[HISTORY: Adopted by the Mayor and Council of the Town of Chesapeake City as indicated in article histories. Amendments noted where applicable.]
[Adopted 2-13-2012 by Ord. No. 01092012]
Commencing January 1, 2012, an annual fee in the amount of the lesser of 5% of the rental charges for the docking and storage of a boat or $50 shall be imposed on all leased seasonal/annual boat slips and/or boat storage. The annual fee will be based on the calendar year. Fees shall be paid to the Town by June 30 of each year.
[Amended 5-22-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-003]
Delinquent charges of 1 1/2% per month of the amount of user fees due shall be assessed, accruing from the day after the due date as stated, until the user fees and delinquent charges are paid in full.
The annual fee shall be submitted to the Town by all entities and persons, including but not limited to all marinas, establishments, businesses, or individuals, within the Town limits of Chesapeake City that rent space for docking, boat slip rental, and boat storage.
A report on a form supplied by the Town listing the names of the lessees and the user fees due shall be submitted by all businesses as set forth above, along with the user fees collected. This report and the accompanying revenues shall be remitted to the Town of Chesapeake City on an annual basis.
[Amended 5-22-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-003]
Any person or persons who fail to submit any report pursuant to this article as required above shall be deemed to have committed a municipal infraction and shall be subject to a fine of $250 for the first offense and $500 for each subsequent offense.
The Town shall use any revenue received from the user fee to maintain and enhance water quality, water and wastewater treatment facilities, marinas, law enforcement, public safety, or fire services, or any combination thereof.
Should any provision, section, paragraph, or subsection of this article, including any code or text adopted hereby, be declared null and void, illegal, unconstitutional, or otherwise determined to be unenforceable by a court having jurisdiction, the same shall not affect the validity, legality, or enforceability of any other provision, section, paragraph, or subsection hereof, including any code or text adopted hereby. Each such provision, section, paragraph, or subsection is expressly declared to be and is deemed severable.
The title of this article, or a condensed version thereof, shall be deemed to be, and is, a fair summary of this article for publication and all other purposes.
[Adopted 5-28-2013 by Ord. No. 3.11.2013.2]
Title 33, Chapter II, Part 207, Section 207.100, Inland waterway from Delaware River to Chesapeake Bay, DE and MD (Chesapeake and Delaware Canal); use, administration, and navigation, of the Code of Federal Regulations, as may be amended from time to time, is hereby adopted by reference as if fully set forth herein, for all such waters that are within the corporate limits of the Town as set forth in Section 26-2 of the Charter of the Town of Chesapeake City to the extent that such federal regulations are not in conflict with any existing Town ordinance or regulation.
To the extent as agreed upon by the Town and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, the Town shall be responsible for the enforcement of such federal regulations as to time allowed for, and location of, anchorage.
Any references contained therein to the "District Engineer," the "Corps of Engineers" and the "Dispatcher" shall also mean the Town of Chesapeake City and any official, employee, or agent designated by the Town to enforce the regulations contained herein.
In the event of any conflict between the federal regulations adopted herein and any existing Town regulations or ordinances, the existing Town regulations or ordinances shall govern.
There are six slips at the Beck's Landing dock, but the Maryland Department of Natural Resources Boating Administration has required that two slips be kept unassigned and made available for traveling transient boaters.
As all slips are 32 feet long with four feet of water depth, the maximum size boat permitted in these slips will be 34 feet in length overall.
The Town Council of Chesapeake City shall establish a seasonal slip user fee.
The seasonal slip user fee must be paid to the Town of Chesapeake City prior to occupancy of the assigned slip or no later than April 15. Any slips not contracted for by April 15 will be assigned to the next person on the waiting list.
The Chesapeake City Municipal Boat Dock boating season is March 15 through November 30. Boats will not be permitted at the docks from December 1 through March 14 because of winter ice preventing devices being used.
The Maryland Department of Natural Resources Boating Administration requires that all boats occupying seasonally assigned slips must have a current and valid registration or be federally documented. All boats must be registered prior to occupancy of a seasonally assigned slip.
Water and electric will be supplied by the Town for the use of the slip holder only and may not be sold or given to any other user. Air-conditioning and heating unit use are not permitted.
The Maryland Department of Natural Resources Boating Administration and the Town of Chesapeake City require that this facility be used to its maximum extent. Therefore, any slip contracted for must be actively occupied during the summer months and not held vacant. Any slips that are not occupied more than 50% of time during the summer will be offered to the next person on the waiting list. The remaining portion of the lease fee will be refunded only after the slip is released by the Town.
Because of the limited width of the pier surface, dock boxes will not be permitted. Storage of any equipment or devices (i.e., hoses, electric cords, ropes, etc.), is not allowed on the pier surface.
Any structures or devices to aid in boat boarding, except ladders, must receive prior approval of the Town before being installed.
All slip holders will be responsible for securing their boats within their assigned slips. There is no regular Town security patrol and since boat piers carry some inherent degree of personal danger, all slip holders use this facility at their own risk. The Town of Chesapeake City will not assume any liability for theft, sinking, injuries, or other damage caused to boats, property, or people using this facility.
No subletting. All boats must be registered to the applicant or an immediate family member residing at the applicant's address. Names and phone numbers of responsible adults shall be provided and kept on file at Town Hall.
A pier slip occupant will retain the same slip that the occupant was assigned the previous year unless another more desirable slip becomes available at which time the change must be approved by Town Hall.
These docks are strictly for boating activities. Fishing and swimming are not permitted from these facilities.
Courteous and proper behavior is required at all times. Local and state law enforcement officers have the right to enforce any/all laws, codes and/or ordinances currently in effect.
Any disagreements arising over the use of these facilities shall be decided by a majority vote of the Chesapeake City Town Council.
Any violation of the above regulations on the annual slip usage may result in the loss of the occupant's boat slip with no refund.
All slip holders shall have the right of renewal in the following year by mutual agreement of the Town.
All dock areas parallel to the Corps of Engineers bulkhead shall be maintained as transient docking with a twenty-four-hour limit. Any special exceptions shall be with approval of the Chesapeake City Dock Master.
Courteous and proper behavior is required at all times. Local and state law enforcement officers have the right to enforce any/all laws, codes and/or ordinances currently in effect.
The taxi dock on the north side of the canal at the end of Lock Street shall be for passenger loading and unloading only. Docking shall be limited to 30 minutes unless otherwise approved by the Chesapeake City Dock Master.
These docks are strictly for boating activities. Fishing and swimming are not permitted from these facilities.
Courteous and proper behavior is required at all times. Local and state law enforcement officers have the right to enforce any/all laws, codes and/or ordinances currently in effect.
[Amended 5-22-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-003]
Violation of this article shall be a municipal infraction as provided in § 6-102 of the Local Government Article of the Annotated Code of Maryland punishable by a fine in the amount of $250 for the first offense and a fine in the amount of $500 for each subsequent offense. Each instance shall constitute a separate offense.
The title of this article, or a condensed version thereof, shall be deemed to be, and is, a fair summary of this article for publication and all other purposes.
The recitals to this article are incorporated herein and deemed a substantive part of this article.[1]
Editor's Note: The recitals are included in Ord. No. 3.11.2013.2 on file with the Town Clerk.