Section 103.1 General. The Township Code Enforcement Department shall serve as the department of property maintenance and the Zoning Officer as designated per Chapter 172, the municipal code official as designated per Chapter 79, and other such persons as designated by the Township Manager shall serve as the code officials under this Chapter 127.
Section 103.5 Fees. The fees for activities and
services performed by the Township in carrying out its responsibilities
under this code shall be as indicated and set forth by the Township
Fee Schedule adopted by resolution of the Township Board of Supervisors.
105.7 Housing permit. No person or entity shall
lease or rent any dwelling, dwelling unit or rooming unit, motel unit
or hotel unit in the Township without first making application to
and obtaining a permit from the Township to rent or lease such dwelling
unit or rooming unit.
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105.7.1 Term. Housing permits shall
be issued for one-year terms.
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105.7.2 Periodic inspections. The Township
will inspect all rental units every five years. In addition, the Township
may inspect rental units and corresponding common and exterior areas
upon a complaint of a violation of the Property Maintenance Code or
International Fire Code by a tenant or neighboring property owner.
In addition, the Township may perform exterior and common area inspections
every two years. The inspection checklists to be used for all inspections
shall be approved by the Board of Supervisors by resolution.
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105.7.3 Self inspections. In addition
to the aforementioned Township inspections, all rental housing permittees
shall self-inspect all rental units prior to a change of tenant(s)
for that unit. The inspection checklist shall be in the same form
approved by the Township for five-year inspections and shall be signed
by the individual performing the inspection. The signing and/or submittal
of the self-inspection form shall constitute a certification that
the inspection was performed and that the inspection results were
accurately recorded. A self-inspection shall be conducted, and the
corresponding form submitted, for every twelve-month period that the
unit remains vacant. Self-inspection forms shall be submitted to the
Township Manager no later than 10 days after the new tenant takes
possession of the unit. False certifications shall be considered a
violation of the Property Maintenance Code. Hotels and motels shall
perform the self-inspections and submit the self-inspection certifications
annually in lieu of upon change in tenancy.
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105.7.4 Permit application. A housing permit application, in the form as shall be determined by the Township Manager, shall be submitted annually to the Township for each rental unit. The application shall set forth the name of the applicant and the name of the owner if different, together with the address of the dwelling, the dwelling unit (or units) or the rooming unit (or units) which are or will be offered for rent and such other information as may be required by the code official; such application will constitute an agreement between the applicant and the Township for the faithful compliance by the applicant and all agents, servants, employees or representatives of the applicant with all ordinances, rules and regulations of the Township now in effect or hereafter adopted relating to the basic equipment, physical condition, maintenance and occupancy of dwellings and dwelling units, motel and hotel units. The owner, if different from the applicant, remains subject to all provisions of Chapter 127. With the exception of hotels and motels, a housing permit application shall also be submitted to the Township upon every change of tenant.
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105.7.5 Permit application fees. A
housing permit application fee shall be paid by the applicant at the
time of permit application in accordance with the Township Fee Schedule.
Fees for Township inspections and reinspections as may be required
under this section shall be set by the Township Fee Schedule and shall
be payable prior to the issuance of any housing permit.
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105.7.6 Owner or agent. A housing permit
will not be issued or renewed for any person or entity that does not
either reside, or have an office, in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
unless that person or entity designates, in writing, an agent in the
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania for the receipt of any notice issued
with respect to this code.
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105.7.7 Permit issuance. Upon receipt
of the permit application, and after any applicable self-inspection,
Township inspection, or reinspection pursuant to Section 105.7.8,
if the premises complies with the International Property Maintenance
Code as adopted by the Township and the International Fire Code, and
the proper fees have been paid, the Code Official shall issue to the
applicant a housing permit.
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105.7.8 Inspection failure. If, upon
inspection, the premises fails to comply with the applicable code
provisions, the code official shall notify the applicant, in writing,
of the deficiencies within 10 days of the inspection. The owner shall
be given 30 days from the date of the notice to correct the deficiencies
and schedule a reinspection. If the code official finds that a deficiency
does not pose an imminent threat to life or safety, a permit may be
issued or retained by the applicant, with the provision that the deficiency
must be corrected within 30 days. The applicant may schedule reinspections
as necessary, but in no event shall the inspection and reinspection
process exceed 120 days from the date of the initial inspection, after
which time the permit may be denied or revoked. Permit denials, revocations
or inspection failures may be appealed to the Newtown Township Property
Maintenance Appeals Board.
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105.7.9 Exemptions. The permitting
requirements of this chapter shall not apply to:
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All property owned by Newtown Township.
Hospitals, nursing homes, or similar institutions where such
facilities are subject to regular county, state or federal licensing
Single-family dwellings where a parent, parent-in-law or adult
child of the owner remains in occupancy and no net income is earned
by the owner. However, this exemption does not apply where the dwelling
is not occupied by the owner and the dwelling becomes subject to code
violations, which, despite demand, remain uncorrected.
Any residential unit occupied by the owner, provided the owner
provides proof of occupancy.
106.4 Violation penalties. Any person or entity
who shall violate a provision of this code, or fail to comply therewith,
or with any of the requirements thereof, shall be liable for fines
and penalties not exceeding $1,000, which fines and penalties may
be collected by summary proceeding or suit brought in the name of
the Township before a Magisterial District Judge. Each day that a
violation continues shall be deemed a separate offense. The Township
may also seek equitable or injunctive relief.
106.5 Abatement of violation. The imposition of
the penalties herein prescribed shall not preclude the Township from
instituting appropriate action to restrain, correct or abate a violation,
or to prevent illegal occupancy of a building, structure, or premises,
or to stop an illegal act, conduct, business or utilization of the
building, structure or premises.
106.5.1 Self help. If a violation has
not been corrected within the time designated for such compliance
by the code official and the Board of Supervisors finds that a continuation
of such violation is detrimental to the health, safety or welfare
of the occupants of a building, structure, premises or surrounding
community, or constitutes a public nuisance or hazard, it may order
the correction of such violation using Township resources to accomplish
such corrections and may charge the cost thereof to the violator and
collect such cost by lien and/or otherwise as may be authorized by
111.1 Application for appeal. Housing permit inspection
failures, housing permit denials and housing permit revocations may
be appealed to the Newtown Township Property Maintenance Board of
Appeals, provided that a written application for appeal is filed within
20 days after the day of the decision or notice is served. An application
for appeal shall be based on a claim that the true intent of this
code or the rules legally adopted thereunder have been incorrectly
interpreted, the provisions of this code do not fully apply, or the
requirements of this code are adequately satisfied by other means.
An application for appeal shall be accompanied by a fee as set by
resolution of the Board of Supervisors.
111.2 Membership of Board. The Board of Appeals under this Chapter 127 shall be comprised of three adult individual residents of the Township of Newtown, as appointed by the Board of Supervisors for one-year terms, and shall be known as the "Newtown Township Property Maintenance Board of Appeals." The initial terms of the Board members will expire at the end of the first calendar year they were appointed.
111.2.5 Compensation of members. Board
members shall serve without compensation.
111.4.1 Procedure. The Board shall adopt and make
available to the public through the Secretary procedures under which
a hearing will be conducted. The procedure shall not require compliance
with strict rules of evidence, but shall mandate only relevant information
be received.
111.7 Court review. Any person aggrieved by a decision
of the Board of Appeals shall have the right to appeal that decision
to an appropriate court of competent jurisdiction.
Section 112.4 Failure to comply. Any person who
shall continue any work after having been served with a stop-work
order, except such work as that person is directed to perform to remove
a violation or unsafe condition, with any of the requirements thereof,
shall be liable for fines and penalties not exceeding $1,000, which
fines and penalties may be collected by summary proceeding or suit
brought in the name of the Township before a Magisterial District
Judge. Each day that a violation continues shall be deemed a separate
offense. The Township may also seek equitable or injunctive relief.
Section 304.14 Insect screens. During the period
from March 30 to October 30, every door, window and other outside
opening required for ventilation of habitable rooms, food preparation
areas, food service areas or any areas where products to be included
or utilized in food for human consumption are processed, manufactured,
packaged or stored shall be supplied with approved tightly fitting
screens of not less than 16 mesh per inch, and every screen door used
for insect control shall have a self-closing device in good working