[Adopted 8-10-2020 by Ord. No. 1442; amended 1-10-2022 by Ord. No. 1458]
It shall be unlawful to keep chickens and ducks in the Borough of Tyrone except as provided by this article.
It shall be unlawful for the owner or owners of any chickens and ducks to allow the same to run at large upon any of the common thoroughfares, sidewalks, passageways, play areas, parks, streets, alleys, or public highways or any place where people congregate or walk, or upon any public or private property without an approved coop and run in the Borough. Any chicken or duck not contained within an approved coop or run shall be deemed "at large." Any owner of a chicken or duck found to be running at large shall be guilty of a nuisance in the same manner as declared by § 61-2 of this chapter.
Any property owner who wishes to keep chickens or ducks at their property shall obtain a permit from the Borough of Tyrone and pay a fee as established by Borough Council from time to time. Applications submitted by tenants of rental properties must submit a letter from the property owner indicating their consent to the keeping of chickens at the property.
No owner of property shall keep more than six chickens or ducks on their property, all of which shall be of the female gender. No roosters or drakes shall be permitted to be kept in the Borough of Tyrone. Property owners may only keep either chickens or ducks on their property, but not both chickens and ducks at the same time.
All owner or owners of chickens or ducks within the limits of the Borough are hereby required to house the same at all times under sanitary conditions so that the keeping of chickens or ducks shall not become either a public or private nuisance. The following provisions apply:
Chickens and ducks shall be housed in a coop no larger than 100 square feet and must allow for at least four square feet per chicken or duck.
Chicken or duck feces on private property shall not be allowed to accumulate to the degree that it becomes a public health nuisance or hazard. In cases where chicken or duck feces does accumulate on private property, the owner shall be in violation of this article.
Any person violating any provisions of this article, in a summary proceeding before any Magisterial District Judge, upon conviction, shall be sentenced to pay a fine of not more than $100, plus costs of prosecution, and, in default of payment of such fines and costs, to be imprisoned for not more than 30 days. A separate offense shall be deemed committed on each day during or on which a violation occurs or continues.
The provisions of this article shall be enforced by the Code Enforcement Officer, the Police Department of the Borough of Tyrone or other individual as designated by Council.