[HISTORY: Adopted by the Representative Town Meeting of the Town of Fairfield 10-24-2022. Amendments noted where applicable.]
In recognition of the contribution that arts and culture make to the quality of life within the community, the Town of Fairfield hereby establishes a "Fairfield Arts Commission."
The purpose of the Fairfield Arts Commission shall be to stimulate, foster, facilitate and encourage the development and appreciation of artistic and cultural activities within the Town of Fairfield, to explore the possibility of designating a "cultural district" within the Town of Fairfield pursuant to Section 10-401a of the Connecticut General Statutes (the "Cultural District Statute") and the regulations and procedures promulgated thereunder by the Department of Economic and Community Development ("DECD"). If such a cultural district is designated within the Town, the Fairfield Arts Commission shall act as the "Cultural District Commission" pursuant to such statute. If a cultural district is not so designated, the Commission shall promote and foster the arts within the Town of Fairfield.
The Fairfield Arts Commission shall consist of nine members appointed by the Board of Selectmen, no more than five members of whom shall be registered with the same political party. Members shall have terms of three years, which shall be staggered so that no more than three terms expire in one year. The membership of the Commission should include at least one representative from each of the following:
Local cultural council/arts council.
Cultural organizations (historical society, museum, ethnic heritage organization).
At least one artist that lives and/or works in the district.
Organizations that represent artists (artist cooperative, etc.), if applicable.
For-profit creative business i.e., gallery, theater.
Local business and/or chamber of commerce.
The Board of Selectmen shall appoint the initial members of the Fairfield Arts Commission as soon as practicable after the enactment of this chapter. Of the members first appointed, three shall serve for one year; three shall serve for two years; and three shall serve for three years. Thereafter, each succeeding member shall be appointed for a term of three years.
In addition, the Director of Parks and Recreation and the Director of Community and Economic Development shall serve as ex officio members of the Commission without a vote.
The members shall serve without compensation.
The Fairfield Arts Commission shall, at its first meeting following the effective date of its establishment, elect a Chair and a Secretary from amongst its members and other such officers as the Commission may determine. Annually thereafter, at the December organizational meeting, the Commission shall elect a Chair and a Secretary from amongst its members and other such officers as the Commission may determine.
The Commission shall hold at least 10 regular stated meetings a year and shall give annual notice of such meetings as required by the General Statutes.
The Fairfield Arts Commission shall have the following duties and responsibilities:
The Commission, working with the First Selectperson, the Board of Selectmen, the RTM and other boards, commissions, task forces and staff, as appropriate, shall work to establish a cultural district pursuant to the requirements of the Cultural District Statute[1] and DECD and shall work with the Director of Community and Economic Development and other appropriate staff to complete all such requirements.
Editor's Note: See C.G.S. § 10-401a.
Upon Fairfield's successful designation by DECD as a qualified cultural district, the Commission shall be empowered to exercise any power and perform any duties necessary or desirable for the purpose of managing the district, including, but not limited to, consulting/collaborating with the Offices of the Arts and Tourism (state and local) and the Designated Regional Service Organizations for assistance with marketing, connecting with and/or convening local arts and culture community representatives, asset mapping, advocacy, directing resources, and applying for or soliciting and accepting any grant, contribution, or other funding from any source. The Fairfield Department of Economic Development shall support the Commission in this work.
If the Commission's efforts to have DECD designate a cultural district are unsuccessful, the Commission shall generally encourage and assist in the display and presentation of art, artistic performance, and cultural activities in Town, as well as the recognition of Town artists. The Commission shall develop, and revise as necessary, a formal arts policy for the Town, subject to the approval of the Board of Selectmen, and may engage in activities in accordance therewith. The Commission may make recommendations to the Board of Selectmen, the RTM, and other appropriate Town Boards and Commissions on art-related matters in furtherance of the Town's art policy, including the potential creation of an arts district in the Town.
The Commission may engage in other activities necessary and appropriate to carry out its objectives and purposes.
No later than January of each year, the Commission shall present an annual report describing its activities for the previous calendar year to the Board of Selectmen, the RTM, and any other board or commission that makes such request from time to time.