There shall be a Town Clerk who shall be the Clerk of the Council employed by the Town Manager with the advice and consent of the Town Council, and who shall have all the duties and responsibilities of Town Clerks as provided by state law, and such other duties and responsibilities as may be prescribed by the Town Council not in conflict with state law. The office of the Town Clerk shall have such personnel, equipment and facilities as may be provided by the Town Manager subject to the approval of the Town Council. The Town Clerk may, by and with the approbation of the Town Council, appoint the Deputy Town Clerk, who shall, in the absence of the Town Clerk, discharge all of the duties and responsibilities of the Town Clerk.
There shall be a Town Sergeant who shall be elected by the qualified electors of the Town, at each general election, to serve for a term of two years, or until his or her successor is elected and qualified. The Town Sergeant shall have the duties prescribed for the office of Town Sergeant by state law, and such additional duties as the Town Council may prescribe not inconsistent with state law.
There shall be a Town Solicitor appointed by the Town Council to serve at the pleasure of the Council, who shall be an attorney at law in good standing who has been admitted to the practice of law in Rhode Island. The Town Council may, in its discretion, provide for the services of Town Solicitor by retaining a law firm. The Town Solicitor shall be the legal advisor of, and attorney and counsel for, the Town and all departments, officers, boards and commissions thereof unless otherwise provided by law, provided however, that nothing herein shall be deemed to prohibit the School Committee from retaining independent counsel. The Town Council may retain or authorize the retention of special counsel for the Town or for any department, officer, board or commission for extra or unusual services.
The Town of New Shoreham shall have the following courts which shall have the powers and jurisdictions which they have had heretofore, until the same are altered, replaced or abolished by state law, or by action of the Town Council pursuant to state law:
Probate Court. The Town Council shall act as the probate court within the Town; the major part of the members elected to be a quorum for doing business, and the major part of those present at any legal meeting to decide upon any matter before them, subject to the limitations and exceptions set forth in state law. The Town Council may, in its discretion, and pursuant to state law, appoint a judge to be available to sit as judge of the probate court, or may establish a probate court separate from the Council and appoint a judge for said court to serve for a term of two years.
Wardens Court. The Wardens Court of the Town of New Shoreham shall continue to have the jurisdiction and powers which it has had and exercised heretofore under state law, or which shall be conferred or altered in the future by state law.
Police Court. The Town shall continue to have the authority conferred upon it by Chapter 19 of the Public Laws of 1965 to establish a Police Court in and for the Town pursuant to said act, unless or until such authority is altered or withdrawn by subsequent provisions of state law.
There shall be a Director of Public Welfare appointed by the Town Council to serve at the pleasure of the Council to perform the duties and discharge the responsibilities conferred upon Directors of Public Welfare by state law, and to perform other duties as directed by the Town Council.
The Town Council shall have the authority to provide for such engineering services, professional planning services, or other services and functions which may from time to time be required by the Town, in such manner as it may deem most appropriate, in consultation with the Town Manager.