[HISTORY: Adopted by the Township Council of the Township of Gloucester as indicated in article histories. Amendments noted where applicable.]
[Adopted 8-26-1985 by Ord. No. O-85-48.[1]]
Editor's Note: This ordinance also superseded former Ch. 52, Fire Prevention Code, adopted 6-4-1969 by Ord. No. 373.
[Amended 5-11-1987 by Ord. No. O-87-15]
Pursuant to Section 11 of the Uniform Safety Act (P.L. 1983, c. 393),[1] New Jersey Uniform Fire Safety Code shall be locally enforced within the established limits of Fire District No. 1, Fire District No. 2, Fire District No. 3, Fire District No. 4, Fire District No. 5 and Fire District No. 6 in the Township of Gloucester, County of Camden and State of New Jersey.
Editor's Note: See N.J.S.A. 52:27D-202.
[Amended 5-11-1987 by Ord. No. O-87-15]
The local enforcing agencies shall be the respective Bureaus of Fire Prevention created by the respective Boards of Fire Commissioners of Fire District No. 1, Fire District No. 2, Fire District No. 3, Fire District No. 4, Fire District No. 5, and Fire District No. 6, each within the respective limits of said Fire Districts heretofore created and established in and by ordinance listed below:
Fire District No. 1 - Ordinance No. 208, entitled "An Ordinance to Establish Fire District No. 1 in the Township of Gloucester, County of Camden and State of New Jersey," adopted January 21, 1957 (Chapter A100, Article I, of the Code of the Township of Gloucester).
Fire District No. 2 - Ordinance No. 209, entitled "An Ordinance to Establish Fire District No. 2 in the Township of Gloucester, County of Camden and State of New Jersey," adopted January 21, 1957 (Chapter A100, Article II, of the Code of the Township of Gloucester).
Fire District No. 3 - Ordinance No. 210, entitled "An Ordinance to Establish Fire District No. 3 in the Township of Gloucester, County of Camden and State of New Jersey," adopted January 21, 1957 (Chapter A100, Article III, of the Code of the Township of Gloucester).
Fire District No. 4 - Ordinance No. 211, entitled "An Ordinance to Establish Fire District No. 4 in the Township of Gloucester, County of Camden and State of New Jersey," adopted January 21, 1957 (Chapter A100, Article IV, of the Code of the Township of Gloucester).
Fire District No. 5 - Ordinance No. O-77-32, entitled "An Ordinance to Establish Fire District No. 5 in the Township of Gloucester, County of Camden and State of New Jersey," adopted December 30, 1977 (Chapter A100, Article V, of the Code of the Township of Gloucester).
Fire District No. 6 - Ordinance No. O-77-33, entitled "An Ordinance to establish Fire District No. 6 in the Township of Gloucester County of Camden and State of New Jersey," adopted December 30, 1977 (Chapter A100, Article VI, of the Code of the Township of Gloucester).
The local enforcement agencies shall enforce the Uniform Fire Safety Act and the codes and regulations adopted under it in all buildings, structures and premises within the respective established boundaries of Fire District No. 1, Fire District No. 2, Fire District No. 3, Fire District No. 4, Fire District No. 5, Fire District No. 6, other than owner-occupied one- and two-family dwellings, and shall faithfully comply with the requirements of the Uniform Fire Safety Act and the Uniform Fire Code.
Each local enforcing agency established by Section 2 of this ordinance shall carry out the periodic inspections of life hazard uses required by the Uniform Fire Code on behalf of the Commissioner of Community Affairs.
[Amended 5-11-1987 by Ord. No. O-87-15]
Each local enforcing agency established by § 52-2 of this article shall be a part of the Fire District and shall be under the supervision of the Fire Official who shall report to the Board of Fire Commissioners. Such funds as may be necessary to support the operation of the agency shall be raised by the District in the manner provided by law.
Appointment of Fire Official. Each local enforcing agency shall be under the supervision of a Fire Official who shall be appointed by the Board of Fire Commissioners of said Fire District.
Term of office of Fire Official. The Fire Official of each enforcing agency shall serve for a term of one year. Any vacancy occurring during the term of said office shall be filled for the unexpired term.
Inspectors and employees. Each Fire District shall appoint such inspectors and employees as may be necessary to carry out all required inspection activity in the Fire District. Such inspectors and employees shall be under the supervision and control of the Fire Official.
Removal from office. Fire Officials, inspectors and other employees of the enforcing agency shall be subject to removal by the Board of Fire Commissioners for inefficiency or misconduct. Each Fire Official, inspector or employee to be so removed shall be first afforded an opportunity to be heard by the appointing authority or a designated hearing officer.
Pursuant to Section 15 and 17 of the Uniform Fire Safety Act,[1] any person aggrieved by any order of any local enforcement agency shall have the right to appeal to the Construction Board of Appeals of Camden County.
Editor's Note: See N.J.S.A. 52:27D-206 and 52:27D-208, respectively.
In addition to the inspection and fees required pursuant to the Act and the regulations of the Department of Community Affairs, the following additional inspections, registration and fees shall be required:
Inspection fees for non-life-hazard use buildings.
[Amended 5-11-1987 by Ord. No. O-87-15; 10-25-1993 by Ord. No. O-93-52]
Residential buildings.
Time of inspection is once every 12 months.
Residential use group includes buildings with dwelling units not listed as a life hazard use by the New Jersey Bureau of Fire Safety, except one- or two-family owner-occupied units, containing common areas, each building as follows:
[Amended 5-23-2011 by Ord. No. O-11-13]
Unit Size
1 to 3 units
4 to 10 units
11 to 20 units
21 to 40 units
For each additional 20 units or less
Commercial or industrial use groups.
Commercial or industrial use group includes all buildings not listed as life hazard use by the New Jersey Bureau of Fire Safety.
Building type.
[Amended 4-11-2011 by Ord. No. O-11-10]
Buildings with or without attached dwelling units not in excess of 1,000 square feet: $35.
Buildings with or without attached dwelling units in excess of 1,000 square feet not exceeding 3,000 square feet: $58.
Buildings with or without attached dwelling units in excess of 3,000 square feet not exceeding 9,000 square feet: $86.
Buildings in excess of 9,000 square feet not exceeding 15,000 square feet: $144.
Buildings in excess of 15,000 square feet not exceeding 50,000 square feet: $200.
Buildings in excess of 50,000 square feet not exceeding 100,000 square feet: $260.
Buildings in excess of 100,000 square feet not exceeding 200,000 square feet: $460.
Buildings in excess of 200,000 square feet not exceeding 300,000 square feet: $690.
For each additional 100,000 square feet or part thereof: $230.
Any structure requiring inspection not covered under either the Life Hazard Fee Schedule or the Non-Life Hazard Fee Schedule: $25.
Certificate of Fire Code status: $10.
[Amended 4-11-2011 by Ord. No. O-11-10]
Fee established for copies of Fire Marshal investigative/incident reports to insurance companies, owners or occupants: $35.
[Amended 4-11-2011 by Ord. No. O-11-10]
Fee exemptions. The following buildings or structures if classified as a non-life hazard, although not exempt from registration or inspection, will be exempt from paying an inspection fee as pursuant to the Act. These buildings are as follows: municipal-owned buildings, fire stations and EMS stations.
[Amended 10-25-1993 by Ord. No. O-93-52]
Fee and inspection exemption.
[Added 4-10-1995 by Ord. No. O-95-14]
Any complex, defined as a non-life-hazard use, that is presently under the jurisdiction and review of the Department of Housing and Urban Development, and is thereby required to conduct annual inspections and maintain reports, which annual inspections shall include all common areas of the complex, shall be exempt from the inspection and fee as required by this article; provided, however, that such complex shall submit annually to the Fire Official having jurisdiction over the complex an annual fire inspection report to include an inspection for appropriate smoke detectors and fire alarms, and fire suppression equipment as may from time to time be required by the Uniform Fire Prevention Code of the State of New Jersey.
Failure to file the inspection report with the Fire Official shall be cause to require the Fire Official to schedule and conduct his own inspection as may be required by this article and collect the approved fees as set forth in this article.
The annual inspection report form to be filed with the local Fire Official shall be on the form approved by the Fire Official and shall be complete as to all contents.
An inspection shall be conducted by the local Fire Official at every fifth year following the adoption of this § 52-8E, and the inspection fee required by this subsection shall be paid by the complex at the time of such inspection.
[Amended 5-11-1987 by Ord. No. O-87-15]
The permit fees established by the Uniform Fire Code shall be amended as follows:
[Amended 1-25-1993 by Ord. No. O-93-02]
Fire Safety Permits
Type 1 Permit
Type 2 Permit
Type 3 Permit
Type 4 Permit
Type 5 Permit
Nonprofit organizations shall be required to secure all permits, but shall not be required to pay fees therefor.
[Amended 5-11-1987 by Ord. No. O-87-15]
Fire Prevention Code. The following provisions are new and supplemental provisions and are not otherwise changes of existing provisions of the Uniform Fire Code:
F306.5. Parade floats. All decorative materials utilized on parade floats greater than 365 square feet shall be flame resistant in accordance with the field test of NFPA 701 listed in Chapter 44 of the New Jersey Uniform Fire Code.
[Added 4-26-1999 by Ord. No. O-99-12]
F326.0. Storage or parking of internal combustion engine vehicle.
F326.1 General: No person shall store or park or cause to store or park any internal combustion engine vehicle (including but limited to those commonly known as a motorcycle, moped, dirt bike, lawn mower, snow blower, etc.) in or on any apartment or multifamily dwelling unit, porch, balcony, covered patio area, entrance, exits or any other private area of an apartment or multifamily dwelling unit.
F327.0. Storage or use of liquefied petroleum gas containers.
F327.1 General: The operation, use, maintenance or storage of any liquefied petroleum gas (LP gas or LPG) containers with a capacity in excess of one pound LPG is prohibited in or on any apartment or multifamily dwelling unit, porch, balcony, covered patio area, entrance, exits or any other private area of an apartment or multifamily dwelling unit.
F328.0. Outdoor fires.
F328.1 General: The use, operation or maintenance of any open fire or any device commonly known as a "barbecue" is prohibited in or on any apartment or multifamily dwelling unit, porch, balcony, covered patio area, entrance, exit or any other private area of an apartment or multifamily dwelling unit.
F329.0. Fire hydrant use approval.
F329.1 General: approval required: No person shall use or operate any fire hydrant available for use of the Fire Department for fire suppression purposes unless such person first secures approval for such use from the Fire Official and Garden State Water Company and/or New Jersey Water Company, in accordance with provision herein.
F329.2. Public water supply, location or relocation: The Fire Official shall recommend to the Board of Fire Commissioners who, in turn, shall recommend to the Planning Board or Zoning Board of Gloucester Township the location or relocation of new or existing fire hydrants and the placement or replacement of inadequate water mains located upon public property and deemed necessary to provide an adequate fire flow and distribution pattern. A fire hydrant shall not be placed into or removed from service until approved by the Board of Fire Commissioners of the Fire District.
F329.3. Yard system. Location or relocation: All new and existing shopping centers, apartment complexes, oil storage plants, lumber yards, and educational or institutional complexes and similar occupancies and uses involving high fire or life hazards, and which are located more than 150 feet from a public street or which require quantities of water beyond the capabilities of the public water distribution system shall be provided with properly placed fire hydrants. Such fire hydrants shall be capable of supplying fire flows as required by the I.S.O. and shall be connected to a water system in accordance with accepted engineering practices. The Board of Fire Commissioners of the Fire District shall designate and approve the number and location of fire hydrants. Private hydrants shall not be placed into or removed from service until approved by the Board of Fire Commissioners of the Fire District.
[Amended 8-24-1987 by Ord. No. O-87-25]
F330.0. Street obstructions.
F330.1 General: No person shall erect, construct, place or maintain any bumps, fences, gates, chains, bars, pipes, wood or metal horses or any other type of obstruction in or on any street within Gloucester Township. The word "street" shall mean any roadway accessible to the public for vehicular traffic, including but not limited to private streets or access lanes, as well as all public streets and highways within Gloucester Township.
Nothing in this section shall prohibit the use of temporary barricades within Gloucester Township, provided approval is obtained from the Chief of Police and proper notification is given to Director of Public Works and Camden County Communications.
F409.0. Manual fire extinguishment equipment.
F409.7 Sale of defective fire extinguishers: No person shall sell, trade, loan, or give away any form, type, or kind of fire extinguisher that is not listed and/or labeled by a recognized testing laboratory in accordance with the NFPA 10. The requirements of this section shall not apply to the sale, trade or exchange of obsolete or damaged, disfigured or marked with a permanent sign identifying the unit as junk.[1]
Editor's Note: Former Section 10.A.2 of Ord. No. O-87-15, which contained a change to the Uniform Fire Code, which immediately followed this subsection, was repealed 1-25-1993 by Ord. No. O-93-02.
This article shall be known and may be cited or referred to as the "Gloucester Township Fire Safety Code Enforcement Ordinance."
[Adopted 12-15-2008 by Ord. No. O-08-30]
Chapter 52 shall be and is hereby amended by adding the following sections requiring the installation of a Knox-Box® rapid entry system on all structures as noted below, and to establish installation requirements and compliance as determined by the local Fire Official.
Experience has shown when fires occur in buildings, the Fire Department must make entry into the structure, locate, confine, control and extinguishment the fire. Further, fires within buildings are not always readily evident from the outside when the Fire Department arrives. Delaying Fire Department entry into a building can and will allow a fire to grow and make the fire more dangerous. When evidence of a fire is noted from the outside, forcible entry into a building is time consuming and represents a delay in locating and extinguishing the fire. In order to expedite entry into a structure and to aid the Fire Department in the task of extinguishment, the installation of a Knox-Box® rapid entry system shall be required.
As used in this article, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
A device that automatically dials and/or relays a prerecorded message to a central station or the Fire Department.
A system or assembly of piping, valves, controls and sprinklers which are designed and installed to comply with the NFPA standards, which utilized water, foam, CO2 or other gas to automatically react to suppress fire.
An office of a private company which remote alarm and supervisory signaling devices are transmitted and where personnel are in attendance at all times to supervise the circuits and investigate signals.
Equipment which automatically actuates a fire alarm when the detecting element is exposed to fire, smoke, abnormal rise or decrease in temperature or activation of a sprinkler system or manually activated device.
A high security key vault which is listed under the UL 1610 and the UL 1037 standards, master keyed with a Medeco Biaxial Level 7 or equivalent lock. Locks shall be keyed to the key configuration provided by the Fire District or Fire Protection District.
The owner or person in control of the following types of buildings shall install and maintain a rapid entry key box of a type approved by the local Fire Official.
All buildings within the Township of Gloucester, having an automatic alarm system, dialer, central station or equipped with an automatic fire suppression system except one- and two-family owner-occupied dwellings.
Multifamily residential structures, including senior citizen apartment/condo complexes, that have restricted access through locked doors and have a common corridor for access to the living units.
Commercial and industrial buildings identified by the Fire Official as difficult to access during emergencies.
All high rise buildings, i.e., structures having floors at or above 50 feet above ground level.
The key box shall be of a UL type and approved by the local Fire Official. The key box shall be installed at or near the recognized public entrance, adjacent to the fire alarm panel, on the exterior of the structure or in a location or locations designated and approved by the local Fire Official in consultation with the local Fire Chief.
The box shall be located at a height approved by the local Fire Official of not less than four feet and not more than six feet above final grade. The key box is not required to be attached to or monitored by the alarm system; however, this action is recommended.
The key box shall contain the following:
Keys to locked points of access/egress, whether interior or exterior of such buildings.
Keys to all locked rooms and/or panels, including but not limited to mechanical, electrical, sprinkler and alarms.
Keys to locked elevator rooms and elevator controls.
Keys to any fenced or otherwise physically secured areas.
Keys to any other areas, as determined necessary and appropriate, by the local Fire Chief or Fire Official.
Emergency information card, containing the name(s) and telephone number(s) of emergency contacts for such buildings.
All structures in existence on the effective date of this article, and subject to this article, shall have eight months from the effective date of adoption to have the rapid entry system installed and operational.
All newly constructed buildings not yet occupied, buildings currently under construction and all buildings or businesses applying for a certificate of occupancy shall have the rapid entry system installed and operational prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy.
The Fire Subcode Official shall be responsible for compliance with the section requirements, for all buildings currently under plan review for future construction.
Penalties for noncompliance by any building owner, in violation of the provisions of this article, shall be subject to a penalty being assessed as noted in Chapter 10A, Fire Prevention Committee; Smoke Detectors, § 10A-13, Violations and penalties, after receiving notice by the local Fire Official.