The following lands are eligible for sewer service:
Lands lying within the boundaries of a sanitation improvement district.
Lands lying outside of the District, but within the boundaries of another governmental agency, may be eligible to discharge sewage into District trunk sewers, pursuant to contract with the governmental agency which provides the governmental agency contribute equitably to the improvement district costs.
Territory within the District may be annexed to and become a part of an improvement district, subject to the terms and conditions of such annexation as determined by the Board.
From time to time, agreements are entered into between the City of Los Angeles and the District, for sewage disposal from within U-2, U-3 or B of the District. The District shall not approve sewer plans for property within I.D. U-3 or B until an outlet is assured. The applicant for a sewage connection within U-3 or B shall obtain the consent of the City of Los Angeles for a District outlet to provide sewer service for such applicant. When such assurance has been obtained, applicant shall pay the appropriate connection fee to the District for each sewage unit sought to be connected.
The applicant shall construct pipelines and appurtenances necessary to connect the applicant's sewage disposal system to the trunk sewer. If the applicant's property fronts upon a trunk sewer or a collector sewer connected to a trunk sewer, a lateral connection can be made without the extension of facilities. If the applicant's property does not front upon a trunk sewer or a collector sewer connected to a trunk sewer, the applicant shall provide for the construction of a trunk sewer extension or a collector sewer extension to connect to a trunk sewer.
Pipelines and appurtenances connected to the trunk sewer shall be constructed in accordance with District requirements.
If an applicant is required to construct a trunk sewer and the trunk sewer is a part of an improvement plan adopted by an improvement district, the District shall pay for the cost of design and construction if improvement district bond funds are available for such purpose and if the Board determines it is in the best interest of the improvement district to construct such facilities with bond funds.
If an applicant is required to construct a trunk sewer without the use of bond funds and if the trunk sewer will be capable of servicing more than one parcel of land, the District may enter into a main extension refund agreement with the applicant whereby the applicant shall bear the entire cost of the design and construction of the facilities and the District shall collect a pro rata share of the cost of such facilities from other applicant's for service to other property fronting the trunk sewer and remit the same to the original applicant when so collected.
If the applicant is required to provide for the construction of a trunk sewer without the use of improvement district bond funds and if the trunk sewer will be capable of serving more than one parcel of land, the District may allow the formation of an assessment district in lieu of entering into a main extension refund agreement.
An applicant who is required to provide for the construction of a collector sewer shall finance the cost of such facilities without District participation. Such construction will be administered by the administrative authority.
Pipelines and appurtenances which are constructed to deposit industrial waste or domestic sewage into the District's trunk sewers shall not be connected to the District's trunk sewers unless said pipelines and appurtenances are designed and constructed in accordance with applicable District standards and administrative authority standards.
Laterals shall be installed as shown on the District's standard specifications. No additional laterals shall be attached to any sewer connection, nor shall laterals be extended to collect other sewage discharges without prior approval of the District and the local sewering authority a person making an unauthorized lateral extension or additions shall be subject to immediate disconnection, in addition to the liability incurred for other expenses and charges.
A gas trap shall be installed in each lateral connection attached to a trunk sewer, between the sewer and a vents installed on the property, and the trap shall be maintained at the expense of the owner of the lateral.
Sewer connections shall be made only at points on trunk sewers approved by the General Manager. Such connections shall be installed by the District at the applicant's expense and in accordance with the standard specifications of the District and of the agency having jurisdiction of the street containing the trunk sewers.
The applicant shall excavate in accordance with the District's standard specifications, and notify the District at least forty-eight hours in advance of the commencement of the excavation. The District shall also be notified of the completion of the lateral attachment to the connection so inspection may be made prior to backfill of the trench for the lateral sewer.
Collector sewers shall be connected to District trunk sewers only at locations and in the manner specified by the General Manager. Collector sewer connections shall be constructed in accordance with District specifications.
Plans and specifications of collector sewers and connections to trunk sewers, shall be prepared by a registered Civil Engineer, and be submitted to the District prior to construction. The connection shall remain plugged until said acceptance.
The District shall inspect the actual work of making a collector sewer connection, and must be given at least forty-eight hours’ notice prior to commencement of such work. The District must be notified of the completion of such work so inspection may be made prior to acceptance by the District.
The collector sewer, up to the point where it joins the connection at the trunk sewer, shall be dedicated to the appropriate governmental agency. No additional collector sewers shall be connected to collector sewer connection or collector sewer system without prior approval of the District.
The collector sewer connection shall be dedicated to the District.
Industrial waste connections shall be made on trunk sewers or collector sewers only at locations and in the manner specified by the General Manager and Administrative Authority.
Plans and specifications shall be prepared, submitted, reviewed and certified for in the same manner as for collector connections to a trunk sewer.
Industrial waste systems and laterals must, for the purpose of control, be separated from domestic systems and laterals.