All driveways and related improvements shall be constructed and located in such a manner as to not impair drainage or maintenance within street rights-of-way, alter the stability of a roadway or subgrade, materially change the drainage paths of the area, interfere with the traveling public, present a hazard to the movement of normal street traffic, or create or contribute to undue traffic congestion.
All work for which a permit is required under the provisions of this chapter shall be performed in accordance with the driveway standards set forth in this article and in strict compliance with the drawings and specifications for which the Public Works Director, Permit Administrator, or Township Engineer issued a permit.
Repairs or maintenance to a driveway, a driveway entrance, or a drain or culvert for which a permit has not been issued under this chapter shall be performed in such manner that the work shall not change the original design and specifications for the existing driveway. Any modifications to an existing driveway entrance, drain or culvert are prohibited unless a new design and specifications are submitted and approved by the Public Works Director or Permit Administrator for a minimum- or low-use driveway prior to such design modification or to the Township Engineer for a medium- or high-use driveway prior to such design modification.
All driveways and related improvements shall be constructed and located in such a manner as to not impair drainage or maintenance within street rights-of-way, alter the stability of a roadway or subgrade, materially change the drainage paths of the area, interfere with the traveling public, present a hazard to the movement of normal street traffic, or create or contribute to undue traffic congestion. Where an existing roadside drainage swale is too shallow to permit installation of a driveway pipe, a concrete trench box with grate or an alternate stormwater conveyance structure (collectively "alternate conveyance structure") approved by the Township Engineer shall be required to be installed following an inspection by the Township Engineer and after consideration of existing site conditions. A plan for the construction and installation of the alternate conveyance structure must be approved by the Township Engineer. It shall be the responsibility of the property owner to keep the driveway pipe or alternate conveyance structure free from debris and blockage which could impede the flow of water, thus causing flooding of the roadway. In the event the property owner fails to keep the pipe or alternative conveyance structure free of debris which impedes the flow of water, the Township shall notify the property owner to clear the impediment. If the owner fails to clear the impediments after seven days' notice from the Township, the Township will reopen the pipe or alternative conveyance structure at the owner's expense. The pipe or alternative conveyance structure shall be sized to convey flow from a twenty-five-year storm without runoff overtopping the driveway or entering the cartway of the street. The minimum pipe size shall be 15 inches and shall be made of reinforced concrete (RCP) unless the Permit Administrator or Township Engineer approves an alternative material. The Township may require a means of reducing blockage, such as installation of a trashrack or similar device, if it feels materials are likely to block the pipe or drain. Appropriate erosion, protection, such as riprap, may be required by the Township. Within a state-owned right-of-way, approval from PennDOT will be required.
All driveways shall be located only on the property or properties which they serve to provide a means of ingress and egress and shall abut and enter upon a private, Township, county or state road.
Driveway entrances shall be located at a point within the property frontage limits, which provides at least the minimum safe stopping sight distance (SSSD), as determined by the standards within Chapter 441 (Access to and Occupancy of Highways by Driveways and Local Roads) of Title 67 of the Pennsylvania Code. (See Figures VI-7 and VI-8.) The calculated minimum safe stopping sight distance shall be obtainable and measured from a point 12 feet behind the edge of the cartway and having an average eye height of 3.5 feet above driveway grade, to an object 4.25 feet in height within the triangle.
Clear sight triangles shall be shown at all driveway intersections with a street and shall identify both the required and the available safe stopping sight distances. Within such triangles, no vision-obstructing objects or topography, whether existing or proposed, other than utility poles, street lights, or traffic signs shall be permitted which obscure vision above 30 inches and below the height of 10 feet, measured from the center-line grade of the intersecting street and driveway. All vegetation located within the clear sight triangle shall be removed to maintain a constant line of sight described above.
Driveways for corner lots shall be located at the farthest feasible point on the property from intersection streets. The minimum allowable distance shall be as follows:
Entrances to private driveways serving one- and two-family dwellings shall be located at least 40 feet from the closest side of the driveway to the point of intersection of the nearest street right-of-way lines.
Entrances to private driveways serving multifamily dwellings and nonresidential uses shall be located at least 80 feet from the closest side of the driveway to the point of intersection of the nearest street right-of-way lines.
Driveways shall have such grades as to furnish safe and convenient parking space and to provide a safe and convenient means of access. Within the legal right-of-way, or ultimate right-of-way where it is being offered for dedication, of the intersected street or for a distance of at least 25 feet from the edge of the cartway, whichever is greater, the driveway shall have a grade of 4% or less. The remainder of a driveway shall have a maximum grade of 12% for the next 20 feet, then 15% (for one- and two-family residential) and a maximum grade of 10% for all other uses. Any portion of this remainder that exceeds eight-percent grade (for one- and two-family residential) or five-percent grade (for all others) shall be paved.
Where feasible, all driveways shall contain a straight length of at least 40 feet, measured from the cartway edge of the intersecting street and extending inside the lot. The first 20 feet of this forty-foot segment adjacent to the cartway shall be constructed with a base course of Pennsylvania No. 3A modified stone compacted to six inches and a wearing course of Superpave 9.5mm compacted to a minimum thickness of two inches. In cases where common driveways are permitted, the portions of the driveway in common use shall be paved to a minimum distance of 25 feet from the street legal right-of-way, or ultimate right-of-way where it is offered for dedication, and a minimum width of 22 feet to a point where common use of the driveway ends.
Side slopes shall not exceed 3:1 (three feet horizontal per one foot vertical), and all slopes exceeding six feet in height shall be planted in low maintenance, noninvasive stabilizing vegetation or material acceptable to the Permit Administrator or Township Engineer.
The width of a single-family dwelling driveway within the legal right-of-way of a street or when carried by a bridge shall be a minimum of 12 feet; it shall be a minimum of 10 feet at all other points within the property line. Except where the Permit Administrator or Township Engineer determines that limitations of lot size or lot configuration make it infeasible, adequate turnaround surface shall be provided on the property so egress to the street is in a forward direction. Driveway widths may be required to be increased based on the driveway length proposed, at the discretion of the Township Engineer or Permit Administrator.
A common or shared driveway, as defined by this chapter, shall be of sufficient width, in the opinion of the Permit Administrator or Township Engineer, to provide safe passage of two vehicles or shall have sufficient number and width of pullover areas to provide safe passage of two vehicles. Sufficient land area shall be reserved on each abutting lot for the widening of such common driveway should the need arise. Maintenance responsibilities shall be established by easement or covenant and recorded in the County Recorder of Deeds office.
Driveway entrances into all nonresidential properties shall be no less than 24 feet in width for a distance of 40 feet from the legal right-of-way, or ultimate right-of-way where it is being offered for dedication, and shall not exceed 36 feet in width at the street line unless provided with a median divider, and shall be clearly defined by use of curbing. The taper from 24 feet to 20 feet must occur over a distance of at least 20 feet. The curbs, or edges of paving, as applicable, of these driveway entrances shall be rounded with a minimum radius of 15 feet where they intersect a street.
Entrances to all residential driveways shall be rounded at a minimum radius of five feet.
Driveways to a single-family residence shall intersect streets at angles of no less than 60°. All other driveways shall intersect streets at right angles, where practicable, and in no case less than 70°. (The angle of intersection is the acute angle made by the intersection of the center line of the driveway with the center line of the road.)
Driveways shall be graded so that, wherever possible, surface drainage will be discharged to the owner's property; otherwise, adequately sized pipes, inlets, and/or headwalls shall be installed and gutter improvements shall be made to direct surface drainage into the road drainage system and not onto the paving of the intersecting road. Stormwater facilities may be required in accordance with Chapter 202.
The radius point for the intersection of the driveway entrance with the edge of cartway shall not be less than 10 feet from the property line. The edge of the driveway shall accordingly be not less than 15 feet from the property line unless the driveway requires significant excavation or fill placement. In this case, the driveway shall be offset additionally so that the top of cut or base of fill shall be no less than five feet from the property line.
For the welfare and safety of the occupants of all vehicles, the Township reserves the right to request the construction of pullover areas at driveway entrances along roads where traffic volume, road geometry, or other physical constraints may contribute to a potentially unsafe condition.
For the welfare and safety of the occupants of all vehicles, the Township reserves the right to require the installation of guide rails, reflectors, or other safety features along the intersecting street or the driveway where it is determined that the installation of the driveway may otherwise present an unsafe condition.