[Amended 12-20-2021 by Ord. No. O-19-2021. Prior history includes 11-10-1998; 5-23-2006 by Ord. No. O-04-2006; 12-02-2019 by Ord. No. O-16-2019.]
No building shall hereafter be used, erected, altered, converted, enlarged, added to, moved or reduced, wholly or in part, nor shall any lands be designed, used or physically altered for any purpose or in any manner except in conformity with this chapter.
No lot shall be formed from part of an existing lot already occupied by a building unless the existing building and any proposed building shall each be able to meet the area and yard requirements prescribed for the district in which it is located.
No yard or open space required in connection with any building shall be considered as providing required open space for any other building.
Any existing lot area or yard depth may be reduced for the purpose of providing a right-of-way for a public street as required by an agency of the government entity having jurisdiction over said street.
Intent. The intent of the AR Agriculture Residential District is to promote the development of appropriately zoned land within the Township for single-family detached dwellings at a very low density and to permit other compatible uses in accord with the spirit of this chapter.
Principal permitted uses on the land and in the buildings.
The following principal uses shall be permitted by right:
Farms, provided that the use occurs on a lot of five acres or more in area.
Single-family detached dwellings.
Public playgrounds, woodland, wildlife preserve or natural resource conservation area and parks.
Golf courses, provided that the use occurs on a lot of 50 acres or more in area, that no structure shall be provided within 200 feet of a public street or property line and that no off-street parking shall be provided within 100 feet of a public street or property line.
Community residences for the developmentally disabled, community shelters for victims of domestic violence, community residences for the terminally ill and community residences for persons with head injuries, pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:55D-66.1 and N.J.S.A. 40:55D-66.2. The requirements of said uses shall be the same as for single-family dwelling units.
[Amended 12-30-1997; 9-24-2002]
The following principal uses are permitted conditionally upon a determination by the Planning Board that the use can be provided in a manner that will minimize the impact upon adjacent properties, will be compatible with the surrounding neighborhood, will not unduly burden adjacent areas with increases in traffic, noise, threats to public health and safety and will conform to such additional standards as provided in § 230-65:
[Amended 9-24-2002]
A church, synagogue or similar place of religious worship.
A cemetery or memorial park.
Public and private schools of elementary, middle and/or high school grade licensed by the State of New Jersey.
Public utility uses.
Accessory uses.
The following accessory uses shall be permitted by right:
Private residential swimming pools and other usual recreational facilities. (See § 230-43 for standards.)
Private residential toolsheds not exceeding 192 square feet in floor area and 15 feet in height.
[Amended 5-23-2006 by Ord. No. O-04-2006]
The storage of personal, noncommercial boats on trailers and recreational vehicles, provided that they are not used for the purposes of habitation and are not stored within the designated front yard area.
Off-street parking and private garages. (See § 230-28 for standards.)
Fences and walls. (See § 230-49 for standards.)
Signs. (See § 230-30 for standards.)
Residential agriculture. A produce stand associated with the residential agriculture use is permitted, provided that at least 90% of the products offered for sale are produce; at least 50% of the produce is grown on the property; the property has at least 250 feet of public street frontage; there is safe driveway access and there is sufficient off-street vehicular parking on site (no less than three parking spaces); the produce stand is set back from all street lines and property lines at least 30 feet; the stand is no larger than 100 square feet and any signage complies with § 230-30.
The erection of a television or radio antenna, other than a satellite dish antenna, which is intended for personal use. No more than one antenna shall be permitted per lot.
The storage of trucks and other vehicles of a gross vehicle weight (GVW) of 8,000 pounds or less, provided that they are not stored within the designated front yard area.
All other accessory structures. (See § 230-46 for standards.)
[Added 5-23-2006 by Ord. No. O-04-2006; amended 12-20-2021 by Ord. No. O-19-2021]
Keeping of fowl, provided that the use occurs on a lot of one acre or more in area. The minimum setback requirement is 30 feet from property lines and the keeping of fowl shall not be located in a front yard setback. No rooster shall be permitted.
[Added 4-8-2024 by Ord. No. O-4-2024]
The following accessory uses are permitted conditionally upon a determination by the Planning Board that the use can be provided in a manner that will minimize the impact upon adjacent properties and will conform to such additional standards as are provided in § 230-65:
Home occupations.
Family day-care home.
Satellite dish antennas.
Soil removal.
Bulk standards.
The following bulk standards are required, except as otherwise permitted in this chapter:
[Amended 11-10-1998; 12-20-2021 by Ord. No. O-19-2021]
Minimum lot area: three acres.
Minimum street frontage: 225 feet.
Minimum lot width: 250 feet.
Minimum lot depth: 300 feet.
Minimum front yard setback: 75 feet.
Minimum side yard setback (each): 50 feet.
Minimum rear yard setback: 100 feet.
Maximum permitted building coverage: 15%.
Maximum permitted impervious coverage: 25%.
Maximum permitted building height: 35 feet.
Street trees should be provided as required in § 230-31.
Intent. The intent of the R-40 Low-Density Residential District is to promote the development of appropriately zoned land within the Township for single-family detached dwellings at low density and to permit other compatible uses in accord with the spirit of this chapter.
Principal permitted uses on the land and in the buildings.
The following principal uses shall be permitted by right:
All principal uses as permitted by right in the AR Zoning District.
Planned residential communities only in the R-40 District as permitted under § 230-67.
The following principal uses are permitted conditionally upon a determination by the Planning Board that the use can be provided in a manner that will minimize the impact upon adjacent properties, will be compatible with the surrounding neighborhood, will not unduly burden adjacent areas with increases in traffic, noise, threats to public health and safety and will conform to such additional standards as provided in § 230-65:
[Amended 9-24-2002]
A church, synagogue or similar place of religious worship.
A cemetery or memorial park.
Public and private schools of elementary, middle and/or high school grade licensed by the State of New Jersey.
Public utility uses.
Day-care center.
Governmental use or building, including but not limited to a municipal administrative or public safety facility, community center or library.
Convalescent home, nursing home or similar facility.
Accessory uses: all accessory uses as permitted by right and conditionally in the AR Zoning District.
Bulk standards.
The following bulk standards are required, except as otherwise permitted in this chapter:
[Amended 11-10-1998; 5-23-2006 by Ord. No. O-04-2006; 12-02-2019 by Ord. No. O-16-2019; 12-20-2021 by Ord. No. O-19-2021]
Minimum lot area: one acre.
Minimum street frontage: 150 feet.
Minimum lot width: 175 feet.
Minimum lot depth: 200 feet.
Minimum front yard setback: 60 feet.
Minimum side yard setback (each): 30 feet.
Minimum rear yard setback: 75 feet.
Maximum permitted building coverage: 15%.
Maximum permitted impervious coverage: 25%.
Maximum permitted building height: 35 feet.
Street trees should be provided as required in § 230-31.
Intent. The intent of the R-22 Medium-Density Residential District is to promote the development of appropriately zoned land within the Township for single-family detached dwellings at medium density and to permit other compatible uses in accord with the spirit of this chapter.
Uses: all principal and accessory uses as permitted by right and conditionally in the R-40 Zoning District, except for planned residential communities.
Bulk standards.
The following bulk standards are required, except as otherwise permitted in this chapter:
[Amended 11-10-1998; 5-23-2006 by Ord. No. O-04-2006; 12-02-2019 by Ord. No. O-16-2019; 12-20-2021 by Ord. No. O-19-2021]
Minimum lot area: 1/2 acre.
Minimum street frontage: 100 feet.
Minimum lot width: 125 feet.
Minimum lot depth: 150 feet.
Minimum front yard setback: 40 feet.
Minimum side yard setback (each): 20 feet.
Minimum rear yard setback: 50 feet.
Maximum permitted building coverage: 20%.
Maximum permitted impervious coverage: 30%.
Maximum permitted building height: 35 feet.
Street trees should be provided as required in § 230-31.
Intent. The intent of the R-11 High-Density Residential District is to promote the development of appropriately zoned land within the Township for single-family detached dwellings at medium density and to permit other compatible uses in accord with the spirit of this chapter.
Uses: all principal and accessory uses as permitted by right and conditionally in the R-40 Zoning District, except for planned residential communities.
Bulk standards.
The following bulk standards are required, except as otherwise permitted in this chapter:
[Amended 11-10-1998; 5-23-2006 by Ord. No. O-04-2006; 12-02-2019 by Ord. No. O-16-2019; 12-20-2021 by Ord. No. O-19-2021]
Minimum lot area: 1/4 acre.
Minimum street frontage: 80 feet.
Minimum lot width: 90 feet.
Minimum lot depth: 100 feet.
Minimum front yard setback: 30 feet.
Minimum side yard setback (each): 15 feet.
Minimum rear yard setback: 35 feet.
Maximum permitted building coverage: 25%.
Maximum permitted impervious coverage: 35%.
Maximum permitted building height: 35 feet.
Street trees should be provided as required in § 230-31.
Intent. The intent of the A/T Apartment/Townhouse District is to promote the development of appropriately zoned lands within the Township for the development of townhouses and garden apartments and other compatible uses in accord with the spirit of this chapter. The district is intended primarily to serve as one means of providing inclusionary developments within the Township.
Low- and moderate-income housing requirements. All developments in this district shall make provision for housing units affordable to low- and moderate-income households as provided for by § 230-69.
Principal permitted uses on the land and in the buildings:
Garden apartments.
Community residences for the developmentally disabled, community shelters for victims of domestic violence, community residences for the terminally ill and community residences for persons with head injuries, pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:55D-66.1 and N.J.S.A. 40:55D-66.2. The requirements of said uses shall be the same as for single-family dwelling units in the R-11 District.
[Added 9-24-2002]
Accessory uses permitted.
The following accessory uses are permitted by right in this district:
Off-street parking. (See § 230-28 for standards.)
Signs. (See § 230-30 for standards.)
Fences and walls. (See § 230-49 for standards.)
Outdoor recreational uses.
Indoor common laundry facilities for garden apartments.
The following accessory uses are permitted conditionally upon a determination by the Planning Board that the use can be provided in a manner that will minimize the impact upon adjacent properties and will conform with such additional standards as provided in § 230-65:
Soil removal.
Bulk and design standards.
Minimum tract size: 10 acres.
Maximum density shall not exceed six dwelling units per acre.
Maximum building coverage: 25%.
Maximum impervious surface coverage: 50%.
Maximum building height: 35 feet.
Minimum dwelling width: 20 feet.
Minimum front yard: 25 feet.
Minimum side yard (on end units only): 10 feet.
Minimum rear yard: 25 feet.
Minimum distance between structures: 20 feet.
Minimum building setback from existing public streets and property lines: 50 feet.
Minimum landscaped buffer adjacent to existing public streets and property lines: 25 feet. See § 230-31 for standards.
Minimum distance from building to parking spaces: 25 feet.
No more than six dwelling units shall be contained in any one structure.
Townhouses shall be arranged in groups or clusters and not in long rows parallel to street lines. The total length of any one structure shall not exceed 160 feet.
All off-street parking facilities shall be on the same site as the building and located within 150 feet of the nearest entrance of the building they are intended to serve. Parking spaces shall be provided in areas designed specifically for parking, and there shall be no parallel parking along interior private streets unless the street width is constructed to Township standards.
Variations in setback, materials and design shall be encouraged. A minimum of a two-foot variation in setback shall occur at least every third dwelling.
Each building and complex of buildings shall have a compatible architectural theme with appropriate variations in design to provide attractiveness to the development. Such variations in design shall result from the use of landscaping and the orientation of buildings to the natural features of the site and to other buildings as well as from varying unit widths, using different exterior materials, changing rooflines and roof designs, varying building heights and changing window types, shutters, doors, porches and exterior colors.
More than one building per lot shall be permitted, provided that the minimum tract size requirement is met. However, if fee-simple townhouse units are proposed, each unit shall have a minimum lot area of 2,500 square feet.
All dwelling units shall be connected to approved and functioning public water and sanitary sewer systems prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy.
Garden apartments.
Minimum tract size: 10 acres.
Maximum density shall not exceed eight dwelling units per acre.
Maximum building coverage: 20%.
Maximum impervious surface coverage: 60%.
Maximum building height: 35 feet.
Minimum distance between structures: 35 feet.
Minimum building setback from public streets and property lines: 50 feet.
Minimum distance from building to parking: 25 feet.
Buildings containing apartment flats shall be arranged in groups or clusters and not in long rows parallel to street lines. The total length of any one structure shall not exceed 200 feet.
All off-street parking facilities shall be on the same site as the building and located within 150 feet of the nearest entrance of the building they are intended to serve. Parking spaces shall be provided in areas designed specifically for parking, and there shall be no parallel parking along interior streets unless the street width is constructed to Township standards.
Variations in setback, materials and design shall be encouraged.
More than one building per lot shall be permitted, provided that the minimum tract size requirement is met.
A landscaped buffer, 25 feet in width, shall be provided along all public streets and adjacent to all property lines. See § 230-31 for standards.
Buildings shall be designed in a common architectural style.
Sufficient area and equipment shall be provided within each building for the laundering and artificial drying of the laundry of the occupants of each building.
All dwelling units shall be connected to approved and functioning public water and sanitary sewer systems prior to the issuance of any certificates of occupancy.
Accessory structures.
[Amended 4-23-2002]
[Deleted by 12-20-2021 by Ord. No. O-19-2021]
Hot tubs and/or spas shall be permitted, not to exceed 100 square feet, and shall comply with the setback requirements found in § 230-12E for accessory buildings.
[Added 5-23-2006 by Ord. No. O-04-2006]
Accessory structures shall not be located in a front or side yard nor within three feet of any property line, except in the case of end units, where such structures shall also be within the outside lines of the dwelling unit.
Standards for common open space, as required by § 230-32.
Facilities for recyclable materials.
There shall be included in any new multifamily housing development an indoor or outdoor recycling area for the collection and storage of residentially generated recyclable materials. The dimensions of the recycling area shall be sufficient to accommodate recycling bins or containers which are of adequate size and number and which are consistent with anticipated usage and with current methods of collection in the area in which the project is located. The dimensions of the recycling area and the bins or containers shall be determined in consultation with the Township's Recycling Coordinator and shall be consistent with the district recycling plan adopted pursuant to Section 3 of P.L. 1987, c. 102 (N.J.S.A. 13:1E-99.13) and any applicable requirements of the Township's Master Plan.
The recycling area shall be conveniently located for the residential disposition of source-separated recyclable materials, preferably near, but clearly separated from, a refuse dumpster.
The recycling area shall be well lit and shall be safely and easily accessible by recycling personnel and vehicles. Collection vehicles shall be able to access the recycling area without interference from parked cars or other obstacles. Reasonable measures shall be taken to protect the recycling area and the bins and containers placed therein against theft of recyclable materials, bins or containers.
The recycling area or the bins or containers placed therein shall be designed so as to provide protection against adverse environmental conditions which might render the collected materials unmarketable. Any bins or containers which are used for the collection of recyclable paper or cardboard and which are located in an outdoor area shall be equipped with a lid or otherwise covered so as to keep the paper or cardboard dry.
Signs clearly identifying the recycling area and the materials accepted therein shall be posted adjacent to all points of access to the recycling area. Individual bins or containers shall be equipped with signs indicating the materials to be placed therein.
Landscaping and/or fencing shall be provided around any outdoor recycling area and shall be developed in an aesthetically pleasing manner.
Intent. The intent of the TP Trailer Park District is to promote the development of appropriately zoned lands within the Township for the development of detached dwelling units, specifically including manufactured and mobile homes, and other compatible uses in accord with the spirit of this chapter. The district is intended primarily to serve as one means of providing inclusionary developments within the Township.
Low- and moderate-income housing requirements. All developments in this district shall make provision for housing units affordable to low- and moderate-income households, as provided for by § 230-69.
Principal permitted uses on the land and in the buildings:
[Amended 12-30-1997]
The following principal uses shall be permitted by right:
[Amended 9-24-2002]
Detached dwelling units, specifically including manufactured and mobile homes.
Community residences for the developmentally disabled, community shelters for victims of domestic violence, community residences for the terminally ill and community residences for persons with head injuries, pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:55D-66.1 and N.J.S.A. 40:55D-66.2. The requirements of said uses shall be the same as for single-family dwelling units in the R-11 District.
The following accessory uses are permitted by right:
Off-street parking and private garages. (See § 230-28 for standards.)
Signs. (See § 230-30 for standards.)
Fences and walls. (See § 230-49 for standards.)
Outdoor recreational uses.
Private residential toolsheds not exceeding 145 square feet in floor area and 10 feet in height.
The storage of personal, noncommercial boats on trailers and recreational vehicles, provided that they are not used for the purposes of habitation and are not stored within the designated front yard area.
The erection of a television or radio antenna, other than a satellite dish antenna, which is intended for personal use, provided that it does not exceed the height limitation of the district in which it is located. No more than one antenna shall be permitted per lot.
On-site trailer park manager's office.
Common laundry facilities for the sole use of the residents of the trailer park.
The following accessory uses are permitted conditionally upon a determination by the Planning Board that the use can be provided in a manner that will minimize the impact upon adjacent properties and will conform with such additional standards as provided in § 230-65:
Soil removal.
Bulk and design standards.
Principal building.
Minimum lot area: 6,000 square feet.
Minimum lot frontage: 40 feet.
Minimum lot width: 50 feet.
Minimum lot depth: 100 feet.
Minimum side yard.
[Amended 8-9-1994]
For lots that are part of a trailer park development, minimum side yard (one only): 15 feet; provided, however, that a three-foot maintenance easement must be provided adjacent to a second side yard which is less than three feet in width.
For individual lots not part of a trailer park development, minimum aggregate side yard setback (two yards): 15 feet; minimum individual side yard setback: five feet.
Minimum front yard: 20 feet.
Minimum rear yard: 25 feet.
Maximum building height: 30 feet.
Maximum building coverage: 30%.
[Deleted 12-20-2021 by Ord. No. O-19-2021]
Standards for common open space, as required by § 230-32.
Intent. The intent of the NC Neighborhood Commercial District is to promote the development of appropriately located tracts of land to provide commercial services to nearby residential areas.
Principal permitted uses on the land and in the buildings.
The following uses shall be permitted:
Retail trade.
Eating or drinking place.
Banking facilities whose primary activity is the service of daily customers, including those with drive-in facilities and bank machine facilities.
General and professional offices.
Personal and business service establishments.
Garden centers engaged in the retail sales of living plant material and related garden equipment.
Single-family residences which were in existence prior to December 31, 2021, subject to the R-11 Residential District regulations.
[Added 9-19-2022 by Ord. No. O-09-2022]
The following principal uses are permitted conditionally upon a determination by the Planning Board that the use can be provided in a manner that will minimize the impact upon adjacent properties, will be compatible with the surrounding neighborhood, will not unduly burden adjacent areas with increases in traffic, noise, threats to public health and safety and will conform with such additional standards provided as in § 230-65:
Public utility uses.
Day-care center.
Accessory uses permitted.
The following accessory uses shall be permitted by right:
Off-street parking lots. (See § 230-28 for standards.)
Off-street loading. (See § 230-29 for standards.)
Signs. (See § 230-30 for standards.)
Fences and walls. (See § 230-49 for standards.)
Gazebos. (See § 230-12E for standards.)
[Added 5-23-2006 by Ord. No. O-04-2006]
The following accessory uses are permitted conditionally upon a determination by the Planning Board that the use can be provided in a manner that will minimize the impact upon adjacent properties and will conform with such additional standards as provided in § 230-65:
Soil removal.
Bulk standards.
Minimum lot size: 20,000 square feet.
Minimum street frontage: 100 feet.
Minimum lot width: 100 feet.
Minimum lot depth: 150 feet.
Minimum side yard (each):
Adjacent to a nonresidential use none is required, but 10 feet when provided.
Adjacent to a residential use or district: 25 feet.
Minimum front yard: 25 feet.
Minimum rear yard: 30 feet.
Maximum building height: 35 feet.
Maximum building coverage (includes all principal and accessory buildings located on a site): 40%.
Maximum impervious site coverage: 80%.
Accessory structures shall be subject to all the same locational requirements as principal buildings and shall not have a ground floor area in excess of 5% of the area of the site. Additionally, accessory buildings shall not be within 15 feet of another building.
[Amended 8-9-1994]
Buffers and landscaping.
Landscaped buffers shall be provided as follows:
Adjacent to any street line: 10 feet.
Adjacent to a residential use or a residentially zoned district: 75 feet.
[Amended 12-26-2006 by Ord. No. O-20-2006]
Buffer plantings and interior parking lot landscaping should be provided as specified in § 230-31.
General design requirements, as required by § 230-39.
Intent. The intent of the CC Community Commercial District is to promote the development of appropriately located tracts of land to provide commercial services to nearby residential areas.
Principal permitted uses on the land and in the buildings.
The following uses and no others shall be permitted:
Retail trade.
Eating or drinking place.
Banking facilities whose primary activity is the service of daily customers, including those with drive-in facilities and bank machine facilities.
General and professional offices.
Personal and business service establishments.
Garden centers engaged in the retail sales of living plant material and related garden equipment.
Single-family residences which were in existence prior to December 31, 2021, subject to the R-11 Residential District regulations.
[Added 9-19-2022 by Ord. No. O-09-2022]
The following principal uses are permitted conditionally upon a determination by the Planning Board that the use can be provided in a manner that will minimize the impact upon adjacent properties, will be compatible with the surrounding neighborhood, will not unduly burden adjacent areas with increases in traffic, noise, threats to public health and safety and will conform with such additional standards as provided in § 230-65:
Service stations.
Public utility uses.
Day-care center.
Anchor store.
[Added 5-23-2006 by Ord. No. O-04-2006]
The following accessory uses are permitted by right in this district.
Off-street parking lots. (See § 230-28 for standards.)
Off-street loading. (See § 230-29 for standards.)
Signs. (See § 230-30 for standards.)
Fences and walls. (See § 230-49 for standards.)
Gazebos. (See § 230-12E for standards.)
[Added 5-23-2006 by Ord. No. O-04-2006]
The following accessory uses are permitted conditionally upon a determination by the Planning Board that the use can be provided in a manner that will minimize the impact upon adjacent properties and will conform with such additional standards as provided in § 230-65:
Soil removal.
Bulk standards.
Minimum lot size: 30,000 square feet.
Minimum street frontage: 150 feet.
Minimum lot width: 150 feet.
Minimum lot depth: 150 feet.
Minimum side yard (each):
Adjacent to a nonresidential use: 10 feet.
Adjacent to a residential use or district: 25 feet.
Minimum front yard: 50 feet.
Minimum rear yard: 30 feet.
Maximum building height: 35 feet.
Maximum building coverage (includes all principal and accessory buildings located on a site): 30%.
Maximum impervious site coverage: 80%.
Accessory structures shall be subject to all the same locational requirements as principal buildings and shall not have a ground floor area in excess of 5% of the area of the site. Additionally, accessory buildings shall not be within 15 feet of another building.
[Amended 8-9-1994]
Buffers and landscaping.
Landscaped buffers shall be provided as follows:
Adjacent to any street line: 25 feet.
Adjacent to a residential use or a residentially zoned district: 75 feet.
[Amended 12-26-2006 by Ord. No. O-20-2006]
Adjacent to a lot in a nonresidentially zoned district: 10 feet.
Buffer plantings and interior parking lot landscaping should be provided as specified in § 230-31.
General design requirements, as required by § 230-39.
Intent. The intent of the HC Highway Commercial District is to promote the development of appropriately located larger tracts of land to provide commercial services to the community and surrounding area.
Principal permitted uses on the land and in the buildings.
The following uses and no others shall be permitted:
Retail trade.
Eating or drinking place.
Banking facilities whose primary activity is the service of daily customers, including those with drive-in facilities and bank machine facilities.
General and professional offices.
Personal and business service establishments.
Recreation, exercise and health clubs and facilities when owned and operated by a nongovernmental agency, including but not limited to buildings for bowling alleys, indoor court games such as racquetball, handball, squash, tennis and basketball and other facilities related thereto, including indoor swimming and sauna facilities.
Garden centers engaged in the retail sales of living plant material and related garden equipment.
Single-family residences which were in existence prior to December 31, 2021, subject to the R-11 Residential District regulations.
[Added 9-19-2022 by Ord. No. O-09-2022]
The following principal uses are permitted conditionally upon a determination by the Planning Board that the use can be provided in a manner that will minimize the impact upon adjacent properties, will be compatible with the surrounding neighborhood, will not unduly burden adjacent areas with increases in traffic, noise, threats to public health and safety and will conform with such additional standards as provided in § 230-65:
Service stations.
Car washes.
Public utility uses.
Anchor store.
[Added 5-23-2006 by Ord. No. O-04-2006]
The following accessory uses are permitted by right in this district.
Off-street parking lots. (See § 230-28 for standards.)
Garages to house delivery trucks and other commercial vehicles. (Unenclosed storage of trucks is not permitted.)
Off-street loading. (See § 230-29 for standards.)
Signs. (See § 230-30 for standards.)
Fences and walls. (See § 230-49 for standards.)
Gazebos. (See § 230-12E for standards.)
[Added 5-23-2006 by Ord. No. O-04-2006]
The following accessory uses are permitted conditionally upon a determination by the Planning Board that the use can be provided in a manner that will minimize the impact upon adjacent properties and will conform with such additional standards as provided in § 230-65:
Soil removal.
Bulk standards.
Minimum lot size: 40,000 square feet.
Minimum street frontage: 175 feet.
Minimum lot width: 175 feet.
Minimum lot depth: 175 feet.
Minimum front yard: 75 feet.
Minimum side yard (each): 20 feet.
Minimum rear yard: 35 feet.
Maximum building height: 35 feet.
The minimum building setback from any property line separating a lot from a residential use or residentially zoned lot shall be 50 feet.
Maximum building coverage (includes all principal and accessory buildings located on a site): 35%.
Maximum impervious site coverage: 75%.
Accessory structures shall be subject to all the same locational requirements as principal buildings and shall not have a ground floor area in excess of 5% of the area of the site. Additionally, accessory buildings shall not be within 15 feet of another building.
[Amended 8-9-1994]
Buffers and landscaping.
Landscaped buffers shall be provided as follows:
Adjacent to any street line: 25 feet.
Adjacent to a residential use or a residentially zoned district: 75 feet.
[Amended 12-26-2006 by Ord. No. O-20-2006]
Adjacent to a lot in a nonresidentially zoned district: 20 feet.
Buffer plantings and interior parking lot landscaping should be provided as specified in § 230-31.
General design requirements, as required by § 230-39.
The intent of the PC Planned Commercial District is to promote the commercial development of appropriately located larger tracts of land. The property in the Planned Commercial District shall be of sufficient size to permit the unified development of tracts of land with primary access to the principal arterial or collector roads within the Township.
The complementary and coordinated development of adjacent properties shall be encouraged through the provision of increased development intensity by combining lots into developable tracts of a larger size. The coordinated development will provide for common access and drives, shared parking, a unified architectural and building scheme, pedestrian malls connecting buildings and coordinated storm drainage and open space areas to be part of an approved planned commercial development as defined by this chapter.
Principal permitted uses on the land and in the buildings.
The following uses and no others shall be permitted:
Retail trade.
Eating and drinking places.
General business, professional and governmental offices.
Offices of financial, insurance and real estate establishments including banking facilities, drive-through teller windows, automatic teller machines, data processing and information processing centers and similar uses.
Movie theaters, performing arts facilities and community centers.
Hotels, motels and inns, including accessory conference, banquet and recreational facilities.
Facilities for the retail sale of gasoline and diesel fuel for motor vehicles when provided on the site of an approved planned commercial development.
Shopping center, when part of a planned commercial development.
Recreation, exercise and health clubs and facilities when owned and operated by a nongovernmental agency, including buildings for indoor court games such as racquetball, handball, squash, tennis and basketball and other facilities related thereto, including indoor swimming and sauna facilities.
Public park-and-ride facilities.
Garden center stores and facilities as part of a planned commercial development or shopping center.
Planned commercial developments.
Single-family residences which were in existence prior to December 31, 2021, subject to the R-11 Residential District regulations.
[Added 9-19-2022 by Ord. No. O-09-2022]
The following principal uses are permitted conditionally upon a determination by the Planning Board that the use can be provided in a manner that will minimize the impact upon adjacent properties, will be compatible with the surrounding neighborhood, will not unduly burden adjacent areas with increases in traffic, noise, threats to public health and safety and will conform with such additional standards provided as in § 230-65:
[Added 5-23-2006 by Ord. No. O-04-2006]
Anchor store.
The following accessory uses are permitted by right in this district.
Off-street parking lots and structures. (See § 230-28 for standards.)
Garages to house delivery trucks and other commercial vehicles. (Unenclosed storage of trucks and trailers is not permitted.)
Off-street loading. (See § 230-29 for standards.)
Signs. (See § 230-30 for standards.)
Fences and walls. (See § 230-49 for standards.)
Gazebos. (See § 230-12E for standards.)
[Added 5-23-2006 by Ord. No. O-04-2006]
The following accessory uses are permitted conditionally upon a determination by the Planning Board that the use can be provided in a manner that will minimize the impact upon adjacent properties and will conform with such additional standards as provided in § 230-65:
Soil removal.
Bulk standards.
Minimum lot size: five acres.
Street frontage and yard requirements. The requirements shall vary by lot area, based upon the following table:
Lot Size
5 to 9.99 Acres
10 to 19.99 Acres
20+ Acres
Side yard (each)
From a residential use
From a nonresidential use
Front yard
Rear yard
From a residential use
From a nonresidential use
Maximum building height: 40 feet.
Building setback from another freestanding building within a planned commercial development: 20 feet.
Maximum building coverage (includes all principal and accessory buildings located on a site).
Individual lot.
Individual Lot Size
Maximum Permitted Building Coverage
5 to 9.99
10 to 19.99
20 and larger
Planned commercial development.
Planned Commercial Development Size
Maximum Permitted Building Coverage
5 to 9.99
10 to 19.99
20 and larger
Maximum impervious coverage.
Individual lot.
Individual Lot Size
Maximum Permitted Impervious Coverage
5 to 9.99
10 to 19.99
20 to 29.99
30 and larger
Planned commercial development.
Planned Commercial Development Size
Maximum Permitted Building Coverage
5 to 9.99
10 to 19.99
20 and larger
Lot size and required minimum gross leasable floor area for the first building or first phase of any development. The requirements shall vary, based upon the following table:
Lot Size
Required Minimum Gross Leasable Area
(square feet)
5 to 9.99
10 to 19.99
20 and larger
Accessory structures shall be subject to all the same locational requirements as principal buildings and shall not have a ground floor area in excess of 5% of the area of the site. Additionally, accessory buildings shall not be within 15 feet of another building.
[Amended 8-9-1994]
Special regulations for shopping centers and planned commercial developments.
No single activity or use occupying 40,000 square feet or more of floor space shall be permitted on a tract of less than 10 acres.
Every shopping center containing 450,000 square feet or more shall provide an enclosed mall.
Buffers and landscaping.
Landscaped buffers shall be provided as follows:
Adjacent to any street line: 50 feet.
Adjacent to a residential use or a residentially zoned district: 100 feet.
[Amended 12-26-2006 by Ord. No. O-20-2006]
Adjacent to a lot in a nonresidentially zoned district: 25 feet.
Buffer plantings and interior parking lot landscaping should be provided as specified in § 230-31.
General design requirements, as required by § 230-39.
Intent. The intent of the FLX Flex Space District is to promote the development of appropriate areas within the Township which will provide opportunities for office buildings, warehousing and distribution facilities.
Principal permitted uses on the land and in the buildings.
The following uses shall be permitted by right:
Scientific research laboratory.
Printing, publishing, lithographing, binding or similar processes.
General business offices, including data processing.
Warehouse, storage house or distribution center, including a truck terminal.
Mail-order merchandise facility.
[Added 11-22-2005 by Ord. No. O-17-2005]
Single-family residences which were in existence prior to December 31, 2021, subject to the R-11 Residential District regulations.
[Added 9-19-2022 by Ord. No. O-09-2022]
The following principal uses are permitted conditionally upon a determination by the Planning Board that the use can be provided in a manner that will minimize the impact upon adjacent properties and will conform with such additional standards as provided in § 230-65:
Public utility uses.
The following accessory uses are permitted by right in this district.
Off-street parking lots and structures. (See § 230-28 for standards.)
Garages to house delivery trucks and other commercial vehicles. (Unenclosed storage of trucks and trailers are not permitted.)
Off-street loading. (See § 230-29 for standards.)
Signs. (See § 230-30 for standards.)
Fences and walls. (See § 230-49 for standards.)
The warehousing of materials associated with a permitted principal use.
Gazebos. (See § 230-12E for standards.)
[Added 5-23-2006 by Ord. No. O-04-2006]
The following accessory uses are permitted conditionally upon a determination by the Planning Board that the use can be provided in a manner that will minimize the impact upon adjacent properties and will conform with such additional standards as provided in § 230-65:
Soil removal.
Bulk standards.
Minimum lot area: two acres.
Minimum lot width: 300 feet.
Minimum lot depth: 250 feet.
Minimum front yard: 50 feet.
Minimum side yards (each):
From a residentially zoned district: 50 feet.
From a nonresidentially zoned district: 25 feet.
Minimum rear yard: 50 feet.
Maximum building height: five stories or 72 feet, whichever is less.
[Amended 11-22-2005 by Ord. No. O-17-2005]
Maximum building coverage (includes all principal and accessory buildings): 35%.
Maximum impervious site coverage: 80%.
Minimum gross leasable floor area for the first building or first phase of any development: 3,500 square feet.
Accessory buildings shall not be within 15 feet of another building.
[Amended 8-9-1994]
Buffers and landscaping.
Landscaped buffers shall be provided as follows:
Adjacent to any street line: 35 feet.
Adjacent to a residential use or a residentially zoned district: 100 feet.
[Amended 12-26-2006 by Ord. No. O-20-2006]
Adjacent to a lot in a nonresidentially zoned district: 20 feet.
Buffer plantings and interior parking lot landscaping should be provided as specified in § 230-31.
General design requirements, as required by § 230-39.
Intent. The intent of the LI Light Industrial District is to promote the light industrial development of appropriately located tracts of land, permitting less intensive uses than the industrial district in the Township.
Permitted uses on the land and in the buildings.
The following are principal permitted uses in this district:
[Amended 11-12-1996]
General business, professional and governmental offices.
Data processing and information processing.
Research and engineering activities involving scientific investigation, engineering study, product development and similar activities.
Assembly and light manufacturing.
Wholesale distribution centers and warehouses.
Commercial greenhouse, nursery and wholesale florist.
Nursing home or convalescent home.
Recreation, exercise and health clubs and facilities when owned and operated by a nongovernmental agency, including buildings for indoor court games such as racquetball, handball, squash, tennis and basketball and other facilities related thereto, including indoor swimming and sauna facilities.
Truck and automobile vehicle repair garage.
[Added 5-23-2006 by Ord. No. O-04-2006]
Single-family residences which were in existence prior to December 31, 2021, subject to the R-11 Residential District regulations.
[Added 9-19-2022 by Ord. No. O-09-2022]
The following principal uses are permitted conditionally upon a determination by the Planning Board that the use can be provided in a manner that will minimize the impact upon adjacent properties, will be compatible with the surrounding neighborhood, will not unduly burden adjacent areas with increases in traffic, noise, threats to public health and safety and will conform with such additional standards as provided in § 230-65:
Public utility uses.
The following accessory uses are permitted by right in this district:
Off-street parking. (See § 230-28 for standards.)
Off-street loading. (See § 230-29 for standards.)
Fences and walls. (See § 230-49 for standards.)
Signs. (See § 230-30 for standards.)
Garages and storage buildings.
Gazebos. (See § 230-12E for standards.)
[Added 5-23-2006 by Ord. No. O-04-2006]
The following accessory uses are permitted conditionally upon a determination by the Planning Board that the use can be provided in a manner that will minimize the impact upon adjacent properties and will conform with such additional standards as provided in § 230-65:
Soil removal.
Bulk standards.
Light industrial parks containing multiple principal buildings on the same lot or tract.
Minimum tract size: five acres.
Minimum lot area per principal building: one acre.
Minimum lot frontage: 150 feet.
Minimum lot width: 150 feet.
Minimum lot depth: 250 feet.
Minimum front yard: 50 feet.
Minimum side yards (each):
From a residentially zoned district: 50 feet.
From a nonresidentially zoned district: 25 feet.
Minimum rear yard: 50 feet.
Maximum building height: 35 feet.
Building setback from another freestanding building within the same industrial development: 50 feet.
Maximum building coverage (includes all principal and accessory buildings located on a site): 40%.
Maximum impervious site coverage: 70%.
Accessory buildings shall be subject to all the same locational requirements as principal buildings and shall not have a ground floor area in excess of 15% of the area of the site. Additionally, accessory buildings shall not be within 15 feet of another building.
[Amended 8-9-1994]
Light industrial uses on individual lots.
Minimum lot size: one acre.
Minimum lot frontage: 150 feet.
Minimum lot width: 150 feet.
Minimum lot depth: 250 feet.
Minimum front yard: 50 feet.
Minimum side yards (each):
From a residentially zoned district: 50 feet.
From a nonresidentially zoned district: 25 feet.
Minimum rear yard: 25 feet.
Maximum building height: 40 feet.
Maximum building coverage (includes all principal and accessory buildings located on a site): 30%.
Maximum impervious site coverage: 60%.
Accessory buildings shall be subject to all the same locational requirements as principal buildings and shall not have a ground floor area in excess of 10% of the area of the site. Additionally, accessory buildings shall not be within 15 feet of another building.
[Amended 8-9-1994]
Nursing home or convalescent home.
Minimum lot size: five acres.
Minimum lot frontage: 300 feet.
Minimum lot width: 300 feet.
Minimum lot depth: 300 feet.
Minimum front yard: 100 feet.
Minimum side yard (each): 50 feet.
Minimum rear yard: 50 feet.
Maximum building height: 35 feet.
Building setback from another freestanding building within the same development: 50 feet.
Maximum building coverage (includes all principal and accessory buildings located on a site): 20%.
Maximum impervious site coverage: 50%.
Accessory buildings shall be subject to all the same locational requirements as principal buildings and shall not have a ground floor area in excess of 5% of the area of the site. Additionally, accessory buildings shall not be within 15 feet of another building.
[Amended 8-9-1994]
Buffers and landscaping.
Landscaped buffers shall be provided as follows:
Adjacent to any street line: 35 feet.
Adjacent to a residential use or a residentially zoned district: 100 feet.
[Amended 12-26-2006 by Ord. No. O-20-2006]
Adjacent to a lot in a nonresidentially zoned district: 20 feet.
Buffer plantings and interior parking lot landscaping should be provided as specified in § 230-31.
General design requirements, as required by § 230-39.
Intent. The intent of the I Industrial District is to promote the industrial development of appropriately located tracts of land. The I Industrial District is intended to encourage industrial development within smaller previously approved individual parcels and industrial parks with nonpolluting industrial and related uses.
Principal permitted uses on the land and in the buildings.
The following uses shall be permitted, provided that the use does not create any noise, vibration, smoke, dust, odor, heat, glare or other objectionable effect in excess of the performance standards contained below:
Scientific or industrial research, testing or experimental laboratory or product development.
General business, professional or governmental offices.
Repair and service of home, business and/or industrial appliances, equipment and instruments.
Assembly and light manufacturing.
Warehouse, storage, packing and crating and distribution facilities.
Data processing, printing, publishing, book binding, engraving, lithographing, reproducing, photo finishing, film processing, radio, television or cinema studio or similar establishment.
Cold storage, frozen food and food processing.
Laundry, cleaning and dying plant.
General service or contractor's shop, including carpenter and cabinetmaking shop, roofing shop, plumbing shop, furniture repair, light metalworking, electrical shop and similar establishments.
Mail-order merchandise business, provided that no retail sales to the general public occur on site.
Commercial greenhouse, nursery and wholesale florist.
Truck and automobile vehicle repair garage.
[Added 5-23-2006 by Ord. No. O-04-2006]
Single-family residences which were in existence prior to December 31, 2021, subject to the R-11 Residential District regulations.
[Added 9-19-2022 by Ord. No. O-09-2022]
The following principal uses are permitted conditionally upon a determination by the Planning Board that the use can be provided in a manner that will minimize the impact upon adjacent properties, will be compatible with the surrounding neighborhood, will not unduly burden adjacent areas with increases in traffic, noise, threats to public health and safety and will conform with such additional standards as provided in § 230-65:
Public utility uses.
Self-service storage facilities.
Accessory uses permitted.
Off-street parking lots and structures. (See § 230-28 for standards.)
Structures to house delivery trucks and other commercial vehicles.
Off-street loading. (See § 230-29 for standards.)
Signs. (See § 230-30 for standards.)
Fences and walls. (See § 230-49 for standards.)
Gazebos. (See § 230-12E for standards.)
[Added 5-23-2006 by Ord. No. O-04-2006]
The following accessory uses are permitted conditionally upon a determination by the Planning Board that the use can be provided in a manner that will minimize the impact upon adjacent properties and will conform with the additional standards provided in § 230-65:
Soil removal.
Bulk standards.
Industrial parks containing multiple principal buildings on the same lot or tract.
Minimum tract size: five acres.
Minimum lot area per principal building: one acre.
Minimum lot frontage: 150 feet.
Minimum lot width: 150 feet.
Minimum lot depth: 300 feet.
Minimum front yard: 50 feet.
Minimum side yard (each):
From a residentially zoned district: 50 feet.
From a nonresidentially zoned district: 25 feet.
Minimum rear yard: 30 feet.
Maximum building height: 40 feet.
Building setback from another freestanding building within the same industrial development: 50 feet.
Maximum building coverage (includes all principal and accessory buildings located on a site): 40%.
Maximum impervious site coverage: 70%.
Accessory buildings shall be subject to all the same locational requirements as principal buildings and shall not have a ground floor area in excess of 15% of the area of the site. Additionally, accessory buildings shall not be within 15 feet of another building.
[Amended 8-9-1994]
Industrial uses on individual lots.
Minimum lot size: one acre.
Minimum lot frontage: 100 feet.
Minimum lot width: 100 feet.
Minimum lot depth: 250 feet.
Minimum front yard: 50 feet.
Minimum side yards (each):
From a residentially zoned district: 50 feet.
From a nonresidentially zoned district: 25 feet.
Minimum rear yard: 25 feet.
Maximum building height: 40 feet.
Maximum impervious site coverage: 60%.
Maximum building coverage (includes all principal and accessory buildings located on a site): 30%.
Accessory buildings shall be subject to all the same locational requirements as principal buildings and shall not have a ground floor area in excess of 10% of the area of the site. Additionally, accessory buildings shall not be within 15 feet of another building.
[Amended 8-9-1994]
Performance standards for industrial developments.
Fire and explosive hazards. All activities and all storage of flammable and explosive materials at any point shall be provided with adequate safety devices against the hazards of fire and explosion, and adequate fire-suppression equipment shall be installed and maintained in an operable condition in accordance with the regulations of the Fire Marshal's office, the Construction Official and the regulations of applicable local, county, state and federal agencies.
Electrical disturbance. No activity shall be permitted which results in an electrical disturbance adversely affecting the operation of any equipment beyond the building in which the disturbance is created.
Smoke, ash, dust, fume, vapor, gases and other forms of air pollution. There shall be no emission at any point from any chimney or otherwise which can cause damage to human health, to animals or vegetation or to other forms of property or which will cause any excessive soiling at any point.
Liquid and solid wastes. There shall be no discharge at any point, into any private or public sewerage system or into any stream or into the ground, of any materials in such a way or of such temperature as to contaminate or otherwise cause the emission of hazardous materials, except as regulated by applicable local, state or federal agencies.
No activity or use shall produce a sound-pressure level on adjacent property in excess of the level permitted in the following table:
Octave Band Frequency
(cycles per second)
Greater Than
Less Than or Equal To
Residential District
Nonresidential District
The maximum permitted sound levels for residential districts shall apply between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. and shall be reduced by six decibels in each octave band for any other time of day. For the purposes of this section, "decibels" shall mean A-weighted decibels.
No activity or operation shall produce, at any point along the lot line, continuous earthborne vibrations greater than the maximum displacement as permitted in the following table:
(cycles per second)
Greater Than
Less Than or Equal To
Residential District Displacement
Nonresidential District Displacement
Discrete pulses that do not exceed 100 impulses per minute may not produce more than twice the displacement specified in the table.
Glare. No activity or use shall produce a strong, dazzling light or reflection of same beyond its lot lines. Exterior lighting shall be shielded, buffered and directed so that glare, direct light or reflection will not be a nuisance to adjoining properties, dwellings, streets or districts or from adjacent buildings within an industrial park. In no event shall a lighting intensity greater than 0.125 footcandle, measured at grade, be permitted beyond the subject lot lines.
Odor. No operation shall release materials capable of becoming odorous, either by bacterial decomposition or chemical reaction, that cause or will cause odorous matter or vapor to be generated so as to be readily discernible without instruments from any point along the boundaries of each lot.
Operation. All fabricating, manufacturing or assembling activities shall be conducted entirely within enclosed buildings.
Buffers and landscaping.
Landscaped buffers shall be provided as follows:
Adjacent to any street line: 35 feet.
Adjacent to a residential use or a residentially zoned district: 100 feet.
[Amended 12-26-2006 by Ord. No. O-20-2006]
Adjacent to a lot in a nonresidentially zoned district: 20 feet.
Buffer plantings and interior parking lot landscaping should be provided as specified in § 230-31.
General design requirements, as required by § 230-39.
[Added 5-23-2006 by Ord. No. O-04-2006]
Intent. The intent of the C Conservation District is to protect the rural and open space character and associated quality of life in the Township by promoting and supporting the continuation of farming as a viable economic activity and to reflect and permit public and private recreation, cultural and open space land uses and activities and to permit other compatible uses in accord with the spirit of this chapter.
Principal permitted uses on the land and in the buildings.
The following principal uses shall be permitted by right:
Agriculture and farms, provided that the use occurs on a lot of six acres or more in area.
Farm buildings.
Single-family detached dwellings.
Public playgrounds, woodland, wildlife preserve or natural resource conservation area and parks, scenic areas, bird sanctuaries and woodlot management.
Golf courses, provided that the use occurs on a lot of 50 acres or more in area, that no structure shall be provided within 200 feet of a public street or property line and that no off-street parking shall be provided within 100 feet of a public street or property line.
Nurseries and greenhouses.
Riding academies, bridle paths and horse boarding stables.
Community residences for the developmentally disabled, community shelters for victims of domestic violence, community residences for the terminally ill and community residences for persons with head injuries, pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:55D-66.1 and N.J.S.A. 40:55D-66.2. The requirements of said uses shall be the same as for single-family dwelling units.
The following principal uses are permitted conditionally upon a determination by the Planning Board that the use can be provided in a manner that will minimize the impact upon adjacent properties, will be compatible with the surrounding neighborhood, will not unduly burden adjacent areas with increases in traffic, noise, threats to public health and safety and will conform to such additional standards as provided in § 230-65:
A church, synagogue or similar place of religious worship.
Cemetery or memorial park.
Club pools and recreation areas.
Public purpose buildings.
Public and private schools of elementary, middle and/or high school grade, licensed by the State of New Jersey.
Public utility uses.
Accessory uses.
The following accessory uses shall be permitted by right:
Private residential swimming pools and other usual recreational facilities. (See § 230-43 for standards.)
Private residential toolsheds not exceeding 192 square feet in floor area and 15 feet in height.
The storage of personal, noncommercial boats on trailers and recreational vehicles, provided that they are not used for the purposes of habitation and are not stored within the designated front yard area.
Off-street parking and private garages. (See § 230-28 for standards.)
Fences and walls. (See § 230-49 for standards.)
Signs. (See § 230-30 for standards.)
Residential agriculture. A produce stand associated with the residential agriculture use is permitted, provided that at least 90% of the products offered for sale are produce; at least 50% of the produce is grown on the property; the property has at least 250 feet of public street frontage; there is safe driveway access and there is sufficient off-street vehicular parking on site (no less than three parking spaces); the produce stand is set back from all street lines and property lines at least 30 feet; the stand is no larger than 100 square feet and any signage complies with § 230-30.
The erection of a television or radio antenna, other than a satellite dish antenna, which is intended for personal use. No more than one antenna shall be permitted per lot.
The storage of trucks and other vehicles of a gross vehicle weight (GVW) of 8,000 pounds or less, provided that they are not stored within the designated front yard area.
Barns, subject to the setback requirements found in § 230-12E for accessory buildings with a maximum size of 1,600 square feet. A barn shall only be permitted in conjunction with the presence of five acres or more of active contiguous open farmland. Proof of active farmland shall be provided to the Mantua Township Zoning Officer.
The following accessory uses are permitted conditionally upon a determination by the Planning Board that the use can be provided in a manner that will minimize the impact upon adjacent properties and will conform to such additional standards as provided in § 230-65:
Home occupations.
Family day-care homes.
Satellite dish antennas.
Bulk standards.
The following bulk standards are required, except as otherwise permitted in this chapter:
[Amended 12-20-2021 by Ord. No. O-19-2021]
Minimum lot area: six acres.
Minimum street frontage: 400 feet.
Minimum lot width: 425 feet.
Minimum lot depth: 300 feet.
Minimum front yard setback: 75 feet.
Minimum side yard setback (each): 50 feet.
Minimum rear yard setback: 100 feet.
Maximum permitted building coverage: 10%.
Maximum permitted impervious coverage: 15%.
Maximum permitted building height: 35 feet.
Street trees should be provided as required in § 230-31.
General design requirements.
Any person desiring to subdivide and/or otherwise develop property in the C Conservation District may elect to apply to the Planning Board for major subdivision under the following reduced improvement requirements of this section, with all other major subdivision requirements applying. The Planning Board shall examine each request to determine whether it meets the following minimum standard requirements:
The design of the development shall blend with the agricultural, open space and rural atmosphere of the C Conservation District.
The development shall not adversely affect the development of adjacent or adjoining property.
Proposed local streets shall interconnect with existing or proposed streets to form a continuous route. They will be designed to discourage through traffic, will have the exclusive function of providing access to properties abutting the street and will follow the contours of the land to the greatest extent possible.
The development shall provide for off-site pedestrian and bikeway interconnections with other residential developments and public facilities, e.g., schools and parks.
If it is determined by the Planning Board that the proposed development conforms with the minimum standards listed in Subsection E(1) above, the following reduction in standards and improvements may be allowed by the Board:
The maximum street right-of-way shall be 40 feet, and the cartway shall be 20 feet with stabilized grass shoulders, only if the applicant provides for adequate amounts of off-street homeowner and visitor parking as well as conforms to the requirements of RSIS.
Private driveways may be constructed of gravel or another porous material.
All utilities shall be installed underground.
Surface stormwater runoff may be carried in open swales within or outside the street right-of-way to appropriately located storm inlets as approved by the Township Engineer.
Curbs and gutters shall not be required except where excessive grades, drainage considerations or other site conditions require their installation.
In lieu of a four-foot-wide concrete sidewalk along one side of a street contained within a subdivision, a six-foot-wide pedestrian walkway of bituminous asphalt or other material acceptable to the Township Engineer, installed along one side of a comprehensive walkway network within the subdivision providing access to individual lots and located outside of a street right-of-way, may be permitted.
The following criteria shall be utilized by the Planning Board during subdivision reviews within the C Conservation District where it is determined that utilization of a rear-lotting technique is justified by the Board.
Access to the rear lot may be through an access strip held in fee-simple ownership, not through an easement over adjacent property.
The body of the lot, exclusive of the access strip connecting it to a street, shall have an area and dimensions meeting the minimum requirements for the zone.
The access strip shall be continuous and under the same ownership as the proposed rear lot.
The intersection of the access strip with a street shall be such that access to and from the street and the improvement and use of the access strip along the full course of the access strip and proper sight triangles, as well as the drainage and other site considerations, shall be provided in a manner not adversely affecting the remainder of the tract or adjoining properties.
The proposed subdivision shall not adversely affect the development of the remainder of the parcel.
In the event an additional lot or use is proposed and said additional lot can only achieve access via the access drive of the flag lot, the owner of the access strip shall, at his expense, pave and improve it in accordance with the Township standards. Such road improvements shall be made prior to the issuance of a building permit for the additional structure. This shall not prevent the access drive to the flag lot from serving abutting lots that otherwise have street frontage.
No more than two access strips shall be contiguous. The spacing and ultimate number of access strips shall be determined by the Planning Board during the subdivision review and approval process.