For the purposes of these regulations, the words and phrases set forth herein shall have the meanings respectively ascribed to them and, in addition, whenever appropriate with the context, words used in the present tense include the future tense, words used in the singular include the plural and vice versa, the word “shall” is always mandatory and the word “may” is permissive.
(Res. 115-07 § XX-21, 7-30-07)
Whenever the following words or phrases are used, they are defined as follows:
Acceptable use
means any activity within the watershed that is not required to provide a watershed permit, pursuant to GJMC § 13.32.180.
means any excavating, filling, grading, surfacing, construction or activity, other than noncommercial gardening or landscaping, which changes or enlarges the basic character or the use of the land upon which the activity occurs.
means the City of Grand Junction and, where appropriate, an officer, employee or authorized agent of the City of Grand Junction.
City Council or Council
means the City Council of the City of Grand Junction.
City-owned lands in fee simple
means fee simple ownership of real property.
Confined animal feeding operations
means an animal feeding operation (AFO) at a lot or facility where animals are stabled or confined for a total of 45 days or more in any 12-month period and crops or vegetative growth are not maintained in the normal growing season over the lot or facility.
means a small to moderate depression created to channel water.
Domestic use
means the construction of a single-family residence of less than 10,000 square feet in total interior square feet construction and maintenance of driveways, landscaping and accessory barns and sheds in connection with single-family residence; the maintenance, cutting and clearing of necessary trees and vegetation to accomplish the same; and treatment of noxious weeds and fire fuels management on the single-family residential property.
means the natural or artificial removal of surface and subsurface water from a given area.
Drilling or drilling operations
means drilling for water, oil, gas, or other natural resources, and includes grading, construction, and traffic activities associated with the drilling.
means the intentional movement of earth leaving any cut bank over three feet in height or a movement of material in excess of 10 cubic yards.
means the intentional movement of earth that results in any earth bank over two feet in height or filled earth over two feet deep, or artificial addition of earth above a line sloping up at a grade of one vertical unit to five horizontal units from the ground before the filling.
means the intentional movement of over five cubic yards of material; movement of any earth or material that changes the natural flow of surface water, or affects or creates a drainage channel; pioneering of a road, cutting or clearing of trees and shrubbery that results in creating a roadway or driveway in excess of 25 feet in length; or the use of vehicles or keeping of any animals upon any land that could reasonably lead to a movement of five cubic yards of material within any five-year period.
means any water existing in a saturated or unsaturated state in the subsurface soils and rock.
means a condition, situation, or substance that has the potential to cause harm to humans and the ecosystem.
Hazardous substance
means any material as described in 40 CFR 300.5.
means any alteration or change resulting directly or indirectly from an action.
means any activity that involves the exploration for or the development (excavation or extraction) of soils, rock, coal, minerals or other geologic materials.
means processes or methods which:
Avoid an impact upon the land by evaluating alternatives and redesigning an activity;
Minimize an impact upon the land by substantially limiting the scope of an activity;
Rectify an impact upon the land through the use of remediation, rehabilitation or restoration techniques; or
Compensate for the impact upon the land by replacing or providing substitute facilities or resources.
Motorized vehicle
means any vehicle which is self-propelled.
means any individual, corporation, association, organization, partnership, trust, estate or any other recognized legal entity.
means a conduit made from pipes connected end-to-end for long-distance fluid transport.
means the manmade, man-induced or natural alteration of the physical, chemical, biological or radiological composition or integrity of water.
Removing vegetation
means the intentional cutting, burning, grubbing, dragging, chemical killing or any other manner of removing any flora or tree; any shrubs and/or trees, or combination, covering an area of more than 100 square feet; or any grasses covering an area of more than 1,000 square feet. Notwithstanding the preceding sentence, “removing vegetation” does not include: removal of clearly diseased or dead trees for domestic uses; clearing of trees in order to construct a single-family residence; cutting of Christmas trees for noncommercial purposes; yard or garden work incidental to domestic uses; treatment of noxious weeds; fire fuel reduction on a single-family residential property; or removing vegetation incidental to a lawful use existing as of the date of approval hereof.
means a wet place where a liquid, usually groundwater, has oozed from the ground to the surface.
Skid trails
means a temporary travel-way for logging equipment to transport felled trees or logs to a landing.
means a point where groundwater flows out of the ground, and is thus where the aquifer surface meets the ground surface.
means a body of water with a current, confined within a bed and banks.
Significant degradation
means to lower in grade or desirability to a significant, rather than to a minor or trifling, degree.
means material or considerable in importance, value, degree, amount or extent.
means covering soil or prepared areas with asphalt, gravel or similar materials.
Surface intake
means a place where surface water is diverted from a source for a purpose.
Surface water
means water collecting on the ground or in a stream, river, lake, or wetland.
Timber harvesting
means felling trees and transporting logs on skid trails to a landing where products are sorted and loaded onto trucks for transportation to a mill.
means having a poisonous effect on living organisms.
means any surface-water feature including but not limited to streams, creeks, ponds, lakes, impoundments, catchbasins, ditches, drains, canals, springs, seeps, and channels associated with spring and seep discharge.
is the area designated in GJMC § 13.32.140, including the hydrologic basins and land area encompassed by the watershed.
Watershed permit or permit
means the written approval issued by the City for an activity within the watershed.
means any and all naturally occurring, manmade or designed components of the City’s water collection and delivery system, including but not limited to all springs, seeps, streams, surface intakes, ditches, drains, pipelines or reservoirs and all decreed points of diversion for the same, and any transmission, storage and filtration facilities which are used in the construction, maintenance and operation of the City’s water collection and delivery system.
means those areas that are inundated or saturated by surface or groundwater at a frequency and duration sufficient to support, and that under normal circumstances do support, a prevalence of vegetation typically adapted for life in saturated soil conditions. Wetlands generally include wet meadows, fens, riparian areas and similar areas.
(Res. 115-07 § XX-22, 7-30-07)
Other words and phrases may be defined elsewhere in these regulations, which definitions shall define said words and phrases necessary for the administration and enforcement of these regulations.
(Res. 115-07 § XX-23, 7-30-07)