[Adopted 9-9-1992 by Ord. No. 92-9; amended in its entirety 6-11-2020 by Ord. No. 2020-03]
There shall be the following classes of licenses which, when issued by the Town Clerk under the authority of the Town Board, and after payment of all fees set forth in the fee schedule, shall permit the holder to sell, deal, or traffic in intoxicating liquor and/or fermented malt beverages as provided in Chapter 125, Wis. Stats. (§§ 125.25, 125.26, 125.27, and 125.51).
Class "A" licensees may sell beer to consumers in original packages or containers for off-premises consumption only (§ 125.25, Wis. Stats.).
Class "B" licensees may sell beer to consumers for on-premises or off-premises consumption [§ 125.26(1), Wis. Stats.].
Six-month Class "B" licenses may be issued for a period of six months in any calendar year which runs from January 1 to December 31 and is thus different from a license year which runs from July 1 to June 30. The fee for a six-month license is half of the annual license fee as set by resolution of the Town Board. Such licenses are not renewable during the calendar year in which issued. A six-month license issued from January 1 through June 30, or for the balance of the year, would not prohibit the applicant from obtaining an annual license as of July 1 of that same year.
Temporary Class "B" Beer (picnic) licensees may sell beer and other fermented malt beverages (e.g., wine coolers with a fermented malt beverage base) to consumers at a picnic or similar gathering of limited duration. Such licenses may only be issued to bona fide clubs, to county or local fair associations or agricultural societies that have been in existence for at least six months, and to veteran's organizations. Applications must be filed with the Town Clerk at least 15 days prior to presentation before the Town Board [§ 125.26(6)].
Temporary "Class B" Wine (picnic) licensees may sell wine to consumers as provided in Subsection D above. An applicant would be exempt from the fee if at the same time the applicant has applied for a Temporary Class "B" beer license (above) for the same event. Not more than two licenses may be issued under this subsection in any twelve-month period. Background checks may be waived by the Town Clerk.
"Class A" licensees may sell intoxicating liquor to consumers only in original packages or containers for off-premises consumption. Wine taste samples are allowed of not more than three fluid ounces each, free of change, to customers and visitors for consumption on the premises only between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. No licensee may provide more than two taste samples per day to any one person [§ 125.51(2)].
"Class B" licensees may sell intoxicating liquor to consumers by the glass for on-premises consumption. However, wine may be sold for consumption off premises in the original package or container in any quantity. The Town Board, in its discretion, may allow the sale of intoxicating liquor in its original packages to be consumed off premises pursuant to § 125.51(3)(b), Wis. Stats.
Reserve "Class B" licenses are those licenses available under the quota system which existed before December 1, 1997, and were not granted or issued by the Town as of December 1, 1997.
"Class C" licensees may sell wine by the glass, or in an opened original container for consumption on premises. Licenses may be granted to an applicant only if: the applicant meets the qualifications set out in § 125.04(5), Wis. Stats., for other retail licensees; the license is for a restaurant in which the sale of alcohol beverages accounts for less than 50% of gross receipts; and wine is the only intoxicating liquor sold in the barroom [§ 125.51(3m)].
Provisional retail licenses may be issued to a person who applies for a Class "A," Class "B," "Class A," "Class B," or "Class C" license and it expires 60 days after its issuance or when the retail license is issued to the holder, whichever is sooner.
The fees to obtain any license set forth in § 170-5 above shall be set by resolution by the Town Board and may be found in the Town of Wescott's Fee Schedule.