Unless the provisions of this Code otherwise specifically provide, or the context of this Code indicates to the contrary, the general provisions, rules of construction, and definitions set forth in this chapter shall govern the construction of this Code. The provisions of this Code and all proceedings under it are to be construed with a view to affect its object and to promote justice.
The provisions of this Code insofar as they are substantially the same as existing ordinances or resolutions relating to the same subject matter, shall be construed as restatements and continuations and not as new enactments.
All persons who, at the time this Code takes effect, hold office under any of the ordinances or resolutions repealed by this Code, which offices are continued by this Code, shall continue to hold such offices in accordance with the tenure originally granted to such persons.
Title, Chapter, Article, and Section headings contained in this Code shall not be deemed to govern, limit, modify, or in any manner affect the scope, meaning, or intent of the provisions of any Title, Chapter, Article, or Section of this Code.
The provisions of this Code shall refer only to the omission or commission of acts within the territorial limits of the District and to the territory outside the District over which the District has jurisdiction or control by virtue of the Constitution of the State or any law, or by reason of ownership or control of property.
Whenever a power is granted to, or a duty is imposed upon, a public officer or employee, the power may be exercised or the duty may be performed by the deputy of such officer or employee or by a person otherwise duly authorized pursuant to law, ordinance, or resolution unless this Code expressly provides otherwise.
Whenever any reference in this Code is made to an ordinance or resolution, the reference shall apply to such ordinance or resolution of the District unless this Code expressly provides otherwise. Whenever any reference is made to any portion of this Code, or to any ordinance or resolution of the District, the reference shall apply to all amendments and additions made to this Code.
Whenever a notice is required to be given pursuant to the provisions of this Code, unless different provisions are otherwise specifically set forth in the text of this Code, such notice may be given either by personal delivery thereof to the person to be notified or by deposit in the United States Mail in a sealed envelope, postage prepaid, addressed to such person to be notified at his last known business or residence address as the same appears in the public records of the District or other records pertaining to the matter to which the notice is directed. Service by mail shall be deemed to have been completed at the time the notice is deposited in the Post Office. Proof of giving any notice is required to be given pursuant to the provisions of this Code may be made by the certificate of any officer or employee of the District or by the affidavit of any person over the age of 18 years, which affidavit shows service in conformity with the provisions of this Code or other provisions of law applicable to the subject matter concerned.
If any section, sub-section, sentence, clause or phrase of this Code is, for any reason, held to be invalid or unconstitutional, such decisions shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of the Code. The Board hereby declares that it would have passed this Code by section, sub-section, sentence, clause, and phrase thereof, irrespective of the fact that any one or more other sections, sub-sections, sentences, clauses, or phrases be declared invalid or unconstitutional.
Whenever a limitation or a period of time prescribed in any existing ordinance, resolution, or statute for acquiring a right or buying a remedy, or for any other purpose, has begun to run before this Code goes into effect, the time which has already run shall be deemed a part of the time prescribed as such limitation.
Use of masculine gender includes feminine gender.
For the purposes of this Code, unless otherwise apparent from context, certain words and phrases use in this Code are defined as follows:
“Board” refers to the Board of Directors of the District.
“Director” refers to a member of the Board.
“District” refers to Las Virgenes Municipal Water District.
“Employee” refers to a District employee.
“General Manager” refers to the General Manager of the District.
“Person” refers to any person, firm or corporation.
“President” refers to the President of the Board.
“Vice President” refers to the Vice President of the Board.
“Secretary” refers to the Secretary of the Board.
“Treasurer” refers to the Treasurer of the Board.
“State” shall mean the State of California.
“Section” shall mean a section of this code unless other source is specifically mentioned.
“Quarterly” where used to designate a period of time, shall mean the first three calendar months of any given year or any succeeding period of three calendar months.
“Writing” includes any form of recorded message capable of comprehension by ordinary visual means. Whenever any notice, report, statement or record is required or authorized by this Code, such notice, report, statement or record shall be made in writing in the English language unless this Code expressly provides otherwise.