Rules of procedure of town council, app. A.
Town clerk, § 2-156 et seq.
Ordinance adoption procedure, § 2-191 et seq.
Town council may authorize variances from noise ordinance, § 12-28.
Town council to constitute probate court, § 14-1.
Form and powers of government, § 20.
Incorporation of town, § 102.
Elections, § 201 et seq.
Financial town meeting, § 301.
Town council, § 401 et seq.
Service by councilmembers on committees, boards and commissions, § 402.
Meetings, presiding officer, § 404.
First warden to preside at town council meetings, § 404.
Meetings, § 404.
Special meetings, § 406.
Adoption of codification of ordinances, § 408(F).
Ordinances, § 409.
Town manager, § 501 et seq.
Appointment of town manager, § 502.
Appointment of departmental heads, § 506(B).
Appointment of finance director, § 602.
Finance director, § 602.
Board of tax assessors, § 606.
Board of assessment review, § 606.
Creation and appointment of board of assessment review, § 606.
Board of assessment review, § 606.
Qualifications, § 606.
Appointment of town clerk, § 701.
Town clerk, § 701.
Town officials and officers, § 701 et seq.
Town clerk and deputies and assistants, § 701.
Election of town sergeant, § 702.
Town sergeant, § 702.
Appointment of town solicitor, § 703.
Town solicitor, § 703.
Election of director of public welfare, § 705.
Director of public welfare, § 705.
Appointment of director of public works, § 801.
Harbormaster, § 801(C).
Appointment of chief of police, § 802.
Emergency management agency, § 804.
Boards and commissions, § 901 et seq.
Planning board, § 901.
Conservation commission, § 902.
Zoning board of review, § 903.
Historic district commission, § 904.
Library board, § 905.
Block Island Land Trust, § 906.
Police advisory commission, § 907.
School committee, §1001.
School department, §1001 et seq.
Open meetings, §1102.
Ethics, §1103.
Amendments of Charter, §1105.
Oath of office, §1107.
Rules of procedure of town council, app. A.
Rules of procedure of appointed boards, committees and commissions, app. B.
Zoning, app. E.
Zoning board of review, app. E, § 603.
Town council, § 2-16.
Town council, § 2-16 et seq.
Council to appoint certain officers and committees, § 2-17.
Town council to appoint certain officers and committees,§ 2-17.
Council to serve when required committee, board or commission has not been appointed, § 2-18.
First warden to preside at meetings of probate court and certain committees, § 2-19.
Boards, committees and commissions, § 2-51.
Boards, committees and commissions, § 2-51 et seq.
Planning board, § 2-116 et seq.
Officers and employees, § 2-141 et seq.
Town clerk, § 2-156 et seq.
Public property, § 2-216.
Capital improvements, § 2-241 et seq.
Buildings and building regulations, ch. 4.
Building code board of appeals, § 4-18.
Fire and rescue department, § 5-26 et seq.
Health and sanitation, ch. 6.
Historical preservation, ch. 7.
Historic district commission, § 7-5.
Licenses and business regulations, ch. 8.
Commission on motor vehicles for hire, § 8-161161.
Hotels, restaurants and inns, § 8-56 et seq.
Marine activities, areas and structures, ch. 9.
Shellfish commission, § 9-138138.
Beaches, § 9-16 et seq.
Harbors, § 9-41 et seq.
Harbors committee, § 9-56 et seq.
Harbormaster, § 9-71 et seq.
Natural resource protection, ch. 11.
Conservation commission, § 11-16 et seq.
Noise, ch. 12.
Police, ch. 13.
Police advisory commission, § 13-19 et seq.
Police department, § 13-36.
Police department, § 13-36 et seq.
Probate court, ch. 14.
Town clerk to serve as clerk of probate court, § 14-3.
Judge of the probate court, § 14-4.
Streets, sidewalks and other public places, ch. 15.
Public places, § 15-76 et seq.
Cemetery sexton, § 15-91.
Subdivisions,ch. 16.
Taxation and finance, ch. 17.
Platting board of appeal, § 16-26 et seq.
Utilities, ch. 19.
Sewer district, § 19-16 et seq.
Towns and cities, G.L. 1956, title 45.