[Prior code § 14.01; amended by Ord. 217, 2002]
The provisions of this building code shall govern the design, construction, alteration, demolition and moving of all buildings and structures.
[Prior code § 14.02; amended by Ord. 217, 2002]
These regulations shall be known as the "Municipal Building Code." In this title, hereafter, they will be cited as "the building code."
Authority. These regulations are adopted under the authority granted by Chapter 101 of the Wis. Stats.
Purpose. The purpose of this municipal building code is to protect the health, safety, and welfare of the public.
[Prior code § 14.03; amended by Ord. 217, 2002; 11-16-2020 by Ord. No. 312; 5-20-2024 by Ord. No. 336]
The Administrative Code provisions describing and defining regulations with respect to one- and two-family dwellings in Chapters SPS 320 through 325 and 327 of the Wis. Adm. Code, are hereby adopted and by reference made a part of this chapter as if fully set forth herein (Wisconsin Uniform Dwelling Code). Any act required to be performed or prohibited by an Administrative Code provision incorporated herein by reference is required or prohibited by this chapter. Any future amendments, revisions or modifications of the Administrative Code provisions incorporated herein are intended to be made part of this chapter to secure uniform statewide regulation of one- and two-family dwellings in the Village of Darien. A copy of these administrative code provisions and any future amendments shall be kept on file in the Village Clerk's office.
Existing Buildings. The Wisconsin Uniform Dwelling Code shall also apply to buildings and conditions where:
An existing building is to be occupied as a one- or two-family dwelling, which building was not previously so occupied.
An existing structure is altered or repaired when the cost of such alteration or repair during the life of the structure exceeds 50% of the equalized value of the structure, said value to be determined by the Building Inspector.
Additions and alterations, regardless of cost, made to an existing building when deemed necessary in the opinion of the Building Inspector shall comply with the requirements of this chapter for new buildings.
Roof Coverings. Whenever more than 25% of the roof covering of a building is replaced in any twelve-month period, all roof covering shall be in conformity with the applicable sections of this chapter.
Additions and Alteration. Any addition or alteration, regardless of cost, made to a building shall be made in conformity with applicable sections of this chapter.
The Wisconsin Administrative Codes and associated codes are adopted by reference, as well as any and all subsequent revisions that may be made from time to time, including Chs. SPS 361 through 366, Wis. Adm. Code (Wisconsin Commercial State Building Code), which are hereby adopted and made part of this chapter with respect to those classes of buildings to which this Building Code specifically applies. Any future amendments, revisions and modifications of said Chs. SPS 361 through 366 incorporated herein are intended to be made part of this code. A copy of said Chs. SPS 361 through 366 and amendments thereto shall be kept on file in the office of the Building Inspector.
[Prior code § 14.06.6; amended by Ord. 217, 2002; 5-20-2024 by Ord. No. 336]
For the purposes of this building code, the following words and phrases, not herein otherwise defined, shall have the meanings accepted by common usage:
A detached building, not used as a dwelling unit but is incidental to that of the main building and which is located on the same lot. "Accessory building" does not mean farm building.
New construction performed on a dwelling which increases the outside dimensions of the dwelling.
The line between adjoining lots, plots of land or parcels of land of different or same ownership.
A public way not more than 30 feet wide which affords only a secondary means of access to abutting property.
The specified maximum permissible stress of a material expressed in load per unit area.
A substantial change or modification other than an addition or repair to a dwelling or to systems involved within a dwelling.
A room or suite of rooms in a multifamily structure which is arranged, designed, used or intended to be used as a single housekeeping unit with complete kitchen facilities permanently installed.
An approval from the Village Building Inspector or his or her authorized representative or the Department of Commerce, Safety and Building Department. (Approval is not to be construed as an assumption of any legal responsibility for the design or construction of the dwelling or building component.)
As applied to dimensions, the maximum horizontal projected area of a building, structure, room, apartment or open space, not including overhangs.
Any subsystem, subassembly, or system designed for use in or as part of a structure which may include structural, electrical, mechanical, plumbing and fire protection systems and other systems affecting health and safety.
The officer charged with the administration and enforcement of this building code or his or her authorized deputy. Same for "building official."
A building erected prior to adoption of this code or one for which a legal building permit has been issued.
The actual cubic space enclosed within the outer surfaces of the outside or enclosed walls, outer surfaces of the outside or enclosed walls, outer surfaces of the roof and the finished surfaces of the lowest floors of a building structure. It does not include the contents of courts which are open to the sky.
The vertical load due to all permanent structural and nonstructural components of the building such as joists, rafters, sheathing, finishes and construction assemblies such as wall, partitions, floor, ceilings, roofs and systems. See "loads."
Degree days are figured as the number of degrees the mean outdoor temperature deviates from 65° F. each day during the heating seasons. Note: For example, if, on December 15, the low temperature is 30° F. and the high temperature is 50° F., the mean temperature would equal (30+50) divided by 2 = 40° F., therefore 65-40 = 25° F. days.
The State of Wisconsin Department of Commerce.
Any building which is not physically connected to the main structure.
Any building, the initial construction of which is commenced on or after the effective date of this chapter which contains one or two dwelling units; or
An existing structure, or that part of an existing structure, which is used or intended to be used as a one- or two-family dwelling.
An individual, or two or more persons related by blood, marriage or adoption, or a group of not more than five persons who need not be related by blood or marriage, living together in a dwelling unit.
A building or portion thereof in which a motor vehicle containing gasoline, distillate or other volatile flammable liquid in its tank is stored, repaired or kept.
A building or portion of a building in which only motor vehicles used by the tenants of the building or buildings on the premises are stored or kept.
The date of issuance of the building permit.
The assembly of a manufactured building on site and the process of affixing a manufactured building to land, a foundation, footing or an existing building.
The beam or girder placed over an opening in a wall which supports the wall construction above.
DEAD LOADThe weight of the walls, floors, partitions, roofs and other structural parts of a building or structure. See "dead load.
LIVE LOADAll imposed, transient, moving loads or loads due to impact and including movable partitions in a building or structure other than dead loads.
A parcel of land having frontage on a public street or other officially approved means of access, occupied or intended to be occupied by a principal structure or use. See Zoning Code, Title 17.
A line or lines dividing one lot, plot of land or parcel of land from an adjoining lot, plot of land or parcel of land.
Repair performed for maintenance or replacement purposes on any existing one- or two-family dwelling which does not affect room arrangement, light and ventilation, access to or efficiency of any exit stairways or exits, fire protection or exterior aesthetic appearance and which does not increase a given occupancy and use. No building permit is required for work to be performed which is deemed minor repair.
Any city, village, town or county in this state.
A lawfully existing building, premises, structure, use, materials, or equipment which does not conform to the requirements of this building code.
The purpose for which a building, structure, equipment, materials or premises or part thereof is used or intended to be used as regulated by this building code.
A building structure which contains one or separate households intended to be used as a home, residence or sleeping place by an individual or by two or more individuals maintaining a common household to the exclusion of all others.
Any person having a legal or equitable interest in the dwelling.
The designation for the unit permeance which is a substitute for the unit, one grain per (hour) (square foot) (inch of mercury vapor pressure difference).
Any individual, persons, partnerships, firm, organization, association, corporation, their agents, heirs or assigns.
A single main building or structure on a lot for specific use or occupancies.
The reconstruction or renewal of any part of an existing building for the purpose of its maintenance. The word "repair" or "repairs" shall not apply to any change of construction.
Mandatory by provision of this building code.
As used herein is mandatory; same for "must."
The actual area in square feet enclosed by the exterior perimeter of the building walls on each separate floor level.
A branch of the physical sciences which uses the principles of mechanics in analyzing the impact of loads and forces and their effect on the physical properties of materials in the form of internal stress and strain.
As specifically regulated by this building code, anything which is constructed, erected and framed of component parts, such as buildings, towers, masts, poles, booms, signs, decorations, machinery and equipment.
Those Administrative Code provisions and any future amendments, revisions or modifications thereto, contained in the following chapters of the Wisconsin Administrative Code:
Chapter SPS 320, Administrative and Enforcement.
Chapter SPS 321, Construction Standards.
Chapter SPS 322, Energy Conservation.
Chapter SPS 323, Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning.
Chapter SPS 324, Electrical Standards.
Chapter SPS 325, Plumbing.
Chapter SPS 327, Camping Units.
Any construction methods or materials not covered by this code.
A large building, or designated portion of a building, where raw materials or manufactured goods may be stored before their export or distribution for sale.
A device or seal approved by the Department of Commerce to certify compliance with this building code.
[Prior code § 14.04; amended by Ord. 217, 2002]
The Village Board shall appoint a Building Inspector or consultant who shall be a certified in all areas of residential and commercial building inspection by the State of Wisconsin, Department of Commerce.
Duties. The Building Inspector is vested with the authority and responsibility to enforce all laws controlling safe building construction.
If the Building Inspector finds that the proposed building will comply in every respect with this building code, other municipal ordinances, and all laws of the State of Wisconsin, and lawful orders issued pursuant thereto, he or she shall issue a building permit. After being approved, the plans and specifications shall not be altered in any respect which involves any of the above-mentioned ordinances, laws or orders, or which involves the safety of the building, except with the written consent of the Building Inspector filed with such application.
In case adequate plans are presented, the Building Inspector, at his or her discretion, may issue a permit for a part of the building before receiving the plans and specifications of the entire building. It is unlawful to commence work on any building or alteration before the building permit has been issued. The issuance of a permit upon the plans and specifications shall not prevent the Building Inspector from thereafter requiring the correction of errors in the plans and specifications or from preventing building operations being carried on thereunder when in violation of any ordinances of the Village or laws of the State of Wisconsin or lawful orders issued pursuant thereto.
For the construction of buildings requiring approval of the Wisconsin Department of Commerce, no permit shall be issued until such approved plans are received by the Building Inspector.
Right of Entry for Inspection.
Whenever any officer or employee of the Village is authorized to enter any building or premises for the purpose of making an inspection to enforce any ordinance, the officer or employee may enter such building or premises at all reasonable times to inspect the same; provided that the officer or employee shall effect entry in the manner provided in Subsection B2 of this section, except in emergency situations, or when consent of the person having charge or control of such building or premises has been otherwise obtained.
If the building or premises to be inspected is occupied, the authorized officer or employee shall first present proper credentials and demand entry; and if such building or premises is unoccupied, the officer or employee shall first make a reasonable effort to locate the owner or other person having charge or control of the building or premises and demand entry. If consent to such entry is not given, the authorized officer or employee shall have recourse to every remedy provided by law to secure entry.
Subsection B2 of this section shall be controlling over any other ordinance or part of an ordinance on the same subject, whether heretofore or hereafter adopted, unless such ordinance or part of an ordinance provides differently by an express reference to said subsection. Notwithstanding any other ordinance of this Village, whether heretofore or hereafter adopted, it shall not be a violation of this title to refuse or fail to consent to an entry for inspection.
Records. There shall be kept a record of all applications for building permits in a book for such purposes, and each permit shall be regularly numbered in the order of its issue, and the cost of each building and aggregate cost of all buildings in the various classes shall be kept. There shall be kept a record of all inspections made of all removal and condemnations of buildings and a record of all fees collected, showing the date of their receipt. The Building Inspector shall make a written annual report to the governing body of the municipality relative to these matters.
[Prior code § 14.05; amended by Ord. 246, 2007; Ord. 217, 2002]
No building or structure or any part thereof shall hereafter be built, enlarged, altered or demolished within the Village or moved into, within or out of the Village except as hereinafter provided, unless a permit therefor shall first be obtained by the owner or his or her agent from the Building Inspector. Permits required are as follows:
Wrecking or razing;
Moving of buildings: See Chapter 12.28 of this Municipal Code;
Flammable liquid storage;
Other permits as required by the Village.
Application for Permits.
The application for permits shall be made in writing upon a blank form to be furnished by the Building Inspector and shall state the name and address of the owner of the building and the owner of the land on which it is to be erected, the name and address of the designer, and shall set forth a legal description of the land on which the building is to be located, the location of the building, the house number thereof and such other information as the Building Inspector may require. With such application, there shall be submitted to the Building Inspector two complete sets of plans, specifications and two copies of a survey.
Survey. The survey shall be prepared and certified by a surveyor registered by the State of Wisconsin; shall be made in no case prior to one year prior to the issuance of a building permit; and shall bear the date of the survey. The certified survey shall also show the following:
Location and dimensions of all buildings on the lot, both existing and proposed;
Dimensions of the lot;
Dimensions showing all setbacks of all buildings on the lot;
Proposed grade of proposed structure to Village datum;
Grade of lot and of road opposite lot;
Grade and setback of adjacent buildings. If adjacent lot is vacant, submit elevation of nearest buildings on same side of road;
Type of monuments at each corner lot;
Watercourses or existing drainage ditches;
Seal and signature of surveyor.
Plans and Specifications. All plans shall be drawn to a scale not less than 1/4 inch per foot, on paper or cloth, in ink, or by some other process that will not fade or obliterate, and shall disclose the existing and proposed provisions for water supply, sanitary sewer connections and surface water drainage. All dimensions shall be accurately figured. Drawings that do not show all necessary detail shall be rejected. All plans shall remain on file with the Building Inspector until at least one year after the completion of the building, after which time the Building Inspector may return the same to the owner, may keep them for public record or may destroy them. A complete set of plans for residential construction shall consist of:
All elevations;
All floor plans:
Complete construction details:
Fireplace details (3/4 inch per foot) showing cross section of fireplace and flues;
Plans of garage when garage is to be built immediately or location of garage when it is to be built at a later date:
Post-Foundation Survey. Within 10 working days from the date a foundation is installed, backfilled, and rough graded, and prior to any additional work being performed, a post-foundation survey shall be submitted to the Zoning Administrator. The Zoning Administrator shall not authorize any additional construction work to be performed until and unless a survey is submitted which shows:
Location of foundation with respect to the property lines;
Height of garage floor in accordance with master grading plan.
Waiver of Some Requirements. At the option of the Building Inspector, plans, data, specifications and survey need not be submitted with an application for any building, structure or equipment, provided the proposed construction is sufficiently described in the application for the permit.
Seal of Registered Engineer or Architect. All plans, data, and specifications for the construction of any commercial building or structure or for any construction in connection with existing commercial buildings and structures, other than one- and two-family residences, submitted with an application for permit, shall bear the seal of the registered architect or registered engineer. The plans shall also be stamped as approved as required by the Department of Commerce of the State of Wisconsin. Such building or structure shall be constructed under the supervision of an architect or engineer who shall be responsible for its erection in accordance with the approved plans. No permit shall be granted for such structure unless such construction will be under the supervision of an architect or engineer, as required by the Wisconsin Statutes. A written statement to this effect shall be filed by the architect or engineer with the Building Inspector with the application for a permit.
Grading of Lots. The plans shall show the present and proposed grades of the lot on which it is proposed to erect the building for which a building permit is sought and of the immediately adjoining property in sufficient detail to indicate the surface water drainage before and after the completion of grading. No permit shall be issued if the erection of the building and the proposed grades shall unreasonably obstruct the building and the proposed grades shall unreasonably obstruct the natural flow of water from the surface of adjoining property or obstruct the flow of any existing ravine, ditch, drain, or stormwater sewer draining neighboring property, unless suitable provision is made for such flow by means of an adequate ditch or pipe, which shall be shown on the plans and shall be constructed so as to provide continuous drainage at all times.
Stormwater Drains and Sump Pumps. No dwelling shall be erected nor shall existing provision for conveyance of water from the roof of any dwelling be altered or replaced unless provision is made to convey water from the roof of the dwelling in such a manner that such water will not, directly or indirectly, pass thence into the sanitary sewer system. No stormwater or surface water drains may be connected with the sanitary sewer system, whether installed above or below the surface of the ground. When a sump pump is deemed necessary by the Building Inspector or the Public Works Superintendent, for the purposes of discharging clear waters from foundation drains and ground infiltration, said sump pump shall not be connected directly or indirectly with the sanitary sewer system.
[Amended 6-17-2019 by Ord. No. 310]
Drainage. No water shall be discharged from any roof or conductor pipes upon any public walk, but shall be conducted underneath the walk in a manner approved by the Building Inspector.
Moving Damaged Buildings. No building shall be repaired, altered or moved within or into the Village that has deteriorated 50% or more of its equalized value, or has been damaged by any cause (including moving and separation from its foundation and service connections in case of moved buildings), and no permit shall be granted to repair, alter or move such building within or into the Village.
Inspector May Revoke Permits.
The Building Inspector may revoke any permit, certificate of occupancy, or approval issued under the regulations of this code and may stop construction or use of approved new materials, equipment, devices, method of construction, or appliances for any of the following reasons.
Whenever there is a violation of any regulation of this building code or of any other ordinance, law or lawful order or Wisconsin Statutes/Administrative Code relating to the same subject matter;
Whenever the continuance of any construction becomes dangerous to life or property;
Whenever there is any violation of any condition or provisions of the application for permit or of the permit;
Whenever in the opinion of the Building Inspector there is inadequate supervision provided on the job site;
Whenever any false statement or misrepresentation has been made in the application for permit, plans, drawings, data specifications, or certified lot or plot plan on which the issuance of the permit for approval was based;
Whenever there is a violation of any of the conditions of an approval or occupancy given by the Building Inspector for the use of all new materials, equipment, methods of construction, devices or appliances.
The notice revoking a permit, certificate of occupancy or approval shall be in writing and may be served upon the applicant for the permit, owner of the premises, or his or her agent, if any, and on the person having charge of construction.
A revocation placard shall also be posted upon the building, structure, equipment, or premises in question by the Building Inspector.
After the notice is served upon the persons as aforesaid and posted, it is unlawful for any person to proceed thereafter with any construction or operation whatsoever on the premises, and the permit which has been so revoked shall be null and void; and before any construction or operation is again resumed, a new permit, as required by this code, shall be procured and fees paid therefor, and thereafter the resumption of any construction or operation shall be in compliance with the regulations of this building code.
Fees. Before receiving a building permit, the owner or his or her agent shall pay the fees specified in Tables No. I, II, III and IV set out at the end of this chapter.[1] In applying the provision of this building code in respect to new work, existing buildings, alterations and repairs, the physical value of the work shall be determined by the Building Inspector on the basis of current costs.
Editor's Note: Ordinance No. 284 provided for the repeal of Tables I, II, III and IV. See now Section 15.04.160.
[Prior code § 14.06.10; amended by Ord. 217, 2002]
It is unlawful to commence work prior to obtaining a permit. Therefore, double fees shall be charged if work is commenced prior to the issuance of a permit.
[Prior code § 14.06; amended by Ord. 217, 2002]
All buildings and structures hereafter erected, altered, repaired, moved or demolished that are used or designed to be used for the purpose herein defined shall comply in full with the requirements of this building code (except as delimited in Section 15.04.030).
Zoning Laws. No provision of this building code shall be construed to repeal, modify, or constitute an alternative to any lawful zoning regulations.
New Buildings. The construction requirement of this building code shall apply to all buildings.
Existing Buildings. Modifications, alteration, repairs or additions shall be in compliance with this building code.
Accessory Structures. Construction requirements of this building code shall apply to all accessory structures.
Razing of Buildings. The Building Inspector is authorized to act for the municipality under the provisions of Section 66.04(2)(a) of the Wisconsin Statutes, relating to the razing of buildings, and all acts amendatory thereof and supplementary thereto.
[Prior code § 14.06.1; amended by Ord. 217, 2002]
Withholding of building permits:
Imposition of forfeitures for each day of noncompliance;
Injunctive action;
Penalties per Chapter 1.08.
[Prior code § 14.06.2; amended by Ord. 217, 2002]
General. No person shall move any building or structure upon any of the public ways of the Village without first obtaining a permit therefor from the Building Inspector and upon payment of the required fee. Every such permit issued by the Building Inspector for moving of a building shall designate the route to be taken, the conditions to be complied with, and shall limit the time during which the moving operations shall be continued.
Before the Building Inspector shall issue a permit, reports and conditions for approval by all public utilities, including the existing site, the proposed moving route and the proposed site, shall be placed on file with the Building Inspector.
A report shall be made by the street superintendent with regard to possible damage to trees. The estimated cost of trimming, removal and replacement of public trees, as determined by the street superintendent, shall be paid to the Village Treasurer prior to issuance of the moving permit.
Issuance of the moving permit shall further be conditioned on approval of the moving route by the street superintendent.
Continuous Movement. The movement of buildings shall be a continuous operation during all the hours of the day and at night until such movement is fully completed. All such operations shall be performed with the least possible obstruction to thoroughfares. No building shall be allowed to remain overnight upon any street crossing or intersection, or so near thereto as to prevent easy access to any fire hydrant or any other public facility. Lights shall be kept in conspicuous places at each end of the building during the night.
Street Repair. Every person receiving a permit to move a building shall, within one day after the building reaches its destination, report that fact to the Building Inspector, who shall thereupon, in the company of the street superintendent, inspect the streets or highways over which the building has been moved and ascertain their condition. If the removal of the building has caused any damage to any street or highway, the person to whom the permit was issued shall place them in good repair as they were before the permit was granted. On the failure of the permittee to do so within 10 days thereafter to the satisfaction of the governing body, the body shall repair the damage done to such streets and hold the person obtaining such permit and the sureties on his or her bond responsible for the payment of same.
Conformance With Municipal Code. No permit shall be issued to move a building within or into the Village and to establish it upon a location within the Village until the Building Inspector has made an investigation of such building at the location from which it is to be moved and is satisfied from such investigation that the building is in sound and stable condition and of such construction that it will meet the requirements of this municipal building code in all aspects. A complete plan of all further repairs, improvements and remodeling with reference to such building shall be submitted to the Building Inspector, and he or she shall make a finding of fact to the effect that all such repairs, improvements and remodeling are in conformity with the requirements of this building code, and that when same are completed, the building as such will so comply with this municipal building code. In the event a building is to be moved from the Village to some point outside the boundaries thereof, the provisions with respect to the furnishing of plans and specifications for proposed alterations to such building may be disregarded.
Deposit Required. The applicant shall, at the time of application, deposit with the Village Clerk $1,000 to cover the costs to the utilities of whatever work is necessary to permit moving of the building and damages to property resulting from such moving. Upon completion of the moving, the street superintendent shall inspect the route and report to the Village Clerk any damages and the estimated amount thereof caused to the streets and any public or private property. Upon payment of the utilities' expenses and settlement of all damage claims, the Village Clerk shall release the balance of the deposit remaining. The applicant shall be liable for any costs and damages exceeding the deposit.
Unless the Building Inspector, upon investigation, shall find it to be a fact that the excavation exposed by the removal of such building from its foundation shall not be so close to the public thoroughfare as to permit the accidental falling therein of travelers or the locations, nature and physical characteristics of the premises and the exposed excavation such as to make intrusion upon the premises and the falling into such excavation of children under 12 years of age unlikely, the bond required shall be further conditioned upon the permittee erecting adequate barriers and within 48 hours filling in such excavation or adopting and employing such other means, devices or methods approved by the Building Inspector and reasonably adopted or calculated to prevent the occurrence as set forth herein.
Insurance. The Building Inspector shall require, in addition to the bond above indicated, public liability insurance covering injury to one person in the sum of not less than $100,000 and for one accident in a sum not less than $200,000, together with property damage insurance in a sum not less than $50,000 or such coverage as deemed necessary.
Plan Commission.
No such permit shall be issued unless it has been found as a fact by at least a majority vote of the Village Plan Commission, after an examination of the application for the permit which shall include exterior elevations of the building and accurate photographs of all sides and views of the same, and in case it is proposed to alter the exterior of such buildings, plans and specifications of such proposed alterations, and after a view of a building proposed to be moved and of the site at which it is to be located, that the exterior architectural appeal and functional plan of the building to be moved or moved and altered will not be so at variance with either the exterior architectural appeal and functional plan of the buildings already constructed or in the course of construction in the immediate neighborhood, or the character of the applicable district established by the zoning ordinances of the Village or any ordinance amendatory thereof or supplementary thereto, as to cause a substantial depreciation in the property values of the neighborhood within and the applicable district. In case the applicant proposes to alter the exterior of the building after moving the same, he or she shall submit, with his or her application papers, complete plans and specifications for the proposed alterations. Before a permit shall be issued for a building to be moved and altered, the applicant shall give a bond to the Village Plan Commission, which shall not be less than $1,000 to be executed in the manner provided in Section 15.04.100E1, to the effect that he or she will, within a time to be set by the Plan Commission, complete the proposed exterior alterations to the building in the manner set forth in his or her plans and specifications. This bond shall be in addition to any other bond or surety which may be required by other applicable ordinances of the Village. No occupancy permit shall be issued for the building until the exterior alterations proposed to be made have been completed.
Upon application being made to the Building Inspector, he or she shall request a meeting of the Plan Commission to consider application for moving permits which he or she has found comply in all respects with the Municipal Code. The Plan Commission may, if it desires, hear the applicant for the moving permit in question and/or the owner of the lot on which it is proposed to locate the building in question, together with any other persons, either residents or property owners, desiring to be heard, giving such notice of hearing as it deems sufficient. Such hearing may be adjourned for a reasonable length of time, and within 48 hours after the close of the hearing, the Plan Commission shall, in writing, make or refuse to make the finding required by hereof and file it in the office of the Clerk, who shall send a copy to the Building Inspector.
[Prior code § 14.06.3; amended by Ord. 217, 2002]
Before a building can be demolished or removed, the owner or agent shall notify all utilities having service connections within the building, such as water, electric, gas, sewer and other connections. A permit to demolish or to remove a building shall not be issued until it is ascertained that service connections and appurtenant equipment, such as meters and regulators, have been removed and sealed and plugged in a safe manner. Excavations shall be filled with solid fill to match lot grade within five days of removal of the structure. Any excavation shall be protected with appropriate fences and barriers and/or lights.
Sewer Laterals. In any case where the use of a sewer lateral is discontinued due to moving or removal of a building, such lateral shall be cut off and properly plugged at the curbline.
Water Laterals. In any case where the use of a water lateral is discontinue due to moving or removal of a building, such lateral shall be cut off and capped at the curbline or valve box.
[Prior code § 14.06.4; amended by Ord. 217, 2002]
Whenever the provisions of this building code or of the plans approved thereunder are not complied with, a stop order shall be served on the owner or his or her representative, and a copy thereof shall be posted at the site of the construction. Such stop work order shall not be removed except by notice of the Building Inspector after satisfactory evidence has been supplied that the violation has been corrected.
[Prior code § 14.06.5; amended by Ord. 217, 2002]
The Building Inspector shall make a final inspection of all new buildings, additions and/or alterations. If no violations of this or any other ordinances are found, the Building Inspector shall issue a certificate of occupancy, stating the purpose for which the building is to be used.
No building, nor part thereof, shall be occupied until such certificate has been issued, nor shall any building be occupied in any manner which conflicts with the conditions set forth in the certificate of occupancy.
Use Discontinued.
Whenever any building or portion thereof is being used or occupied contrary to the provisions of this building code, the Building Inspector shall order such use or occupancy discontinued and the building or portion thereof vacated by notice served on any person using or causing such use or occupancy to be continued and such building or portion thereof within 10 days after receipt of the notice or make the building or portion thereof comply with the requirements of this building code.
Any building, structure or premises, or any part thereof hereafter vacated or damaged by any cause whatsoever so as to jeopardize public safety or health shall not hereafter be occupied or used under an existing certificate of occupancy or without the same until an application has been filed and a new certificate of occupancy issued. This subsection shall not apply to buildings used entirely for dwelling purposes.
Change. It is unlawful to change the use or occupancy of any building, structure, premises or part thereof without first obtaining from the Building Inspector an approval of such change in the occupancy or use and a certificate of occupancy therefor.
Hardship. The Building Inspector shall have the authority and power to permit the occupancy of any building or structure in the Village, prior to issuance of an occupancy certificate, in all such cases of hardship as in his or her judgment and discretion warrant occupancy before final state of completion as set forth in this building code. Before granting such permission, the Building Inspector shall first examine the premises and determine if it is safe and sanitary. The Building Inspector shall determine the time within which such building or structure can be completed: such time should not exceed 120 days.
[Prior code § 14.06.7; amended by Ord. 217, 2002]
All materials shall be identified by the approved label, the grade mark, the trademark, or by other approved manufacturer's identification.
[Prior code § 14.06.9; amended by Ord. 217, 2002]
Except as may otherwise be provided by the Wisconsin Statutes or local law or ordinance, no officer, agent or employee of the Village charged with the enforcement of the municipal code shall render himself or herself personally liable for any damage that may accrue to persons or property as a result of any act required or permitted in the discharge of his or her duties under this building code. No person who institutes or assists in the prosecution of a criminal proceeding under this building code shall be liable to damages hereunder unbelieving that the person accused or prosecuted was guilty of any unlawful act or omission. Any suit brought against any officer, agent, or employee of the Village, as a result of any act required or permitted in the discharge of his or her duties under this building code, shall be defended by the legal representative of the Village until the final determination of the proceedings therein.
[Added 12-16-2013 by Ord. No. 284[1]]
Permit fees shall be adopted from time to time by resolution of the Village Board.
Editor's Note: This ordinance also provided for the repeal of the prior permit fees tables, which were included at the end of this chapter.