Directors shall be elected to office in accordance with the Municipal Water District Law of 1911.
The District is divided into five (5) Divisions as shown on the Official Map of Division Boundaries on file in the District offices. One Director represents each division.
Directors shall be elected on the following schedule: with terms commencing at the time stated and every fourth year thereafter:
Director Representing
Division 1
December 1961
Division 2
December 1963
Division 3
December 1963
Division 4
December 1961
Division 5
December 1963
The statement of qualifications of candidates appearing in the official voter materials shall be limited to 200 words and shall be paid by the candidate.
Government Code section 871013 authorizes the District to adopt campaign contribution regulations not in conflict with state law. This section is adopted pursuant to section 871013. Candidates for the office of member of the Board of Directors shall file a written report with the Registrar of Voters of the County of Los Angeles which discloses campaign contributions of $100.00 or more. This report shall be filed on the same form and at the same time as campaign disclosure statements filed pursuant to state law. The Secretary shall notify the Registrar of Voters that the District has adopted this regulation and shall request the Registrar to provide written notice of this regulation to each candidate.
When a vacancy occurs on the Board outside the election cycle, the remaining Directors may fill such vacancy by appointment in accordance with law.
Persons elected or appointed as Directors shall take the oath of office in the manner and at the time prescribed by law prior to assuming office. The Secretary shall administer the oath.
[Amended by Res. 2543, 11-15-2018; Res. 2616, 1-17-2023]
The officers of the Board shall be a President, a Vice President, a Secretary, and a Treasurer.
The President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer shall be nominated by the Board at the second meeting in the month of December of each even-numbered year. An election of nominated officers shall take place at the first meeting in the month of January of each odd-numbered year. If the election of officers shall not be held at such meeting, such election shall be held as soon thereafter as may be convenient.
The following duties are delegated to Officers of the Board beyond those provided for by statute:
The President serves as presiding officer at Board meetings.
The Vice-President serves as Parliamentarian and as presiding officer in the absence of the President.
The Secretary is responsible for the accuracy and availability of the minutes of Board Meetings and the Official Record of all ordinances, resolutions and orders passed or adopted by the Board. The Secretary shall certify to the passage and adoption of all ordinances, resolutions and orders of the Board, to the filing of all documents filed with, or by order of the Board to the official status, capacity and signature of all officers and employees of the District, and to all matters appearing off record in the files and records of the District and of its Board or of any office or officer of the District.
The Treasurer shall receive and deposit monies of the District, certify checks presented for payment of obligations are correct and supporting documents available, and shall invest funds.
[Amended by Res. 2513, 4-25-2017; Res. 2514, 5-23-2017; Res. 2552, 3-12-2019; Res. 2549, 4-9-2019; Res. 2570, 3-3-2020; Ord. 286, 1-16-2024]
Each Director shall be paid $245.00 for each day's attendance (“per diem compensation”) at meetings of the Board, and for each day’s service rendered as Director by request of the Board, not exceeding a total of ten (10) days in any calendar month. A Director shall be compensated for no more than one authorized meeting per day even if more than one meeting is attended in one day.
Each representative of the District on the Board of Directors of the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California shall be paid $245.00 for each day's attendance at meetings of the Board of Directors of the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California or committees thereof, and for each day's service rendered as Director, not exceeding a total of ten (10) additional days in any calendar month. The representative shall be compensated for no more than one meeting per day even if more than one meeting is attended in one day.
Each Director, not a representative on the Board of Directors of the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California, shall be paid $245.00 for each day’s attendance at meetings of the Board of Directors of the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California or committees thereof, not exceeding a total of three (3) days in any calendar month. The Director shall be compensated for no more than one meeting per day even if more than one meeting is attended in one day.
On the first Board meeting in January of each year, compensation to each Director and each representative of the District on the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California Board of Directors shall be increased prospectively by the October-to-October All Urban Consumer Price Index for LA-Long Beach-Anaheim, up to a maximum of five percent (5%), subject to annual review by the Board each calendar year following the operative date of the last adjustment.
Directors, other than Directors who have not been reelected to office, and including Directors-elect, may be compensated for attending the following meetings:
General meetings and educational seminars conducted by Association of California Water Agencies (ACWA), the California Association of Sanitation Agencies (CASA), California Water Policy Planning Committee, Association of Water Agencies of Ventura County (AWA), WaterReuse Association, Southern California Water Coalition, California Special Districts Association (CSDA), and Colorado River Water Users Association. At least annually the Board shall determine meetings for which the Board shall be compensated.
Any meeting as appointed to serve by the Board as the Board’s delegate/member.
Directors may request, verbally to the General Manager or in writing that the Board authorize attendance at meetings and seminars conducted by other organizations on subjects related to District operations. Such request shall be considered by the Board at a meeting of the Board prior to the subject meeting or seminar. In those cases where it is not practical to consider attendance at a meeting of the Board prior to the subject meeting or seminar, the request may be considered at the next subsequent regular meeting of the Board.
Directors shall submit claims for compensation. The Secretary of the Board shall authorize payment for meetings and service and shall report such payments at a regular meeting following the month of submittal at which time the Board may ratify or disapprove payment of the claim(s).
Directors shall be entitled to per diem compensation for actual travel associated with authorized meetings or educational seminars as follows:
For travel outside California, up to one day prior to the start of the event and one day following conclusion of the event;
For travel in California but outside Los Angeles, Orange and Ventura Counties, up to one day prior to the start of the event or one day following conclusion of the event; or
For travel in Los Angeles, Orange and Ventura Counties, per diem compensation is not normally provided for travel except under extenuating circumstances as approved by the Board.
Directors shall receive a District-paid contribution to medical insurance premiums equal to the amount that is provided to current active employees.
Directors shall receive District-paid dental insurance for themselves, their spouse or domestic partner and unmarried eligible dependent children.
Directors shall receive District-paid vision insurance for themselves. Additional coverage for dependents may be purchased.
Life insurance coverage equal to the sum of $25,000 is provided by the District subject to the age reduction schedule included in the District provided plan. Directors not applying within 30 days of the start of their term will be required to provide medical evidence of insurability.
A Director shall be reimbursed for actual, reasonable and necessary expenses for travel, meals, lodging, registration and similar expenses incurred on District business.
The reimbursement rates for lodging shall not exceed the posted rates for a trade conference, but if rooms with the posted rates are not available, the reimbursement rate shall be comparable to the posted rates. The reimbursement rates for travel and meals shall not exceed reasonable and necessary amounts, and shall comply with Internal Revenue Service rules and regulations.
Claims for expense reimbursement shall be submitted to the Secretary for approval. A Director must submit receipts to receive reimbursement, unless obtaining a receipt is impractical.
Alcoholic beverages and other non-essential expenses including, but not limited to, in-room movies, service bar, will not be reimbursed. Expense claims must be submitted within 60 days after the travel is complete or the expense is incurred.
Expenses related to a spouse’s attendance shall not be reimbursed and must be promptly reimbursed to the District if incurred on the District’s account.
During December, the District shall post on the District website and shall publish in a newspaper of general circulation a notice of availability of records of expense reimbursement in the amount of $100 or more per item paid to Directors and employees. The record of such expense shall be posted on the official bulletin board during December and January.
[Amended by Res. 2552, 3-12-2019]
As used in this Article:
The “Presiding Officer” of the Board shall be the President.
“Member” shall be one of the five (5) Board member representatives.
[Amended by Res. 2552, 3-12-2019]
Meetings of the Board shall be open to the public.
No action shall be taken by secret ballot.
The definitions contained in the Brown Act shall be used for this Article.
[Amended by Res. 2547, 1-29-2019; Res. 2552, 3-12-2019; Res. 2554, 6-25-2019]
The Board shall hold regular meetings on the first and third Tuesday of each month at the hour of 9 o’clock a.m. at the District’s headquarters.
The President, Vice President or Secretary may call a special meeting upon a twenty-four-hour actual notice to each Director.
An emergency meeting may be called by a majority of the Board on less than twenty-four-hour notice and without an agenda to deal with disruption or threatened disruption of service by work stoppage, crippling disaster or other event severely impairing public health or safety.
Notice of all regular, special and adjourned meetings must be provided and posted in accordance with the Brown Act. Seventy-two hours’ notice is required for regular meetings; twenty-four hours’ notice is required for special meetings. Notice of the meeting shall be posted on-line at LVMWD.com and physically at 4232 Las Virgenes Road, Calabasas, CA 91302.
[Amended by Res. 2552, 3-12-2019]
Public meetings shall be digitally recorded and the recordings retained for a period of 5 years, and then erased. Closed Sessions shall not be recorded. The Secretary shall prepare written minutes of meetings available for public inspection when approved by the Board.
Person attending an open meeting of the Board may record the proceeding on audio or video media unless the Board finds the recording is a persistent disruption of proceedings.
[Amended by Res. 2552, 3-12-2019]
The affirmative vote of at least three Directors is necessary for the Board to take action. The Board shall take action by motion, resolution or ordinance. The vote, including abstentions, shall be recorded in the minutes.
When there is no quorum, any member of the Board may adjourn such meeting or, if no member of the Board is present, the Clerk of the Board may adjourn the meeting.
If a group or groups of persons willfully interrupts the meeting so as to make orderly conduct unfeasible and order cannot be restored by the removal of individuals who are interrupting the meeting, the Board may order the meeting room cleared and continue in closed session. The Board may establish a procedure for readmitting individuals not responsible for willfully disturbing the orderly conduct of the meeting.
The Board shall not prohibit public criticism of the policies, procedures, programs or services of the District or of the acts or decisions of the Board. However, no privilege or protection is conferred for expression beyond that otherwise provided by law.
Directors shall not use electronic devices to communicate with other Directors or the audience during Board meetings, and shall step out of the room if a personal communication requires immediate attention.
[Amended by Res. 2543, 11-15-2018; Res. 2552, 3-12-2019]
The General Manager shall prepare the agenda. The President shall approve the agenda before distribution. Should the President modify the agenda before approving it for distribution, a description of the modification shall be provided at the meeting prior to approval of the agenda by the Board.
The Secretary shall post an agenda containing a brief, general description of each item of business to be transacted or discussed at the meeting, including the items to be discussed in closed session at least seventy-two hours before a regular meeting, or at least twenty-four hours prior to a special meeting. Meetings to consider new or increased general tax or assessment shall be preceded by at least forty-five days’ notice. The posting shall be freely accessible to the public.
The agenda shall include the opportunity for the public to address the Board prior to taking action on any matter. The agenda for regular and adjourned regular meetings shall include the opportunity for the public to address the Board on matters within the jurisdiction of the District but not on the agenda.
The agenda shall include an opportunity for a Director to request a matter be included on the agenda for a future meeting. Should a Director request that an item be added to a future agenda and another Director seconds that request, the General Manager and President shall arrange for the matter to be placed on a future agenda as promptly as feasible.
No action shall be taken on matters not shown on the posted agenda, except members may briefly respond to statements made or questions posed during public comment; request for clarification; provide a reference to staff or other resources for factual information; or request staff to report back to the Board at a subsequent meeting.
Prior to discussion of a matter on the agenda, the Board may add matters to the agenda upon a majority finding an emergency exists or upon at least a two-thirds vote finding there is a need to take immediate action and the need for action came to the attention of the District subsequent to the posting of the agenda. If only three Directors are present, the finding of the need for action shall be by unanimous vote.
The agenda shall describe matters to be discussed in closed session in substantially the form required by the Brown Act.
[Amended by Res. 2552, 3-12-2019]
Board Agenda Order. At every regular meeting of the Board, the order of business shall be discussed and acted upon in substantially the following manner, provided that the Presiding Officer may alter the order of business with the concurrence of a majority of the Board.
Pledge of Allegiance.
Call to Order and Roll Call.
Approval of Agenda.
Public Comments for Non-Agenda Items.
Consent Calendar.
Illustrative and/or Verbal Presentation Agenda Items.
Treasurer's Report.
Action Items.
Non-Action Items.
Future Agenda Items.
Closed Session.
Open Session and Adjournment.
Roll Call. Before proceeding with business, the Board Secretary shall enter in the minutes the names of all members of the Board present. If any member of the Board arrives after the roll call or needs to leave prior to the adjournment of a meeting, the Board Secretary shall enter in the minutes the time at which such member arrived or left.
Adoption of Agenda. After Roll Call, the Board shall review and approve the agenda. At this time, the Presiding Officer shall ask if the General Manager proposes any changes to the agenda. Any member of the Board may move to approve the agenda with or without changes noted (i.e. removal or reordering of items), except that the addition of items must conform to the requirements of the Brown Act.
Consent Calendar. The Consent Calendar shall consist of routine items for which staff contemplates no significant discussion by the Board. A Consent Calendar item may be removed for discussion at the request of any Board member or the public. A removed Consent Calendar item will be considered after the Board acts upon the remainder of the Consent Calendar.
Special Presentation. Special presentations may be conducted at any meeting at the Board's discretion.
Public Comments for Non-Agenda Items. During Public Comment for Non-Agenda Items, the public is invited to comment on items within the jurisdiction of the Board but not on the agenda. See Section 2-2.120 below.
[Amended by Res. 2552, 3-12-2019]
Duty to Vote. When present, all members of the Board are urged to vote unless prohibited by law or conflict of interest.
Voice and Roll Call Votes. A voice vote will be taken and recorded for every action taken, and the results of such vote shall be entered in the minutes of the meeting showing those members of the Board voting aye, those voting no and those not voting or absent. A roll call vote shall be taken and recorded when required by law such as when a member of the Board participates in a meeting telephonically.
Conflicts of Interest. A conflict of interest shall be declared whenever appropriate and in compliance with State law. The affected member of the Board will step down from the dais and leave the Board room as required by State law.
Reconsideration. Reconsideration of a Board action shall be allowed when a member of the prevailing majority of the Board at the time the vote on the original action was taken makes a motion for reconsideration at a meeting following that at which the original action was taken; provided that no motion for reconsideration will be entertained after one (1) year from the time the original action was taken unless the Board determines significant new information has arisen which warrants such action.
Approval. A motion shall be approved with three affirmative votes of members of the Board, unless otherwise required by law (i.e. 4-vote items).
Content. The minutes will be a clear and concise statement of the actions taken at the Board meeting, including the motions made and the vote thereon. The minutes shall include the date, hour and place of the meeting; whether it is a regular, adjourned regular or special meeting; the names of the members of the Board and staff present and absent; and any action taken by the Board. If any member of the Board arrives late or departs before the adjournment, the minutes shall reflect his or her arrival or departure time. Whenever the Board acts in a quasi-judicial proceeding, the minutes shall include a complete summary of the witnesses.
Preparation. Minutes shall be prepared by the Board Secretary and presented to the Board for approval. The Board may then, by motion, make such corrections as conform to fact and formally adopt the minutes. Members of the Board are not required to have attended the meeting that is the subject of the minutes as a condition to vote on approval.
Process for Action Items. Consideration of Action Items shall follow the following process:
Announcement by the Presiding Officer. The Presiding Officer shall announce the item under consideration by reference to its listing on the agenda.
Staff Report. Responsible staff members shall present a report of staff regarding the action item.
Questions of Staff. Members of the Board may ask questions of staff to clarify the report.
Public Comment. If any public speaker cards have been received for the item, the public shall be invited to speak on the item using the process described in Section 2-2.120.
Motions. Any member of the Board may initiate an item for formal consideration by the Board by making a motion. A member of the Board may make an independent motion, may make a motion to implement staff recommendation, or may request assistance from the General Counsel as to the form of a proposed motion. Upon making of the motion, a second member of the Board may second the motion. A duly offered and seconded motion shall be restated by the Presiding Officer or General Counsel.
Debate. Before or after any initial motion on any item by any member of the Board, the members of the Board may debate the item, make comments relevant to the item, respond to any questions related to the item and ask questions of staff related to the item.
Vote. Unless withdrawn, the Board shall vote upon the motion, as provided in Section 2-2.115.
Resolutions and Ordinances. Resolutions and ordinances are formal documents that record an action of the Board. Resolutions and ordinances are considered by the Board upon motion and proper second. Resolutions or ordinances are sometimes required by law or may be recommended by the General Counsel to record an action of the Board which is considered of particular importance. Resolutions and ordinances shall be presented using the District’s standard format. They shall be reviewed and approved by the General Counsel prior to any presentation to the Board according to rules and procedures approved by the Board.
Correct Legal Document. Upon occasion, resolutions or ordinances are submitted in longhand or in draft form with on-the-spot amendments. These preliminary papers may be re-typed in final form; such re-draft, when signed and attested, becomes the original and proper document to be retained in the files.
Processing of Motions. A motion shall be considered pending before the Board following a motion and second by the members Board as described in section 2-2.117(a)(5).
Division of Question. If the item contains two or more divisible propositions, the Presiding Officer may divide the question and require a vote on each portion of the question.
Precedence of Motions. Once a motion is pending before the Board, no other motion on the matter shall be entertained except those listed below. These motions have precedence in the order listed:
Motion to Table. A motion to table an item requires a majority vote. A motion to table, if passed, requires discussion of the agenda item to be halted and the agenda item to be placed on hold. The motion may contain a specific time in which the item can come back to the Board or the motion may contain no specific time for the return of the item, in which case a motion to take the item off the table and bring it back to the Board will have to be taken at a future meeting. A motion to table is not debatable.
Amendments. A motion to amend the motion may be entertained only with the consent of the member who originally made the motion and, if the motion has been seconded, by the member who seconded the motion. An amendment modifying the intention of a motion may be considered, but an amendment relating to a different matter or an amendment that would alter the original motion so that it relates to a substantially different matter shall not be considered. Motions to amend a motion shall be voted upon first, then the main motion, whether or not amended, shall be voted upon. In lieu of voting upon a motion to amend, the member who made the original motion may withdraw the original motion and restate a motion on the same subject with the consent of the member who seconded the motion. Any motion that has been validly amended or validly withdrawn and restated as provided in this section shall then be voted upon.
Motion to Call the Question. A Motion to call the question is to close debate on the main motion. If the motion to call the question fails, debate is reopened; if the motion to call the question passes, then a vote on the main motion is in order.
Withdrawing a Motion. A motion may be withdrawn only by the member who made the motion with the consent of the member who seconded the motion. A withdrawn motion does not appear in the minutes.
Public Hearing. Hearings shall follow the following process:
Announcement by the Presiding Officer. The Presiding Officer shall announce the item under consideration by reference to its listing on the agenda.
Statement by General Counsel. The Presiding Officer shall formally open the public hearing and may request a statement by the General Counsel regarding the nature of the hearing and the rules to be followed during the hearing.
Staff Report. At the hearing, District staff shall present evidence in support of the findings or reasons upon which the order, citation, decision, or determination, was based.
Questions of Staff. Members of the Board may ask questions of staff to clarify the report.
Hearing. The party subject to the matter will be given the opportunity to present his or her case first. The parties and anyone who participates in a hearing may be represented by an attorney or other person of the parties' choice. The parties have a right to appear, testify, present evidence, examine and cross-examine witnesses, and present written or oral arguments. Additionally, the parties may request, and the Presiding Officer may allow the parties to submit written briefs, either before, during or after the hearing. In consultation with the General Counsel, the Presiding Officer shall specify, prior to the start of the hearing, if a time limit will be imposed and what that time limit is for the initial presentations and how much time will be allowed for rebuttal. Unless otherwise determined by the Presiding Officer in consultation with the General Counsel, the maximum allowed time for initial presentations shall be 30 minutes; the opponents (if any) will then be granted equal time to present their case; the applicant will then be allowed 10 minutes to present rebuttal (not supplemental) evidence; and the opponents (if any) will then be granted 10 minutes to present redress (if any).
Public Comment. If any public speaker cards have been received, the public shall be invited to speak on the item using the process described in Section 2-2.120.
Close of Hearing. After the staff report, all presentations, rebuttal and redress and public comment, the Presiding Officer will call the public hearing to be closed.
Debate and Discussion. After the close of the hearing, the Board may debate the matter as described in Section 2-2.117(a)(6) and may ask questions of the public, parties, witnesses or staff.
Motions. After debate and discussion, the Presiding Officer may ask for a motion disposing of the matter or any member of the Board may initiate a motion using the procedure described in Section 2-2.117(a)(5).
Vote. Unless withdrawn in accordance with Section 2-2.118(c)(3), the Board shall vote upon the motion, as provided in Section 2-2.115.
Evidence. The parties concerned must submit all evidence pertinent to their position during the public hearing. However, in order to save time, anyone may refer to previous testimony or to documents previously filed, as all of the records, exhibits, and minutes of other meetings are before each member of the Board, all of which is part of the record. Such hearing need not be conducted according to the technical rules of law relating to evidence and witnesses. Any relevant evidence may be admitted if it is the type of evidence on which responsible persons are accustomed to relying on in the conduct of serious affairs, regardless of the existence of any common law rule or statute which might make improper the admission of such evidence over objection in civil actions. Hearsay evidence may be used for the purpose of supplementing or explaining any direct evidence but shall not be sufficient in itself to support a finding unless it would be admissible over objection in civil actions. Copies of the reports and records of any governmental agency, division, or bureau will be accepted as evidence in lieu of the original thereof. Each speaker is required to abstain from irrelevant testimony, repetition, excessive hearsay, using profanity or obscenities or making statements that are inaudible, unintelligible or otherwise not able to be recorded by the secretary.
Witnesses. Each person who desires to speak must first be recognized by the Presiding Officer. Upon receiving recognition, the speaker should give his or her name and address for the record. If a person refuses to give their name and address for the record, then their statement will not be considered as evidence in the proceeding but will be lodged as a comment from an anonymous member of the public in accordance with the Brown Act.
Scope. The scope of the hearing shall be limited to the order, citation, decision, or determination being appealed, the grounds for relief raised in the notice of appeal and any specific requirements of this Code.
Waiver of Rights. The failure of the appellant or any interested party to raise an objection to the Presiding Officer either before or during the hearing of any defect in notice or procedure provided under the Code or at law or in equity shall be deemed a waiver of the defect.
Failure of Appellant to Appear. Unless otherwise provided in the Code, if the appellant fails to appear for the hearing at the time and place noticed, the Presiding Officer in his or her discretion may conduct the hearing to a conclusion or may dismiss the appeal. If the appeal is dismissed, the appeal is deemed denied and the order, citation, decision, determination appealed from shall become final and effective on the date of the hearing. Upon a showing of good cause, the Presiding Officer may set aside his or her decision to dismiss due to the appellant's failure to appear and may reschedule the appeal for hearing.
Public Comment. A person wishing to address the Board shall first be recognized by the Presiding Officer. Comments should focus on a specific matter within the jurisdiction of the Board. Each person shall address all remarks to The Board as a body, not to any member thereof and not to staff or the public. No person, other than a member of the Board and the person having the floor, shall be permitted to enter into any discussion without recognition by the Presiding Officer. If during public comment, a person expresses a concern regarding the District’s staff or service, the Board may refer the nature of the concern to staff for investigation, resolution or a report.
Speaker Cards. Speaker cards should be filled out and given to the Board Secretary prior to public comment. The Presiding Officer may request that speakers provide their name and address for the record, although persons who wish to speak are not required to provide their names or addresses. The Board Secretary shall indicate the order in which each card is received. The Presiding Officer will then call those speaker cards in the order received. The speaker card shall indicate whether the member of the public wishes to speak during public comment or during a particular business item.
Timing of Public Comments. Public comments on items not on the agenda shall take place during the public comment period described in Section 2-2.114. Members of the public may only provide comment on items not on the agenda during the public comment period. Public comment on items that are on the agenda shall take place during consideration of that item as described in Section 2-2.117.
Written Comments and Presentations. Videos, PowerPoint or similar presentations during public comment ordinarily are not permitted. Members of the public are encouraged to present written comments, preferably in advance of the meeting, as a way to fully communicate their thoughts on agendized or non-agendized items. When written materials are presented, they should be submitted to the Board Secretary for distribution and record keeping ahead of time. Written comments may be electronically submitted during the public comment period and will be noted or read into the record by the Board Secretary.
Time Limits. While the Board embraces the right of public participation, it acknowledges that public comments must, at times, be limited. Unless additional time is granted by the Presiding Officer, each person shall limit public comments to five minutes. The Presiding Officer may grant a representative of a large speaker group additional time to speak for the group on any agenda item. If one or more groups or sides on an issue wish to speak, the Presiding Officer shall endeavor to grant equal time to each group or side. The Presiding Officer has discretion to reduce the time limit for each person during public comments if necessary to ensure that all the public can be heard.
The Board may conduct a closed session at a regular or special meeting to consider matters permitted by the Brown Act to be considered in closed session.
When possible, the Board shall avoid taking action in closed session but action may be taken in closed session when necessary to avoid prejudice to the District. Action taken in closed session and the vote, abstention or absence of each Director shall be publicly reported as follows:
Approval of an agreement concluding real estate negotiations shall be reported after the agreement is final, as follows:
If the Board’s approval renders the agreement final, the Board shall report approval and the substance of the agreement in open session at the public meeting when the closed session is held.
If final approval rests with the other party to the negotiations, the District shall disclose the approval and the substance of the agreement upon inquiry by any person, as soon as the other party or its agent has informed the District of its approval.
Approval given to general counsel to defend, or seek or refrain from seeking appellate review or relief, or to enter as an amicus curiae in any form of litigation shall be reported in open session at the public meeting when the closed session is held and disclosed to any person upon inquiry, unless to do so would jeopardize the District’s ability to effectuate service of process on one or more unserved parties, or would jeopardize its ability to conclude existing settlement negotiations to its advantage.
Approval given to counsel for a settlement of pending litigation, at any stage prior to or during a judicial or quasi-judicial proceeding shall be reported after the settlement is final, as follows:
If the Board accepts a settlement offer signed by the opposing party, the Board shall report acceptance and identify the substance of the agreement in open session at the public meeting when the closed session is held.
If final approval rests with some other party to the litigation or with the court, the District shall disclose the approval, and identify the substance of the agreement upon inquiry by any person when the settlement becomes final.
Disposition reached as to claims discussed in closed session shall be reported in the same manner as the settlement of pending litigation.
Action taken to appoint, employ, dismiss, accept the resignation of, or otherwise affect the employment status of a public employee shall be reported at the public meeting when the closed session is held. Such report shall identify the title of the position and specify any change in compensation. However, a report of dismissal or of non-renewal of an employment contract shall be deferred until the first public meeting following the exhaustion of the employee’s administrative remedies.
Approval of an agreement concluding labor negotiations shall be reported after the agreement is final and has been accepted or ratified by the other party. The report shall identify the item approved and the other party or parties to the negotiation.
Reports required by this section may be made orally or in writing. The Board shall provide to a person who has submitted a written request to the Board within twenty-four hours of the posting of the agenda, or to a person who has made a standing request for documentation as part of the request for notice of meetings, if the requester is present at the time the closed session ends, copies of any contracts, settlement agreements, or other documents finally approved or adopted in the closed session.
After completing a closed session, counsel shall prepare a memorandum stating the purpose of the closed session and the action taken, if any. This memorandum is confidential and shall be filed in the office of the General Manager.
The Board of Directors adopted the following norms of behavior and protocol (Code of Conduct) for conducting the District’s business in an ethical and professional manner. The norms are intended to serve as guidelines for Directors to maintain the credibility of the District and foster public trust.
Treat other Directors, staff and the public with courtesy and respect.
Avoid criticizing individuals in public by focusing on the issues or work products.
Avoid misrepresenting facts or making assertions that are inaccurate or untrue.
Refrain from disrupting an opponent’s campaign events; moving, removing or vandalizing campaign signs; or removing campaign flyers.
Avoid promulgating inaccuracies or falsehoods.
Stay abreast of issues affecting the District and other local agencies.
Refrain from communications that may constitute a violation of the Ralph M. Brown Act such as discussions among a quorum of Directors, at one time or serially, face-to-face or otherwise.
Maintain the confidentiality of non-public information.
Ensure public statements, op-eds or letters to the editor that do not reflect the policy of the majority of the Board are cited as personal opinion.
Public Meetings.
Inform other Directors and the General Manager of unexpected issues that may arise at a public meeting.
Be prepared for Board meetings by reviewing the agenda and supporting materials in advance.
Respect the Board President’s responsibility to run meetings.
Seek recognition by the Board President before speaking and avoid interrupting other Directors.
Listen carefully to public speakers, avoid interrupting and do not engage in debate; limit questions to those aimed to understand the speaker’s point of view.
Make remarks succinct and to the point in an effort to avoid tiring the public or engaging in tedious or repetitious discussion.
Refrain from private communications with other Directors or the public via electronic communication devices while at the dais.
Make decisions based on public input.
Attempt to persuade other Directors through reasoned debate and accept the majority’s decision graciously and as policy of the Board.
Articulate the reasoning for decisions for the benefit of the public, particularly when the Board is divided on an issue.
Business Operations.
Provide policy direction to the General Manager, and support the General Manager to implement policy through staff.
Avoid unnecessary individual requests for the General Manager’s time or attention to matters that may not be of interest to the majority of the Board.
Obtain recommendations from the General Manager on District issues.
Inform the Board Secretary in advance when unavailable for District business.
Ensure direction to staff is supported by a majority of the Board and voice concerns timely with the direction provided.
Initiate action to resolve problems cooperatively with other Directors or the General Manager as soon as possible.
Demonstrate flexibility and cooperation to fill in for another Director at important meetings or functions.
Direct concerns or complaints about staff to the General Manager.
Avoid unduly influencing the content of staff reports.
Forward copies of complaints from the public to the General Manager and allow staff to seek resolution and respond accordingly.
Share copies of correspondence related to the District’s business promptly with other Directors and the General Manager.
Direct inquiries, questions or requests of staff, and concerns or complaints about staff, to the General Manager, recognizing that employees report to the General Manager.