Editor's Note: Included herein is a list, in chronological order, of the public laws enacted specifically for the Town of New Shoreham.
Public Laws of 1896, ch. 119, § 2
Bond of director of natural resources
G.L. 1956, § 46-10-14
Superseded by Public Laws of 1965, ch. 137
Public Laws of 1896, ch. 119, § 3
Property wrecked on Block Island
G.L. 1956, § 46-10-15
Public Laws of 1896, ch. 119, § 4
Employment of director of natural resources
G.L. 1956, § 46-10-16
Public Laws of 1896, ch. 119, § 5
Penalty for disobedience of order of director of natural resources
G.L. 1956, § 46-10-18
Public Laws of 1896, ch. 119, § 6
Inventory of property wrecked on Block Island by director of natural resources
G.L. 1956, § 46-10-19
Public Laws of 1896, ch. 119, § 7
Arbitration of amounts due the director of natural resources
G.L. 1956, § 46-10-20
Public Laws of 1896, ch. 119, § 8
Action for amounts due director of natural resources
G.L. 1956, § 46-10-21
Public Laws of 1896, ch. 119, § 9
Amounts due parties; appeals
G.L. 1956, § 46-10-22
Public Laws of 1896, ch. 119, § 10
Interference with shipwrecked property
G.L. 1956, § 46-10-23
Public Laws of 1896, ch. 119, § 11
Publication of notice of wreck found on Block Island
G.L. 1956, § 46-10-24
Public Laws of 1896, ch. 119, § 12
Sale of shipwrecked property to pay duty
G.L. 1956, § 46-10-25
Public Laws of 1896, ch. 119, § 13
Sale of property reduced in value
G.L. 1956, § 46-10-26
Public Laws of 1896, ch. 119, § 14
Inventory and accounting of unclaimed shipwrecked property
G.L. 1956, § 46-10-27
Public Laws of 1896, ch. 119, § 15
Appropriation of expenses for processing shipwrecked property
G.L. 1956, § 46-10-28
Amended by Public Laws of 1956
G.L. 1956, § 46-10-29
Public Laws of 1896, ch. 119, § 17
Appointment of agent for director
G.L. 1956, § 46-10-17
Public Laws of 1896, ch. 171
Regulation of fishing in Great Salt Lake
Repealed by Public Laws of 1981, ch. 197, § 2, and reenacted by Public Laws of 1982, ch. 30, G.L. 1956, § 20-3-7
Public Laws of 1897, ch. 499
Power of Town Sergeant
G.L. 1956, § 9-5-8
Public Laws of 1898, ch. 604
Regulation and protection of shell fisheries of Great Salt Pond
Repealed by Public Laws of 1981, ch. 197, § 2, and reenacted by Public Laws of 1982, ch. 30
G.L. 1956, § 20-3-7
Public Laws of 1899, ch. 712
Warden's Court
G.L. 1956, § 12-3-3
Public Laws of 1905, ch. 35
Town Council as probate court
G.L. 1956, § 8-9-1
Repealed and reenacted by Public Laws of 1971, ch. 240, § 1
G.L. 1956, § 8-9-1
Public Laws of 1912, ch. 887
Election of town officers
Public Laws of 1953, ch. 3125
Zoning board of review
Public Laws of 1955, ch. 3499
Probate Judge
G.L. 1956, § 8-9-2
Repealed by Public Laws of 1971, ch. 240, § 1
Reenacted as Public Laws of 1971, ch. 219, § 1
G.L. 1956, §§ 8-9-2.2, 8-9-2.3
Public Laws of 1956
Shipwrecks in New Shoreham
G.L. 1956, § 46-10-29
Public Laws of 1956
Protection of birds in New Shoreham
G.L. 1956, §§ 20-29-1 — 20-29-4
Public Laws of 1956
Police powers, warrants for arrest
G.L. 1956, §§ 12-6-1, 12-6-6, 12-7-1 — 12-7-13
Public Laws of 1956
Ordinances and penalties in New Shoreham
G.L. 1956, §§ 45-6-1 — 45-6-8
Public Laws of 1962, ch. 168
Director of health — Physician for New Shoreham
G.L. 1956, § 23-1-15
Public Laws of 1963, ch. 84
New Shoreham is a part of Washington County
G.L. 1956, § 42-3-3
Public Laws of 1965, ch. 19
Police Court
G.L. 1956, § 45-2-12
Public Laws of 1967, ch. 76
Regulation of trailer parks
Public Laws of 1967, ch. 207
Penalties for ordinance violations
G.L. 1956, § 45-6-2.1
Public Laws of 1972, ch. 113
Validates issuance of bonds for municipal building
Public Laws of 1972, ch. 146
Authorizes bond issue for construction, etc., of sewage disposal system
Public Laws of 1973, ch. 182
Authorizes bond issue for construction, etc., of school buildings
Public Laws of 1974, ch. 93
Validates ch. 33 of Revised Ords. of Town, Zoning Ordinance, as enacted June 5, 1967, and amended May 1, 1972
Public Laws of 1974, ch. 97
Validates ch. 38 of Revised Ords. of Town, Zoning Ordinance, as enacted October 23, 1971
Subdivision ordinance
Public Laws of 1974, ch. 106
Amends Public Laws of 1972, ch. 146
Bond issue for sewage disposal system
Public Laws of 1974, ch. 154 (see Charter § 1206)
Authorizes town to establish permanent police force
Public Laws of 1974, ch. 297
Provides for biennial election of members of town council and members of school committee by numbered places
Public Laws of 1976, ch. 125
Repeals ch. 297 of Public Laws of 1974 and provides for biennial election of town officers
Public Laws of 1976, ch. 128
Amends Public Laws of 1972, ch. 146, § 11, regarding bond issue for sewage disposal system
Public Laws of 1977, ch. 96
Amends Public Laws of 1972, ch. 146, §§ 2, 6, regarding bond issue for sewage disposal system
Public Laws of 1978, ch. 63
Amends Public Laws of 1972, ch. 146, § 6, regarding bond issue for sewage disposal system
Public Laws of 1978, ch. 99
Authorizes tax exemption for elderly
Public Laws of 1978, ch. 171
Authorizes tax exemption for elderly
(See Public Laws of 1978, ch. 99.)
Public Laws of 1979, ch. 14
Amends Public Laws of 1972, ch. 146, § 7, ¶3, regarding bond issue for sewage disposal system
Public Laws of 1979, ch. 347
Authorizes suits against town
Public Laws of 1981, ch. 21
Amends Public Laws of 1953, ch. 3125, § 3
Public Laws of 1981, ch. 31
Authorizes tax exemption for elderly and totally disabled
Public Laws of 1981, ch. 400
Fiscal year for town
Public Laws of 1982, ch. 24
Amends Public Laws of 1981, ch. 400, § 2 regarding fiscal year of town
Public Laws of 1982, ch. 54 (2 pp.)
Amends Public Laws of 1953, ch. 3125, § 8
Public Laws of 1982, ch. 64
Preservation of farmland and open spaces
Public Laws of 1982, ch. 66
Purchase of farmland and open spaces
Public Laws of 1982, ch. 71
Amends Public Laws of 1972, ch. 146, § 7, regarding bond issue for the sewage disposal system
Public Laws of 1982, ch. 314
Incorporates Block Island Water District to include all of the Town of New Shoreham
Public Laws of 1983, ch. 34
Arrest warrants, surety of cost exemptions
Amends G.L. 1956, § 12-6-6
Public Laws of 1983, ch. 84
Veterans, tax exemptions
Amends G.L. 1956, § 44-3-4
Public Laws of 1983, ch. 86
Great Salt Pond
Amends G.L. 1956, § 20-3-7
Public Laws of 1983, ch. 118
Incorporates Block Island Water District
(Public Laws of 1982, ch. 314)
Public Laws of 1983, ch. 153
Police officers, arrest warrants
Amends G.L. 1956, § 12-6-6
Public Laws of 1983, ch. 165
Amends Public Laws of 1982, ch. 66, § 5, regarding purchase of farmland and open spaces
Public Laws of 1983, ch. 166
Amends Public Laws of 1982, ch. 64, § 5, regarding preservation of farmland and open spaces
Public Laws of 1984, ch. 271
Amends Public Laws of 1982, ch. 64, § 8, regarding preservation of farmland and open spaces
Public Laws of 1984, ch. 375
Regulation of harbor
G.L. 1956, § 46-4-6.10
Public Laws of 1984, ch. 457
Rental of motorized bicycles, tricycles
G.L. 1956, § 31-93-1 et seq.
Public Laws of 1985, ch. 10
Authorizes town to condemn real estate for location of, use as, or enlargement of a physician's home and/or a medical facility
Amends Public Laws of 1953, ch. 3082, §§ 6 — 20
Public Laws of 1986, ch. 133
Authorizes bond issue for Block Island Consolidated Schools
Public Laws of 1986, ch. 259
Edward S. Payne Overlook
G.L. 1956, § 32-1-11.2
Public Laws of 1986, ch. 268
Preservation of farmland and open spaces and establishes a land trust
Public Laws of 1987, ch. 266
Preservation of farmland and open spaces and establishes a land trust
Public Laws of 1989, ch. 117
Home Rule Charter validation
Public Laws of 1990, ch. 190
State appropriation
Public Laws of 1990, ch. 424
Juvenile hearing board
Public Laws of 1990, ch. 1713
Landing fee referendum
Public Laws of 1991, ch. 153
Landing fee disposition
Public Laws of 1992, ch. 110
Tourism council created
Public Laws of 1992, ch. 848
Motorized bicycles, state safety inspections
Public Laws of 1992, ch. 849
Motorized bicycles, license fees and safety requirements
Public Laws of 1993, ch. 69
Opening hours, polls
Public Laws of 1993, ch. 228
Sentencing, police court
Public Laws of 1993, ch. 710
Sunday business hours
Public Laws of 1994, ch. 1480
Tax exemptions, veterans
Public Laws of 1994, ch. 1493
Taxicabs, meter exemption
Public Laws of 1994, ch. 1536
Foreclosures of property, advertising requirements
Public Laws of 1994, ch. 1664
Tax exemptions
Public Laws of 1995, ch. 30, no. 1
School committee elections
Public Laws of 1996, ch. 68, no. 1
Poll opening times
Public Laws of 1997, ch. 65
Motor vehicle emissions inspection program
Public Laws of 1997, ch. 182
Property subject to taxation
Public Laws of 1997, ch. 231
City and Town Licensing
Public Laws of 1997, ch. 239
Quarterly payment of local taxes
Public Laws of 1997, ch. 240
Sunday business
Public Laws of 1998, ch. 208
Assessment of violations; apportionment of levies
Public Laws of 1998, ch. 430
Regional tourism districts
Public Laws of 1998, ch. 435
Regulation of fishing in Great Salt Pond
Public Laws of 1999, ch. 130, § 23
Children with disabilities
Public Laws of 2000, ch. 16
Financing additions, renovations, improvements, alterations and repairs and to purchase furnishings and equipment for schools and school facilities
Public Laws of 2000, ch. 18
Authority to plan, construct, operate and maintain a water supply system
Public Laws of 2000, ch. 26
Levy and assessment of local taxes
Public Laws of 2000, ch. 109, § 66
Amending regulation of rental of motorized bicycles and motorized tricycles in New Shoreham
Public Laws of 2000, ch. 136
Financing acquisition of open space for preservation and groundwater protection and development of public recreational facilities
Public Laws of 2001, ch. 180, § 108
Amend New Shoreham Tourism Council, Inc.
Public Laws of 2002, ch. 28
Local tax assessment of valuations and apportionment of levies
Public Laws of 2002, ch. 33
Preservation of farm land and open space in the town of New Shoreham and establishing a land trust
Public Laws of 2002, ch. 45
Establishing the Block Island Housing Board
Public Laws of 2002, ch. 91
Special use zoning permits
Public Laws of 2002, ch. 360
Authority for New Shoreham to regulation rickshaws and pedal carriages
Public Laws of 2002, ch. 361
Notification to New Shoreham by Block Island Power Company required
Public Laws of 2003, ch. 415
Motor fuel tax exemptions in New Shoreham
Public Laws of 2004, ch. 229 Sunday business
Public Laws of 2004, ch. 417, § 1
Voter registration acknowledgment cards
Public Laws of 2005, ch. 128, § 2
Holiday business
Public Laws of 2005, ch. 319, § 6
Amending New Shoreham Tourism Council, Inc.
Public Laws of 2005, ch. 355
Amending Block Island Housing Board
Public Laws of 2006, ch. 12
Authority of New Shoreham to regulate and license rentals or leases of and dealers in motor scooters
Public Laws of 2006, ch. 314
Definition of "bipartisan"; voting from hospitals and convalescent homes in New Shoreham local elections
Public Laws of 2007, ch. 260
Abandonment of certain highways; reversion of property title
Public Laws of 2008, ch. 50
Penalties for violation of New Shoreham ordinances
Public Laws of 2008, ch. 283
Closing of New Shoreham schools for elections
Public Laws of 2012, ch. 12
Relating to criminal procedure - New Shoreham Wardens' Court
Public Laws of 2013, ch. 146
Authorizes bond issue amendment for construction, etc., of sewage disposal system
Public Laws of 2013, ch. 5
Relating to businesses and professions - pharmacies and radiologic technologists
Public Laws of 2013, ch. 146, section 5
Amends the advertising requirements for contracts regarding the sewage disposal system pursuant to R.I.G.L. section 45-55-9
Public Laws of 2013, ch. 146, section 5
Amends the advertising requirements for contracts regarding the sewage disposal system pursuant to R.I.G.L. section 45-55-9
Public Laws of 2017, ch. 280, Title 45, ch. 67
Adds ch. 67, Block Island Utility District Act of 2017, RI ST § 45-67-1 – 45-67-15
Public Laws of 2021, ch. 316 (enacted 7-9-2021)
Amends 39-26.4-3 Public utilities and carriers - Net Metering