[Added 3-15-2022 by Ord. No. 22-2594]
Objectives. The provisions of this article are intended to encourage the construction of inclusionary housing consistent with smart growth design principles in a location adjacent to the Washington Avenue commercial corridor.
Permitted uses for Block 154, Lot 2, shall be limited to inclusionary housing. The exact percentage of affordable units shall be determined based on tenure type. Developments offering for-sale units shall reserve no less than 20% of the total number of dwellings as affordable as defined and further regulated by the Borough's Affordable Housing Ordinance. Developments in which units are to be offered for rent shall reserve no less than 15% of the total number of dwellings as affordable as defined and further regulated by the Borough's Affordable Housing Ordinance.
All developments constructed in this zone shall comply with the area and bulk requirements pursuant to Schedule B.[1] In addition, all developments shall comply with the following zoning provisions:
The maximum number of dwelling units shall not exceed 26.
Ground-floor use is limited to parking, lobbies, mechanical and trash rooms, stairways and elevator areas.
All developments in this zone shall install new curb, sidewalk and shade trees in the adjacent public right-of-way, if deemed necessary by the Borough Engineer.
Minimum required lot size is 15,000 square feet.
Minimum required lot width is 100 feet. If a corner lot, the required minimum lot width must be complied with on at least one street frontage.
Front yard building setbacks are designed to provide a presence along the street and shall be a minimum of five feet.
Side and rear yard building setbacks shall be a minimum of four feet.
Building height shall not exceed three stories and 38 feet.
Maximum improved lot coverage shall not exceed 85%. Maximum lot coverage is limited to a maximum of 75%.
A minimum of 20% of all dwellings developed on this property shall be deed-restricted affordable dwellings as defined in N.J.A.C. 5:93-1.3. Affordable housing dwellings shall be priced so that 50% of all such units are available to low-income households with 13% of all affordable dwellings in each bedroom configuration are affordable to very-low-income households. Affordable units shall not be restricted to senior citizens, although income qualified seniors shall not be excluded from occupancy.
Editor's Note: Schedule B is included as Attachment 2 of this chapter.
Affordable housing units shall be designed, constructed, marketed and maintained in strict compliance with Bergenfield's Affordable Housing Ordinance.
Occupancy of affordable dwellings shall be limited to income-qualified households; furthermore, all such dwellings shall be marketed, priced and deed restricted in compliance with all applicable regulations promulgated by the State of New Jersey or in accordance with any requirements established by court order.