No person shall connect to recycled water system without a permit issued by the District.
Persons desiring or required to obtain service shall make application for a permit by providing such information as the General Manager deems appropriate to evaluate the request including but not limited to:
Applicant’s and on-site recycled water Supervisor’s name;
Identity of property to be served;
Owner of property to be served;
Design area;
On-site irrigation piping plan map and
Anticipated land use requiring irrigation.
An application for a permit shall be made in writing, signed by the owner of the property to be served. If the application is for a commercial account in the name of a corporation or partnership, the applicant shall provide a personal guarantee from an owner or principal of the applying entity, regardless of the form of organization, as follows:
“I hereby certify I am a principal/officer of the organization listed on the attached application. I accept full responsibility for all fees and charges related to water and sewer service for the organization.
Name and Title”
The applicant shall comply with laws and, regulations, concerning recycled water service, including but not limited to this Title.
The General Manager shall review the application and make such investigation as necessary. The General Manager may prescribe requirements in writing to the applicant as to the facilities necessary to be constructed, the manner of connection, the financial requirements and the use of the service, including the availability of adequate on-site recycled water facilities to ensure initial and future continued compliance with the District’s regulations and any other applicable requirements.
The General Manager shall issue a recycled water permit upon application or state the reasons for disapproval. The permit shall entitle the applicant to receive recycled water service upon the terms and conditions of this Title.
The permit shall include the following:
Name and address of applicant;
A drawing of the proposed on-site facilities showing the location and size of all valves, pipes, outlets, and appurtenances;
A statement that no changes in the proposed on-site facilities will be undertaken without application and approval of an amended permit; and
A statement recognizing potential penalties for violation of District rules and regulations.
When the Board determines, service can be feasibly provided to a particular parcel for particular uses, the General Manager shall require the use of recycled water in lieu of potable water for those uses. As used herein, the term “feasible” means recycled water is available for delivery to the property in compliance with federal, state and local laws, ordinances and regulations and such recycled water can be delivered to the property at an overall cost to the user which does not exceed the overall cost of potable water service.
Applicants for recycled water service shall pay for the construction of facilities necessary to deliver recycled water to the applicant’s property and to distribute recycled water upon the applicant’s property. However, the District shall reimburse the applicant for a portion of the cost of such facilities as set forth in this Article.
The District will build recycled water facilities, including everything up to and including a recycled water meter and backflow protection on the potable service if the cost of construction is less than $5,500/AF/year of usage.
The District may reimburse a developer for costs incurred to extend a recycled water system to a maximum of 50 percent of Conservation Fund Fees paid by the developer, after first deducting District costs incurred for the recycled water system.
The District may reimburse an existing customer the cost of portions of an extension of the recycled water distribution system installed to receive service from a District recycled water pipeline, as follows: The District shall pay for the installation of off-site facilities to serve the customer or reimburse on half the Water Conservation Fund fees paid for potable service to the property, whichever is less. The District shall pay for the off-site facilities, without limitation based on the amount of Water Conservation Fund fees when an existing potable irrigation service is connected to the District recycled water system during the installation of the District’s system.
Recycled water customers shall pay for recycled water facilities, not paid for by the District.