[Adopted 11-27-1961 by Ord. No. 531]
The Borough of Morrisville, having placed all of its employees as far as they are eligible under the Federal Social Security Act, hereby elects to join The Municipal Employees Retirement System as established by the Act of June 4, 1943, P.L. 886, as last amended by the Act of September 23, 1959, No. 390,[2] and does hereby agree to be bound by all of the requirements and provisions of said Act and to assume all obligations, financial and otherwise, placed upon member municipalities by said Act.
Editor's Note: See Appendix 4-46, on file in the Borough offices.
Editor's Note: Repealed 1974, Feb. 1, P.L. 34, No. 15, § 501, effective in 90 days. See now 53 P.S. §§ 881.101 to 881.501.
Membership for elected officials and employees of said Borough of Morrisville paid on a per diem basis shall be optional. The election to join the system by elected officials and per diem employees must be made within one year from the date of this article or within one year after the officer or per diem employee first entered the service of the Borough.
Credit for prior service toward the municipal annuity of each original member shall be for 10 years of prior service to the Borough. Borough does hereby assume the liability for payment of 100% of the member's contribution for the 10 years prior service of each original member.
Payment for the prior years' service, noted in the preceding section, shall be made by the Borough in accordance with § 14 of said Act and may be spread over a period of 30 years if the Borough so chooses.
On and after the date of the execution of all necessary contracts between said Borough and the Board and the date of the beginning of this retirement plan, then the costs shall be equally shared between the employee of said Borough and the Borough itself on a 50% basis. Said employee's charges shall be collected by payroll deduction by the Borough.
The Borough does hereby incorporate said Municipal Employees Retirement Law as last amended by the Act of 1959, No. 390, as a part of this Article II insofar as said Act, as amended, applies to a member municipality, having accepted the options set out in the first section of this Article II.[1]
Editor's Note: Repealed 1974, Feb. 1, P.L. 34, No. 15, § 501, effective in 90 days. See now 53 P.S. §§ 881.101 to 881.501.
[Added 10-11-1963 by Ord. No. 546]
The Borough of Morrisville does hereby elect to extend the provisions of § 20.1 of the Municipal Employees Retirement Law, Act of June 4, 1943, (P.L. 886) as amended September 23, 1959, and August 24, 1963, so that contributors to the retirement system of the Borough of Morrisville shall have the options and enjoy the protections of the provisions set forth in subsections (a) and (b) of § 20.1 of the Municipal Employees Retirement Law, and § 20.1 is hereby incorporated and made a part hereof by reference thereto.[1]
Editor's Note: Repealed 1974, Feb. 1, P.L. 34, No. 15, § 501, effective in 90 days. See now 53 P.S. §§ 881.101 to 881.501.
[Added 5-13-1986 by Ord. No. 814; amended 11-17-2003 by Ord. No. 933; 12-20-2022 by Ord. No. 1044]
Morrisville Borough (the Borough), having established a Nonuniform Pension Plan administered by the Pennsylvania Municipal Retirement System (the System), hereby elects to amend its Nonuniform Pension Plan administered by the System in accordance with Article IV of the Pennsylvania Municipal Retirement Law, 53 P.S. § 881.101 et seq. (Retirement Law), and does hereby agree to be bound by all the requirements and provisions of the Retirement Law and the Municipal Pension Plan Funding Standard and Recovery Act, 53 P.S. § 895.101 et seq., and to assume all obligations, financial and otherwise, placed upon member municipalities.
As part of this Section, the Borough agrees that the System shall administer and provide the benefits set forth in the amended Nonuniform Pension Plan document entered into between the Pennsylvania Municipal Retirement Board and the Borough effective as of the date specified in the adoption agreement (the contract).
The Borough acknowledges that, by passage and adoption of this Section, the Borough officially accepts the contract and the financial obligations resulting from the administration of the contract.
Payment for any obligation established by the adoption of this Section and the contract shall be made by the Borough in accordance with the Retirement Law and the Municipal Pension Plan Funding Standard and Recovery Act. The Borough hereby assumes all liability for any unfundedness created due to the benefit structure set forth in the contract.
The Borough intends this Section to be the complete authorization of the contract, as amended and it shall become effective as of the date specified in the adoption agreement, which is the effective date of the contract, as amended.
A duly certified copy of this Section and an executed Contract shall be filed with the System.