It is the purpose and intent of this chapter to allow the greatest flexibility in administrative positions in order to accomplish the aims of local government, the primary aim being services to the general public. In order to accomplish this flexibility, the following items are specifically noted:
All officers and employees of the Township of Gloucester may, during time of need, be asked to fill other positions on a temporary basis without additional compensation, except as required by collective bargaining agreement and civil service regulations.
Any administrative function, power or duty of the municipality not specifically allocated to some other department is allocated to the Department of Administration.
The department heads shall appoint subordinate officers and employees within their respective departments, except as otherwise provided by law, ordinance or this Charter, and with the approval of the Mayor, remove such officers and employees, subject to civil service regulations and to any tenure rights of said officers or employees.
All appointing powers of the department heads are subject to budget restrictions and limitations.
A department head may be appointed on an acting basis so that the Mayor may determine from actual supervision whether such acting department head should be appointed on a permanent basis. An acting department head shall have all rights and powers of the permanent department head. A person may be appointed an acting department head without the advice and consent of Council; provided, however, that any such appointment of an acting director shall terminate not later than 90 days after the date of the appointment, unless the Council shall, by resolution, authorize one or more extensions thereof.
A division head may be appointed as an acting department head, and such services shall be without additional compensation.
All references in other ordinances to Mayor, Council or Manager are hereby amended to read:
Mayor as the appointing authority for department heads and as to executive powers.
Department head as the appointing authority for division heads and subordinate officers and employees, except as otherwise provided by law, other ordinances or this Charter.
Business Administrator as to functions in departments allocated to the Department of Administration and Finance in this ordinance.
Council as to legislative powers.
As otherwise compelled by state statute or common sense.
In doubtful cases, as may be decided by further ordinance.
All records, equipment and other property of any kind or description of the Township of Gloucester now in the possession of or under the control of the employees or officers of the former government of the Township of Gloucester shall be transferred to the corresponding officer, department or board provided for herein and, if none be provided, then the office of the Township Clerk.
All 1982 budget appropriations and remaining budget balances in the 1982 budget of the Township of Gloucester shall be transferred to the corresponding office, board or department created by this chapter, and the remaining balances shall be available for the uses and purposes set forth in the original appropriation.
As soon as practicable after July 1, 1982, the Business Administrator shall transmit to the Council an appropriate resolution in the form required by the Department of Community Affairs of the State of New Jersey, to make such correction of the title, text or amount of any item of appropriation appearing in the budget for 1982 as adopted, as may be necessary to make any or all of such items of appropriation conform with the organization of the government in allocation of functions, powers and duties prescribed herein, provided that the available overall total of budget expenditures shall not be increased thereby, nor shall any items of appropriations required for debt service, contingent expenses, deferred charges, statutory expenditures, judgments or reserves be reduced or limited thereby.
In the absence of any appointment to the position of department head and division head, or in the event of any vacancy in such positions, the Mayor shall, and until an appointment is made or a vacancy filled, serve as such department or division head without additional compensation.
[Added 5-30-1984 by Ord. No. O-84-21]
Subject to New Jersey statutes as provided, the Township Council of the Township of Gloucester does hereby authorize the indemnification of its appointees and officials while acting in the course of their duties, including members of Council.
There shall be no indemnification pursuant to this section if it is established that the public appointee or official acted or failed to act because of actual fraud, malice or willful misconduct.
All suits, claims or demands upon former appointees, officials or Councilpersons who have been named individually as defendants in civil suits relative to Township business during the term of their holding office in the Township of Gloucester or as a result of holding such office shall be defended, and said former appointee, official or Councilperson shall be indemnified and held harmless by the Township of Gloucester.
[Added 6-24-1996 by Ord. No. O-96-29; amended 9-9-1996 by Ord. No. O-96-35]
The policy of anti-nepotism is expanded to prohibit the appointment or continuing employment by the appointing authority or members of the appointing authority of persons related by blood or marriage to the appointing authority, or members of the appointing authority, who shall serve in subordinate jobs, positions or offices or for profit in the Township of Gloucester.
No person who is a relative of any Township appointing authority shall be appointed and/or employed by the Township unless such is recognized by statutory protection.
This enhanced anti-nepotism section is to end any preferential recognition of the relatives of local governmental officials.
Definitions. As used in this section, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
Includes the office of the Mayor, Township Council; department heads, statutory boards, authorities, agencies and committees.
The bestowal of patronage by public officers in appointing others to offices or positions by reason of their blood or marital relationship to the appointing authority, rather than because of the merit or ability of the appointee.
Prohibited. No appointing authority shall appoint, or employ with or without compensation, persons related by blood or marriage to any subordinate job, position or office or services for profit in the Township government of the Township of Gloucester.
Exception. Nothing in this section shall be interpreted so as to prohibit the appointment or employment of persons to positions pursuant to the rules and regulations of the Department of Personnel of the State of New Jersey, N.J.S.A. 11A:1-1, Civil Service Act, and Title 4A of the New Jersey Administrative Code, and contracts and agreements advertised for and let by bids pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40A:11-1.
[Added 6-24-1996 by Ord. No. O-96-29; amended 9-9-1996 by Ord. No. O-96-35; 1-22-2001 by Ord. No. O-00-41]
The purpose of this section is to eliminate immediately the provision of group medical insurance benefits and/or any local property tax credit benefit and/or any "Flex Plan" policy benefit in lieu thereof to all elected and part-time appointed officials. Said policy shall become applicable to the part-time appointed Gloucester Township Municipal Utilities Authority Commissioners and the part-time appointed officials thereof.
This section applies in prohibition of provision to all elected and part-time appointed officials regardless of the date of appointment or election.
Thirty days from effective date of this section is extended to enable one to secure new nontaxpayer-financed medical insurance coverage.
For the purpose of this section, the elected position of Mayor shall not be eliminated from the provision of group medical insurance benefits.
[Added 9-9-1996 by Ord. No. O-96-35]
The filing of the Local Government Ethics Law financial disclosure statement shall be a prerequisite to all appointments and employments of those subject to the statutory annual requirement.
This legislative intent is to enhance integrity by precluding potential appointments and employments with potential conflicts of interest.