[Added 3-20-2023 STM by Art. 1]
The purpose of the Marijuana Establishment Overlay District is:
To provide for the placement of marijuana establishments, in accordance with applicable state law as the term marijuana establishment is defined by 935 CMR 500.000, in locations suitable for marijuana establishments.
To minimize adverse impacts of marijuana establishments on adjacent properties by regulation of the siting, design, placement, and security of marijuana establishments.
To promote development of small businesses and entrepreneurship in the Town.
To ensure high quality site planning, architecture, and landscape design that enhances the distinct visual character and identity of the Town and provides an environment with safety, convenience and amenity.
To promote efficient use of land by encouraging the establishment of businesses in the Town.
To encourage the use of energy efficient practices by avoiding the demolition of existing buildings and promoting sustainable construction methods.
The Marijuana Establishment Overlay District is an overlay district that is superimposed on the underlying zoning districts of the Town, and the boundaries of which overlay district are shown on the official Swansea Zoning Map. The zoning of all underlying districts shall remain in effect and shall not be impacted or modified by this Article XX or the existence of said overlay district.
The following principal uses shall be allowed with a special permit from the Zoning Board of Appeals in the Marijuana Establishment Overlay District, in addition to the as of right and permitted uses of the underlying zoning districts as provided in the Table of Principal and Accessory uses in § 265-4.0:
Marijuana establishments.
The dimensional requirements of § 265-5.1 for the relevant underlying zoning district shall apply in the Marijuana Establishment Overlay District.
The requirements of Article VI shall apply in the Marijuana Establishment Overlay District.