This Policy is not a contract for employment.
A. Table of organization. The Borough Council shall establish or cause
to be established a table of organization that will conform to the
proper administrative lines of authority as defined for the best interest
of Borough business. This manual has been prepared to explain Borough
policies currently in place. The personnel policy manual can be amended
by resolution approved by Borough Council at any time. In cases where
this manual conflicts with the current Bargaining Agreement Contract
with Police or Public Works employees, the current bargaining agreement
contract shall prevail.
B. Personnel policies and regulations promulgated under subsequent headings
that comprise this chapter shall apply to all Borough employees unless
excluded under separate bargaining agreements.
C. Public records. With the exception of personal performance evaluations,
personal history, and other confidential materials so designated,
the records of all Borough employees shall be considered public records.
D. Personnel actions. All personnel actions shall be issued in writing
on such forms as may be prescribed and approved by the Borough Council.
One copy of each such action shall be forwarded to the employee, and
one copy is to be retained in the employee's personnel file.
E. Employment in the Borough shall be based on merit and fitness, free
of personal and political considerations. The Borough of Raritan is
an equal opportunity employer.
F. Appointments, promotions, and other personnel actions shall be on
a merit basis.
G. Qualified Borough personnel shall be given first consideration for
vacancies and promotions.
H. Definitions.
Employee who is designated by Borough Council as the Borough
Administrator. The Borough Administrator acts as the immediate supervisor
to all Borough department heads as well as the Manager of all Borough
Employee who is designated by the Borough Council as responsible
for the operation of a Borough Department.
Minimum qualifications as to experience and/or education
necessary for the position may be set by the Borough Administrator
with the approval of the Borough Council.
A permanent employee appointed to a regular position on a
twelve-month basis who performs at a minimum of 35 hours of normal
duty weekly.
A description of responsibilities and duties for each Borough
Each employee is entitled to a forty-five-minute lunch period.
The time period of the employee's forty-five-minute lunch period
shall be established by the employee's department head.
Eligible, full-time employees who are authorized and required
to work beyond their normal work week shall earn compensatory time
at a rate of one hour for each hour worked beyond their normal work
week. Overtime/compensatory time does not apply to executive or managerial
positions, including department heads.
A permanent employee appointed to a regular position, who
performs 30 hours or less of normal duty weekly. Part-time employees
working less than 35 hours per week on a continuing basis are not
eligible for benefits provided to full-time employees.
Prior to obtaining permanent status, all employees must serve
a probationary period of a minimum of 90 calendar days.
The normal office hours of the Borough are Monday through
Friday as specified by the Borough Administrator with the approval
of Borough Council.
All salaries are set by the Borough Council.
An employee appointed to a temporary position of a seasonal
or emergency nature for a period not to exceed three months.
An employee hired for a period of limited duration not to
exceed 180 consecutive days. Temporary employees are not eligible
at any time for benefits.
Pursuant to the Family Leave Act and state statute, each full-time
employee shall be entitled to unpaid leave pursuant to said laws,
such laws to be applied consistently and concurrently, and such time
as may be provided pursuant to such laws shall not be cumulative.
In the event an employee requests such leave, they shall first be
charged to any sick leave as defined in this section, and then to
vacation time, until all such paid accumulated leave has been used
up. Thereafter, each full-time employee shall be entitled to unpaid
leave pursuant to federal and state law.
An employee may resign from his position by tendering a written
resignation to his department head, who, in turn, shall forward it
to the Administrator. An employee shall give a minimum of two weeks'
notice before the effective date of his resignation, and the written
resignation shall become a part of the employee's personnel history
Employees enrolled in the public employees' retirement
system and the police and firemen's retirement system of the
State of New Jersey are subject to the benefits, requirements, and
provisions of those plans. An employee should notify his/her department
head and the Borough Administrator in writing at least six months
before planned retirement. Additionally, the employee should apply
to the applicable pension plan/system at least three months prior
to his/her planned retirement.
In the event that, by reason of any tenure rights of any officer
or employee of the Borough or by reason of any New Jersey statute
specifically governing the rights of any such officer or employee,
any revision of this chapter is inconsistent with the New Jersey statutes
in such case made and provided applicable to any such officer or employee,
then such statutory provision shall govern and supersede the provisions
of this chapter.
All Borough mail is to be handled by current Borough employees
only. Only current Borough employees should take mail to post office
or mailbox and receive and open mail, packages or deliveries on behalf
of the Borough.