This Title sets the terms for sanitation service.
This title shall apply to the collection, treatment, and disposal of all wastes delivered directly or indirectly through collector sewers, into the trunk sewers of the District.
The District operates and maintains trunk sewers and treatment and disposal works. In most cases, a sanitation customer is connected to the District's trunk sewer through a collector sewer owned, operated and maintained by the Los Angeles County Consolidated Sewer Maintenance District. Accordingly, the regulations of the Sewer Maintenance District insofar as they do not conflict with the provisions set forth herein, are hereby adopted by this reference.
The definitions in this Article shall govern the construction of this title, unless otherwise apparent from the context.
"Administrative Authority" is the individual official, Board, department or agency, established and authorized by a state, county, city or other political subdivision to administer and enforce the provisions of a plumbing code or a Sanitary Sewer and Industrial Waste Ordinance.
"Applicant" is a person requesting sanitation service from the District.
"Biochemical Oxygen Demand" or "B.O.D." is the demand of the waste discharge as determined by standard methods.
Single Family Class – A single family residential dwelling or a multi-family residential dwelling unit served by a dedicated water meter.
Multi Family Class – A multi-family residential dwelling complex served by a single water meter.
Class 1 – "Class 1 Discharger" or "Class 1" refers to any nonresidential discharger who discharges sewage containing not more than 235 mg/L B.O.D. and 282 mg/L S.S. on an average daily basis. Light industrial users and commercial users, such as schools and offices, are presumed to be Class 1 Dischargers; however, dischargers in this class must demonstrate that the discharge does not and will not exceed the stated limits. In relation to the single family class customer, a Class 1 Discharger has a strength factor of 62 percent.
Class 2 – "Class 2 Discharger" or "Class 2" refers to any nonresidential discharger who discharges sewage containing more than 235 mg/L B.O.D. and 282 mg/L S.S. but less than 635 mg/L B.O.D. and 415 mg/L S.S. on an average daily basis. Moderate industrial users and commercial users such as shopping centers and gas stations are presumed to be Class 2 Dischargers; however, dischargers in this class must demonstrate that the discharge does not and will not exceed the stated limits. In relation to the single family class customer, a Class 1 Discharger has a strength factor of 106 percent.
Class 3 – "Class 3 Discharger" or "Class 3" refers to any nonresidential discharger who discharges sewage containing more than 635 mg/L B.O.D. and 415 mg/L S.S. but less than 1000 mg/L B.O.D. and 700 mg/L S.S. on an average daily basis. Moderately heavy industrial users and commercial users such as restaurants, markets and mortuaries are presumed to be Class 3 Dischargers; however, dischargers in this class must demonstrate that the discharge does not and will not exceed the stated limits. In relation to the single family class customer, a Class 1 Discharger has a strength factor of 160 percent.
Class 4 – "Class 4 Discharger" or "Class 4" refers to any industrial waste permittee or others discharging wastes who discharge sewage containing more than 1000 mg/L B.O.D. and 700 mg/L S.S. on an average daily basis and/or sewage quality or flow or other factors of waste discharge that will adversely affect the sewage transmission lines, treatment or disposal processes. Industrial users are in this category.
"Collector Sewer" or "branch sewer" means a public sewer or system of public sewers which receives sewage from a relatively small area and discharges into a trunk sewer. Normally, a collector sewer is not owned and maintained by the District.
"Customer" means a person receiving sanitation service from the District.
"Domestic Sewage" means the liquid and waterborne wastes derived from, or equivalent to, that of a single family residential dwelling unit and which are of such a character as to permit satisfactory disposal, without special treatment, into the service lateral.
"Equivalent Residential Unit" or "ERU" refers to a residential unit of any size, or 25 plumbing fixture units, as defined in the Uniform Plumbing Code, discharging into the sewer.
"Improvement District" means a sanitation improvement district of the District.
"Industrial Waste" means waste substances, liquid or solid, except domestic sewage and including, but not limited to, radioactive wastes and explosives, noxious, toxic, or corrosive gases or liquids when present in the sewage system. Class 2, 3, 4 and 5 dischargers are presumed to deposit industrial wastes.
"Industrial Waste Connection" is the connection between an industrial waste source and a trunk or collector sewer and includes a manhole, or other acceptable testing means, on the lateral so that the District or administrative authority can sample the discharge to the trunk sewer or collector sewer.
"Lateral Sewer" is a sewer which discharges into a branch or other sewer and which has no other common sewer tributary to it.
“Maintenance District” means the Consolidated Sewer Maintenance District of Los Angeles County.
"Sanitation Service" means the collection and treatment of sewage and the disposal of effluent and sludge by the District.
"Suspended Solids" or "S.S." refers to the results of a standard Total Nonfilterable Residue Dried at 103-105 C test as described in Standard Methods.
"Sewage Unit" refers to one ERU.
"Trunk Sewer" means a public sewer, owned and maintained by the District, to which one or more collector sewers are tributary.
"Sewer Connection" means the connection between a lateral and collector or trunk.