[HISTORY: Adopted by the Board of Trustees of the Village of West Haverstraw 3-3-1971 as Secs. 3-44 through 3-85 of the 1971 Code; amended in its entirety at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I). Subsequent amendments noted where applicable.]
Games of chance — See Ch. 118.
It shall be lawful for any authorized organization, as defined in § 476 of Article 14-H of the General Municipal Law, upon obtaining the required license, to conduct bingo games in the Village of West Haverstraw, subject to the provisions of this chapter, Article 14-H of the General Municipal Law, Article 19-B of the Executive Law and the rules and regulations of the State Racing and Wagering Board.
Licenses. The Village Clerk shall accept application for and issue licenses for the conduct of bingo games in accordance with Article 14-H of the General Municipal Law.
Supervision of games. The Village Clerk, with the aid and cooperation of the Police Department, shall have and exercise control and supervision over all bingo games held, operated or conducted under any license issued pursuant to this chapter.
Inspection of premises. The Village Clerk, or any officer designated by the Village Clerk, shall have the right of entry at all times into any premises where any bingo game is being held, operated or conducted or where it is intended that any such bingo game be held, operated or conducted or any equipment being used or intended to be used in the conduct thereof is found, for the purpose of inspecting the same.
The restrictions imposed by § 479 of the General Municipal Law shall apply to bingo games in the Village, in addition to any further restrictions imposed by this chapter.
As authorized by General Municipal Law § 485, bingo games may be held on any day of the week provided for in the license issued pursuant to this chapter.
In addition to the provisions of General Municipal Law § 487, no bingo games shall be held, operated or conducted under any license issued pursuant to this chapter more often than on six days in any one calendar month.
Not more than $1 shall be charged by any licensee for admission to any room or place in which any bingo game or games are to be held, operated or conducted under any license issued pursuant to this chapter, which admission fee, upon payment thereof, shall entitle the person paying the same to a card entitling that person to participate without additional charge in all regular bingo games to be played under such license on such occasion, and no charge in excess of $1 shall be made for a single opportunity to participate in all special games to be played under such license on such occasion.
All winners shall be determined and all prizes shall be awarded in any game played on any occasion within the same calendar day as that upon which the game was played.
No alcoholic beverage shall be offered or given as a prize in any such game.