[Amended 3-11-1985 by Ord. No. O-85-15; 2-28-1994 by Ord. No. O-94-04; 11-22-2010 by Ord. No. O-10-46; 7-9-2012 by Ord. No. O-12-15]
There is hereby created a Department of Administration in which there shall be a Division of Human Resources, a Division of System Control, a Division of Grants, a Division of the Treasury, a Division of Tax Collection, a Division of Insurance and a Division of Data Processing, Division of Administrative Services, a Division of Finance, a Division of Community Services and Information, and an Office of the Township Tax Assessor. The Department of Administration, under the director and supervision of the Business Administrator and the Mayor, shall assist in the preparation of the budget and be responsible for the development and administration of a sound personnel system.
[Amended 2-28-1994 by Ord. No. O-94-04]
The head of the Department of Administration shall be the Business Administrator. He shall be appointed by the Mayor, with the advice and consent of the Council and until the appointment and qualification of a successor. He shall receive such compensation as shall be fixed from time to time by a general salary ordinance. He shall be qualified by training and experience in municipal budgeting, accounting and finance. The Director of Administration shall supervise the work of the Department and its divisions, and serve when necessary and without additional compensation as Acting Township Assessor, Acting Township Tax Collector, Acting Township Treasurer/Chief Financial Officer and Acting Township Controller. He shall be the appointing authority for all division heads within the Department, all technical personnel necessary in order to carry out the function of the Department, and he shall also be responsible for the information gathering function necessary for the Council and the various advisory boards to make intelligent decisions and recommendations.
The head of the Division of Assessments in the Department of Administration and Finance shall be the Township Tax Assessor, who shall be appointed by the Business Administrator for the term of four years as per N.J.S.A. 40A:9-148. He shall receive such compensation as shall be fixed, from time to time, by a general salary ordinance. He shall have, perform and discharge all the functions, powers, and duties prescribed for Assessors by general law and municipal ordinance.
The head of the Division of Tax Collections in the Department of Administration and Finance shall be the Tax Collector, who shall be appointed by the Business Administrator for the term of four years as per N.J.S.A. 40A:9-142. He shall receive such compensation as shall be fixed, from time to time, by a general salary ordinance. He shall have, perform and discharge all the functions, powers and duties prescribed for Tax Collectors by general law and municipal ordinance. He shall receive and collect all moneys assessed or raised by taxes or assessments for any purpose or by other Township ordinance at the direction of the Business Administrator. He shall keep proper records and shall report to the Director of Administration at least once a month, all receipts and deposits made by him and shall in such report account for all moneys for which he is responsible.
The head of the Division of the Treasury shall be the Township Treasurer, who shall be appointed by the Business Administrator for a term of one year. The Treasurer shall have, perform and exercise all of the functions, powers and duties prescribed by general law and Township ordinance. He shall have the custody of all public moneys of the Township.
All moneys received from any source by or on behalf of the Township or any department, division, board, office or agency, except as otherwise provided by ordinance, shall be paid to the Treasurer, who shall, by the next ensuing bank day after their receipt, deposit them to the credit of the Township in the authorized depository of the Township to the credit of the proper account. He shall receive such compensation as shall be fixed, from time to time, by a general salary ordinance.
The Township Council shall approve or disapprove all claims. Claims shall be referred to Council only upon vouchers meeting the currently operative requirements of N.J.S.A. 40A:5-16 and bearing the signature of the Treasurer or his designee, certifying the claim to be within a budgetary appropriation, and bearing the signature of the Business Administrator recommending the same, and containing such other information or preapproval authorizations as may reasonably be required by the Business Administrator. Upon approval of a claim by the Township Council, the Township Clerk or Deputy shall certify such approval by signing the approved voucher. Disbursement and payment of approved claims shall be by check drawn on the Treasurer, signed by the Mayor or in his/her absence the Acting Mayor and countersigned by the Treasurer or in his absence the Assistant Treasurer and the Business Administrator or, in his absence, the Township Clerk.
[Amended 3-11-1985 by Ord. No. O-85-15]
The head of the Division of Human Resources shall be the Human Resources Manager who shall be appointed by the Business Administrator for an indefinite term subject to suspension or removal by the Business Administrator. The responsibility of the Division of Human Resources shall be the creation of a Human Resources System, which will encourage the highest level of efficient employer-employee relationship which will assure maximum return for the employee efforts expended in supplying municipal service to the Township. The specific responsibilities of the Human Resources Manager and the Division shall be:
Create and maintain safeguard employee files.
Recruit, interview and screen potential employees.
Compile employee information handbook.
Prepare and maintain policy manual.
Conduct orientation seminar for new employees.
Outline and familiarize all employees with all available benefits.
Implement procedures for all employee status changes (promotions, transfers and terminations, etc.).
Handle all outside inquiries about employees, i.e., reference checking, proof of salary and/or employment.
Prepare employee evaluation form.
Instruct supervisors in proper employee evaluation procedures.
Conduct a procedures seminar on employee review with supervisors.
Implement interdepartmental training seminars.
File yearly EEO government reports.
Handle all medical insurance claims.
Evaluate wage and salary vs. job performance.
Conduct exit interviews.
Administration and enforcement of Township personnel rules and regulations.
Administration of Civil Service Rules and Regulations.
Perform and discharge all the functions, powers, and duties prescribed for personnel agents by general law and municipal ordinance.
Various duties and responsibilities assigned by Mayor and Business Administrator.
The Human Resources Manager shall receive such compensation as shall be fixed, from time to time, by the general salary ordinance. The Division shall include, in addition to the Human Resources Manager, any clerical staff as provided for by Township Council in order to function properly.
The head of the Division of Aids and Grants in the Department of Administration and Finance shall be appointed by the Business Administrator for an indefinite term, subject to suspension or removal by the Business Administrator. He shall be charged with the efficient administration of all federal or state grant or aid programs in which the Township may participate. He shall keep the Council informed as to federal grants and aid projects and state grants and aid projects and any other aid programs for which the Township may qualify. He shall have direct responsibility for the proper completion and filing of any applications and forms relative to all grants and aid programs. He shall receive such compensation as shall be fixed, from time to time, by a general salary ordinance.
The head of the Division of Systems Control in the Department of Administration and Finance shall be appointed by the Business Administrator for an indefinite term, subject to suspension or removal by the Business Administrator. He shall be charged with the responsibility of studying, analyzing, investigating and evaluating all departments and divisions of the Township government. The Business Administrator may, from time to time, assign personnel from any other department, on a temporary basis, to assist in the studying, analyzing, investigating and evaluating of a specific department or division. He shall receive such compensation as shall be fixed, from time to time, by a general salary ordinance.
The head of the Division of Insurance in the Department of Administration and Finance shall be appointed by the Business Administrator for an indefinite term, subject to suspension or removal by the Business Administrator. He shall be responsible for and coordinate the insurance needs of the Township. He shall receive such compensation as shall be fixed, from time to time, by a general salary ordinance.
The head of the Division of Data Processing in the Department of Administration and Finance shall be appointed by the Business Administrator for an indefinite term, subject to suspension or removal by the Business Administrator. He should develop and coordinate data processing for the various divisions and departments of the Township. He shall receive such compensation as shall be fixed, from time to time, by a general salary ordinance.
The head of the Division of Administrative Services in the Department of Administration and Finance shall be the Business Administrator, who shall serve at no additional compensation. He shall be responsible for and coordinate those administrative services required by all the various departments, such as but not limited to staffing the telephone switchboard, coordinating the placement and renewal of telephones within the municipal buildings, mail service, placement and operations of copying equipment, etc.
[Added 2-28-1994 by Ord. No. O-94-04]
The head of the Division of Finance shall be the Chief Financial Officer of the Township, who shall be appointed by the Business Administrator, and until appointment and qualification of a successor. The Chief Financial Officer shall receive such compensation as shall be fixed from time to time by the general salary ordinance. The Chief Financial Officer shall have, perform and exercise all of the functions, powers and duties prescribed by general law and the Township ordinances. The Chief Financial Officer shall be responsible for the accounting, pre-auditing, control, receipt, custody and disbursement of the Township revenues and expenditures and for all fiscal matters and financial policies of the municipality; serve when necessary and without additional compensation as Acting Township Administrator, Township Assessor, Acting Township Collector and Township Controller.
[Added 11-22-2010 by Ord. No. O-10-46]
The head of the Division of Community Services and Information shall be the Director of the Department of Administration and Finance. He shall receive such compensation as shall be fixed, from time to time, by a general salary ordinance. The Director of Administration and Finance shall be the head of each Division, subject to the direction of the Mayor, be responsible for the proper and efficient conduct of the community services and information functions of the municipal government, shall supervise and direct the work of the Division of Community Services and Information and shall perform such other duties as from time to time be prescribed by the Mayor, at no additional compensation. Within the Division of Community Services and Information there shall be a Division of Public Information, a Division of Health and Welfare and a Division of Employee Safety Committee.
The Division of Public Information shall be responsible for the informational literature, publications and other matters pertaining to an informed public.
The Division of Health and Welfare shall be responsible for the proper and efficient conduct of the health and welfare functions of the Township government and shall include the Registrar of Vital Statistics.
The Division of Employees Safety Committee shall be responsible for overseeing and directing a program of employees safety.
[Added 7-9-2012 by Ord. No. O-12-15]
The Office of Township Tax Assessor is hereby created pursuant to statute (N.J.S.A. 40:69A-43). The head of said office shall be the Municipal Tax Assessor who shall be appointed by the Mayor with the advice and consent of Council and subject to the terms of general law providing for said office and shall be under the supervision of the Mayor and shall be subject to such general administrative procedures and requirements as are departments of the municipal government. Prior to such appointment, the Municipal Tax Assessor shall hold a tax assessor certificate and shall be qualified by training and experience to perform the duties of the office.
The Municipal Tax Assessor shall be appointed for a term of four years from the first day of July next following his or her appointment, and vacancies other than due to expiration of term shall be filled by appointment for the unexpired term, as provided under general statute (N.J.S.A. 40A:9-148 and N.J.S.A. 54:1-35.31 et seq.). The Municipal Tax Assessor shall receive such compensation as shall be fixed from time to time, by general salary ordinance, subject to the provisions of (N.J.S.A. 40A:9-165).
The Municipal Tax Assessor shall have the duty of assessing property for the purpose of general taxation as prescribed by law (N.J.S.A. 40A:9-148.1) and shall provide the following services: making appraisals of real property upon which assessed values are based; reviewing and determining applications for tax exemptions and tax deductions; representing the assessing office to the public, the governing body and other municipal officials representing the assessing office and the taxing district to the County Board of Taxation and directly report to and receive instruction from the County Board of Taxation; and represent the assessing office and the taxing district at formal tax appeal hearings.