Zoning, app. E
Waterfront overlay, app. E, § 318
Marinas, app. E, § 414
Waterfront uses, app. E, § 415.
Definitions and rules of construction generally, § 1-2.
Definitions generally, § 1-2.
Administration, ch. 2
Boards, committees, commissions, § 2-51 et seq.
North Light commission, § 2-101
Planning board, § 2-116 et seq.
Officers and employees, § 2-141 et seq.
Public property, § 2-216 et seq.
Animals, ch. 3
Buildings and building regulations, ch. 4
Open fires, § 5-6.
Health and sanitation, ch. 6
Littering, § 6-16
Deteriorated buildings, junk and dense growth declared nuisance, § 6-18
Historical preservation, ch. 7
Licenses and business regulations, ch. 8
Motorized cycle rentals, § 8-76 et seq.
Peddlers and itinerant vendors, § 8-110110 et seq.
Misappropriation of boat of another, § 10-13
Natural resource protection, ch. 11
Environmental protection, § 11-36 et seq.
Environmental protection, § 11-36.
Protection of wetlands and certain inland areas, § 11-38
Wildlife refuge, § 11-71 et seq.
Noise, ch. 12.
Noise from motorboats or other watercraft, § 12-51
Streets, sidewalks and other public places, ch. 15.
Public places, § 15-76 et seq.
Traffic and motor vehicles, ch. 18
Motorized cycles, § 18-21 et seq.
Sewer use regulations, § 19-411 et seq.
Waters and navigation, G.L. 1956, title 46
Regulation of boats, G.L. 1956, § 46-22-1 et seq.
Local regulation of boats, G.L. 1956, § 46-22-14, superseded by special regulatory powers for Town of New Shoreham, G.L. 1956, § 46-4-6.10.