[Adopted 4-20-2023 by Ord. No. 1729-23]
The Township shall charge the sum of $100 for the initial lead paint inspection, $50 for any followup inspection; a $20 mandatory DCA fund fee; a $20 per unit inspection fee.
There shall be a fee of $50 for registration of multifamily homes and/or businesses requiring minimum insurance limits under law.
There shall be a fee for elevators as follows:
The Departmental fees for witnessing acceptance tests and performing inspections on new and altered elevator devices shall be as follows:
The basic fees for elevator devices in structures not of Group R-3, R-4, or R-5, or in an exempted structure of Group R-2, shall be as follows:
Traction and winding drum elevators:
One to 10 floors: $340;
Over 10 floors: $567;
Hydraulic elevators: $302;
Roped hydraulic elevators: $340;
Escalators, moving walks: $302;
Dumbwaiters: $76;
Stairway chairlifts, inclined and vertical, wheelchair lifts, and man lifts: $76.
Additional charges for devices equipped with the following features shall be as follows:
Oil buffers (charge per oil buffer): $60;
Counterweight governor and safeties: $151;
Auxiliary power generator: $114.
The Departmental fee for elevator devices in structures of Group R-3, R-4, or R-5, or otherwise exempt devices in structures of Group R-2, shall be $227, except fees for dumbwaiters, stairway chairlifts, and inclined and vertical wheelchair lifts shall be $76. These fees shall be waived when signed statements and supportive inspection and acceptance test reports are filed by an approved qualified agent or agency in accordance with N.J.A.C. 5:23-2.19 and -2.20.
The fee for performing inspection of minor work shall be $76.
The departmental fee for required routine and periodic inspections and tests for elevator devices in structures not of Group R-3, R-4, or R-5, or otherwise exempt devices in structures of Group R-2, shall be as follows:
The fee for the six-month routine inspection of escalators shall be $211.
The fee for the one-year periodic inspection and witnessing of tests of elevator devices shall be as follows:
Traction and winding drum elevators:
One to 10 floors: $302;
Over 10 floors: $362;
Hydraulic elevators: $227;
Roped hydraulic elevators: $302;
Moving walks: $484;
Dumbwaiters: $120;
Man lifts, stairway chairlifts, inclined and vertical wheelchair lifts: $183.
Escalators: $484.
Additional yearly periodic inspection charges for elevator devices equipped with the following features shall be as follows:
Oil buffers (charge per oil buffer): $60;
Counterweight governor and safeties: $120;
Auxiliary power generator: $76.
The fee for the three-year or five-year inspection of elevator devices shall be as follows:
Traction and winding drum elevators:
One to 10 floors (five-year inspection): $513;
Over 10 floors (five-year inspection): $646;
Hydraulic and roped hydraulic elevators:
Three-year inspection: $387;
Five-year inspection: $227.
When the Department is the enforcing agency, the fees set forth in Subsection B above shall be paid annually in accordance with the following schedule, which is based on the average of the fees to be collected over a five-year period:
Basic annual fee as follows:
Traction and winding drum elevators:
One to 10 floors: $339;
Over 10 floors: $409;
Hydraulic elevators: $258;
Roped hydraulic elevators: $232;
Moving walks: $484;
Dumbwaiters: $120;
Stairway chairlifts, inclined and vertical, wheelchair lifts, man lifts: $182.
Escalators: $695.
Additional charges for devices equipped with the following features as follows:
Oil buffers (charge per oil buffer): $60;
Counterweight governor and safeties: $120;
Auxiliary power generator: $76.
The fee for any reinspection of an elevator device shall be set at $203 and shall be billed separately from the above fees upon the issuance of a notice of violation necessitating a reinspection.