North Avenue Survey Results
Thursday, June 16, 2011
356 started the survey; 351 completed it
After reviewing the six options for cross-sections for North Avenue, drag and drop the option that you would consider to be your number one choice into the appropriate box and do the same for your number two choice.
Number One Choice
Number Two Choice
Option 1. Restripe North Avenue with a five-foot-wide bike lane.
Option 2. Add 10 feet of right-of-way width on each side with eight-foot detached sidewalks and eight feet of buffer between pedestrians and traffic.
Option 3. Add 10 feet of right-of-way on each side of the street, an eight-foot detached sidewalk, a eight-foot buffer area, and a five-foot-wide bike lane.
Option 4. Add 10 feet of right-of-way on each side of the street, an eight-foot detached sidewalk, a five-foot buffer area, and a six-foot striped bike lane.
Option 5. Add 10 feet of right-of-way on each side of the street, an eight-foot parking lane, and no bike lane.
Option 6. Add 10 feet of right-of-way on each side of the street, an eight-foot parking lane, and a five-foot bike lane.
Do you think bike lanes are important to have along North Avenue?
Why or why not?
There is so much traffic and congestion along North Ave, it is in the best interest of the community to have safety measures for all. Improvement in those areas for pedestrians, vehicles, and bicyclists are very important especially considering transportation to and fro the schools (Mesa State, Dist. 51, baseball games, etc...).
I think the bike lanes should be in the street because that is where bikes belong...not on the sidewalk.
If installed they would be used.
There are a lot of pedestrians and college students who ride bikes and get in the way of the walkers on the sidewalk or the drivers on the street.
There are a lot of pedestrians and college students who ride bikes and get in the way of the walkers on the sidewalk or the drivers on the street.
There is a great deal of traffic and I fear that there would be more accidents involving bikers as well as an increase in accidents due to vehicles trying to avoid them. I have no problem at all with bikers but I fear for their safety. I would strongly discourage bike riding on North Avenue and as a resident of this County I would be disappointed to see encouragement for bike riding on that street.
Bike lanes would aid in keeping both Automobile and Bike traffic safer.
they still will ride to close to the traffic like they always do everywhere else.
in this country we should be, in general, encouraging use of bikes instead of cars
Bikes have a place, but North Ave, is not one of them.
I lived on White Ave, when the 12th St., bike lane was put in.
What a waste of traffic flow, for the little use it gets, even to this day!
They cause nothing but frustration for drivers in Mesa County. While I think they are worthy, encouraging bikes on the roads in Mesa County will only add to traffic problems, crashes and bike riders being injured/death because drivers in Mesa County don’t know how to drive with bikes on the roads. Just like they don’t know how to use round-a-bouts either.
There are more people biking and a bike lane - safety - would be a good idea. Could ease accidents on other streets that do not have bike lanes and add revenue to local stores.
Traffic is too heavy and Bikers are safer on sidewalks than the Street. Less chance of a cyclist getting hit or hurt.
You don’t see very many people on bikes today. The weather in GJ is such that the bike lanes are not useable for many months out of the year. Bike lanes near the college may be prudent but not along the whold of North Ave.
In the future, Mesa College will be a large university with a number of bike commuting students. In addition, as gas prices rise and people become more aware of the consequences of driving a car such as obesity and global warming. More people will want to bike commute or travel by bike for pleasure and excercise. As they say, every time you drive a car you cause some harm and every time you ride a bike you do some good.
College and town bikers
Bikes will always be a part of multimodal public transportation. It would be better to seperate bikes from walkers.
Changes the character of the street by making it less of a highway
North Ave is a major road through town and should therefore be available to bikers.
Bike lanes are crucial for Grand Junction’s future - when recreation is more important to the local economy, gas prices are high, and people want to use alternate types of transportation. Widening North will just generate more traffic and fill the added lanes, and will encourage faster speeds.
Bike traffic is absolutely minimal on that corridor. Considering the excessive cost it would take to construct them, I believe the benefit/cost ratio is very small. Considering the limited resources available to the community right now, I think we have better things to spend money on than bike lanes that will benefit an extremely small percentage of the local population.
Bike lanes do nothing to aid in rejuvinating North ave.
Just not enough space for bikes--alternative routes are available.
Lots of people use bikes and more may look at bikes as an option to cars or the useless GVT buses.
I think that all cities should encourage citizens who wish to ride bikes to be able to do so safely and conveniently. This will become more important as gas prices rise.
This is a biking community and not creating a place that is bike friendly will be extremely short sited.
I think clearing traffic and making turning lanes safe with pedestrians is priority for a future. Bikers can travel safely along sidewalks safely. Key point along North Av. is flow of traffic.
Clear that, clear parking.
It is very important to encourage alternate means of transportation. There are limited options for safe bike travel and without bike lanes, some will ride bikes on the sidewalk which endangers pedestrians. Without the bike lanes, bikes in the street are unsafe. With the growth of Mesa State and other business we need to encourage safety and calming measures with things like chicanes to slow traffic and make it safer for bikes, cars and pedestrians. We need to think forward with our design and encourage non auto dependent transportation to help us become a more modern city that encourages people to get out of their cars.
Wider sidewalks would help on the south side.
North Avenue is too congested for safe bicycle riding. Bicycles should be on the less used routes.
If the lanes are there, people will use them, especially knowing that they can go a long way on them. Otherwise, it would be a scary ride!
this is a beautiful place to live that attracts families andd retirees who want a healthy lifestyle. Many people would bike if it weren’t so impossible here.
I had a hard time reading the drawings...option 6 worries me if bike lane and parking are on same side. Could bike lane be on opposite side than parking? people in gj are not used to bike traffic and have a tendency to run into bikers.
Grand Junction is naturally a bike city. It has great weather and tremendous biking opportunities outside of town, as well as a very bikable downtown. The one sore-spot, however, and a great impediment to those looking to bike more, is the state of north ave. I personally have biked down north ave, however only for brief periods between traffic or at night. during another other time, such an action would be extremely ill-advised. Adding a bike lane to North Ave. would be a great benefit to businesses along the corridor, as well as to outside perceptions of the city itself.
we have plenty of east to west bike lanes....don’t see the need for any on this busy street.
With fuel costs the way the are (and more than likely stay). Give us the option to ride and feel safe. With the lower income population tending to migrate to that part of the valley, help us out.
many nearby alternative streets
More people are using bikes for transportation
As an avid bike commuter, bike lanes along North Avenue would provide greater access to the college and businesses.
Currently, there are no bike lanes on North Ave and bike travel on North Ave is VERY dangerous. I ride my bike on this route 5-7 times per week. Many vehicle drivers are hostile toward bicycles because the vehicle drivers have to change lanes to give the bicyclists any berth. Some type of bike lane on this route is imperative. Most bicyclist now take Elm St East and West because North Ave is so dangerous.
Safety and ecofriendly reducing our carbon print escpecially as the college is expanding and growing.
Near the collegen they may be, but along the rest of the corridor there is very little ped traffic and the bikers and pedestrians can share the sidewalk, even main street sidewalks could be shared with the higher ped traffic
As a biker myself, there is too much traffic going to swiftly. I always try and get to a lesser arterial such as elm or Gunnison.
A lot of people are riding bikes. They either are riding on the sidewalk, which is dangerous to pedestrians, or riding on the street, which backs up traffic and is a danger to everyone involved.
I believe an overall bike friendly community is important to Grand Junction and surrounding communities. When we talk about the area, biking always plays an important part in that conversation and therefore is important that our infrastructure reflects that. Additionally, I think the college students deserve a safe and bike friendly “home.”
It’s a main corridor accross the center of town. Bike lanes would add safe access on the street to the East and West areas of the North Center of town and provide safe travel for the Colo Mesa Univ. student population
Bicycle and pedestrian safety are critical to encourage non-motorized use, improve the livability of an area and reduce traffic congestion.
It’s an important part of the transportation mix
I would actually answer yes and no. I think that pedestrians and vehicles should take precedence. Not to discount bikes, but driving this stretch daily, I observe a greater need for pedestrians and vehicles
So that people can safely ride a bike instead of having to drive a car!
They are a vehicle......let them share the roadway.
Since the city has already put bicycle lanes on some of the major busy streets it’s only logical to continue with putting a bike lane on one of the most traveled roads in the city.
In a college town, right near a college? Hello...lots of bike traffic potential!
Because it is a major street for the college and a lot more students are biking
We have got to start making more options for non-car travel everywhere.
Bike lanes promote alternate transportation usage and improve safety.
The community encourages biking and wants tourists to come for biking events so give them a bike lane. Also a number of people have no other means of transportation, so provide them a safe avenue.
Many college students use bikes. More residents who aren’t students would use them if they don’t have to put their lives on the line around North Ave.
Too much traffic. Utilize secondary streets for bike traffic.
Biking is an important and optimal form of transportation for health and environmental purposes. Individuals who bike for transportation and/or exercise should feel safe and drivers of vehicles should consider their obligation to share the road with cyclists. A lane designated for bikes would achieve this.
To much traffic and won’t be used.
North Ave is a major connector to important areas of commerce and employment, and needs to be safe for bicycles to be used for travel to these areas--without resorting to the sidewalks.
So many students ride their bikes to the college and it is unsafe/problematic for traffic, pedestrians, and bikes the way North avenue is now. The college seems to be growing and so there may be even more traffic there in the future and especially in an area with students, it is important to have room for bikes and pedestrians to travel safely and to slow down cars and/or make efficient routes for cars that are separate from where bikes are.
Provides safer means of transportation for bike riders in lieu of having to travel the back streets. As our valley population increases the need for safer bike lanes will also increase. This is especially true in the vicinity of Colorado Mesa University and surrounding complexes and parks.
Bicycles are here to stay!! I believe with the continued increases in fuel more bicycle traffic is inevitable. North is an important east/west corridor and would facilitate the increased bicycle traffic if it were made safer for that riders.
We need to get people to use other forms of transportation to improve the quality of life for everyone in this community and we have to give them choices to do that.
Making GJ bike friendly needs to be at the center of future development plans. The bike community in GJ is growing. Many tourists are already traveling here for access to biking and adequate development of bike lanes may stimulate this further. Local bike usage will also increase as safe corridors are created for the more timid cyclists, reducing traffic and heavy vehicle use and air quality issues. Many of us already ride these streets at some considerable risk! Why are the cops running speed traps on the residential corridors when we can’t ride safely downtown? Local bike-oriented businesses (MRP, White Bros, DT Swiss, the numerous local bike shops) may benefit increased sales and therfore TAX revenues and JOBS. We may even be able to recruit a b-cycle franchise (similar to Denver, Boulder, etc.). Bike lanes are for these reasons an essential part of planning for the entire downtown area, not just North Ave.
cost of gas!!! People are riding there bikes!
There are very few E/W bike routes across Grand Junction.
Many riders aren’t too smart about traffic’s ability to kill or injure them and will ride on a busy street no matter what. I think a bike lane is a safety feature for drivers as much as for riders. Personally, I’d ban bike riders from all principal arterial streets (Patterson, North, Grand, Main, 1st, 4th, 5th, 7th and 12th) and make it a first offense $100 fine and a second offense $100 fine and confiscation of the bike and a third offense $500 fine, confiscation of the bike and ten days in the county slammer.
dangerous for bikes on North Ave bike shoud take alternative route
I think it would be to dangerous...Especially the way people drive on North Avenue and the amount of traffic...
I feel its important to draw the bikers to that area and to keep them safe.
Too busy. Look at Fort Collins, Colorado as a guide. On College Avenue, which is also Highway 287 that runs through the heart of town, there are no bike lanes.
The bike lanes/route along College Avenue are on secondary streets.
Glenwood Avenue, or Belford Avenue would take care of this rather nicley.
Bike lanes are important but too dangerous if you diminish the traffic lanes to 11 feet. Since no offered option increases the total width of the street bike lanes simply must go to other streets. P.S. -- I am an avid and frequent bike rider.
This would help reduce traffic, as well as improve environment.
We have spent a vast amount of money on bike lanes and they are seldem used. TOO much money for too little use.
As a main corridor North Ave. needs safe options for pedestrians and cyclists. There are schools, parks and Mesa State College all along the corridor. Students need a safe route to commute to school.
attract people that do not drive into the area
Bike lanes should be a part of all street projects in the city. The only way the benefits of cycling are going to be realized is if there is a convenient, safe and connected system from everyone’s home to all destinations. The benefits of cycling are: energy conservation, health, international security, reduced parking demand and reduced traffic congestion but it isn’t going to happen if it’s not safe and convenient.
Implementing a SAFE East West Corridor in Grand Junction is MUCH needed. This would allow cyclists to travel to commercial shops via bicycle. Great work GJ City Council. North Ave needs a face lift and adding bike lanes is the sustainable direction the City should work towards. A healthier, safer, active city will only draw more people to settle here and relish in the beautiful community in which we live.
A lot of people commute by bikes around town. Unfortunately North Avenue is the least bike friendly route we have in town, yet it could provide great bicycle access to LOTS of stores.
It would be much safer for both drivers and bikers if there was significant room for each. It is also a major route that is unfriendly to both bikers and walking pedestrians. The extra space would make it feel more comfortable.
Because north avenue is currently a suicide ride. I avoid it like the plague
If you want North Avenue to have a sense of place and to be a longterm $ generator for GJ, you’ve got to make it accessible for bikers and walkers. Bikers and walkers cannot share the sidewalk. Bikers and cars cannot safely share the road. As gas prices continue to rise, bike friendly infrastructure (including bike-specific lanes) will just become more important. At this point, North Avenue is one of the most dangerous places to ride in GJ. Cars are moving very fast, there is no shoulder, sidewalks are inappropriate for bikes but represent the only option. A few other issues: crossing North is dangerous because of speed that lights change and because pedestrian crossing buttons are often tens of feet away from the corner and make it very difficult to push the crossing button on a bike.
People bike around grand junction and being that North is a major thoroughfare it only makes sense to have bike lanes. What is currently there not only for pedestrians (in some spots) but cyclists especially is unacceptable and dangerous.
This community has so many great resources for bikers, but North is scary and dangerous. As a major E-W corridor, a primary commerce route and a primary boundary for the University, it has to become more bike friendly, safe and efficient.
Bike lanes should be available on every busy street. It doesn’t make sense to encourage bicyclists (especially children) to break traffic rules to protect themselves from aggressive traffic. Bicycling should be a viable option for the entire area.
Bicycles are an absolutely vital mode of transportation in any modern city. A city that is inhospitable to bicycles will never attract young professionals and will lead to more traffic congestion and more accidents. Gas prices set to rise and numerous health benefits make bicycling an increasingly viable, popular and responsible mode of transportation. A city without bicycle lanes is living in the past.
It isn’t safe to bike it now, and bike lanes promote healthier lifestyles & provide inexpensive transportation methods.
There is currently not a safe way to navigate North Ave. The bike lanes would provide this and would also provide a reminder to drivers to share the road. The sidewalks are currently far to narrow and are right up against the road and quite tight to some of the existing buildings. The traffic moves at such a swift pace that a separate bike lane is necessary to allow for bikers to safely use this main arterial to get around town.
Bike lanes would open North Ave. to safe bike traffic. As a cyclist, I avoid North Ave. because I feel it is a dangerous place to ride. If I do have to travel a portion of North Ave., I end up riding on the sidewalk to stay away from motor vehicle traffic.
Bike likes should be considered as often as possible. Bike infrastructure only adds to the appeal of Grand Junction.
We have a lot of bicycle commuters in this town and could have even more, if we get more bike lanes and if the price of gas continues to go up. GJ should become a bike-friendly town since it is such an outdoorsy, healthy place to live anyway.
Yes, with rising gas prices non-motorized transportation is increasing.
to make it and safer for bicyclists. there are many students who use bicycles as well as many non-students. in order to access businesses and the campus safely by bicycle, it is now necessary to ride on the sidewalk
The city should encourage commuting by bike for ecological and health reasons. North Ave is a major thoroughfare through Grand Junction and is currently extremely unsafe and dangerous for bikers and motorists alike.
It is important that bikes have a right-of-way on all major streets.
The advantages of living in a city include choosing to ride a bicycle to do errands. Bicycles are inexpensive, good for the environment and the health of riders.
Easy access to North Avenue businesses by bicycle is important.
North Avenue is a main thoroughfare in Grand Junction and is incredibly dangerous for bicyclists at present. A bike lane would create a safer corridor for bicyclists along North Avenue and make biking in the city (commuting etc.) much more feasible.
North Ave is the best option for cross-town bicycle commuting or walking but I only do it in the middle of the night (after my hospital shift) when there are few cars. North Ave bike lanes would provide safety for existing riders, would encourage potential bike commuters, could significantly reduce auto traffic, and would improve the quality of life and downtown liveability.
Bikes belong on all roads.
Bikes make inexpensive transportation and get people where they are going in a good mood!
I think it’s important to encourage safe bicycling.
This would be a great thoroughfare for cyclists. It currently is difficult at best to ride on North avenue. With the Expansion of the University & the increase in students, North Avenue will see an increase in both motor & bike traffic. Providing a safe space for cyclists will be to the advantage of all.
Only if they can be done safely removed from traffic - perhaps separated by a median for the buffer zone. I think bikers would be more likely to avoid a North Ave that retains much of its present character if there were just a striped bike lane adjacent to traffic lanes
A major east-west corridor is needed for bike traffic. This is a start. / / Paterson Road really needs this also!
I love to bike (to save on fuel cost and increase daily exercise for health reasons). I have biked North Avenue to work and for pleasure, and it is currently dangerous because bikers are not fast enough to ride safely with rushing, starting/stopping vehicles (which is the legal way bikers should be riding). I have resorted to using the sidewalks, but this is also problematic because motor vehicles aren’t watching for me, so I have to use caution at every intersection and at business entrances. A bike lane would significantly impact my enjoyment and safety along North Avenue. A dedicated bike lane would increase safety, promote health, and save fuel costs for other bikers and the college community.
North Avenue is still one of the main East West corridors and is heavily traveled by cars and bikes. Bike lanes create a safer area for people to ride a bike. Riding bikes is good for ones health and good for the environment and good for our local economy.
Because we are leagues behind. Build it and they will come. Any of you experts familiar with complete streets?
I would like to see the Grand Valley become more and more bike friendly. A lot of people not only would like to have an ability to safely ride a bike across town but for some people that is their only transportation.
Bicycle traffic on North Ave as it is now is very dangerous. Cyclisyts must share the traffice lane with drivers and many drivers swerve into the inside lane to avoid them (despite the presence of other drivers in that lane).
I think an east-west bike path is important, and it should be such that it encourages bike commuting--i.e., not necessarily for pleasure riding. However, I don’t think that pathway has to be along a street as busy as North Ave.
Safety of bikers.
To promote alternative transportation. To keep bicyclists safe and traffic flowing. To keep our town bike and sidewalk friendly. It is very difficult to walk or bike without sidewalks and bike lanes. Let’s promote health and make North Ave a nice place to want to visit. Right now if it old and gross and dirty. It need updated to keep up!!
Yes! There are an increasing number of people in our city who are choosing cycling as a form of transportation, and the city needs to ensure that there are safe means to do this. As a recreational cyclist and commuter cyclist, North Avenue is incredibly dangerous to bike on the way it is right now. In fact, I never bike on North Avenue because of the risk involved.
Promotes bikes and safety issues. More family safety
People try to bike it anyway - might as well be safe and offer more room on sidewalks.
Safety first; and to promote non motorized transportation.
One of the busiest streets in town with businesses that would most likely employ those that need to ride bikes(fast food,retail businesses). The sidewalks are not suitable or safe for bikes and pedestrians at same time.
We are a bicycling community and ease of bike access to the college, stores and housing is an efficient and clean transportation alternative not available on North Ave now.
If there is a right of way/expanded sidewalk, a bike lane is not necessary. If the road is not widened, I don’t think there is enough room to comfortably have two lanes of traffic and bicycles, with or without a stripe for a bike lane.
Orchard Avenue is the only other dedicated place for a bike lane and there are many parts on Orchard where it does not exist.
In thinking about rising gas prices and reducing emissions, it would be a GREAT idea to include bike lanes on more of our existing roads. Cyclists need that in this town, especially since the public transportation system runs so infrequently.
Cyclist’s don’t follow the law as they should anyway. The act like they can do whatever they want.
Because of the college, high school & middle schools. They don’t all drive so they ride their bikes & it’s really dangerous to try & ride a bike on North Ave now.
Bike lanes provide access to the area for a greater number of vehicles. I’m hoping the redevelopment of the area will include a far greater percentage of multi-family housing than there is now and bike lanes and landscaping will make the area much more attractive. Narrower lanes will encourage more cars and trucks to use I-70B and the Riverside Parkway.
The street is very busy and there are a lot of students. Bikes are encouraged in our community, so we need to put safety accommodations in place.
If you make the pedestrian area wide enough, you will not have a problem and don’t expect that many pedestrians/bikers. Major problem with 12th/North Ave to 18th/North Ave, South Side: no room to ride a bike and a deep fear of getting hit by a car, and North Side: broken up/missing sidewalks and empty dirt lots/missing sidewalks.
No one rides a bike to work. Kids won’t even ride a bike to school. Waste of money. We need more traffic lanes, more turn lanes and definitely pull-out of traffic lanes for buses. Serve the majority for once, instead of the vociferous minority. Most of us just want to get from Point A to Point B as calmly and safely as possible.
WIthout Bike Lanes it is very difficult to get across town safely. Especially, since Patterson is not safe to ride a bike on at ALL
Preferred mode of transportation for many Mesa State students and VA employees.
Grand Junction has an ideal climate to encourage more and more bike commuting. Providing safe routes is important!
Currently, North Ave. is dangerous for bikes.
Bikes will be an increasingly important mode of transportation. With the growing newly designated University, bike lanes will be a boon for students and faculty commuting by bike.
It is one of the main corridors for east west transit through town. It provides access to many shopping areas and resteraunts
Grand Junction needs more bike-friendly routs and the lanes would slow traffic
More travel capability
It is an important arterial. I ride a bike quite a bit and I appreciate a buffer between other traffic and myself. Considering how heavy traffic is on North Avenue, I believe a buffer between the traffic lanes and a bike lane is prudent. Bike lanes may encourage more people to bike commute rather than drive motor vehicles, especially around Mesa College.
lets cause more trafic jams by adding bike lanes... DUH!
We need thoroughfares to move traffic and bike lanes are best when provided on side streets to keep the cyclists completely out of harm’s way.
Bicycle lanes should be added wherever possible to help reduce traffic, lower pollution and help people be more active.
people do not use bike lanes, much to the chagrin of urban planners. I drive in areas of GJ where there are bike lanes every day and I almost never see bicyclists utilizing bike lanes. They seem like a great idea, but if you really measured usage, I’m sure you would see bicycle usage drop after bike lanes are installed. I cannot account for or explain why this is the case, but it simply seems to be true. I think sidewalks, vehicle-ped buffer spaces, medians or landscaping improvements would be much better options to explore for improving the North Ave corridor. Street parking might also be a good option, too. The Riverside Parkway is beautiful and well thought out, and the folks involved should be commended. I love driving on it, even if it means it will take me a few more minutes to reach my destination. (The bike lanes there are real pretty, but again, seldom utilized)
People need to be able to ride bikes safely on streets. Many are riding to work.
Added pleasure but if costs are too high a sidewalk and buffer zone are more important for daily use
Given the increasing cost of motorized transportation, all viable alternative modes of travel must be encouraged.
I live right off North Ave. I know how to avoid North west of the ditch on 28 Rd. Riding east of 28 Rd is a true menace either on the sidewalk or in the street. The problem w/ a lane next to a sidewalk is that is where all the garbage goes that is dangerous to a bike rider. If cars are parked on the curb, a rider must always be alert to an opening car door. There is no perfect solution. An eight foot buffer zone will fall into the same disrepair as the medians. The ultimate solution is for all businesses to adopt the Fiesta Guadalajara strategy. (Business districts?) That leaves the improvement of North Ave to businesses. There must be another reason why businesses are abandoning North Ave as fast as they can. The bike lanes added by the city in the last ten years add greatly to the aesthetic of the city. Two gas stations from 1st St to 29 Rd? Gotta look deeper. Run a shopping bus up and down North Ave.
If they want bike lanes then they should have to license their bike and pay road taxes to use the road just like I have to do with my car, besides half the idiots still ride in the middle of the road even when there are bike lanes. I chose one with bike lanes because I know it would not matter what I thought you would still install them so I chose the one with the wider traffic lanes.
The number of driveways into businesses make bike traffic too dangerous. I do not want to watch for bikes while turning into businesses. Remember, you are trying to encourage more businesses along North and the customers who visit. Biking through a business district is no fun for biker or driver. There are PLENTY of other streets in GJ with good bike lanes and less danger for biker and driver. Being politically correct regarding bike lanes makes little sense when North is such a congested area. Sidewalks are necessary for foot traffic between parking and businesses.
Definite need for alternative travel mode
take too much right of way and bike riders tend to not use them.
Many people use the sidewalks for biking, and so many drivers don’t see them when when they decide to make a turn. So many close calls happen.
Nothing could be more disruptive to smooth traffic flow. They disregard traffic rules, ride side-by-side, swerve into traffic, etc. I observe these problems daily on my drives into the city from the Ridges, and going west on Broadway toward Fruita. They are rude, and yell obsenities when passed. When I have complained to law officers, they shrug & say that bikes aren’t able to be ticketed.
More people would likely ride bikes along North Ave. because it would be much safer.
much safer for bikers
no, in other parts of the city that have bike lanes they are not used the way they are supposed to be. Why waste money to put in something thats not going to be used correctly anyway
I believe that bike lanes are a critical element missing from North Avenue as well as on the other major thoroughfares in this town. These busy streets are usually the most efficient and direct routes of travel for cyclists and motorists. Not having a bike lane forces cyclists into pedestrian areas where there is potential for verbal and physical altercations, not to mention injury resulting from a collision. Grand Junction is a magnet for cyclists all over the country. Why not provide a safe urban cycling environment to compliment the world-class road biking and mtn biking?
See many bike riders on the sidewalks because it is not safe on the road.
people are trying to save money by biking and making a safe way along a main thoroughfare is important for the city to do for it’s citizens
It provides a less expensive, alternative form of transportation for citizens. It also promotes a health-conscious community that enjoys the outdoors.
Cyclists are in danger on North Ave because of the heavy traffic flow and little room for riding.
with increased development of the areas around mesa state and rising fuel costs, more people are walking and biking in this area
It is INSANE to have bike lanes on heavy-traffic roads! Gunnison Ave. should be the main east-west route for bikelanes, or even Grand Ave. If any of these plans require downsizing North Ave. to only one lane in each direction, then you’ve all lost your minds. You ruined 12th St. “for the sake of safety” as it & N. 1st St. should be the same, 4 lanes of traffic. Why can’t bike lanes be restricted to N. 10th St. & another st. close to N. 1st? It’s also nuts the way so many roads are mis-matched, going from 4 lanes into 2, such as N. 1st & N. 12th.
Bikes are already on North Avenue, and will continue to increase in volume. With designated bike lanes, automobile and bike traffic can co-exist safely, and efficiently. Bike lanes will safely maintain a convenient and safe traffic flow.
it is the most direct way to travel east/west through the city and bikes already are ridden along North Ave., although it makes me shudder to see them!
Bike lanes are better suited on streets that do not have such heavy traffic from such a variety of uses, e.g., cars, vans, delivery trucks, transit buses, etc. There are plenty of “side streets” for bike lanes that can provide a safer route to and from the same points.
Bicycling keeps needed money in our local economy. For every car that is ditched in favor of a bicycle, we keep thousands of dollars here that otherwise would go to big oil or the middle east. It also makes for a much more attractive place to live without so much car congestion.
Build it and they will come.
Area is too congested with auto traffic. Bike lanes would impede the flow of traffic. I only like the first option I selected. The Number 2 choice was only added because my survery would not be accepted otherwise. If It had been allowed only option 2 with no bike lane and no parking would have been selected.
North Avenue is so conjested allready. There are cars stacked up for several blocks now. With people talkinf on cell phones and texting the street isn’t save now. A bike lane would add safety issues. People ride around with music playing in their ears. They often don’t look up, even when you drive next to them.
the main thorough way through eastern part of town. although another option would be to use a parallel street, although the first 3 south are stopped by lincoln park... how about a bike lane off the street, like a wide sidewalk due to traffic...
Too much traffic, better to utilize side streets with less traffic.
We need to re-brand Grand Junction as an outdoor sports mecca. Bike lanes on the main road through the city would be a positive draw for cyclists.
Not safe at present for Bikes. Need alternative to cars. Narrower traffic lanes might help slow traffic.
There are many bike riders in Grand Junction, North Avenue is totally unsafe as it is for bike riders - they have to ride on the sidewalks (where there are sidewalks) which affects pedestrian safety. There needs to be more bike paths within Grand Junction, not just on North Avenue
Biking is a healthy and energy-efficient form of transportation. At present it is unsafe to bike along North Avenue.
Would make bike commuting more feasible to have a long through-street, like North Ave, more bike friendly.
Another opportunity for people to use their bikes and get current bike riders off of the sidewalks since they have nowhere else to feel safe when they ride.
We need to ensure safety for those who already ride and promote more people riding bicycles to encourage healthy phyiscal activity, reduce America’s rising obesity rates and alternative means of transportation.
It is important to incorporate this mode of traffic into all future planning to encourage other forms of transportation and healthy living.
There is no where to ride at this point, especially east of 29 road. I live in Fruitvale and over the years have seen many bikes and wheelchairs in the street. There MUST be accomodations made for these people.
both bikes and people using mobility devices can safely travel with cars.
Bicycles are quiet, they promote good health and a healthier environment, and they may help slow down traffic.
We are not bike friendly and we need to be, and we need to take into consideration how many people either have to bike, walk or ride the bus to commute.
I think it’s important to encourage safe bicycling.
No. There are pleny of side roads one can take instead of a busy road that taxpayers have to fork out money to provide their safety.
We need safe bike lanes everywhere. We should do all we can to encourage riding bikes. It is good for individual health, saves gas, and increases sense of community.
they are a hazard to traffic and businesses
Provides an east-west corridor for bicycle transport and separates bicycles from pedestrians and faster moving cars.
It’s a main artery for traffic of all kinds. It would provide a better east-west route (and with lanes, be safer) than using side streets for bicycle traffic.
Bicycles are a major mode of transportation and this area is a major access road. Also it allows for wheel chair access when ditches etc are in the sidewalks and wheelchairs cannot tranverse.
Provides a straight through access from 6-50 east to 6-50 west. Great for people to bike to work, or to get to recreational areas
Too major of an automotive route to consider bicycling on
bikers are becoming more and more around the grand valley and we need to meet their needs by proving bike lanes.
Bike lane is important for safety.
It’s just flat insane to ride a bike on North Avenue - the traffic is too heavy. But, if you’re going to have one at least make it as wide as possible.
While some secondary streets are available as alternate routes, the interruption of the street grid by the high school, college and Lincoln Park makes that difficult for bicyclists. The population in the area includes many bike riders; they have to be safely accommodated.
College area which is expanding would benefit from bike friendly roadway.
Without a designated bike area in this heavily traveled corridor (bike, pedestrians, cars, all of them), there will be too many dangerous conflicts between bikes, pedestrians and cars. There are bicycle commuters here more than recreational bicycling.
Biking along this avenue is impossible as it is now. North Avenue, as a result, is not a place that you casually stroll into. Instead, it is an eyesore, and a place that I dread going to.
Safety ! More and more people are riding and North avenue is used a lot by students. I think all of Grand Junction should have bike lanes and even alternate bike routes for all with stop signs and ped. crossings
Public roads should be safe for all users, and riding on sidewalks is not a safe option for cyclists or pedestrians (even if the sidewalks are 8 feet wide). On a road like North Avenue with very heavy automobile traffic, its difficult and intimidating for a bicyclist to ride in traffic. Wide bike lanes would change that perception and provide the best east-west bike route in that part of the City. From the options above, I would actually prefer a hybrid that uses 8 foot sidewalks with 8 foot landscape buffer, but also pinches the travel lanes down to 11 feet and adds the extra 2 feet on each side into 7 foot wide bike lanes.
This is a central business location and also the college zone, many people ride bicycles to school and/or work not only for excercise but also to reduce carbon emissions and save on gasoline. Bicycling is a green activity that we should not discourage.
I use the side streets to access the shopping centers on North Avenue. Riding along with lots of traffic isn’t that great for me.
North Avenue is an intimidating road for riders. There are no bike lanes, and traffic is heavy and often aggressive. The road is a major artery through the city, and one of the quickest routes for getting from Fruitvale to Mesa Mall. Bicyclists are forced to take other, longer routes because North is simply unsafe for bicyclists. / / It should also be noted that it is a relatively flat road (unlike Patterson and the Riverside parkway). Flat roads are very accommodating to commuting bicyclists.
Bicycling is one of our community’s biggest draws. Our city needs to continue its commitment to creating a bicycle-friendly community.
much safer for all concerned
Improved safety
people ride on the street now and are constantly in danger from the cars passing by
Encourage bike riding safely. Less gas, more exercise, but without a bike lane, it can be unsafe. /
Too much traffic
There is a lot of bike traffic on North avenue and its a mode of transportation that I think is important in a town like ours. Not only that, but I would like to be able to take my children on their bikes and now that we have a place to ride safely on North Avenue. / Thank you for giving us a voice!
Bikes are becoming more popular and this needs to be encouraged.
The college is on North Avenue and lots of students bike to school. / Biking is a good form of exercise.
There is very little room for bikers now and there are lots of bikers who use North Avenue
There are a lot of people in Colorado that bike. Taking into consideration the enviornment and gas prices, it is good to have safe alternatives.
People use bikes all the time, especially more so with the price of gasoline being so expensive.
There does not seem to be enough room on the road right now for cars AND bikes. Riding on the sidewalk conflicts with all the people walking there (especially around the college). There are SO MANY people on bikes in this area (especially around the college) that there needs to be some sort of exclusive bicycle lane. It seems that people here are bicycle commuters (they aren’t on North Avenue because it is a fun and pleasant place to ride!) which makes the bike lanes here more important than they would be in other areas of the City (I think bike lanes are better for commuting than sidewalks or trails, for the most part).
Adding bike lanes encourages residents to live healthier, more enviro-conscious lifestyles.
We have a lot of bikers in the area and it will be safer for bikers, pedestrians and traffic
If you get rid of driveway cuts--otherwise it’s too dangerous.
There is already so much traffic. Adding bicycles to the mix is just another thing to watch out for if you are driving. It is also dangerous for the bike riders. So many intersections and bus stops, I can just imagine drivers not paying attention turning into a cyclist. I think this street is way to busy for a cyclist path. It would make more sense to make the bike lanes on the streets north and south of North.
Safer for bike riders.
It would be a lot safer than trying to have them on the sidewalk, or weaving in and out of traffic.
because this is a city that attracts the kind of people who bike and this would encourage less car traffic.
Keep them out of traffic, and off the sidewalk
It’s an important alternative form of transportation and this is a significant connection across town. It makes sense to connect the two.
TRaffic hazard. Other methods of transportation available aas well as transportation corridors that would be safer for both biker and vehicles.
People need to have a safe place to ride
As a bike rider it is not safe to ride on North ave at any time, adding a bike lane will greatly help.
Hopefully if businesses return to North Ave. it will be way to busy for bike traffic.
Corridor to downtown area and other areas of the community, including access to the college.
Too much traffic. Bikers rarely stay in their bike lane. Bikes do not belong on such busy streets. Cars slowing down or swerving around bikers to give them more room, and bikes coming in and out of their bike lane, will cause accidents between cars and injuries to bikers.
Central transportation residential to commercial and employment epicenters. Growing number either on bikes by choice or necessity.
I think it is a good idea to do something about the bikes. But North ave dose not have the area for bikes with or without a lane it is not safe. Way to many people on bikes do not fallow laws and right single file. Makeing it unsafe for both bikers and cars
So that they are not slowing up traffic, and are not on the sidewalks.
North Avenue just doesn’t seem like a place that people are going to be ridding their bikes around. it’s more of a business street with heavy traffic not the ideal place for a bike ride.
Easy and safe travel for college students as well as eco modes of transportation.
If I were riding a bike I would not take North Ave. but rather a side street.
NO we dont have funds
Bike Lanes will greatly improve safety and provide better recreation opportunity as well a promote alternative transportation. In addition, a large amount of student bike to school and need an appropriate place to ride safely.
To be energy efficient encourage healthy exercise, many people already attempt to ride their bikes along North and it’s not safe. We need to make accommodations for them.
The traffic moves too fast and the lanes are too narrow-most bikers ride on the sidewalks when they ride on North or they avoid it all together.
North Ave is the only way to access many of the businesses there. It is far too dangerous to ride on North Ave now. I do ride my bike to run errands, etc. But I also drive sometimes, and it is really scary when bikes are on the street.
Lots of people travel by bike in this town. North Ave. is a main road and should accommodate all travelers.
Bicyclists need a safe way to travel on this road.
It is legal to use the sidewalk and the number of bikers on N. Ave is small. No widening is needed because the traffic is / way down because of the installation of the Parkway and the improvements that have been done on Patterson. / The street is not the problem. The problem is that the stores have closed.
Grand Junction should be encouraging their citizens to bike more for too many reasons to list.
Not a lot of people bike on north
Bikes should stay on the side walk.
Too dangerous. Traffic moves too fast. Becomes a battle ground for all vehicles. Besides that, grouchy old people enjoy toying with bicyclists in this town.
I don’t like any of these because they will not work to solve your problems. They are designed to fail. /
Provisions for bike traffic are necessary for current use, but more importantly, future use.
First, road bikers in the Grand Valley seem to rarely use the bike lanes and instead choose to ride in the road. Secondly, North Ave. is a business/shopping district that doesn’t seem to have heavy bike traffic currently. There seems to be more pedestrian traffic, which is why I believe sidewalks are more important than bike lanes.
Exercise! Good for students. Cuts down on carbon emissions.
we are all trying to save on gas and help the environment. we need SAFE streets to ride.
As this street should be used as a business and shopping district I think that traffic flow and safety should be the chief concern.
I have rarely seen people riding bikes on North Avenue, it might just be the times that I am on North Avenue though. I see many more people walking.
Because more and more people are getting around on bikes, creating safety issues.
Even if you not have bike lanes, people ride there bikes on the street. It is dangerous for the bikers if there is no bike lane and it slows traffic down because motorist have to navigate around the bikers.
I have not noticed much in the way of bike traffic along that area and don’t see it increasing in the next decade.
Lots of traffic making it unsafe for bikes. Encourages people to ride bikes instead of drive.
Lots of bikes in the middle of the road.
To encourage safe, carbon-friendly commuting
As an avid cyclist and a daily bike commuter and pedestrian around town, the idea of more bike lanes and pedestrian friendly areas is appealing. But in thinking about North Ave it’s hard to say whether these would work well. It’s a narrow road with a lot of fast vehicle traffic. Would the developed areas be narrowed to one lane of car traffic (fine by me, but many people would probably object) for Options like 3 or 4? Even if there is a nice bike lane there is still a lot of traffic turning into businesses and side streets that could be a hazard to bike travelling in the bike lane. I may avoid riding in a bike lane on North Ave for that reason and choose a less busy parallel road. / / I probably would spend more time walking on North Ave if it was a more pleasant place to walk. / / In an ideal sitution North Ave would be one lane each direction for cars, roundabouts at intersections and dramatically slowed car traffic. Like Main Street. Plenty of pedestrian and bicycle access, reduced car access. Main St is quite nice and I will sometimes go a bit out of my way to deliberately ride my bike down Main St because it is a pleasant little stretch.
cycling as a form of transportation should increase in the future
Due to the amount of traffic on North Ave., not sure this is the best location to encourage bicycles.
Because of the pedestrian traffic associated with the college and the downtown area, it seems to make the most sense to add a safe lane of travel for people who choose transportation by bike. If there is not a proper bike lane, bicyclist will ride on the sidewalks.
More and more people are using bicycles as their perferred form of transportation. Transportation planners need to include safe ways for people to ride their bikes from point A to point B.
This type of transportation will become increasingly important as gas prices go up!
For the safety of cyclists and to help the flow of traffic.
Bicyclists will use the road regardless of whether the bike lanes are there. Bike lanes make it more safe for the cyclists and motorists.
I think as we look toward the future we should plan for alternative forms of transportation as energy costs will undoubtedly continue to rise.
To make it a little safer for bike riders. We have seen a lot of different times when bicyclists have been almost hit by cars and a few times where they have been hit. It gives bike riders a little more of a safety zone for riding and keeps the sidewalks clear for pedestrians.
There are no other continuous east west routes on the north side of North Ave for bikes. Those routes on the south side of North Avenue are somewhat continuous but lack signals at major intersections and with the exception of Gunnison all dead end into 12th St. Speeds on North Ave between 1st and 28th are 30-35 mph which is more bike friendly than the 40-45 mph on I-70B and Patterson Rd. / / Option 1 should be implemented as soon as practicable maybe with next chip seal followed long term by Option 3 or Option 6. Option 1 will help towards speed limit compliance as the proposed 11 foot travel lanes “squeeze” the feel of the road for the motorist reducing average speeds. / / Thanks!
Many people ride their bikes and as a driver, it is a hazard to get around them especially when traffic is busy. This is not safet for the bike rider nor for the drivers.
link with other bike lanes
This makes it safer for everyone involved. The bikes are there anyway, so let’s make it safe.
Road too busy - move bike lane north to Elm or Glenwood
Traffic is a problem already - adding the need for cars to wait for bikes to turn on or off of the street will make traffic back-up even more.
North Avenue is a major traffic route and you should maximize the motor vehicle traffic. You have taken too many routes from four lanes to two already so we could have “traffic calming” and bike lanes. If you get traffic much more calm we’ll all have to ride bikes!
Alternate forms of transportation are an important part of Comprhrndivr growth plan.
safety, more appealing to riders
Traffic is bad enough on the street the way it is. Adding another lane for bikes will just increase the risk of accidents.
Too busy of a streat and there are many other routes that bikes can take.
It would create a safe route for college students who rely on bicycles for transportation.
Not enough bike traffic on North Ave.
There are too many turning movements with numerous driveways along North Ave. and we already have alternate east west bike routes that run parallel to North Ave. (Gunnison Ave. and Elm Ave.)
It’s a comuting road.
Not really
Why should gas tax and vehicle registration fees pay for bikes lanes, since they do not pay an sort of user fee or tax. It is a waste of a significant amount of money for the small number of users that would utilize the lanes.
Traffic is too heavy with cars on North Ave. The “element” that use North Ave are not good drivers. They do not pay attention to the road, let alone anyone on a bike.
Absolutely NO bike lanes! If traffic picks up again, it will be a hazard. Cyclists have a tendency to ignore laws and think the roads belong to them.
Too dangerous for the traffic that travels at lunch time and rush hours. Possible lawsuits for the three foot right of way will hamper business and cause
Somewhat, as more bikes are in use for safety there needs to be designated areas that Bike’s would ONLY be allowed in.
Separates cars from bikes, from pedestrians.....
There are adequate alternate routes to ride a bike between 12th St. and 1st St.
Total Responses
Do you think on-street parallel parking is important to have along North Avenue?
Why or why not?
The parking can be congested in that area, especially when you have a special event, you get walkers, bikers, vehicle traffic, etc... Any area to allow for extra parking is an asset to North Avenue.
College kids will park on the busy street and accumulate expensive parking tickets which their parents will end up paying. The parking should be reserved for the businesses located on North Avenue.
The road is far to busy to allow for parking and doors opening and most businesses are set back far enough with their own parking that this would be a waste.
It is such a busy road it would be dangerous to have people getting in and out of the cars along the road.
It is such a busy road it would be dangerous to have people getting in and out of the cars along the road.
Once again, I believe that we would see an increase in accidents if parking were allowed on North Avenue. Something needs to be done about the congestion on North Avenue before something like this is even considered. Honestly, I avoid North Avenue as often as possible.
Too busy a street
it will help with the “NO PARKING” along North Ave.
Most businesses, already have their own. Again. Traffic flow, is extreamly important. Traffic will only get worse, in the future, and ans much as some folks hate to admit it. Bikes, will, never, ever, replace the car. This aint China !
There is enough off street parking.
It would slow down traffic too much, and there already seems to be plenty of parking.
The types of businesses along North Ave primarily have their own parking lots. Parking along that very busy street would be unnecessary and confusing.
Heavy traffic on North and going to fast for street parking. It appears that most businesses have ample parking. On street parking would only add to congestion on North.
Yes so that it would be easier access to businesses also events happening at Stocker Stadium. My only concern with this is that people would have to yield to oncoming traffic.
Grand Junction have very few roads that people can use to get across town. If parking is necessary it should be either at the business, behind the business or on a block either side of North Ave. The danger of accidents with people parking on the street in any manner needs careful consideration. Consider this... cars, people on sidewalks, bikes and then you want to add parking... I think that’s a bad idea.
Hopefully we will have clusters of businesses and residential structures off the street and not need to park right on the street. Less parking may also promote more use of public transit in the future. We should look at a society that is less car centric.
business corridor not neighborhood
The street scape is unlike downtown and has many existing parking lots.
Makes the street more user friendly and slows down traffic
It would create too much congestion.
Especially with bike lanes, parking creates danger for bicyclists. Parking should be on side streets.
I believe parking should be done in parking lots. I feel uncomfortable parking next to relatively high speed traffic and feel it creats a dangerous situation for both parked vehicles and vehicles traveling on the highway.
Businesses already have enough parking on site.
Not enough places you want to stop to shop or see anyway!
Parking along the street could create more accidents. Off street parking is available with most businesses along North Ave.
Many businesses have parking. And the bike lanes are more inportant.
Parkiing on north avenue is difficult to find. Creating parallel parking along with narrower traffic lanes will created a calming affect and essentially make north avenue between 1st and 12th a more pleasant place to be.
there is already sufficient parking. If anything, I suggest removing some of the parking lots.
Most if not all business have parking already. I would rather see space used for bike lanes or an increased median with trees.
Lots of off street parking except for JUCO and graduations.
On-street parallel parking will make the flow of traffic too iratic with people having to stop or slow down while allowing another vehicle to park. Parallel parking adds a danger to bicyclists. Parking lots are the best answer.
Seems like businesses will have their own parking. Riding a bike next to parked cars is also scary.
seems like most of the shopping has parking lots. If planning to build on parking lots then we will need parking alternatives.
Parallel Parking would be just as bad of a nightmare. Are you trying to take the thousands of cars off of this thoroughfare?
I think some parking along North Ave. would be a great idea, especially for storefronts which have little parking available, and would do wonders to boost business along the corridor
most businesses don’t have enough parking places.
Need vs want.
slows traffic
Most of the places have parking lots
I feel that on-street parallel parking would hinder traffic flow and could create a safety issue with the added bike lanes.
North Ave is essentially now a highway. Unless traffic is slowed on this route considerably it seems to make littel sense to have parallel parking on it.
I think it is important if parking becomes a major concern. Otherwise have each business provide parking.
Its too busy of a street and parallel parking will cause too many delays
Parking is not the problem with business retention on north avenue. It has not been a pedestrian friendly atmosphere, walking has not been encouraged, crossing the street is flat dangerous, and the ambiance and beautification you see in other areas has not occured. In short, there are not enough “captive” customers in the area, nor sufficient draws to bring and keep customers there.
With all the traffic, it would be a jumbled up mess! Besides, what business is there on North that needs the on street parking?
Most businesses have parking lots and there is significant traffic flow on North Avenue. I believe adding parallel parking will cause traffic to slow down and I don’t believe that is the safest option.
Most stores and business have parking now. Let’s keep that and not impede traffic flow with parking activity.
The businesses along North have plenty of on-site parking. In many areas it’s already a sea of asphalt.
Is dangerous for bike lane
I would like to see more street frontage of buildings and parking away from the street.
I think parking should be behind the shops/restaurants, keeping the storefronts in front for better pedestrian access and to just make it look nicer.
A business should be required to provide parking for its customers.
You are just asking for trouble if you put parking on North Avenue even with a parking lane. While I think people are used to seeing bicycles on North Avenue (usually on the side-walks by the way), we haven’t had parking along North Avenue in as long as I can remember (I grew up here).
no room, too much traffic
There is more than sufficient parking for businesses along North Avenue
There’s plenty of parking in the parking lots.
most business have off Street parking.
would impede the flow of traffic.
Some, but not the whole corridor. Most businesses already have their own lots.
I believe if would clog the traffic flow.
The businesses and shopping centers along North Avenue have adequate parking.
There really isn’t a need.
I may be wrong, but I have not experienced any problems with parking on North Ave with the available parking areas. Perhaps with the changes in the right of ways, buffers, and bike lanes, the parking areas would be smaller. In that case, it might be OK. However, on-street parking tends to conflict with bike lanes and pedestrian traffic (at times).
There is too much traffic on North Ave to accommodate Parallel Parking
It would be better to create more parking elsewhere if possible as the college is doing with parking garages, etc. - it is likely to just be filled with student cars if there is parking on North Ave. Also, it would be better for everyone if students who are able to walk or bike to campus.
Most businesses along North Avenue already have adequate off-street parking.
Businesses along North have their own parking, so don’t see this option as important - even in the next 25 years. Like the idea of bus pull-outs though.
If businesses weren’t set back so far my attitude might be different, but at the moment, parallel parking seems pointless and potentially dangerous.
Parking is important, but many of these businesses already have some parking. If we are loosing a significant number of spaces by ‘emminent domain’ to create bike lanes sidewalks bus stops, etc. It will be important to find new spaces, garages etc. Parallel parking doesn’t seem to be the only way to do that. New construction setbacks and off street parking seem a better choice for the North Ave corridor.
Not needed
Another issue for bicycles to deal with. Impedes traffic flow.
Businesses should bear the responsibility for providing parking for their patrons. Smart drivers/owners don’t park on busy streets for a reason. Learn from them. No parallel or angle parking on busy arterial streets, especially North Avenue.
inpedes traffic
That also would be to dangerous...
Too much traffic to parallel park
It is too busy a street.
Too much money to provide on street parking. Let the business owners pay for that as the properties are redeveloped.
Too much traffic in corridor to support parallel parking.
Parking in the lots by the businesses is just fine. I’ve never thought “Oh, I wish there was more parking on North Avenue.” Parallel partking would be too dangerous on this road.
The speed and volume of traffic rule this out in my opinion. The idea of someone backing into a spot with everyone else in the lane being held up seems quite dangerous.
This would hinder traffic flow.
Because the feel of the area would reflect back to the way it was in times past. Many towns had an area for parking along the street. The old time feel of the main street where the street was the area you were going to.
We want to promote a healthy lifestyle and encouage fewer cars. Every car trip costs money, every bike trip saves money and pollution. Parking will create more hazards for drivers and cyclists.
there are a lot of parking areas already
Not enough space.
The road is too narrow to allow room for door swings and bike lanes. Also, cars add to the visual clutter and will detract from the landscaping.
The commercial businesses along North Ave seem to have sufficient parking. I have never had a problem parking in the vicinity.
right now there seems to be no problem with stores having plenty of parking. parallel parking could actually cause more traffic congestion with people trying to get into spots on the street.
I think that if new attractive businesses come into the area additional parking will be needed. It would also slow down traffic on the road and make it feel less like a hwy.
Car doors are a menace to bike riders
Yes, if you want to create a sense of place where pedestrians actually shop. If you don’t want that, then no.
I’d urge you to move away from the strip mall pattern (huge parking lots, fast traffic, car-centric, not pedestrian friendly) that currently exists on North. I avoid North Ave. like the plague. It is one of the reasons that people throughout western colorado often refer to this town as the cultural armpit of the state. Once those folks see downtown, they’re often pleasantly surprised. In fact, many of those folks have seen main street and said: “maybe there is hope here.”
Having a bike lane on the outside of || parking is dangerous for not only the auto drivers but the cyclists with doors opening and cars pulling in/out. All the businesses along north, currently, seem to have plenty of storefront parking and if not there are plenty of places within a minute walk to the store.
All the retailers already have designated parking along the cooridor.
It slows down traffic too much on this busy east-west road. There are massive amounts of vacant parking lots currently being under-utilized.
Dangerous and unnecessary
I can’t think of any place I’ve ever gone on North Ave. that needed additional parking
Again, the traffic moves much too quickly and at much too high a density for parallel parking to be feasible. Parking should be provided at businesses along North Ave. such as the new Fiesta Guadalajera at 7th & North or such as the REI shopping Center or at Copy Copy.
As a cyclist, I think on street parking would bbe a hazard to bikers in the bike lane.
too busy
There are enough parking lots attached to each business, parallel parking would be crazy and dangerous. DONT DO IT please!
I think there is plenty of room in the redevelopment process to create sufficient off-street parking.
limited space already and most businesses have their own parking anyways. Plus traffic would probably cause accidents with people opening their doors due to high traffic.
if the right of way is added on either side of the street, then some parking which exists now in front of businesses may be eliminated.
Most businesses have parking areas.
On-street parking blocks the view of traffic turning onto the street.
Most businesses already have off street parking.
Most stores have parking lots already
Extra parking along north Avenue is unnecessary with businesses providing ample parking already.
Seems like there is already plenty of off-street parking and having a more bike and pedestrian friendly street could encourage spending more time on North Ave. As is, North Ave is too busy with speeding traffic to want to spend much time there - it ends up being a highway. As a walker and biker I would do more on North Ave if there was safer travel.
Fast-moving traffic, plenty of asphalt space behind and around building for parking. Safer, too.
Dangerous to bicyclists and other drivers; would slow the traffic on North Ave.
There is more than adequate parking off street on North Avenue. Cars pulling into & out of on-street parking creates a hazard & will greatly effect traffic-flow.
Maybe if a certain stretch of North were designated more of a walking, storefront, Main St type locale
My thought is no. Does it exist anywhere now? From my recollection of driving North Avenue, all businesses currently located on North Ave have offstreet parking. Keep it that way. Use the extra space for bike lane, sidewalk and tree lined buffer area.
North Avenue is one of the main corredors through town. In my opinion, on-street parallel parking is an inappropriate use of space along North Avenue. It poses a danger to vehicles who are not parking and a danger to those attempting to pull out into traffic. North Avenue should be kept open to the flow of traffic as it is already cluttered enough, particularly through the college area.
I believe that parallel parking would create more traffic congestion and accidents along North Avenue and thus would be horrible for North Avenue.
We should go with that back in again, then we can at least guarantee some job tearing it out in two years.
There is plenty of parking in all the empty retail lots. Businesses should be providing parking not the city.
I think as busy as North Ave is, it would be dangerous to have parking along the street. It seems like it would really cause a lot of congestion. The businesses along North Ave seem to have adequate parking on their lots.
Most businesses along North Ave have adequate off-street parking lots. Adding parallel parking to a road as heavily traveled as North Ave will cause hazards as drivers attempt to either park or enter traffic.
Parking along North would only be to support businesses. I believe the businesses should have parking lots that they pay for, rather than parking spaces that the taxpayer pays for. Also, I think North has too much traffic for safe and efficient on-street parking.
Many parking lots
The business have parking lots and that is adequate.
It doesn’t seem like there is enough demand for parking right now. I suppose that could change if there are more businesses along North and/or fewer parking lots for those businesses.
I’ve never felt the need to park on North Ave. and wouldn’t feel like I was gaining something from having the option - there are plenty of parking lots for North Ave. businesses.
Plenty of side street parking
It appears most businesses have plenty of off street parking.
Dangerous with bike lanes on a busy road. /
NO - a total waste of space and money and will make cycling even scarier waiting for a door to open on you.
Many business have parking lots.
Most businesses on North Avenue already have ample parking lots to accommodate its patrons.
The condensed areas of North Ave. have inadequate parking so curb-side will help greatly.
Just stupid. Some people won’t realize that it IS parking space & try to drive in it. Will cause more accidents.
Most businesses have ample off-street parking now. Parallel parking slows traffic and is dangerous for adjacent bike riders.
Individual businesses have their own parking, all spaces would be taken up by college students and would not benefit businesses much.
Knowing the driving habits of locals, there are to many dangers areas that can’t support stopped or slow moving traffic. To much police presents or lack of presents, along with not wide enough streets and side-walks, and beautification with colors/plants, loss of/bad businesses, impeding golf-course on road-way, have resulted in the slow down of visitor to businesses.
Park to go where?? Most businesses are set back from the street with their own parking lot.
Business has parking
Increases risk of accidents
Many North Ave. businesses have parking already. Parallel is not an ideal option for a busy thoroughfare. /
I’m not sure of the benefit of on street parking, but think it would be a hazard to bikes.
Off street parking is available.
There is parking for most shops already
It’s dangerous to have people moving in and out of traffic like that on a main route
Too dangerous
I am conflicted over this one. I can see how business owners may prefer it. However I believe that vehicles slowing and coming to a stop on North Avenue so as to park parallel would lead to additional delays and congestion. I realize that not all business establishments have the luxury of having a lot of off-street parking available.
there are no bussiness cause you ran them to the west end of town by the mall.
Parking is provided by the businesses in this corridor--keep it that way. Cars getting into and out of the spaces will only impede traffic--again, can we have a few streets that are designed to move traffic rather than calm it, causing road rage, because you can’t get from one end of town to the other without intentional stop and go traffic??? A person shouldn’t have to swing out to the north or south to avoid getting across town.
Unlike Main Street almost all the businesses on North Ave. have parking lots already.
I do not think it would hurt, but I do not believe that should be a high priority.
Most established buildings on North already have parking accommodations---How can parking spaces be created in an already defined space along with the proposed sidewalk, buffer, lanes, bus pullouts, bike lanes. This would affect traffic flow on a very busy street.
Parking should be off-street in parking lots.
too busy of a street to have cars parking in such a fashion when most people struggle to do so without any pressure
If a business believes parking is important to its business, it can pay for the parking. The city, however, must plan for the future. We should not be subsidizing a form of transportation that is in an inevitable decline.
Let ‘em park off street. Again, follow Fiesta Guadalajara. It’s the trend nationwide. / It also keeps the inside of the businesses cleaner. There’s gotta be another city w/ the same challenges, but I’m stumped as to where.
Businesses should have to provide their own parking not the taxpayer
This is even a worse idea than bike lanes! There is plenty of parking for the businesses now. Opening doors into traffic is dangerous and parallel parking is time-consuming for many of us who rarely do it anymore and would stall traffic flow. Watching for children jumping out of cars is dangerous. Really bad idea! / Since you forced me to choose two options in question #1, I chose the one without a bike lane, but I would rather have voted for option #2 twice and not be forced to choose parallel parking!
Parking is now in up front lots, but as it developes, can be provided in rear.
traffic hazard - stopping and backing in. adds only nominal number of spaces.
This will make for many accidents I think, and since it’s once of the main roads this will be very bad.
,Hardly anyone is capable of parallel parking any more. Not used enough to be proficient. Holds up traffic behind them.
I thing off street parking is safer
plenty of parking right off N. Ave
Too expensive
I see the heavy flow of traffic on North Avenue being problematic with people trying to enter or leave parking spaces along the street.
Most businesses have parking available
no it will impede traffic on an already busy street
It does not seem like there is currently inadequate parking for the businesses along North Ave. It would seem the space could be used more effectively with one of the other options presented.
There is enough off street parking.
most businesses already have parking and there is parking available on most of the side streets. for the safety of walkers and bikers, there should not be street
This is an equally insane idea, as it takes times to parallel park & that causes traffic flow to really slow down, unless you provide extra space in which to do it, out of the traffic flow. Parking spaces are adequate at the businesses as it is, IMO.
Because the businesses along North Avenue already provide parking for their customers. Parking has never been an issue for me when patronizing any businesses along North Ave. Additionally, On-street parking will inhibit the safe and convenient flow of traffic.
don’t think it is necessary and will make it more dangerous for driving and biking.
This is more of a “shopping thoroughfare,” rather than a small, compact shopping area. The parking needs to be off North Avenue for reasons of safety and traffic flow.
I have never had a problem finding parking at various businesses along North Ave.
Too dangerous for passing traffic and bikes.
No parking of any kind on the street. It would impede the traffic flow.
Many businesses structures are already a sidewalk away so how can you shrink the road to add parking. Most businesses have their own parking. / Maybe you should clean up the medians you have inplace and put money into getting businesses into all the empty building. Changing the street and getting rid of Lincoln Park Golf Course isn’t going improve the street.
it will interrupt traffic flow, which will detour people from the area. help traffic and parking by developing the next street north and south of North with some parking...
Takes up too much land, land better used for traffic flow. Parking will slow up traffic.
There is an ample amount of parking off of the street.
Most all of the business have off street parking.
I think it would be more of a hazard then a help - few if any businesses need street parking, they already have parking at their place of business.
Businesses seem to have adequate parking off of North Avenue. Moreover, the tradeoff for on-street parking is a loss of traffic lanes, bike lanes, or sidewalks, none of which is a good idea.
Most businesses on North have off-street parking. Also, the combination of busy traffic and biking don’t go well with parallel parking.
No reason to park on North Avenue when the businesses along North Avenue have their own parking. It isn’t like downtown where there is no parking for each individual business. I think this would be a waste of money.
North Avenue is already too busy to add more chaos (parallel parking) to the mix of heavy traffic and heavy pedestrian traffic that is already associated with Grand Junction High School and Colorado Mesa University and events at Suplizio, Stocker Stadium and Lincoln Park.
People can park at places of business that already have off-street parking.
I feel it would congest things too much on a busy road.
the street is too much like a hwy. Backing in and pulling out would be a problem. Off street parking lots and bus shelters is the best.
Off-street parking should be promoted along North Avenue.
So many of the store fronts have parking, it’s not like Main Street.
Dangerous to bicyclists and other drivers; would slow the traffic on North Ave.
Absolutely not. There are enough parking lots and no businesses on the street that need street parking.
On street parking reduces safety for pedestrians and cyclists as a result of reduced visibility.
too busy a street.
The majority of businesses have sufficient private parking. Side streets can also be utilized for parking.
There is plenty of parking available as it is now. Most businesses are set back from the street enough.
Parking lots are available with most businesses.
Most businesses have sufficient parking, in my view. Of course, I would want to ask the business people this too--their response is most important. I have never had any problems finding parking to access the many businesses I use on North Ave because they all provide parking.
Works just fine as a major route
north avenue doesn’t seem to have a lot of “draw” shops that require parallel parking
Parking is important for businesses.
It will interfere with flow of traffic and most businesses have off-street parking.
Traffic volumes on North Avenue are too high to have the constant traffic flow interruptions of people trying to park or leave spaces. Accidents are inevitable. Businesses will be better served by improving their own on-site parking and working with neighboring businesses to have shared parking. Also, there needs to be consolidation of curb cuts to limit traffic movement onto and off of the street.
On-site parking and sidestreet parking should be adequate.
There seems to be plenty of parking spaces in the area for most businesses/residences (I’ve never had trouble parking). It seems way too congested for on-street parking to be retro-fitted into this area. It seems that it would create a lot of blind spots for people who are trying to pull into traffic or cross the road (and this hold true for pedestrians, bicyclists AND motorists). I would rather the tight space be used for more pedestrian and bicycle amenities. The street is in need of street trees!
There is already too much parking along North Avenue. This is part of the reason why the avenue is so ugly.
most stores on North avenue have parking lots and the likely hood of an accedent happening in a parking lot is less then if you pull out from the side of the street with the speed that people travel on that road.
Between a “yes or no” I have to choose no, but I qualify that by saying that there may be some locations where on-street parking could be appropriate (ie, between 1st Street and about 28 Road where the development pattern is denser and more urban). But for most of the length of North Avenue, its a suburban development pattern where traffic moves faster and the road is used primarily for mobility to different destinations around the City. For those segments, its more important to provide good buffering for pedestrians and wide bike lanes so bicyclists feel safe on the road. Plus, if conditions on North Avenue change dramatically in the future, its easy enough to add in the on-street parking later when its more feasible (by removing sections of the landscape buffer and switching to a more “downtown urban” section).
I think this would create traffic back-ups and accidents, North Avenue is too busy to have parking like Downtown - businesses along North Avenue should be forced to provide parking in the rear or on the sides of their businesses. This should be at the businesses expense and not tax payers as they are making a profit and done so for many years along this corridor. Business must be held accountable to pay for their own improvements including access and medians.
I think it’s a good idea and could work, it’s just hard to imagine with the present configuration of North Avenue. I think Americans can’t get past the park-out-front mentality but maybe some parking in the front, with more in the back will get people used to the idea.
I am a strong advocate of bike paths, and I find that on street parallel parking represents a considerable danger to bicyclists. This danger presents itself in two ways: First, and most obviously, people opening their car doors, which any bicyclist on the adjacent bike path will then slam into and sustain serious injuries. / / Second, with on street parking encouraged, it is likely that occasionally a driver will simply park in the bike lane.
There is already adequate parking, and the street is too busy for parallel parking to be safe.
all or almost all business have private parking
businesses have ample parking spots now and do not need anymore
There is plenty of parking in parking lots and off-street parking.
Most current businesses have parking lots
I feel it would congest traffic as well as make it dangerous for bikes.
to busy
Most businesses have parking lots.
maybe? Not sure since i do not frequent areas that I woud use a parking spot...let others weigh in on this one...
Parallel parking is not important for north avenue due to how businesses are set up along North, they typically have their own parking, and there is such high traffic that parallel parking would not be the safest option.
Historically, there have not been many requests for parking along North Avenue. We should keep it as a quick fareway to get from one side of the City to the other.
Isn’t there enough parking here already? I do not have trouble parking at businesses on North Avenue (and I patronize a lot of the businesses here!). Wouldn’t providing even more accommodations for cars, seemingly at the expense of bikes and pedestrians, make it very difficult to create a ‘sense of place’ and a place that people want to come back to which is the point of the study/plan? I only shop here because this is where some businesses are located that provide the goods/services that I cannot find elsewhere. Believe me, if I could go somewhere else to get what I need, I would have no reason to be on North Avenue. I’m sure the CMU students, faculty and staff would agree!
Retailers all have huge parking lots. Plus, car lined streets aren’t as attractive.
It will slow traffic flow and could cause accidents
It is a major arterial and there are enough large parking lots to accommodate the businesses there.
Plenty of parking spaces already. Waiting for someone to parallel park (back up into the space) would just stall traffic further. Not to mention cars pulling out into oncoming traffic.
all the businesses have their own parking lots - its way too congested after 7th street going towards 6th and 5th to have parking and it would all be taken up by Mesa State Students
Too much traffic to park on North Avenue. To dangerous.
There are a number of parking lots at the businesses, and the side streets. The parking just adds to the congestion.
It would be nice, but not necessary.
traffic is too heavy to have any parking, parallel or angle
I think it’s a great idea, but at the bottom of the priority list. It falls into the catagory of if I could have my cake and eat it too, we’d have detached walks, at least an 5 ft buffer, parking (personally I’d do angle parking and make the street 2 lanes - one each direction) and a bike lane. Just don’t think that’s going to happen.
Parking is already available in area businesses and additional buffer will take away the existing parking that some of those businesses already have.
too dangerous.
North Ave. is not Main Street and people will not be strolling up and down the street. North Ave. is a going in to a specific busy and get out.
Too much traffic if continue as primary access.
Again, too much traffic. Cars slowing down to find parking, backing up traffic to pull in and out, or stopping to wait for a space that is about to become available, are all problems that will occur on a constant basis (especially near the college) if there was parking on North Avenue.
Too much potential for accidents with high volume of traffice during busy periods. More than adequate off street parking currently available.
North Ave. is a thoroughfare designed to move large volumes of traffic quickly and efficiently. Someone trying to parallel park would be a significant hinderance.
Same with the bike prob to many people not paying attention more parking lots or maybe a parking grage someday
There is plenty of parking off of North Ave.
most businesses have their own parking so i don’t think that it is necessary to have on-street parallel parking. also it would be troublesome to parallel park on such a busy street.
Business should provide parking along North Ave.
I really like this idea and I think that it would add character to North Ave. as it would create more of a shopper friendly environment and would be somewhat similar to a downtown Fort Collins. In Fort Collins (Old Town) the parking spaces are in the median at a slight angle.
no we dont have funds
It will only congest traffic more blocking views and become unsafe in attempting to find a parking space. Traffic is only going to increase and on street parking on a main thorough-fare does not make sense. This is not like Main St or other small downtown side streets.
Too many people drive fast through that area whether or not they are supposed to we are increasing the risk of cars getting hit and people getting injured.
Parking on North would be a disaster! People already don’t watch where they are going and to add traffic moving in and out of parking spaces would be asking for trouble.
Businesses have their own parking. Parking on a busy street is hazardous - to the person entering or leaving the car, to the drivers, and to bike riders.
It is hard enough to get in and out of he parking lots on North Ave. Trying to park, or exit a parking space on such a busy road is a whole lot of accidents waiting to happen. /
This road is simply too busy for that type of parking. I believe it would cause all manner of accidents and traffic delays. The traffic load is prohibitive for safe parking, and exiting/entering one’s vehicle.
There is no parking needed because the stores are closed. The stores that required parking have parking lots. / North Ave is Not main street. There is no way a “Park and walk to stores” idea can fly. The stores are too far apart. / The buildings have parking lots and do NOT need parking on the street.
All the shops on North Avenue already have their own parking lots. Parking is NOT an issue on North Avenue like it is in older parts of the city.
I don’t see a lot of people parking parallel because north has a lot of people driving on it.
more parking equals more shoppers, and meters could be used for extra money.
Motorists won’t slow down enough to allow someone to parallel park. Then trying to inch your way out of a space would be a disaster.
No one will come to any poor quality establishments.
Parking will promote unsafe conditions for motorists and pedestrians. It will also lead to further congestion.
The slightly outdated buildings along North Ave. have poor parking. Adding parking would be a benefit to potential customers of North Ave. businesses.
would cause too many accidents with cars trying to pull out.
Any room used for parking should be used for pull outs to improve traffic flow.
North Avenue is a very busy street and I think that having the on-street parallel parking could create more accidents.
Too much traffic on North Ave. Businesses should provide parking off-street.
It depends if you want a main street feel for North Ave. parallel parking might work. If you want a more commercial appeal I feel the parallel parking would make North Ave too congested and would slow down the traffic flow.
Most if not all of the businesses located on north avenue have their own parking lots. Also, parallel parking on a business street such as north avenue would be very unsafe.
North ave is crowded enough as it is. NO parallel parking. Bike lane is more important. Businesses have their own parking lots. Parking on the street is unnecessary!
Parking will produce problems for traffic flow.
there are many parking lots that could be spruced up for usage
There are plenty of businesses with plenty of parking areas along North Ave already. I assume that parking would be located to the right of the bike lane, often putting the bike lane right into the “door zone” where cyclists are at risk fron car doors opened suddenly. In those type of situations I avoid a bike lane and ride in the car travel lane for my safety.
If the planning of North Avenue is to increase the commercial viability of the properties, then parking will be required.
North Ave. is a state highway.
North Ave is already congested enough without the added confusion and sudden starts and stops added by people trying to paralellel park on such a busy road. Not a good idea.
North Avenue is already a difficult street to manuver without having to worry about people trying to parallel park (which most people aren’t very good at) or when they pull out into traffic without looking.
I personally would be uncomfortable parallel parking on North Avenue. I would avoid those parking spots because it is a very busy street and would be nervous having to back into a parking space.
I think it would be very dangerous. North Avenue is a very busy thoroughfare at a higher speed limit (and more people speeding at any given time) than other streets which have parallel parking (downtown).
Most businesses provide their own parking and there is ample room for that on North Ave. Parallel parking can obstruct traffic as cars pull in and out.
I think the additional parking would give more access to businesses for customers and if the parking includes parking meters it will also give more revenue to the city.
No as important as bike lanes as most of the area as developed with off street parking over the last 50 years. As with the bike lanes it’s slowing effect on the corridor would encourage compliance with speed limits.
I think it will be difficult for people to park and not avoid tying up traffic that wants to continue down North Avenue. They will end up waiting for the person to park and this may back up traffic unless there is enough space that the parker can get out of traffic to park.
esthetics and safety
Businesses have their own parking.
Again, many use this street as a thoroughfare. This will add even more stoppage of traffic that will cause back-ups.
Most businesses along North Ave already have off street parking.
Businesses should have enough on site parking. It would very expensive to add another lane for parking.
More accidents
Not enough room, too busy of a street.
It would disrupt the flow of traffic too much as people take time to parallel park.
The businesses on North ave have plenty of parking spaces.
On street parallel parking would be very dangerous since this is a major arterial and backing and exiting movements would cause a traffic hazard
Too much traffic. Use of off road parking. Parallel brings traffic to a halt while someone parks, lane changing to avoid a car in the process of parking is hazardous.
It isn’t that kind of street.
Too dangerous.
Traffic is too heavy for parallel parking. There will be many accidents. If you added those in addition to a bike lane, you’re asking for trouble.
Once again, it would be a safety hazard once the traffic picks up again. If businesses don’t or can’t offer parking, I would rather see parking areas interspersed.
Parking on a heavily congested traffic zone would be like putting parking on Patterson Road. Bad idea
Traffic would be impeded and businesses have parking lots, this would just create additional blind spots for more traffic accidents.
Any real business would need more space other than frontage.... off street in lots
Parking would slow down traffic flow, especially in the right lane, as people slow down to pull over and park. Further, everyone starts moving to the right lane as they approach 1st Street in preparation for merging into I-70 B west of 1st Street. Most businesses between 1st St. and 12th St. already have adequate off-street parking, so there is no need to add parking spaces along North Ave.
Total Responses
How important would you rate each of the following to the redesign of North Avenue?
Very important
Somewhat important
Somewhat unimportant
Not at all important
Traffic flow and convenience
Aesthetics (appearance)
Bike lanes
On-street parallel parking
Creating a pleasant place to walk
Is there anything else you would like to add?
Keeping the area prestigious will contribute to the overall economy.
More lanes.
In order to really make north avenue aesthetically pleasing some of the old buildings should probably be torn down or remodeled.
In order to really make north avenue aesthetically pleasing some of the old buildings should probably be torn down or remodeled.
North Avenue east of 12th avenue is detriorating rapidly. Businesses are leaving the area and the quality of the neighborhoods are suffering. I have noticed however, that people are buying houses and making an effort to fix them up. Lets fix up north Avenue as well!!
bike lanes on the entire stretch of “G” road so people can drive in our lanes without swerving into on coming traffic in order to miss the bikes.
Just read aloud, twice to yourself, what I wrote above.
Thank you
It would be great to see an area that emphasizes the businesses and residences much like Main Steet and not the “straight shot” approach to making a road with little or no landscaping and no character. A new North Avenue that encourages people to slow down and enjoy the scenery and study the businesses or appreciate the residences along the throughfare may not only increase the business opportunities of the area but make it a desireable place to live and work as well.
Thanks for all that you are doing to improve our quality of life!
Tree plantings would be desireable.
What about a bus lane?
thank you for asking our input. I would like to see the city of gran junction expand in thoughtful ways, making the north ave corridor a mix zoned area with nice housing, and accessible services. This would incorporate creative multi-use structures that would include multi-family dwellings, commercial centers, places of business, retail, cafes, bars all together as small clusters with North Ave connecting them.
I do not rid on streets but my son was run over in January by a car coming out of a gas station while he was on the sidewalk. A bike line would help improve safety.
It really sad to see all the empty building. Could any of them be used by the city for a recreation center?
I was completely impressed with the communication about traffic, bike lanes and canels etc last year, but have not heard anything lately. I love the way you are keeping people in the loop and educating us along the way. Thank you!
I use this street as a main thoroughfare daily - as do thousands of other people. Why would you try to deter this? Adding bike lanes or parallel parking would create a traffic jam nightmare - it already is bad most of the day. This street is so busy because it is one of only three thoroughfares for east-west traffic (North, Patterson, and 70-B). Adding bike lanes and/or parking would just cause more headaches on Orchard, Grand, and other streets that are currently not able to handle the traffic. You should try DEALING with the traffic problems rather than trying to force people off of the street.
I highly, above anything else, support an creating a pleasant aesthetic along north ave. the street is a huant for the poor, trashy and homeless. its not good for business, and its not good for our community. the medians REALLY need to be fixed up! along with those terrible sidewalks. Wider sidewalks would be a great idea. more cross walks wouldn’t be a bad idea either. i would also support adding camera’s to the intersection of 12th and north to catch people who run red lights.
The more that the east side is “forgotten” the less willingness to shop or commute, shop, or live there.
There needs to be more plants and trees on North Avenue. it’s turning into nothing but ugly. The signs are garish and there are vast areas of blacktop on some blocks with no landscape. The businesses need to get some kind of coordinating look, or something else might be created to bringing a sense of community instead of urban blight.
Thank you!
All progress depends uon the unreasonable man - George Bernard Shaw
Make it more attractive to locate there by slowing down traffic, making it more attractive through landscaping, perhaps expand art on the corner, create a walking atmosphere. Currently it is a barren race track
You can “beautify” the road all you want, but you still see a bunch of big empty buildings when you drive down North Avenue. That’s sad.
This area has been neglected for a long time it’s it’s business importance atrophied with the development of Downtown and the Malls. It’s beginning to become more active, especially around 12th & North. Improvements to safety and appearance will impprove that whiole area and make it a part of the overall attractiveness of our City. I love that we take pride in our appearance, and care to spend the money to do so. It elivates our impression to visitors, and will make us more attractive for continued outside investment for new businesses who want to be part of a vibrant place to live.
Thanks for the opportunity to comment.
As I am sure has been discussed, the number of access points to North Av should be reduced. While I think aesthetics are important, I don’t think it should be heavily emphasized in this area. I think that the downtown serves this purpose. North Av can be cleaned up gradually without pooring dollars into expensive landscape options. It can be made to be pleasing without over doing the landscape and “aesthetics”.
With right and left turn lanes, many of the traffic lights could be eliminated. This would help speed up traffic flow. Of course, one might have to wait 15-20 seconds longer to get onto NOrth Avenue, but patience is a virtue. They’re probably talking on their cell phone, anyway, and wouldn’t notice the wait.
As long as you put in turn outs for the buses and turn lanes at least for the major intersections I think either one of the choices I put above would be good.
While redesigning North Avenue itself is an important step, it is more imperative to replace the anchors (such as grocery stores, etc) that make it a family-friendly area to live in.
North Avenue is an eyesore... anything you do would be better than what’s there now.
I like the pullout areas for the bus. Aesthetics are important.
Don’t break the bank.
Bikes could use the sidewalk. There isn’t that much pedestrian traffic or bike traffic. They could co-exist.
I am most concerned with the safety on North Ave to pedestrians, motorists, and vehicular traffic. I think Option 3 or 4 addresses those concerns best for me.
As the city and college grow and especially as gas gets more expensive, it is important to make the area around the college, the area schools and the hospitals where so many people work safer for bikes and pedestrians to get to. This could also ease some of the congestion in terms of traffic and parking. Also, where there are bike lanes - the other lanes can be left for cars who will not have to drive around, wait for bikes in order to pass as often. It is more efficient. North Ave could really use some work - thank you for doing this.
North Avenue has long been neglected, and it’s good to see forward planning in the process. Our downtown area is a large tourist draw and improvements to other amenities will only add to the desirability. Also, Los Colonias Park would be a wonderful addition to the downtown and trail attractions.
Thanks for allowing us to have imput...
North Avenue is dying clearly. All development seems to be moving out to the mall area. I live in the lincoln park area. I moved in when it seemed like things were on an up tick and the neighborhoods in the area were improving. Now the exact opposite is happening and it almost appears terminal. If things don’t turn around by the next real estate recovery, I will cut my loses and move to a more prosperous part of the city (or out of Grand Junction entirely) rather than seem the slow Cliftonization of my area.
An exclusive bus loop for main and north might be worth considering.
Good Luck
Re traffic flow: the only way to improve this is to add a through lane in each direction, right and left turn lanes and no bicycles. I doubt that there is sufficient room anywhere along North Avenue to do this.
Why has it taken so long for the city to realize there is a problem with the east end of town?? Anyone thought about what it looks like to a visitor to drive in from Highway 50 and end up by a bum park and Ute and Pitkin Ave with all the deserted boarded up houses?? For a town this size, there are some serious problems going on.
Try to make it safer. Many older people avoid driving North Ave. because of the traffic and speed of that traffic.
Excited for North Avenue to get an uplift! No matter what it looks like. Thanks!
North Ave needs much help!!
People cruised North Ave in the old days. For some reason the government decided that people cruising in cars was a bad thing for that street and that area. (not only here but in most towns and cities like Colfax in Denver) I am not sure why but I believe that now it would not just be the younger drivers that would be attracted to an area where cars, shoppers,and folks just walking could mix and mingle but a mixed bag of all of these. An area like the main streets of times past.
It’s exciting to see the possibilities of a safe route on North for cyclists and pedestrians.
Thanks for the opportunity to comment.
More trees!
North Avenue is a major roadway in GJ. A major beautification project would reflect well on the city and also help people take pride in the place they live.
North Ave. has become a major eyesore, at no fault of the city of course since development has long ago moved out more west. North has great potential at least for providing bicycles and automobiles an easy way to move across the city. Bike lanes are very important on our major streets. Thank you for taking the publics interests into consideration.
Bike enhanced communities are healthier, happier and more desirable. Let’s make Grand Junction a leader by placing a significant emphasis on cycling.
Make it neat or it will be blighted again in the future.
Making North Ave pedestrian and bicycle friendly will attract professionals and business variety. It could be an attractive area for young professionals, college students and retirees alike with the addition of pedestrian and bicycle considerations. Cars are a convenience and important but they are not the end-all in today’s world. Give people places they can get to without having to drive and they will gladly do it!
Hurry up, it is an eye sore.
The more infrastructure in place for biking, the more people will feel safe to bike, and the more motorists will take notice of bikers thus decreasing traffic and wear and tear on the roadways. Mesa State College’s very prominent location along North Avenue would also benefit greatly for the students if biking navigation of North Ave. is improved.
Thanks for taking input.
Keep up the good work!
North Avenue is in dire need of updating. I am often embarrassed with out of town guests and avoid taking them that route.
Beef up the center median so that pedestrians cannot jaywalk. Right-hand turn-lanes for traffic need to be available at all intersections.
Great idea!
North ave is pretty ugly, it could use a serious facelift
I highly encourage the city to provide safe and accessible bike routes throughout Grand Junction.
The Main Street facelift is great: as a newcomer to Grand Junction I am so impressed by the attention to the heart of downtown. North Ave could blossom as a commercial area by being more beautiful and easier to navigate as a non-driver.
Thanks for the opportunity to comment.
Good job providing options and asking for feedback! Thanks!
Create a Boulevard with landscaped median through parts of North or median separating traffic from bike lane and sidewalks
Good luck with this! It’s a hard one. North Avenue is like the ugly step sister to GJ’s downtown! If the City can come anywhere near as nice in the redevelopment of North Avenue as it has for the downtow area, you will have worked a miracle!
Having a bike lane could potentially increase public health (exercise contributes to weight loss, and positive mental health and well-being). A dedicated bike lane would contribute to a sense of community in the valley, and provide a viable alternative to expensive fuel consumption which pollutes our environment. Bike lanes have been needed in the Valley for a long time. I hope the bike lane gets added soon.
Thanks for taking the time and putting the effort into long range planning that is better for all concerned in Grand Jct.
Let’s make sure we hire plenty of outside consultants, gather tons of useless information and stats, and have lots of fancy meetings and attend symposium interacts in far away places. Maybe do some more 45,000 dollar logo design. Get those folks involved again. They’re good at spending our money.
Businesses should pay for things that benefit business, while the city should pay for things that benefit everyone, such as traffic flow, safety, and encouraging alternate transportation.
Make North Ave more like Main Street. A pleasing and welcoming place to visit.
North avenue is a commercial zone. I can’t imagine anyone walking for pleasure along North Ave when a block north or south is more residential/less traffic. No one walks to go window shopping in strip malls.
It is good to see that the City is considering adding more bike lanes in our community. Perhaps we would have less car traffic on the roads if we had more access for people choosing to use their bicycles in a safe designated lane. As it stands, there are only a few routes one can safely use without feeling like their life is in the hands of a careless driver.
Glad to see there are bus pullouts planned, instead of holding up traffic, like they do now.
In the 3rd paragraph of text headed “Why plan North Avenue?” you used it’s instead of its. Its is correct because the context requires a possessive pronoun rather than the contraction of “it is”. The use of incorrect grammar takes way from the credibilty of this project and is distracting to the reader. Please correct your error.
It would be great if their were store front grant opportunities on North, like there is for downtown businesses. Some of the buildings on North ave. are becoming very run down.
There are several other things I have thought of over the years, but don’t have the time right now to put on your survey. I grew up in Grand Junction during the 70’s.
Yes. There has been a great waste of money all the way around. We are not and never will be Japan. No one rides a bike to work. Our kids wouldn’t even ride a bike to school. They preferred to WALK! If you really wanted to rejuvenate North Avenue you should have put the Police Department at Eastgate where City Market and StarTek moved out instead of building an expensive monument to yourselves downtown that the City can’t afford and didn’t need. Police presence would have made that area safer so business would want to be there. Let me say the reason we moved to GJ 30 years ago was because we fell in love with Downtown. Unfortunately, that changed. First there was the 7th Street fiasco, narrowing a busy thoroughfare and creating a huge bottleneck; How many times has that brick flower garden been repaired because a truck couldn’t get around it? Then, back-in parking- which no one will use; Now, Downtown renovation which eliminates on-street parking, HELLO! can you say retirees? How about “HANDICAPPED”? We can’t walk six blocks from the dark, scary parking garage and then shop for two hours AND eat lunch. It is too far, and if the meter runs out, we get a ticket. Have you seen the graffiti down there? Can you say “MUGGING”? And it the symphony goes to the Avalon, I am done with that, too. I personally have abandoned downtown. It is no longer user friendly, and pouring tons of concrete into wider sidewalks merely makes my back ache more. I liked Hobby Lobby on North. It was easy access and easy to park. Now, in its new location there is an 8-lane gridlock to get there and idiot drivers who have no idea what lane they need, so they just cut at will. Making a left turn out of Lowes or Walmart to get to the light is next to impossible. One way in, one way out, super long waits at the intersection, talk about pollution; and have you ever counted the number of accidents between Golden Corral and Pier One? I am not against progress or improvement, but I am for reasonable spending of taxpayer funds for genuine needs, and in NOT creating a solution for problems that don’t exist. I shop at the Mall at the three stores that are not geared to teenagers, and online where I don’t have to park at all. I am not the only retiree in Grand Junction. Our ranks are growing. Do we count?
I think the east end of North Ave. is the bigger eyesore, and with so many vacancies in the old malls, restaurants, etc., now would be the easiest and least disruptive time to improve the area.
North Ave. will always be a main east/west route through the city. It is important to slow traffic to a reasonable pace, but also allow for smooth traffic flow with good timing of traffic lights.
Drainage during rainstorms is poor.
More landscaping!!!!
I would like to see bike lanes installed as soon as possible. It appears that this option can be implemented quickly and at minimal cost. Long term, I think it is important to try and make North Avenue a place that people want to visit. The city has been successful in transforming the downtown area. There is a reason that people like to go there and not so much to North Avenue.
don’t screw it up like yu always tend to do
We have a lovely main street for ambling pedestrians. It is important that people may walk along North Avenue, however, it isn’t a promenade--getting from point A to point B is the “point”.
I’m glad to see this is finally being addessed.
thank you for taking the time to seek input from the community. I agree that North Ave needs “some work”. I think that it primarily needs aesthetics (i.e. landscaping, etc) because it just looks too ugly-urban-dirty in some areas. Pedestrian access is also important along this key E-W corridor. But people will not want to walk in areas where they do not feel invited (i.e. safe, comfortable or welcomed), so you have your work cut out for you if this is one of your goals. Partnering with the local business will be a key to success in this endeavor, I would believe.
It’s time to do something about the look of North Avenue, even if it just makes it a nicer place to “cruise”.
is there any plans in the future regarding zoning of building and aesthetics of those? Many of the buildings over the years have been allowed to be run down and create a very poor image of our town along a busy part of the city. Renovations by Mesa State and the businesses near by have done a great job for that stretch but further west is a bit of an eye sore.
Surely the city can duplicate it’s success with downtown and all the commercial development west of 1st St. The old design of US Hwy 6 is obsolete. Time to get with the times.
Do not put trees in the center or on the corners. Aesthetic beauty should not compromise public safety. If you need an example just go down the riverside parkway. I can’t count the number of times the trees have hindered my ability to see oncoming traffic while turning.
Encouraging business participation in the beautification of the area by asking small groups to form an alliance along their section of North could improve store front appearance, keep the landscaping under control, and encourage visits. Reconfiguing North Ave by the City would encourage the busines owner to do his part in upkeep of the area, esp. if the business is part of a small group along their section of North. Pride in the appearance of a busines goes a long way to keep customers coming. / On a separate issue, have you considered overhead ped. walks, particulary at 7th where GJ High students completely dominate the area at certain times of the day, without regard for traffic flow or their own safety?
I walk down north ave a lot and it is always trashy. Pot holes in sidewalks, uneven side walks, weeds make this whole area look like a dump. It needs a complete make over. Covered bus stops would be nice. A buffer on the south side between side walk and road by the VA would be nice. I would hope these improvements would bring more business to this area, but since many stores have closed or moved it looks like terrible and it used to be such a nice place.
Take a look at the medians and side right-of-way strips that are currently on North Ave. They are overgrown with weeks, lots of dead foliage, not at all attractive. Who is taking care of them? This can go a long way to improving the esthetics of the street. How about adding this care to the volunteer opportunities available to food stamp recipients. / The parking lots at K-Mart, Eastgate and Big Lots could stand a lot of improvement, too. I realize they are private property, but / you can bet their patronage would pick up a lot if the surroundings were nicer looking. Use the new college buildings fronting North Ave. as a model. Some guidelines as to paint colors on the existing buildings could be developed. Ex. no purple.
Drop the speed limit to 30mph along the busy sections of the street
I am curious about why the bike lane on G Road from 27 to 24 Road is intermittent. There is a mile where there is no bike lane delineated. I don’t think it would be difficult to connect the “dots” with a stripe to remind motorists that cyclists have a place on the road.
For years North Ave has been neglected. It is time to offer incentives to businesses to locate their operations there and make improvements to the area.
either re-route buses or make dedicated pullout bus stops as to not impede traffic when a bus stops to pick up and drop off passengers.
I wasn’t aware of the reason that the city ceased mailing the regular info sheets on these topics - I used to read them completely & save for future referral. Glad this article was in the 5-30 paper so I found this survey. It seems to me that your top priority is to slow traffic in any way you can, whether using safety or whatever as the reason; guess you think most drivers/passengers want to dawdle along or the business owners think slow traffic will increase their business. Or maybe you mainly want to cater to visitors & ignore those of us who live here, who are mainly affected by traffic flow. I will make an effort from now on to attend the input mtgs. Then again, I’m not sure how much you intend to take our opinions into consideration, if your minds are made up & you’re required to have these mtgs. just for the formality. What percentage of the population actually walk that much along North Ave.? All bus stops need to have their own pull-off area for stops, as this is also a no-brainer. What could be the rationale for making it worse for the 98% who drive North Ave. vs the 2% who walk it? It strikes me as if your motto is “change for the sake of change” or let’s spend more money than we need to. I do understand that improvements are necessary, as stagnation is not a good thing. Let’s strike a happy balance.
This part of the State is gaining a Nation-wide reputation as a mountain bike mecca. Our City’s attitude should encourage and embrace this reputation through demonstrating our commitment with bike and foot friendly public thoroughfares.
Maintaining the current access points for all of the businesses on North Avenue needs to be a primary focus, concern and goal. This is especially true for existing left-turn lanes. These small businesses are an important part of this City, providing many jobs, sales tax dollars, and a vibrancy and variety that contributes to the CIty’s character. Doing anything that makes it harder for these small business people to thrive, or survive, would be irresponsible and tragic. The first and crucial focus must be on the businesses, and stay on the businesses throughout the process, not on walking, biking, traffic engineers, aesthetics, or any other commendable concern.
Thank you for taking my opinion into consideration. I would love to ride my bicycle more often and I hope we can create a good environment in which to do so.
Glad to see this happening. Landscape strips with detached walks create a friendly and inviting area. Bike lanes are the most important plus keeping the roads as wide as possible.
Be careful with landscaping. It can be a detriment to sight lines and can create problems in the winter with snow and ice removal on the street.
it is not a walking area and will not be withour a major overhaul, which would be costly. GJ could use more nightlife and lower north ave has potential, say from 1st st to 28th st. give some good deals to bring businesses into that area, make each property more attractive through the owner agreement and let the owners pay for it.... / / from what i see of the city engineering for street planning, well it is moderately poor. downtown GJ main st. is okay for the atmosphere it creates but ever tried to ride a bike there ?? the newly redone Colorado ave. is horible for driving, it is too narrow as 2 F150’s can hardly pass each other. trucks are a big part of the west. also the landscaping must be expensive to maintain for the city so they created a poor road for driving, and gave up parking for landscaping that costs money.... the city needs better planning and engineering for these side streets.....
A store like Costco is needed to anchor the redisgn project. A store like that would draw new businesses to the corridor.
Landscaping along North Ave. would greatly improve the look, would give some scale and a sense of safety to people walking along the street.
There are times that I have walked on North Avenue to retrieve my car at Big O, as it is nowc it is very unsafe and not a pleasure. There is no shade, not always a sidewalk and very few places to cross North Avenue safely. I have to plan ahead on where I should cross before I get to where I’m going!
Thanks for soliciting community feedback on this issue.
Mixed use!!!!
Must have a sidewalk that people with all abilities can utilize.
We need pull in areas for busses with shelters and ramping. They would also be rest stops for walkers.
Yes, I couldn’t get my Option choices to type first choice would be #3, with both pedestrian way and bike path...and a row of trees either on the curb side on the business side. I would suggest that the sidewalk and bike path could be side-by-side, color-coded to I’ve seen in Germany. But then the city would have to require bells on bicycles...and require a warning bell when pedestrains are present. It works very well in Europe, the walkers are warned, and it does slow down the bicyclers. Bicycles are a means of getting from one place to another, and North Avenue should not be a racing course for them. My second choice would be #4, but a 5 ft. bike path is adequate. The thought of a friendlier North Avenue is very exciting...I walk it often.
North Avenue needs help BADLY! /
Good job providing options and asking for feedback! Thanks!
If we are taking the time and spending the money to make changes, we need to be forward thinking enough to be very encouraging for bicycle traffic.
make it look nice and new. then work to bring businesses back to the area!
The proposed improvements could be done in stages, beginning with the restriping for a bike lane and increasing the width of the road at certain locations adjacent to new development or redevelopment. This will allow the public (cars, bikes, and pedestrians) to get accustomed to the changes incrementally.
Wheel Chair Accessiblity is a MUST
Require those businesses that have huge parking lots to set aside some land near the street and tear up their asphalt and plant trees. Also, reward them for this and for adding more trees to their parking lots. It would be really nice to be able to find a shade tree to park under while shopping or using businesses on North Ave. Reduce their property taxes commensurate with their improving the appearance and comfort of their property.
Something need to be done with North Avenue ! Create a reduced tax zone to encourage businesses to relocate on North. If the city doesnt consider this soon North will be “ghetto “
i really hope the city is serious about fixing up north avenue, espeically considering all the stores that have closed down recently.
Work with the various economic development interests to redevelop the Teller Arms shopping center, K-Mart and the old City Market. These are blighted and a waste of real estate, and will continue to drag down the entire length of North Avenue until improved. / / Continue installing bus pullouts. If you can do nothing else (bike lanes, sidewalks) at least do this.
The 1st question about traffic flow may be misleading. My first reaction was that it pertains to motorized traffic, then I thought that bikes and pedestrians are traffic and although traffic flow and convenience are important for all, too much emphasis in the past on motorized traffic to the detriment of other traffic makes me want to answer the question as ‘not at all important’ even though I know darn well that it IS important. So, yes it is important, but I’m OK with less flow and convenience for motorized traffic IF it gives bicycle and pedestrian traffic more fair consideration regarding their flow and convenience.
I moved to Grand Junction a little over 2 years ago, and I love it here. I live in downtown and I bike to work. Main street is amazing. Most of downtown is a wonderful place to ride, walk, and live. But that said, there are certain parts of town that are an embarrassment. North Avenue is one of those places. This is a very major and very imporant street- you can’t get very many places in town without travelling on it- and its current condition for bicyclists and pedestrians is shameful. There is no excuse for the dirt paths worn on the side of this major street where people walk because there are no sidewalks. I’m so glad to see that efforts are being made to correct this situation, because the fact that it was ever allowed to get this way represents an absolute failure of government (and a failure of the People to hold thier representatives accountable). We all suffer when investments in bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure are neglected, but none suffer worse than those who can least bear it- the poor, disabled, and underprivledged Shame on all of us, and lets hope we can correct the situation out there sooner rather than later.
I think their should be an arched pedestrian crossing going over the roadway at 12th St. and North Ave. for the safety of all attending events at the college or at Stoker Stadium. This would be a nice idea at 7th or 5th Street for the benefit of GJHS students and the businesses in the area. Improved and aesthetically appealing bus stops with water fountains and trash cans can also provide a shaded place to sit and rest for pedestrians and the elderly who are walking in the area.
Looking forward to the next 25 years!
Roads that are hostile to bicycles ultimately discourage people from commuting via bicycle. The Riverside Parkway, though accommodating to cyclists, is not an ideal choice for commuting because it is on the outskirts of town and often takes up to 20 minutes longer to reach your destination via this route (and many people don’t like going over the bridges, though I don’t mind at all). Patterson is a slightly better choice, but has extremely heavy traffic and infrequent/inadequate bike lanes. / / North Avenue with complete bike lanes running the entire length just makes sense. It is conveniently located. And if you plan to build sidewalks, you should build bike lanes as well (to keep cyclists off of the sidewalks where they are a danger to pedestrians).
more than anything else, there must be sidewalks all along North Avenue. The current situation is terrible and and dangerous especially in the winter. Finally, the existing situatioon is especially dangerous to those who must use wheelchairs, for example, to ge to Walmart.
Thank you for making this survey. North Avenue is a very different from Main Street, I think it is important to understand the community’s priorities with this specific project.
Landscaping - trees, shrubs, flowers
North Avenue is mostly business related and pedestrian traffic isn’t as much of a concern. F Rd is a better place to concentrate “pleasant” areas.
If we keep a median in the middle, please dress it up with desert plants.
I want to point out that in the above question regarding traffic flow, convenience and safety, these are very important, but understand that my answer comes from a walking and biking perspective. Terrible traffic flow, almost a total lack of convenience and dismal safety are what greet bicyclist and pedestrians in this area, which is why I always feel compelled to drive here instead of walk or bike. As bad as traffic flow, convenience and safety may be for motorized traffic, it is nothing compared to what bikes and pedestrians deal with along this corridor. So yes, these issues are important, but recognize that it it important for all modes of travel, not just cars. How many people will answer this question from a motorists perspective? Can you at least pretend that everyone who answered this question like I did was thinking what I’m thinking? Ha! Thank you for the opportunity to provide comments.
It would be awesome to have some hip urban living options built on North. It could become a hot and happening area with multi-use real estate.
By adding bike lanes, sidewalks, trees, flowers, etc. it will make our city more safe and will also make it more inviting and comfortable for everyone including tourists and people that come here for special events such as JUCO Country Jam etc. and it could help attract others to bring there events to our area and help to boost our economy.
North Avenue is Grand Junction’s Colfax - North Ave. definitely takes away from what Grand Junction is all about. Make it more inviting and attractive so businesses and people will want to go.
currently North Ave is very Sixties look, and needs an upgrade.
creating pedestrian crossovers or ticketing pedestrians that J walk would alleviate some of the rear end accidents. the pedestrian crossings on 12th are dangerous because of low visibility and instant activated not allowing traffic enough time to slow down or stop safely. watch peds push the button and not even look but just start walking because they immediatly have right of way, really a dangerous practice but if i push the button and immediatly start walking and get hit, the driver is ticketed. /
It is very sad that the City allowed North Ave. to collapse while spending to much money and time on the Mall and Main Street. It has been allowed to become a slum (except for the area by the University) in parts with no incentive to large stores to remain, while forcing major traffic problems by the newer Walmart and the Mall. The City has forgotten that they represent all of the people not just the ones who live in the special areas. I am a third generation Grand Junction resident and am very sad to see how poorly the North Ave. businesses have been treated. Thank you
No bike lanes. No parking. Definitely no parking.
I really believe that looks are everything for a place like this. North ave is a large street in GJ, and tall weeds and untrimmed lawns and poorly painted building and street lanes are unattractive for business and guests to the city, such as JUCO.
North Ave looks like a low class area, you need to work with the business to give not only the street a face lift, but also the buildings. North Avenue should be the showcase strip of Grand Junction, when possible students come to view the campus they go down North and it looks like a dump. It should be something that the Community can take pride in.
Cleaning up the medians by adding flowers and trees, planting more trees along the entire length of North Ave. Adding safe and clean areas for bus stops. Around the college area, adding stop lights that count down on the light itself for students and drivers, or adding a 3 second delay before any light turns green to prevent accidents around the college.
we dont have funds and we dont need to barrow anymore money, get grant or find any other way to get money that we dont have. When the public says no it means no you didnt listen on the police department you still found away to spend money that we said not to spend. Also making us chose 2 to complete this survey is wrong I dont want any of it and should have to pick any.
It is disappointing to see that just this small section will require such a long term planning approach. It seems the focus really should be on the eastern end as that is the area that will take the most impact. The College will keep the current area for planning heavily attended and the eastern section is in more dire need of attention and attraction for new business.
It would be wonderful if we could turn a sort of dumpy looking area in Grand Junction into something nice. It improve morale and make you feel good about the place you live. Thank you
Please, please, please do NOT put round abouts on North Avenue!!!!! It seems that most people approach the roundabout in town like a stop sign and stop and wait for traffic to clear before they move into it. It’s okay to move into the roundabout when there are other cars in it! While I agree that the sidewalks are too narrow in many places, there are no businesses to walk to so widen the sidewalks on Orchard Ave between 15th street and 28 road first-kids walk that street to and from school and they can’t walk 2 abreast because of the 3 foot sidewalks. On street parking on North is a bad idea-look how the back in only parking has worked on 7th--it didn’t and now we have to pay to have it fixed. We need to encourage businesses to move back to North Ave-we have no craft stores now, no grocery, no restaraunts and no gas stations in the middle of North Ave now. I live very close and it’s not fun to drive so far simply for gas or groceries.
Keep it clean. Add landscaping to increase the aesthetic appeal. The shopping center where Big Lots is located would be an ideal area to have an outdoor shopping space, with cafe’s, seating, trees for shade, some sort of water feature, such as a fountain, perhaps a small ampitheater for music. That parking lot is horribly underutlized, and could be something very special.
The project is worse than a just a waste. North avenue can only become alive again if it is allowed freedom to prosper. / Rather than sink money into this project, make North avenue a tax free zone. The construction is misguided and can only / interfere with the few businesses that remain. The street is already wide enough and traffic has deceased a great deal since that the projects inception. The entire idea is flawed and whatever can be done to minimize the impact of this needless and / destructive activity should be done. WE DO NOT HAVE CARS ON NORTH AVENUE! THEY ARE ALL OUT AT THE MALL!!
All of this is moot if we lose all the shops on North Avenue- that issue is FAR more important than any upgrades to be done to the road. And is it really going to take 25 years to get all this done?
Definitely clean up old and obnoxious business signs along ALL of North Avenue. Looks junky. Thanks!
Do a YouTube search of Junk town and you will see this is Grand Junctions nickname. It has nothing to do with appearance of the city. / I can’t believe the naïveté of the people in this city when they hear something they never knew about the first time. / Even if the city milks all the homeowners and makes this the most pristine place on earth, it will still be called “JUNKTOWN”. / Actually, this town needs some really good east coast food restaurants all we have are chain restaurants and the mom and pop ones that are mediocre at best. Something like a Katz’s Deli, Or Geno’s Steaks. The product will bring the people to your establishment if it is outstanding. Look at these restaurants on the web and you will see they are nothing special to look at, but the quality and quantity of their product is well above the mediocre. / These restaurants are run by people who believe the “customer is king” and show it in their product. / I haven’t seen one business in this town that does that. /
North Ave improvements are much need to upgrade old conditions. It’s important that North Ave remains a vital business center for growth.
North Ave. is certainly an important district in Grand Junction and does need attention. It is becoming outdated and faces potential trouble if it’s not cared for and made into a more accessible, beautiful part of this city.
drivers need to be more careful of pedestrians and cyclists. they need to SLOW down. these changes might make them more aware of alternate forms of transportation.
As someone that uses this street on a daily basis the biggest frustration is the lack of pullouts for right hand turns and pullouts for the mass transit service. If this street had the pullouts needed to improve traffic flow it would be a much nicer for morning and evening commuters. I have in the past actually decided not to shop on North Ave., on my way home in the past, because traffic was too heavy and I didn’t want to slow traffic even more by trying to make a right turn with no pullout.
North Avenue in many areas has a very run down look. (old signage, buildings that need exterior attention, etc) / / I am not sure if you can have a program with some kind of incentive (like tax breaks or grants or other assistance) where all the merchants would be required to give their business a face lift, by a certain time period. It would probably involve have a special committee to approve the new designsand improvement before they would be implemented.
I would like to see codes regarding signage and business aesthetics that would increase the overall appearance of north avenue. The whole area is beginning to look like Colefax in Denver!
Can’t wait to see the revision!!
Please note that when you plan for a higher density commercial center, detached sidewalks may not be appropriate, as they disrupt curb to sidewalk flow. (people tend to cut across the grass/landscape). Additionally, it can also hamper the visibility of the building or façade. Should you wish to create a “greener” atmosphere utilize a required % green space, garden, ect. after the sidewalk and before the building.
The city needs to be concentrating on making North avenue a clean, inviting street that businessesss will want to invest in. This includes re-vamping the area of North from 15th to 29th. That area is becoming a ghost town. Clean up the old hotels, make a nice park, give incentives to businesses that move to North ave, or that work to clean up the open/vacant properties on that stretch.
Thank you for requesting public comments.
While one of the more expensive options might create more overall convenience and aesthetic appeal, one of the less expensive options should be considered above all. In this time when jobs and budgets are being cut, a sense of place is important, but so is working within the means available.
I hope there is a plan to attract some businesses to North Ave because the alarming trend is businesses shutting down and moving toward the mall area. North Ave is becoming a ghost town.
The city needs to do whatever it takes to make this side of town more pleasant. I have noticed that a lot of the businesses on North ave. after 12th have been leaving giving the look of a ghetto. Some areas along North ave. remind me of areas from downtown Los Angeles. Please make our side of town more attractive to new businesses and tourists as well. Thats how I want to see my tax dollars at work.
Hope you can find some funding! Thanks to Dave Thornton and the rest of the City and RTPO staff for all of their efforts. /
North Avenue is the hub and any improvements will be greatly appreciated!
The priority should be the appearance of North Avenue. Right now it’s an embarrasment to the city. When you drive down past the college it feels like you are driving into the ghetto in downtown denver. Grand Junction should be a proud city. Look at Montrose, the aesthetics of their city if beautiful and they don’t receive near the amount of visitors as Grand Junction. They also have more desireable companies setting up shop their. The look and feel of the town could have a lot to do with that.
project a corridor with good lighting and greenbelts
Please leave some routes for motor vehicles!!!
I suggest making a multiple use right of way on one side of North Ave - similar to the Riverfront trail. I doubt if the bike-perdestrian traffic will excede that on the Riverfront trail. I know that it’s not “ideal” but with the limited space on North Ave and funding problem why design a plan that is not practical.
Sign controls are needed to phase out the current hodge podg of signs and require monument unified signs. Way finding signs are also needed.
This web page doesn’t allow me to put my way I want to answer. It seems like it is programmed to only accept a / certainm response. The survey is unfair because the page doesn’t work right.
Most people that I know, only use North Ave as a traffic corridor. It will never be what it used to be as far as a shopping mecca, so I think the planners need to focus on other areas. Leave the memories behind. I personally do not drive past 12th street. I stay on the west side of town to avoid the druggies and addicts and the homeless that abound on North. If I have to drive past 12th, I use Patterson. I also do not feel safe on that side of town and I have the safety of my 4 year old to think of. The “element” that live on the east side, are not people that I associate with, so until you get them off the street, I will stay near the mall and out in Fruita.
Some architectural and signage control would be good. A recent drive the length of North Avenue left me with a distaste for the area, not only because of the loss of businesses but more because of the mix of structures & signs. It’s as if there is/was no sense of pride. Give the area some aesthetic appeal that all valley residents can be proud of and visitors won’t refer to it as Grand Junkyard. Interesting that given the fact that of the choices above only (1) does not include bike lanes or parallel parking. It’s a no brainer you’ve already put plans in place & public opinion doesn’t really mean much so why this survey?
The parking on 7th street should teach that if people cannot find it convienent it will not be used. Too dangerous to park on North, too dangerous to have North Avenue as a bike way to get to work unless banning of cars and trucks are banned from driving on North between 29 Road and 1st street
North avenue is a major artery for traffic in Grand Junction and proper expansion and planning in regards to bike/scooter lanes, bus stops off of traffic, appropriate policing.
It’s a dying corridor of businesses that need all the help they can get and encourage new and existing businesses.
People who want to walk would probably prefer to do so in less congested areas where they don’t have to breathe in exhaust fumes. North Avenue is still a major east-west route through town, and people look to get through town quickly. If people want a shopping park, etc., let’s put our efforts into further developing Main St. downtown.
Total Responses
(Ord. 4486, 11-2-11)
North Avenue West Corridor Plan Questionnaire Results
Updated on: 3/8/2011
What brings you to this part of North Avenue?
Live within a couple of blocks of the corridor
Work here
Own a business here
Own property here
Obtain services here
Pass through here to get to other places in town
Other: 1) Go to school. 2) Go to church. 3) grew up three blocks from area. 4) Try to ride my bike across North Avenue. 5) High school.
Comments 1) Church I attend is at 7th and Kennedy.
How do you access the corridor area?
Private vehicle
Comments  1) Never walk or bike on North Avenue due to safety concerns. 2) Very difficult to walk on 12th. I ride my bicycle to run errands in the summer. 3) I wish I could ride my bike on North Avenue. 4) Light rail would be cool. 5) Cyclists & pedestrians are in harms way.
The Grand Junction Comprehensive Plan has identified this area as a mixed use center. What land used are lacking that you would use?
Professional Services
Other: 1) Entertainment. 2) Hardware store. 3) Hotel 4) Services 5) Bicycle & pedestrian access 6) Movie
Comments  1) Combined retail and housing. 2) Please no bars; too close to residential areas. 3) We’re not lacking in quanitity of restaurants, but access is difficult and parking is almost non-existent (see Arby’s and Taco Bell).
Are there currently any safety issues you would like to see addressed?
Comments  1) Pedestrian and vehicle traffic, especially to/from GJHS and Mesa State. 2) Bikers must use sidewalks with walkers. 3) Sidewalks right on road are uncomfortable. 4) College traffic at 1st and North, right turn on 1st. 5) Bike access on wider sidewalks. 6) Bike routes on side streets that parallel North Avenue. 7) Traffic 8) Wider sidewalks, bike paths, ease for pedestrians. 9) Foot traffic crossing North near Mesa State. 10) Line of sight when entering traffic. 11) 12th and North pedestrian traffic - tubes? 12) Property vandalism 13) Sidewalks and cleanliness. 14) People drive too fast on North Avenue even though the speed limit is 30 mph. 15) North Avenue turning to one lane at west end past 1st Street. 16) Lighting and sidewalks. 17) Pedestrian and bicycle safety, especially in high school and college area. 18) Kids walking to and from school, especially at lunchtime. They need nice wide crosswalks and drivers need clear pedestrian notifications. 19) Traffic review at North & 1st. Traffic backs up in the right lane for traffic going straight and turning right. Motorists speed up in the left lane to pass motorists in the right lane. Sometimes it works if several cars are turning right. It’s a bad area for cyclists and pedestrians. 20) Bike paths. 21) Pedestrian safety for GJHS and MSC. 22) Sidewalks too close to fast moving traffic. 23) Need better pedestrian crossings at 7th and North and 12th and North. 24) Good turn pullouts (left turns). 25) Pedestrian traffic looks like a problem. 26) College crossings Under 12th and North? 27) Pedestrian and bike traffic for GJHS students during lunch-better sidewalks. 28) Pedestrian walkways for MSC students. 29) Pedestrian and bike crossing at 12th and North. 30) Flashing/blinking billboards and signs are too bright at night and distracting during the day. 31) 12th Street/Mesa State pedestrians. 30) Bicycle & pedestrian- we need “grade-separated thoroughfares” for bikes. 31) Forward parking. 32) Wider sidewalks. 33) Walking and biking for high school students. 34) Skinny sidewalks right up against the street. 35) The small sidewalks. 36) The sidewalks are too narrow. 37) Pedestrian risks. 38) Sidewalks just end or are not present in some locations. 39) Size and location of sidewalks. Also in regards to right turn lanes. 40) Crossing North Avenue.
What is your biggest concern regarding this section of North Avenue?
Impact to Neighborhood
Comments  1) Pedestrian and bicycle crosswalk at 12th and North, event pedestrian access. 2) All very important. 3) Plant trees by bus stops. 4) Some parking in front of buildings conflict with sidewalks. 5) Long term economic viabillity. 6) Pedestrian and motorized traffic movement during major public events (JUCO, 4th of July, sports, etc.) 7) Closure of businesses. 8) It’s hard to shop on North Avenue, too many bloody cars! It’s dying as a shopping area because it’s an unpleasant place to be. 9) The better looking, the more people. 10) Looking good brings in people.
What would you like to see improved or changed?
Comments  1) Concerned about nuisance bars and vehicle and pedestrian traffic generated by GJHS and Mesa State. 2) Sidewalks need to be off road a bit. 3) Some sites dated on road, such as tattoo parlors bring down neighborhoods. 4) Lighting, area needs to be more inviting. 5) Median need work. 6) Smaller signs 7) Make it a destination. 8) More pedestrian friendly. 9) Mixed use property all along North Avenue, such as what has been done at Mesa State. 10) Improved bus stops, more green space (parks) entrances. 11) Aesthetics, safety and maintain neighborhoods/housing. 12) Bus pull outs and redo sidewalks. 13) Quality of bike/walk sidewalks/lanes. 14) Encourage tree canopy for shade and aesthetics. 15) Incentives/tax incentives to owners and developers to remodel, upgrade and redevelop. 16) Incentivize green building and energy-efficiency. 17) More flexibility and support for development from the City. 18)We need better access and parking to help make North Avenue businesses successful. 19) Avoid u-turns, wider lanes and install wider crosswalks near the schools and stadium. 20) Revitalize area; look and feels is old like the 1960’s. 21) Store front parking is hazardous 2nd to 5th Streets. Harbert Lumber’s is the best. 22) City to help owners to renew store fronts. 23) Pedestrian and bike safety 24) Make us of side streets for parking access. 25) Improve signage so intersections are more prominent to facilitate #24. 26) Uniform signs. 27) More landscaping. 28) College crossings Under 12th and North? 28) Roadway/center island. 29) Planning for this segment of North Avenue seems moot without a firm agreement with Mesa State College as to where and how they will grow in the future. No agreement? No City tax dollar support. 30) Safety for bikes and pedestrians without impeding traffic. No round-abouts. 31) Remove billboards and electronic signs. 32) Redevelopment to stave off the westward business movement to 6 & 50 Corridor. 33) Walking bridge for students across 12th Street. Too many pedestrians just hit the button and start walking without even looking. 34)Traffic congestion. 35) I know this would be very expensive, but bury or elevate the road in some areas, increase the width at the right-of-way, add bike & pedestrian sidewalks/bike paths not right next to the road. People will not use sidewalks or bike paths that are too close to North Avenue, due to the speed and volume and type of vehicles. 36) More bike friendly.
Other Comments  1) Would like to see an area near the college similar to Olde Towne in Fort Collins. 2) Bicycle friendly. 3) Stop light or round-a-bout @ 3rd. 4) Thanks for asking for our input! 5) North Avenue in this section is a hodgepodge of buildings, signs and uses. It’s not appealing and I avoid it. 6) Future redevelopment, south side of alley between 3rd and 5th Streets, rezoned for commercial redevelopment. 7)Thanks. 8) Areas around MSC, GJHS and Lincoln Park need to have pedestrian and bike access that does not impede traffic and provides safety to them (under and over passes). 9) Make Glenwood/Tiger from 7th to 5th one way west. 10) During GJHS lunch hour, program lights for four-way walk (all vehicles stops) similar to 16th Street in Denver. 11) Cut new right turn only lanes at 7th and North to speed up traffic. 12) Build diagonally an overhead crosswalk at 12th and North for student and Lincoln Park foot traffic 13) Get the fast food restaurants (McDonalds, KFC, etc.) to help pay for it; let them have a 4' x 8' sign below the top of the bridge. 14) I like what you’re doing. The concrens already listed cover my feelings. Grand Junction can make North Avenue a much more appealing area and has my support. I don’t have any reservations about doing what is needed 15) I would like to see the junction of North and the I70 Business Loop landscaped. 16) Traffic and pedestrians will not go away, they will get worse. “People and places” will beget cars and traffic. The problems exist now and require mitigation now.
By far the largest stakeholder affecting the success of any improvement strategy is Mesa State, which can tell the City to go to hell if it wants to in terms of planning and zoning. This is unacceptable. Without some type of consensus and a binding agreement between the City and the college as to where and how they can grow, this entire process seems an exercise in theoretical community planning. Might as well stay at home and play Sim City. 17) I would like to see some redevelopment of properties that could benefit from working together to improve parking, landscaping and pedestrian access. 18) I wouId love to see pedestrian overpasses or underpasses and 7th and North and 12th and North. 19) Bus pullouts. 20)Trees and xeriscaping. 21) No round-abouts. 22) New hotel needed. 23) I think that all of the street stuff is unnecessary. We need to focus on our schools. We are laying off teachers. We are crowding our classrooms and we need to give this money that is allocated for streets to our schools and help our children. 24) Need public transportation for the North Avenue corridor as well as other corridors, that are tourist friendly, perhaps seasonal or year round. The City needs an evening bus to take people to the various activities at Mesa State College, downtown, Lincoln Park, etc. We need more public accessibility. 25) Need to be careful about gentrification of the area. 26) North Avenue is not a pedestrian friendly environment. It is not a bike friendly environment. 27) Panhandling should not be allowed. 28) Leash laws for animals are not enforced and need to be. Animals are allowed to roam free at area parks, etc. 29) Need to make Mesa State College a University. 30) As a business owner attempting to reopen a two year closed business, could you waive our fees; give us a waiver of some kind to raise incentives? 30) Businesses supporting student population needed. 31) Improve safety for students, pedestrians and vehicles. 32) Reduce North Avenue from four lanes to two lanes, at least from 5th Street to 12th Street 33) User friendly services. 34) The aesthetics of the land. 35) It needs to look a lot nicer. 36) I think there needs to be more eating establishments. 37) More modern and good looking. I feel it needs to be more pleasing to residents as well as tourists. 38) User-friendly look, facilities and transportation routes. 39) 6 & 50/North Avenue is an eyesore.
(Ord. 4486, 11-2-11)