannot use any previous service credit(s). No member can rejoin the organization within one year of resignation.
[Amended 6-28-2011 by Ord. No. 2011-006]
The LOSAP shall provide for contributions as credit for prior year services for each eligible volunteer who met the criteria for the year 2001 and 2002.
The estimated cost of the program has been calculated as follows:
To reward members of the Fire Company No. 1, and Goodwill Fire Company No. 2, approximately $30,000 per year.
To reward members of the Fire Company No. 1, and Goodwill Fire Company No. 2, for prior credit for the year 2001 and 2002, approximately $36,000.
[Amended 4-8-2014 by Ord. No. 2014-003]
Each active volunteer member shall be credited with points for volunteer services provided to the Fire Company No. 1 and Goodwill Fire Company No. 2 in accordance with Schedule A attached hereto dated March 2014. However, points accumulated for service to one organization will not be transferable for credit in another organization.
Fire Department LOSAP Point System
Attachment A - March 2014
Spring Lake Fire Department
Spring Lake Fire Co. #1
Goodwill Fire Co. #2
100 points required per calendar year/volunteer
Attendance at incidents
1 point per incident 60 points maximum
Attendance at drills
3 points each 20 points maximum (min. time 1.5 hr. duration)
Attendance at meetings
2 points each 20 points maximum
Attendance at courses <20 hrs.
1 point per hr. 5 points maximum per class (25 point maximum all classes combined)
Attendance at courses >20 hrs.
1 point per hr. over initial 20 hrs. 10 points maximum per class
Attendance at sleep in at station
1 point per each full night 10 points maximum
Attendance at stand by at station
1 point each 10 points maximum (min. time 4 hr. duration)
Elected or appointed position credit
25 points maximum per individual (must serve 1 full year)
Miscellaneous activities
1 point per activity 15 points maximum
Successful completion of fire fighter 1 training program at the monmouth county fire academy
100 points in year Certificate of Completion issued
Fire Company No. 1 and Goodwill Fire Company No. 2 shall be required to appoint a LOSAP Officer who shall be charged with the responsibility to certify, by sworn affidavit, to the Governing Body the number of points attained by each member of the respective company, in accordance with Schedule A on a quarterly basis. Reports shall be due within five business days of the close of each quarter and shall be submitted to the Borough Administrator for review and distribution to the Mayor and Council. The Governing Body shall, within 30 days, review it and, if necessary, request any records or other such backup that it deems necessary in order to substantiate the information provided. No points shall be considered to be valid without the certification of the LOSAP Officer.
The maximum number of active volunteer fire fighters shall be fixed as follows:
Fire Company No. 1 - 35 active members.
Goodwill Fire Company No. 2 - 35 active members.
If a member of Fire Company No. 1 and Goodwill Fire Company No. 2 has achieved the required number of points, in a given year of service, but then ceases to be an active participant prior to meeting the five year requirement for vesting in compliance with the LOSAP regulations, such individual shall have three years within which to resume active status or their accrued earnings shall be forfeited to the Borough's LOSAP account.
Appropriations for the purpose of funding the Borough's LOSAP Plan shall be included as a separate line item in the Borough's Budget commencing with the year 2003.
Notwithstanding anything contained herein to the contrary, the annual contribution to be made by the Borough for active volunteer members may be subject to periodic increases based upon the "consumer price index factor" pursuant to subsection f. of N.J.S.A. 40A:14-185.
The estimated cost of the program to the Borough has been calculated to be approximately $30,000 for 2003.
The Plan Administrator shall have the right to require any active volunteer member, at the time of his or her becoming a participant to agree, in writing, to be bound by the terms, covenants and conditions of the LOSAP and accompanying trust. Each participant shall furnish to the Plan Administrator all pertinent information required for the administration of the LOSAP. The Plan Administrator shall rely upon all such information furnished.