[Amended 6-10-2013 by Ord. No. 657, approved 6-10-2013; at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I)]
Zoning districts are designated as follows:
Agricultural District
Business District
Conservation District
Manufacturing District
Residential I District
Residential II District
Residential III District
The boundaries of the Agricultural District, Business District, Conservation District, Manufacturing District, Residential I District, Residential II District, and Residential III District shall be shown upon the map attached to and made a part of this chapter which shall be designated the "Zoning Map." Said map and all the notations, references and other data shown thereon are hereby incorporated by reference into this chapter as if all were fully described herein.[1]
Editor's Note: A copy of the Zoning Map is included as an attachment to this chapter.
Zoning Map amendments.
Change from Residential II to Business: the area on the west side of North Elmira Street from the first residential property above the railroad crossing north to the red light at the intersection of North Elmira Street and West Pine Street.
[Amended 9-28-2009 by Ord. No. 621,[2] approved 9-28-2009]
Editor's Note: Attached to Ord. No. 621 and on file in the office of the Borough Secretary is a map describing this change.
Adds Residential IV District (former Ingersoll Rand Clubhouse and adjacent four acres, formerly a part of the Conservation District).
[Added 6-10-2013 by Ord. No. 657, approved 6-10-2013[3]]
Editor's Note: Ord. No. 707, adopted and approved 12-9-2019, stated "The Residential IV District is being rezoned for a Business District and for a Conservation District for the recreation for Borough Residents." See Subsection B(4) through (6).
Change from Residential I to Business: tax parcel 05-020.11-109-000-000 located on the south side of Elm Street at 111 Elm Street.
[Added 8-11-2014 by Ord. No. 667, approved 8-11-2014]
Change from Residential IV District to Business District for the Tax Parcel 07-020.14-156-000-000 identified as Lot No. 1 on the CEC Preliminary Subdivision Map dated September 16, 2019, located on the northeast corner of South Main Street and Satterlee Street at 101 Satterlee Street (a lot that is 1.904 acres bounded on the south by Satterlee Street a distance of 298.12 feet, bounded on the west by South Main Street a distance of 143.99 feet, bounded on the north by Pennsylvania Lines LLC a distance of 372.11 feet, and bounded on the east by the Borough of Athens a distance of 364.59 feet.
[Added 12-9-2019 by Ord. No. 708, approved 12-9-2019]
Change from Residential IV District to Conservation District for Tax Parcel 07-020.14-156-000-000 identified as Lot No. 2 on the CEC Preliminary Subdivision Map dated September 16, 2019, located on the northeast corner of South Main Street and Satterlee Street at 101 Satterlee Street (a lot that is 2.175 acres bounded on the south by Satterlee Street a distance of 206.27 feet, bounded on the west by Lot No. 1 a distance of 364.59 feet, bounded on the north by Pennsylvania Lines, LLC a distance of 202.93 feet to a point and bounded by Athens Borough 43.89 to a point, and bounded on the east by the Borough of Athens a distance of 475.35 feet.
[Added 12-9-2019 by Ord. No. 708, approved 12-9-2019]
Change from Residential IV District to Conservation District for Tax Parcel 07-020.14-156-000-000 identified as Lot No. 3 on the CEC Preliminary Subdivision Map dated September 16, 2019, located on the northeast corner of South Main Street and Satterlee Street at 101 Satterlee Street (a lot that is 0.056 acres bounded on the south by Satterlee Street a distance of 49.74 feet, bounded on the west by Lot No. 2 a distance of 475.35 feet, bounded on the north by Athens Borough a distance of 66.15 feet, and bounded on the east by the Borough of Athens a distance of 58.50 feet to a point and then 20 feet to a point and 402.45 feet to a point.
[Added 12-9-2019 by Ord. No. 708, approved 12-9-2019]
The boundaries between these districts are, unless otherwise indicated, either the center lines of streets, alleys, rights-of-way, lot lines, or such lines extended, or lines parallel thereto.
Where figures are shown on the Zoning Map between a street, alley, right-of-way or lot line and a district boundary line, such figures indicate that the district boundary line runs parallel to that line at a distance therefrom equivalent to the number of feet so indicated.
Where district boundaries are not clearly fixed by the above methods, such boundaries shall be determined by the use of the scale of the Zoning Map.
Should any other uncertainty exist, the Zoning Hearing Board shall interpret the intent of this chapter and the Zoning Map as to the exact location of district boundaries.
When a district boundary line divides a lot held in single and separate ownership at the effective date of this chapter, the regulations of either abutting district may be construed by the owner to be applicable to the portion of such lot in the other abutting district for a distance of not more than 50 feet beyond the district boundary line.