[Added 3-15-2021 by L.L. No. 1-2021]
The purpose of this article is to reduce infiltration and inflow into the sanitary sewer system operated by Nassau County, causing excess flow to the Nassau County Wastewater Treatment Plants and into groundwater and waterways in the County of Nassau and the Village of Valley Stream, by requiring inspection, testing, repair, replacement and ongoing maintenance of private sewer laterals by property owners within the Village of Valley Stream.
Private property sewer laterals comprise 50% of the entire sewer collection system, yet homeowners are often unaware of the condition of those laterals. Additionally, the costs to inspect and repair laterals are not anticipated by the homeowner and can be costly. Sewer laterals have a specific lifespan, and when that lifespan is reached, the aging lateral will cause contamination of soil, groundwater and aquifers, and will permit the introduction of rainwater and groundwater to the sanitary collection system, contributing to sanitary sewer overflows.
This article is adopted in compliance with the Federal Clean Water Act; the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Laws and Regulations; the Nassau County Sewer Ordinance, the Nassau County Public Health Ordinance and the Village of Valley Stream Plumbing Code.
The following terms apply to this article and are the same as, or supplement the definitions found in the Village of Valley Stream Plumbing Code:
A pipe fitting and associated piping connected to a lateral that provides access to the lateral for the purpose of inspection and maintenance.
A cleanout as part of a private sewer lateral.
A cleanout at or near the property line or street curbline that is maintained by Nassau County.
Raw sewage that leaks out of laterals into soil, groundwater and waterways.
Groundwater and runoff from rainfall or any other source that passes through the soil into a lateral through defects in the sewer pipes and associated structures.
Runoff from rainfall that enters the lateral through non-sanitary sewer connections.
The combination of inflow and infiltration.
LOWER LATERALThe portion of a lateral that is located in the public right-of-way and extends from the curb to the main sewer. A lower lateral is also referred to as a spur.
UPPER LATERALThe pipe, line or sewer running across or through any property and connecting to a pipe, line or sewer owned by the municipality or municipal authority for the purpose of transporting wastewater for treatment, usually at a cleanout or curb.
In all other cases, the Plumbing Inspector, Building Inspector, Village Engineer, Certified Code Enforcement Official or designee of the Village Board of Trustees shall determine the extent of the private sewer lateral, based on applicable circumstances, in a manner that best accomplishes the purpose of this article.
A sanitary sewer line directly controlled by Nassau County and located in the public right-of-way or in Village and County easements that collects flow from more than one sewer lateral.
Any facility that directly or indirectly conveys stormwater, surface water, roof runoff, intercepted groundwater or subsurface drainage into sanitary sewers, including but not limited to downspouts, yard drains or other sources of stormwater or other run-off.
Any structure or building as defined in the Code of Ordinances that is provided with public sewer service by Nassau County.
It shall be the sole responsibility of private property owners to perform all required maintenance, repair and replacement of private sewer laterals in accordance with this article and any other Village, county, state and federal standards. For purposes of this chapter, the Village adopts the NASSCO Pipeline Assessment Standards for maintenance of private sewer laterals and for the determination of the proper condition of private sewer laterals. The relevant portions of those standards are set forth below:
Private sewer laterals shall be kept free from roots, grease deposits and other solids that may impede the flow or obstruct the transmission of waste.
Private sewer laterals shall not exhibit signs of infiltration.
Private sewer laterals shall not exhibit signs of exfiltration or leakage.
Private sewer lateral pipe joints shall be tight, and all private sewer lateral pipes shall be free of any structural defects such as cracks, deterioration, breaks, fractures, collapses, openings, holes or missing portions, and the grade shall be uniform without sags or offsets.
Private sewer laterals shall be composed of materials that are permitted pursuant to New York State plumbing codes and shall not contain substandard pipe materials.
Prior to a connection, disconnection, or repair, Dig Safely NY shall be contacted to mark utility infrastructure. The work shall be scheduled so that there is minimum inconvenience to local residents.
All costs associated with the provisions of this article shall be borne by the property owner.
In addition to the enforcement process and penalties provided in Article V, any condition caused or permitted to exist by the property owner in violation of any of the provisions of this article is a threat to public health, safety and welfare and declared and deemed a nuisance, and may be summarily abated or restored at the violator's expense, and or a civil action to abate, enjoin or otherwise compel the cessation of such nuisance may be taken.
All ordinances, local laws or resolutions, or parts of ordinances, local laws or resolutions of the Incorporated Village of Valley Stream inconsistent with the provisions of this article are hereby repealed, provided, however, that such repeal shall be only to the extent of such inconsistency and in all other respects this article shall be in addition to other legislation regulating and governing the subject matter covered by this article.
If any section, paragraph, subdivision or provision of this article shall be adjudged invalid or held unconstitutional, the same shall not affect the validity of this article as a whole or any part or provision thereof, other than the part so decided to be invalid or unconstitutional.
The foregoing provisions shall take effect immediately upon filing with the Secretary of State.