[Adopted 9-9-2021 by L.L. No. 3-2021]
The title of this article shall be "A Local Law to Establish the Residency Requirement for the Appointed Office of Clerk."
This article is adopted pursuant to Municipal Home Rule Law § 10(1)[ii]a.(1) and Village Law § 3-300 that grants to local governments the authority to enact local laws regarding the qualifications of local officers. The Board of Trustees finds that it is not always possible to fill certain appointed offices in Village government with Village residents.
This article shall supersede Village Law § 3-300 in its application to the Office of Clerk for the Town/Village of East Rochester.
The person holding the office of Clerk in the Town/Village of East Rochester need not be a resident nor an elector of the Town/Village of East Rochester; provided, however, that such person shall reside in Monroe County or a county which adjoins the County of Monroe.