[Amended by Res. 2617, 1-17-2023]
The District shall continue to provide recycled water to existing recycled water customers to conserve potable water. No new recycled water meters or extensions to recycled water pipelines for new recycled water customers shall be provided unless it is determined to be in the District’s best interest and approved by the General Manager.
This title provides the terms for service of recycled water. This Title supplements and does not replace 17 California Code of Regulations (“CCR”) and 22 CCR. If this Title is inconsistent with the CCR, then the CCR prevails. If this Title is silent, the CCR is incorporated by this reference.
The terms set forth in this Article are defined for the purposes of this title unless otherwise apparent from context.
“Air-Gap Separation” is a physical break between a supply pipe and a receiving vessel.
“Applicant” is any person, firm, corporation, association, or agency who requests recycled water service.
“Reduced Pressure Principle Backflow Prevention Device (RP)" is a backflow preventer incorporating not less than two check valves, an automatically operated differential relief valve located between the two check valves, a tightly closing shut-off valve on each side of the check valve assembly, and equipped with necessary test cocks for testing.
“Auxiliary Water Supply” means any water supply on or available to the premises other than the District’s potable water and recycled water supplies.
“Cross-connection” means any unprotected connection between any part of a water system used or intended to supply water for drinking purposes and any source or system containing recycled water or any other auxiliary water supply that is not or cannot be approved as safe, wholesome, and potable for human consumption.
“Customer” means any person, firm, corporation, association, or agency receiving recycled water service from the District.
"Dual Plumbed System" or "Dual Plumbed" means a system that utilizes separate piping systems for recycled water and potable water within a facility and where the recycled water is used for either of the following purposes:
To serve plumbing outlets (excluding fire suppression systems) within a building; or
Outdoor landscape irrigation at individual residences.
“Off-site Facilities” means facilities under the control of the District, upstream of and including the District’s meter and the meter box including recycled water pipelines, reservoirs, pumping stations, manholes, valve connections, treatment facilities, and other appurtenances and property.
“On-site Facilities” means facilities under the control of the customer downstream of the District’s meter and meter box including but not limited to residential or commercial landscape irrigation systems, agricultural irrigation systems, and backflow devices on the potable water service to prevent cross-connection from auxiliary water supplies.
“On-site Recycled Water Supervisor” means a qualified person designated by a recycled water customer and approved by the District that is knowledgeable in the construction and operation of irrigation systems and in the application of the guidelines, criteria, standards, and rules and regulations governing the proper use of recycled water.
“Potable Water” means water furnished to the customer for domestic purposes.
“Recycled Water” means water which, as a result of tertiary treatment of domestic and industrial wastewater, is suitable for a direct beneficial use or a controlled use that otherwise would not occur.
“Recycled water service” means the delivery of recycled water.
“Service Connection” means the piping necessary to conduct water from the District’s water main to the particular property designated in the application for water service including the meter, meter box, valves and piping equipment within the meter box.
“Unit” is 100 cubic feet of water.