In cases where a subdivision or minor subdivision is part of a planned unit development for which a specific implementation plan containing revised design standards is recommended by the Plan Commission and approved by the Common Council and recorded with the Dodge or Jefferson County Register of Deeds, the waiver of or modification in the design standards required by this section shall be considered to have been granted.
Modifications not related to a planned unit development may be granted by the Common Council so that substantial justice may be done and that the public interest is secured when, in its judgment, it would be inappropriate to apply a provision of this chapter or when such application would cause extraordinary hardship.
A Modification may be granted by the Plan Commission to permit a parcel to be created by a proposed land division in the extraterritorial review area when it is shown that the application satisfies the following standards:
A finding of fact must be made that the purpose of the proposed parcel is to be a lot for a dwelling unit to be occupied by a person who, or a family at least one member of which, earns a substantial part of his or her livelihood from farm operations on the parcel and/or contributes work which is substantially needed in the farm operation and is the parent or child of the farm operator or the spouse of the farm operator; and
A finding of public interest must be made that the proposed parcel and development design is reasonable upon consideration of these factors:
The potential for conflict with agricultural use.
The need of the proposed development for a location in an agricultural area.
The availability of alternate locations.
Compatibility with existing or permitted development on adjacent lands.
The productivity of the lands involved.
The location of the proposed development so as to reduce to a minimum the amount of productive agricultural land converted.
The need for public services created by the proposed development.
The availability of adequate public services and the ability of affected local units of government to provide them without a reasonable burden.
The effect of the proposed development on water or air pollution, soil erosion, and rare or irreplaceable natural resources.
When the site is zoned Exclusive Agricultural (A-1) under the Dodge or Jefferson County Zoning Ordinance, the Commission shall defer to the county conditional use decision on the standards of Subsection C(2) where such a county decision is needed to establish the dwelling unit.
The minimum parcel size allowable under this Subsection C by modification is one acre, excluding any area dedicated to the public.
If a modification is granted under this subsection, the division of land shall be subject to all other pertinent provisions of this and related ordinances.
Reasons and conditions for any waiver or modification granted shall be entered in the minutes of the Common Council.
The following decisions of the Plan Commission may be appealed to the Common Council:
Rejection of a preliminary plat, a final plat, or a certified survey map.
A determination that land is unsuitable for subdivision.
The requirement of a preliminary plat for a land division.
The procedure for the filing and handling of the appeal shall be that outlined in § 550-156 of the Zoning Code.