In recognition of the necessity of requiring connection to the sewer system in order to protect the public health; in order to comply with the requirements of the Sanitary Water Board; and in order to enable the Athens-Sayre Joint Authority to finance the construction of improvements and extensions to said sewer system and a treatment plant for the treatment and disposal of sanitary sewage and industrial waste, generated in the sewered portion of the Borough, and to assure continuous operation of the same, the Borough hereby covenants and agrees with the Authority and with the holders, from time to time, of the construction that:
The Borough will not repeal or rescind Article I of this part so long as any of said bonds shall remain outstanding.
The Borough will not amend said Article I in such way as to render ineffectual the intent and purpose thereof.
It will promptly give the notices contemplated by §§ 418-1 or 418-2 hereof in such sequence and orderly fashion, in the light of the practical time limits required for connections to be made and the availability of skilled labor to perform the work, to the end that all accessible properties may be expeditiously connected.
It will at all times vigorously enforce the requirements hereof and prosecute violations.
The Borough further hereby covenants and agrees with the Authority that it will, to the extent permissible by law and not otherwise, appropriate to and deposit in the Sewer Revenue Account of the Borough, from time to time, sums equal to the fines and penalties collected under Article I of this part, less all costs of collection paid by the Borough.