Public works department, § 801.
Zoning, app. E.
Planning board, § 2-116 et seq.
Officers and employees, § 2-141 et seq.
Capital improvements, § 2-241 et seq.
Public property, § 2-216 et seq.
Failure to restrain animal as nuisance, § 3-5
Buildings and building regulations, ch. 4
Littering, § 6-16.
Deteriorated buildings, junk and dense growth declared nuisance, § 6-18
Transfer station and recycling center, § 6-41 et seq.
Motorized cycle rentals, § 8-76 et seq.
Hawkers, peddlers and itinerant vendors, § 8-110110 et seq.
Human- or animal-drawn transportation, § 8-136 et seq.
Motor vehicles for hire, § 8-161 et seq.
Bicycle rental, § 8-200 et seq.
Marine activities, areas and structures, ch. 9
Beaches, § 9-16 et seq.
Harbors, § 9-41 et seq.
Public access and rights-of-way, § 9-106 et seq.
Solicitors obstructing passage of pedestrians, § 10-8
Noise, ch. 12
Subdivisions, ch. 16
Traffic and motor vehicles, ch. 18
Stopping, standing, and parking regulations, § 18-41 et seq.
Utilities, ch. 19
Sewers and drains, § 19-386 et seq.
Utilities, ch. 19.
Streets, G.L. 1956, § 24-3-1 et seq.
Sidewalks, G.L. 1956, § 24-7-1 et seq.