Home rule, R.I. Const. art. XIII.
Editor's Note: Printed herein is the Home Rule Charter of New Shoreham, as adopted by the voters of New Shoreham on March 2, 2021. Prior history includes adoption November 2, 2010, and effective January 3, 2011. Words added for clarification have been added in brackets. Subsequent amendments are indicated by a history note immediately following the amended section.
We, the people of the Town of New Shoreham, commonly known as Block Island, in the State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations, in conformity with the spirit and letter of the Charter granted to our Town in 1672, and mindful as was the General Assembly which granted that Charter of the uniqueness of New Shoreham as an Island community isolated by the sea surrounding it, in order to secure the peace, safety, welfare and best interests of the Town through the exercise of the right of self-government in all local matters not repugnant to the Constitution and Laws of the State of Rhode Island, which right was conferred upon the Town originally by the Charter of 1672, do ordain and establish this Home Rule Charter pursuant to the provisions of Article XIII of the Constitution of 1986 of the State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations, for the better future governance of ourselves and our posterity.