[Amended 10-18-2022 by Ord. No. 2022-21]
The following definitions shall be applicable to the residency requirements established herein:
Any person duly appointed to serve a term of office as an unpaid appointed member on the various Township boards and commissions as may be established by the Township Committee.
Any person for whom a petition of nomination for election or for reelection to the Township Committee of the Township of Stillwater has been filed.
Any person elected by the general public, or appointed as otherwise permitted by law, to serve a term of office on the Township Committee of the Township of Stillwater.
A person having, within the territorial limits of the Township of Stillwater, a place of abode, which has not been adopted for any mere special or temporary purpose, but serves as their ordinary and permanent domicile.
No person shall be a candidate for or shall serve as an elected or appointed member of the Township Committee unless they are a resident of the Township of Stillwater. If any person nominated for, or holding, a seat on the Township Committee shall cease to be a resident of the Township of Stillwater, the nomination or office, as the case may be, shall be deemed vacant and shall be filled in the manner permitted by law.
No person shall serve as an appointed member of a Township of Stillwater board or commission unless they are a resident of the Township of Stillwater. If any person appointed to such a board or commission shall cease to be a resident of the Township of Stillwater, their seat shall be deemed vacant and shall be filled in the manner permitted by law.
Should any candidate for or member of the Township Committee, or should any appointed member of a Township of Stillwater board or commission fail to maintain residency in the Township of Stillwater, such loss of residency shall be cause for their removal from their office.
The Township Committee is tasked with enforcement of this chapter and they or their designee may investigate any candidate, elected official or appointed official if that person appears be in violation of this chapter. Any person believed to be in violation of the residency requirement established herein or otherwise required by law shall be given written "notice of residency hearing" that sets forth the charge that they do not appear to be a bona fide resident of the Township of Stillwater and, further, notifying them of the time and place when the Committee will conduct the residency hearing to determine whether the person is a bona fide resident of the Township. The residency hearing must be scheduled at least 10 days after the date that the "notice of residency hearing" has been served on the person at issue, either by hand delivery or certified mail. At the residency hearing, the Township Committee or their designee shall present the witnesses and evidence they have obtained related to the lack of residency. The person charged or their designee shall be permitted to present their own witnesses and evidence related to their alleged residency. Factors that may be considered at the residency hearing, include, but are not limited to, the following:
Whether the residence where that person claims to reside is owned or rented by the person or their immediate family;
Whether time actually spent at the claimed residence exceeds that spent at other residences;
Whether the relationship among those persons living in the claimed residence is closer than those with whom the individual lives elsewhere. If an individual claims a parent's residence because of separation from his or her spouse or domestic partner, a court order or other evidence of separation may be requested;
Whether the residence recorded on a driver's license, motor vehicle registration, or voter registration card and other documents is the same as the claimed legal residence; and
If the person has children who are attending public school, whether those children are attending the public schools attended by residents of the Township of Stillwater and, if not, has a reasonable explanation been provided.
Although the above factors may be dispositive in certain cases, the decision on residency or lack thereof must ultimately be based on the totality of the circumstances, including the explanations and evidence provided by the person at issue. The Township Committee shall provide the person charged with their written decision within 10 days of the close of the residency hearing. The written decision will provide the reasoning and evidence supporting their finding. If the Commission determined that the residency requirement is not being met, the person will be immediately disqualified from service and will be deemed removed from office upon service of a notice of removal along with their written decision. Service shall be by either hand delivery or certified mail.
Failure to appear at the time and place of the residency hearing set forth in the notice of residency hearing from the Township Committee shall, except under exceptional circumstances accepted by the Committee, shall be sufficient cause for removal from office, unless otherwise prohibited by law.
The Township Committee is hereby authorized, in extraordinary circumstances only and upon written application of the person charged with violating the residency requirement, to extend the time for compliance with the residency requirement for a period up to but not exceeding six months. In considering whether there exists extraordinary circumstances for an extension of time, the Township Committee shall take into consideration the length of time the applicant had been a nonresident before the notice of violation was given; any objectively verifiable problems related to the sale of a home or in the purchase of a home within the Township of Stillwater that caused the violation; significant and verifiable financial problems concerning existing leases; significant verifiable difficulties in locating suitable living quarters within the Township of Stillwater; other verifiable financial hardships; and such other matters that would clearly create an undue burden on the person's family if the requested extension is denied.
[Added at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I)]
Procedure to be followed to fill vacancy where incumbent was a nominee of a political party:
If the vacancy occurs prior to September 1 in the next to last year of the term of the officer whose office has become vacant, the office shall be filled for its unexpired term at the next general election to be held not less than 60 days after the occurrence of the vacancy. The governing body may fill the position on a temporary basis until that next general election using the same method as set forth in N.J.S.A. 40A:16-5.
If the vacancy occurs on or after September 1 of the next-to-the-last year of the term of the officer whose office has become vacant, the office may be filled for its unexpired term by appointment by the governing body in manner set forth below (N.J.S.A. 40A:16-5). The governing body may fill the vacancy by appointment in the following manner (N.J.S.A. 40A:16-11):
Within 15 days after the occurrence of a vacancy, the municipal committee of the political party shall present to the governing body the names of three nominees for the selection of a successor to fill the vacancy.
Within 30 days after the occurrence of a vacancy, the governing body shall appoint one of the nominees as the successor to fill the vacancy.
If the governing body fails to appoint one of the nominees within the prescribed time, the municipal committee shall within the next 15 days or 45 days after the occurrence appoint one of the nominees as the successor to fill the vacancy.
If the municipal committee fails to submit the names of the nominees within the 15 days after the occurrence, the governing body may within the next 15 days or a total of 30 days appoint a successor from the same political party which had nominated the incumbent whose office has become vacant. [Note: If the vacancy occurs prior to September 1 in the next-to-last year of the term, the Governing Body may make a temporary appointment to fill the position until the next general election. See Subsection B(1) above.]