From the focus group meetings held to the open houses attended, participants identified specific elements for each of the four guiding principles: safety, aesthetics, placemaking and neighborhood impacts.
(Ord. 4486, 11-2-11)
Establishing a multi-modal approach by promoting pedestrian safety and key locations for pedestrian crossings; creating safe access routes for bicycles; constructing bus pull-outs and public stops for transit passengers and maintaining an efficient street for all motorized traffic.
Safe pedestrian access on North Avenue Corridor, along and across the corridor. Key crossings include 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th, 10th and 12th.
Provide adequate lighting along the corridor.
Provide access management by limiting the number of access points onto North Avenue and keep medians.
Provide a safer environment for bicycle traffic.
Provide bus pull-outs at transit stops.
(Ord. 4486, 11-2-11)
Creating standards that support the vision and corridor as a destination and a crossroads.
Create standards for:
Way finding;
Building architecture;
Building location;
Entry features;
Banners (pedestrian scale);
Public spaces (medians, pocket parks and plazas).
(Ord. 4486, 11-2-11)
Envisioning North Avenue holistically, a corridor that is a destination itself, not simply a street to travel through.
Establish an entrance; you have arrived; slow down.
Establish three subareas or districts and create a vision for each.
Automotive Sales and Service District (I-70B to 1st Street).
Sherwood Park Mixed Use District (1st Street to 5th Street).
Educational/Student Commercial and Entertainment District (5th Street to 12th Street).
Create parking areas. Locate parking to the rear of businesses.
Encourage outdoor spaces/uses (i.e., outdoor seating, plazas).
Create work/live opportunities (mixed use).
Establish entertainment venues.
There is a need for hotel(s).
(Ord. 4486, 11-2-11)
Minimize impacts to existing neighborhoods as Neighborhood Centers are established on 3rd Street between North Avenue and Sherwood Park and in the vicinity of Colorado Mesa University. As future university expansion occurs west to 7th Street and subsequent university supportive development occurs north and south of North Avenue between 5th Street and 12th Street, mitigate potentially negative impacts on existing neighborhoods.
Establish 3rd Street as a mixed use center (increase density and intensity) and tie to Sherwood Park.
Allow for university expansion to 7th Street.
Minimize traffic impacts to existing and future residential areas.
Encourage the use of secondary streets for neighborhood traffic circulation and buffering from more intensive uses.
(Ord. 4486, 11-2-11)