[Adopted 1-13-1978 by Ord. No. O-77-35]
[Amended 6-25-1984 by Ord. No. O-84-19A; 7-28-1986 by Ord. No. O-86-23; 9-15-1987 by Ord. No. O-87-37; 10-28-1991 by Ord. No. O-91-49; 2-12-2007 by Ord. No. O-07-04; 11-22-2010 by Ord. No. O-10-48]
The following fees which are to be prepaid by the requestor are established for the furnishing of copies of records, reports, documents, photographs and other services prepared, maintained and performed by the Police Department of the Township of Gloucester:
Photostatic copy of Traffic Division accident report:
$0.05 per letter size page.
$0.07 per legal size page.
Computerized incident report.
$0.05 per letter size page.
$0.07 per legal size page.
DWI reports, including refusal or result: $0.05 per letter size page.
Photostatic copy of investigation reports, including vehicle report, animal incident report, general broadcast sheets.
$0.05 per copy for letter size page.
$0.07 per copy for legal size page.
Photostatic copy of arrest record.
$0.05 per copy for letter size page.
$0.07 per copy for legal size page.
Per photo including contact sheet: actual cost of photo.
Photocopying of photo: $0.05 per photo.
DVD: Actual cost.
Photostatic copies of other records.
$0.05 per copy for letter size page.
$0.07 per copy for legal size page.
Videotapes, sound recording and other copies of nonreport records.
The fee shall be determined by the actual cost incurred by the Township.
This fee shall include the cost of materials necessary to prepare and deliver said request.
The agency or person making the request will be billed in advance so that the agency or person making the request will be fully aware of the cost(s) involved.
Request to impound videotapes, sound recordings, etc. When a request is made, in writing, to impound a videotape, sound recording, etc., the agency or person making the request shall reimburse the Township for the current market price of the item being impounded so that the operation of the Township shall not be impeded.
Unusual requests for documents.
The fee for exceptional or unusual requests for review of records and/or copies shall be determined on a case-by-case basis.
All fees hereunder shall be estimated and prepaid by requestor. If estimated sums exceed actual cost, excess shall be refunded. If estimated cost does not cover actual cost and expense incurred by the Township, requestor shall pay the difference immediately upon delivery of the documents or materials.
Postage. If copies of reports are requested other than in person, an additional fee shall be charged to cover the cost of mailing the request. This additional fee shall be determined by the current postage rate at the time of mailing.
Exempted materials. The establishment of the foregoing fees shall in no way be construed as obligating the custodian of the records to provide such records, reports, documents, photographs, tape recordings or video recordings, when the records, documents, etc., are evidential reports and the case is pending further investigation and/or court disposition or when the matter may be pending grand jury or criminal court action and written consent of the Prosecutor of the county is necessary or when otherwise limited by law.
No charge or fee shall be made for the furnishing of copies of records, reports, documents, photographs and other information to any federal, state, county or municipal law enforcement department or agency.
All requests for copies of records, reports, documents, photographs and other services prepared, maintained and performed by the Police Department of the Township of Gloucester shall be made and directed to the Police Record Division of said Police Department. All requests must provide sufficient and accurate data for the search and furnishing of the same, such as the names of the drivers, the time, location and date of the accident or incident, the name of the defendant, the summons number, the date of the violation, etc.
[Amended 10-28-1991 by Ord. No. O-91-49]
All fees shall be prepaid by requestor. All fees shall be payable to the Township of Gloucester and presented to and collected by the Treasurer of the Township of Gloucester who shall issue a duplicate receipt therefor, one of which shall be given by the Treasurer or person making the request to the custodian of the records in the Police Record Division of the Police Department.
If any article, section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this article is for any reason held to be unconstitutional or invalid, such decision or invalidity shall not affect the remaining portions or provisions of this article.
All ordinances and provisions thereof inconsistent with the provisions of this article shall be and are hereby repealed to the extent of such inconsistency.
This article shall take effect immediately after final passage and publication in accordance with the laws of the State of New Jersey.