The HDC shall be constituted in accordance with the Glocester Historic District Zoning Ordinance and R.I.G.L. § 45-24.1-3.
A Chairman shall be elected by the HDC from its membership. The Chairman shall preside over all HDC meetings and shall decide all points of order and procedure unless directed otherwise by a majority of the HDC in session at the time. The Chairman shall have the right to vote.
The Chairman shall appoint any committees found necessary to investigate any matter before the HDC.
The Chairman shall review items proposed for each meeting and determine the agenda for each meeting.
Vice-Chairman. The Vice-Chairman shall, in the absence or disability of the Chairman, perform the duties of the Chairman.
The Secretary shall ensure that public notice of each HDC meeting is properly posted.
The Secretary shall ensure that applicants receive written notification in advance of pertinent meeting dates and shall provide written notification of findings, approvals, and disapprovals for applications for certificates of appropriateness.
The Secretary shall keep a record of all resolutions, proceedings, findings of fact, decisions and actions.
The Secretary shall ensure that the Building Official and any other appropriate official or agency of the Town is notified of the issuance of a certificate of appropriateness.
The Secretary shall have the responsibility of keeping the HDC's records. The HDC may also require verbatim recorded or stenographic records.
All records of the HDC shall be on file for public view at the office of the Glocester Town Clerk. A fee may be charged for copies of any records.
Minutes. Minutes of HDC meetings shall show the vote of each member present on each question, including abstentions. Minutes shall also contain:
A listing of HDC members present and absent;
A listing of others in attendance whose presence may be significant to the proceedings, including but not limited to the Building Official, Town Solicitor, members of any public body and applicants and/or representatives;
Approval of the minutes of the previous meeting;
Summary of applications for certificates of appropriateness and the preservation issues presented, including a description of the structures or appurtenances which will be affected;
Summary of arguments and materials presented in connection with each application, including supporting documents, objections and corrections;
Summary of HDC deliberations for applications for a certificate of appropriateness including references to the HDC standards and guidelines used; and
Findings of fact, conclusions reached, and actions taken on applications or other general business before the HDC.
The Town Solicitor's office shall be requested by the HDC to assist in all legal matters.