Preparation and adoption of the annual budget shall be accomplished in accordance with Article VIII, Sections 803 through 805, of the Home Rule Charter.
The Borough Manager shall prepare and submit annually to the Borough Council a five-year capital improvement program with the annual operating budget.
Elements of the capital improvement program will not become appropriations until included in the annual budget and adopted by the Council.
No payment of any funds of the Borough shall be made unless provided for in the annual operating budget as approved by the Borough Council. Payroll, monthly bills, contractual payments and utility expenditures may be made at the direction of the Manager where based upon a prior ordinance, contract or action of Council or is a budgeted expenditure.
Checks or drafts of the Borough may be signed by the Borough Manager, the Treasurer, the Assistant Treasurer or the President or Vice President of Borough Council. One facsimile signature may be used on a check or draft and must be accompanied by two other live signatures except with respect to payroll checks if direct deposit is utilized.
All claims, prior to payment, shall be accompanied by a properly approved invoice, receipted purchase order or other acceptable evidence that the claim is properly due.
Borrowing and nonelectoral debt limits are regulated in accordance with the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and the Home Rule Charter.
The Borough Manager or his/her designated agent shall have full authority to invest, redeem and reinvest funds available for but not immediately required for municipal operations in a separate Borough account or in a municipal funding pool, provided that such authority shall be exercised only within the limits of programs previously approved by the Borough Council. Such investments shall be made only in securities backed by the full faith and credit of the United States government, by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, by the Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation or by the pledges of assets of the type and valuation provided under the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Temporary investments may also be made in bank certificates of deposit supported by fully pledged collateral and repurchase agreements for United States government or other allowable securities. It shall be the responsibility of the Borough Manager to maximize investment revenues consistent with applicable laws and minimum investment risk.
[Amended 7-17-2024 by Ord. No. 03-2024]
General provisions. The Borough Manager and the Treasurer shall establish and administer a purchasing system which shall provide the regulations, policies and procedures covering the acquisition of goods and services by the Borough, subject to the provisions of this Administrative Code.
The base amount of $23,200 ("Base Competitive Bid Amount") is established as the limitation when competitive bidding shall be required for the purchase of labor, materials and supplies, unless excluded by Home Rule Charter Section 806, purchased through the state cooperative purchasing system or other joint purchasing system. The Base Competitive Bid Amount shall be adjusted annually in accordance with the procedures in Act 90 of 2011 by the Commonwealth Department of Labor and Industry.
Written quotes whenever possible or telephonic price quotations from at least three qualified and responsible contractors shall be requested for all contracts that exceed $12,600 ("Base Quote Amount") but are less than the Base Competitive Bid Amount requiring advertisement or competitive bidding, or, in lieu of price quotations, a memorandum shall be kept on file showing that fewer than three qualified contractors are known in the market area within which it is practicable to obtain quotations. The Base Quote Amount shall be adjusted annually in accordance with the procedures in Act 90 of 2011 by the Commonwealth Department of Labor and Industry. A written record of telephone price quotations shall be made and contain at least the date of quotation, the name of the contractor and the contractor's representative, a description of the work or product which was the subject of the quotation and the price. Written price quotations and records of telephone quotations shall be retained for three years.
Purchases and contracts not subject to competitive bidding under the Home Rule Charter and this Administrative Code shall not require quotations; however, where possible, they are preferred.
Definitions. As used in this section, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
A responsible bidder who, in a competitive bidding situation, submits a bid which, as finally determined by the Borough Council, is the best bid available in terms of price, product and/or service quality, adherence to specifications, timeliness of delivery, serviceability and maintenance, and other factors that the Borough Council may establish.
A bidder who is considered responsible either through previous experience in business dealings with the Borough or through an investigation of the credit, reliability and performance of the bidder. The Borough may, at its option, prequalify bidders for projects or services whenever advisable.
Subject and exempt purchases. Purchases subject to and exempt from the competitive bidding system are specified in Section 806 of the Home Rule Charter.
[Amended 7-17-2024 by Ord. No. 03-2024]
Authorization to bid goods or services that are included in the annual operating budget adopted by the Borough Council shall constitute authorization for the Borough Manager to initiate competitive bidding for such purchase. Authorization to initiate competitive bidding for unbudgeted projects or purchases must be specifically granted by the Borough Council.
Editor's Note: Former Subsection D, regarding responsible bidders list, was repealed 7-17-2024 by Ord. No. 03-2024.
Disqualification of bidders. A bidder may be disqualified for reasons including, but not limited to, the following:
Documentation of unsatisfactory performance by the bidder or of unsatisfactory goods or service provided by the bidder to the Borough or to other municipalities.
Incomplete bid document.
False or misleading statements about a product or service.
An attempt by a bidder to influence the purchase of goods or services by the Borough through a gift, gratuity, favor or benefit or promise thereof to a Borough officer or employee.
Collusion with another bidder in an attempt to regulate the price, quality or availability of goods or services to the detriment of the Borough.
Invitation to bid. When it is determined that a purchase is to be made through competitive bidding, a bid invitation shall be sent by mail to all vendors appearing on the bidders list for the item to be purchased. The invitation shall include the following items: a basic description of the item to be purchased; the quantity or estimated quantity to be purchased; the method by which specifications and bid documents may be obtained; the date, time and place of the bid opening; and any other specific requirements.
Publication requirements. A copy of the invitation to bid shall be placed in a legal advertisement published at least one time in a newspaper of general circulation in the Borough. The legal advertisement shall appear no later than 10 days prior and not more than 45 days prior to the scheduled bid opening.
Specifications. Specifications shall be prepared for all purchases made through competitive bidding. Specifications shall consist of a specific, complete and accurate description of the item to be purchased, the performance requirements and conditions and terms of purchase. Specifications shall be clearly worded but shall not be so specific or strict as to effectively eliminate acceptable products from competition. If a maintenance or performance bond is to be required before a contract is awarded, the amount, manner and form shall be prescribed in the specifications. All specifications for construction contracts with the Borough equal to and in excess of the Base Competitive Bid Amount shall include a requirement for performance, labor and materialman's bonds unless otherwise controlled by state or federal regulations.
[Amended 7-17-2024 by Ord. No. 03-2024]
Bid deposits or bond. A bid deposit or bond may be required for any purchase made by the Borough and shall be provided in an amount, manner and form prescribed by the Borough Manager. The bid deposit of the most responsible bidder, as determined by the Borough Council, may be forfeited to the Borough if the product or service purchased is not delivered as required in the specifications or if the required performance bond is not delivered if required in the specifications or if the successful bidder refuses to execute a contract.
Bid procedure. All bids shall be firmly sealed in an envelope and labeled so as to indicate the specific purchase for which the bid is submitted and the scheduled date and time of the bid opening. Bids shall be opened at the appointed time by a committee of the Borough Manager and/or the Treasurer and at least one member of the administrative staff. All bid openings shall be open to the public. Any bids received after the bid opening has commenced shall be returned to the bidder unopened. Upon completion of the bid opening, the Bid Committee will analyze the bid for conformance with the specifications and recommend to the Borough Council the most responsible bid.
Bid award. The Borough Council shall review the recommendation of the Bid Committee and may award a contract to the most responsible bidder. All such awards shall be made in a public meeting by a majority vote of the Council members present. The Borough Council shall at all times reserve the right to reject any and all bids received or to waive any informalities in the bids received if said informalities do not conflict with this Administrative Code or the Home Rule Charter. Late submission shall not be considered an informality.
Filing of bids. The Borough Manager shall maintain on file all bids received for a period of not less than three years and shall make such files available for public inspection upon request.
Emergency purchases. When emergency circumstances require that a purchase be made within a limited period of time so as to preclude the competitive bidding process, the Borough Manager may waive the bid requirement and authorize an emergency purchase. Such emergency purchases shall be limited to situations where and handled as follows:
Delay in making the purchase would present a threat to the health, safety or welfare of the residents of the Borough.
The purchase is required by unforeseen circumstances and delay would seriously hinder the effective delivery of essential Borough services.
There are no feasible alternatives to the emergency purchase.
Every effort shall be made to provide competitive conditions during the emergency purchase. Quotations should be obtained from as many vendors as possible although such quotations may be oral in nature. As soon as possible after becoming aware of the need for an emergency purchase, the Borough Manager shall advise the President or, in his/her absence, the Vice President of the Borough Council. All emergency purchases shall be reported to the Borough Council at the next regularly scheduled meeting.
The Borough Manager shall have the authority to dispose of unneeded, obsolete or surplus equipment or supplies with a sale value of less than $500 in the manner most beneficial to the Borough. Sale of equipment with a sale value of more than $500 shall be sold with the approval of the Borough Council through the competitive bidding process, except that competitive bidding shall not be required for the sale of equipment, supplies or services to other political subdivisions.
In accordance with Section 809 of the Home Rule Charter, the Borough Council shall appoint, for the purpose of an independent annual audit of all Borough revenues, expenditures and accounts, a certified public accountant or a certified public accountant firm for each fiscal year. The independent auditor may be selected by the Borough Council to provide auditing services for up to a three-year contract; however, in every instance, the Borough Council will have selected an auditing firm on or before February 15 of the fiscal year.
The Borough of West Chester will utilize the Uniform Chart of Accounts as published by the Pennsylvania Department of Community Affairs unless or until modified or replaced by an ordinance duly adopted by the Borough Council.
The following officers, agents and employees of the Borough shall execute and file with the Borough corporate surety bonds conditioned for the honest and faithful performance of their duties in the sums fixed below. Premium for the surety and fidelity bonds will be paid by the Borough.
The Borough Treasurer and/or his/her primary agent responsible for the collection, receipt, accounting for and depositing into the Borough treasury of all taxes, fees, assessments or charges that are levied or established by the Borough: a bond in the amount of $50,000.
Borough employees whose principal duties involve the collection, receipt, accounting for or handling of Borough funds: a blanket fidelity bond in the amount of $10,000.
Other Borough employees: as determined by the Borough Council or the Borough Manager.
The Borough Manager shall submit reports to the Borough Council, at least biennially, reviewing all Borough coverage in all liability areas and recommending coverage deemed reasonable and prudent. Said areas shall include, but not be limited to, the following:
Automobile liability coverage.
Comprehensive general liability and damage insurance.
Borough property protection insurance.
Professional police liability insurance.
Worker's compensation and employer's liability insurance.
Public officials' and employees' indemnity insurance.
Employee benefit coverage.
Purchase of bonds and fidelity insurance coverage.