[HISTORY: Adopted by the Township Committee of the Township of Stillwater as § 3-8 of the 1971 Revised General Ordinances. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Bed-and-breakfast inns, as defined in § 240-4 of Chapter 240, Land Development, of the Code of the Township of Stillwater, shall not be operated in the Township of Stillwater by any person, firm or corporation until a conditional use permit for such bed-and-breakfast inn shall have been issued by the Planning Board and a license shall have been obtained from the Township, which license shall be renewed annually so long as said use is maintained.
The application form and all accompanying documents required for approval of a bed-and-breakfast license shall be obtained from the Township Clerk and filed with the Township Clerk. The application shall contain the following information:
The name and status of applicant, that is, whether an individual, corporation, partnership or association. If an applicant is a corporation, the applicant shall furnish the names and addresses of all officers, directors and registered agents and shall designate the office of each; if a partnership or corporation, the applicant shall state the names and addresses of all members thereof.
The permanent residence address of the applicant.
The place or places of the permanent residence of the applicant for each of the preceding three years.
A full description of the premises desired to be licensed, including a copy of the deed for the property and a description of all buildings or improvements thereon.
A description of the number of bedrooms to be used in the conduct of the bed-and-breakfast inn (which shall not exceed five).
A statement of all kitchen equipment existing on the premises which will be used in the operation of the bed-and-breakfast inn.
Every initial application (either for a new bed-and-breakfast inn or an application made by a new owner of an existing inn) shall be accompanied by payment of an application fee of $75 to cover the cost of processing said application. A renewal license fee of $75 shall be paid during the month of January of each year.
An applicant shall file with the application a copy of the conditional use permit or variance approved by a municipal agency and a copy of the resolution adopted by such agency.
Bed-and-breakfast inns shall provide breakfast for registered guests in the forenoon of each day, and no other meals may be served. Nonguests (other than permanent residents) may not be served breakfast.
No cooking facility shall be allowed in any guest room.
Guest occupancy be limited to 30 successive days or not more than 30 days in any period of 60 successive days.
Common areas to be provided for the exclusive use of the guests must be at least 300 square feet in area (parlors, dining rooms and the like).
Every licensee shall be a permanent resident of the property.
The licensee shall keep a permanent register, which shall contain the name and permanent address of each guest registered at the inn and the motor vehicle license number, together with a notation of the state in which the vehicle is registered.
Not more than 12 guests shall be accommodated at any one time, and housing of transients shall be in strict accordance with all applicable provisions of Chapter 229, Housing Standards, of the Code of the Township of Stillwater.
Bed-and-breakfast inns shall be subject to state law regarding requirements of the Uniform Construction Code Act and the Uniform Fire Safety Act[1] and shall be registered with the Bureau of Housing Inspection in the Division of Housing and Development in the Department of Community Affairs and shall comply with all local ordinances concerning housing and with all the requirements of the zoning district in which it is located.
Editor's Note: See N.J.S.A. 52:27D-119 et seq. and 52:27D-192 et seq.
An application for a renewal license shall be submitted to the Township Clerk on or before the 15th day of January in each year and shall be accompanied by a certification from the Board of Health that the septic system and water supply continue to be adequate. If any Township resident or property owner shall have filed an objection to the issuance of any renewal license, said renewal license shall not be renewed until a hearing is held thereon by the Township Committee to determine whether or not a renewal license should be issued, based upon the evidence presented regarding prior violations of ordinances or regulations or other objections. A temporary license may be issued conditioned upon the performance of certain acts by the licensee within a stated time.
The Township Committee may revoke any license on its own motion or on the objection of any taxpayer or inhabitant of the Township for good cause shown, at any time during the period for which the license was issued, and after a hearing is provided to the licensee following the complaint, in writing, and after at least seven days' notice to the licensee setting forth the ground of complaint.
The licensed premises shall be open to inspection at all times by the Township Construction Official, Zoning Officer or any other official of the Township charged with the enforcement of any provisions of Township ordinances or state laws.