[HISTORY: Adopted by the Borough Council of the Borough of Athens 2-29-1988 by Ord. No. 402, approved 2-29-1988 (Ch. 16 of the 1977 Code). Amendments noted where applicable.]
The office of Borough Manager is hereby created by the Borough of Athens.
[Amended 7-26-2010 by Ord. No. 629, approved 8-23-2010; at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I)]
The Manager shall be appointed by a majority of all members of the Council for a term of two years after the effective date of the agreement or the date of the organizational meeting of Council following the next municipal election, whichever shall occur first. At least two months before the termination of the contract, the Council shall furnish the Manager with a written statement setting forth its intention to renew the contract; however, failure to comply with this notice provision shall not operate to automatically extend the employment contract.
[Amended 10-26-2009 by Ord. No. 623, approved 10-26-2009; 7-26-2010 by Ord. No. 629, approved 8-23-2010]
The Manager shall be chosen solely on the basis of executive and administrative abilities, with special reference to the duties of the office as outlined in this contract. The Manager is not required to be a resident of the Borough.
[Amended 7-26-2010 by Ord. No. 629, approved 8-23-2010]
The Manager will also serve as the Assistant Secretary/Treasurer and shall maintain a bond as required under the Borough Code.
Editor's Note: Original § 16-4, Bond, of the 1997 Code was repealed 10-26-2009 by Ord. No. 623, approved 10-26-2009.
[Amended 7-26-2010 by Ord. No. 629, approved 8-23-2010]
The salary of the Borough Manager shall be set by the Borough Council and shall follow the benefits/wage increases of the nonuniform contract. The Manager does not get fewer benefits/pay increases than the Public Works Department/clerical employees. The Borough may provide greater benefits/pay increases at its option.
The Manager shall be the chief administrative officer of the Borough and shall be responsible to the Council as a whole for the proper and efficient administration of the affairs of the Borough placed in his charge. The powers and duties of administration of all Borough business shall be vested in the Manager, unless expressly imposed or conferred by statute or ordinance upon other Borough officers.
Subject to recall by ordinance of the Council, the powers and duties of the Borough Manager shall include the following:
To administer and to be responsible for the activities of all municipal departments. Nothing in this provision is intended, however, to apply to the office of Borough Solicitor or to supervision of the Police Department in the absence of a delegation of authority from the Mayor.
To be responsible for the delinquent real estate taxes (land returns), tax duplicates and transfer tax and to properly process the same.
To maintain salary records of all personnel in the Borough as previously determined by the Council.
To prepare and submit to the Council, before the close of each fiscal year, a budget for the next fiscal year and an explanatory budget message. In preparing the budget, the Manager, or an officer designated by him, shall obtain from the head of each department, agency or committee, or any qualified officer thereon, estimates of revenues and expenditures and such other supporting data as is required. The Manager shall review such estimates and may revise them before submitting the budget to the Council.
To be responsible for the administration of the budget after its adoption by the Council.
To develop, in conjunction with the preparation of the yearly budget, long-range fiscal plans for the municipality, such plans to be presented annually to the Council for its review and adoption.
To hold such other municipal office and to head such municipal department as the Council may from time to time direct, in accordance with law.
To attend all monthly meetings of the Council, with the right to take part in the discussions. The Manager shall receive notice of special meetings of the Council and its committees.
To supervise the preparation of the transcription of the monthly Council meetings and such other meetings as requested by the Council.
[Amended 7-26-2010 by Ord. No. 629, approved 8-23-2010]
To prepare the agenda for each meeting of the Council and supply facts pertinent thereto.
To keep, the Council informed on a monthly basis as to the conduct of Borough affairs, to submit periodic reports on the condition of the Borough finances and such other reports as the Council requests and to make such recommendations to the Council as he deems advisable.
To submit to the Council, as soon as possible after the close of the fiscal year, a complete report on the finances and the administrative activities of the Borough for the preceding year.
To see that the provisions of all franchises, leases, contractor licenses, permits and privileges granted by the Borough are observed.
To employ, by and with the approval of the Council, experts and consultants to perform work and to advise in connection with any of the functions of the Borough.
To attend to the letting of contracts in due form of law. The Manager shall supervise the performance and faithful execution of the same, except insofar as such duties are expressly imposed by statute upon some other Borough officer.
To see that all money owed the Borough is promptly paid and that proper proceedings are taken for the security and collection of all the Borough's claims, including sewer rent accounts.
To serve as purchasing officer of the Borough and to purchase in accordance with the provisions of the Borough Code all supplies and equipment for the agencies, boards, departments and other offices.
To investigate and dispose of or to designate an officer to investigate and dispose of all complaints regarding Borough services and to report to the Council thereon. Complaints regarding Borough services shall be referred to the office of the Manager.
To maintain and file the ordinances, resolutions and regulations of the Borough.
To make available all Borough records for the appointed Athens Borough auditor for firemen's relief audit, workmen's compensation audit, liability insurance audit and auditor general and such other audits as required by law.
To process all insurance claims against the Borough insurance program (workmen's compensation, liability, etc.).
To perform such other duties as may be from time to time by ordinance conferred upon him.
The Borough Manager shall continue to perform all of the management duties required for the Public Works Department and will be available to perform emergency Public Works duties.
[Added 7-26-2010 by Ord. No. 629, approved 8-23-2010]
The Borough reserves the right at any time by ordinance to amend or otherwise modify or repeal this chapter in any particular.
The Mayor is hereby authorized to delegate, in writing, to the Borough Manager, subject to revocation by written notification at any time, any of his nonlegislative and nonjudicial powers and duties.
If the Manager becomes ill or needs to be absent from the Borough, the Council shall designate one qualified member of his staff to perform the duties of the Manager during his absence or disability.
Wherever in this chapter a masculine pronoun is used, it includes the feminine.