[HISTORY: Adopted by the Board of Trustees of the Village of West Haverstraw 2-21-2007 by L.L. No. 1-2007.[1] Amendments noted where applicable.]
Editor's Note: Section 2 of this local law indicated that this chapter is authorized pursuant to the Constitution of the State of New York, Art. XVII, Section 3; Village Law of the State of New York § 21-2100; and Municipal Home Rule Law of the State of New York § 10(1)(ii).
The Village of West Haverstraw hereby establishes a Village Constabulary, the members of which shall be authorized to act in the capacity of uniformed court officers, and shall have the responsibilities generally associated with such position in and about the Village Court as hereinafter set forth. Village Constables shall be appointed by the Village Board, but shall work under the direct supervision of the Village Justice.
Persons holding the position of Village Constable shall have the status of, and shall be granted and exercise the powers of, a peace officer under the general laws of the State of New York.
Village Constables shall have those powers and responsibilities consistent, and generally associated, with a court officer in the State of New York, including but not necessarily limited to:
Attending sessions of the Village Court to maintain order and decorum in the courtroom;
Calming disruptive individuals;
Barring entry into secure areas of and about the courtroom;
Addressing and attending to disruptive prisoners, litigants and spectators involved in court proceedings;
Escorting, guarding and delivering jurors, witnesses and other participants of court proceedings to and from the courtroom;
Escorting, guarding and delivering the Judge and/or Clerk to and from the courtroom, as may be required;
Delivering materials to sequestered juries;
Escorting court clerks with bank deposits to and from the court offices and courthouse to the bank;
Using established search procedures and equipment to assure that no weapons, contraband or other prohibited items or materials are brought into the courthouse or courtroom;
Carrying, displaying and using a firearm, subject to any permit, training and certification requirements and qualifications otherwise imposed by law;
Effecting arrests as required and authorized.
No person holding the position of Village Constable shall carry or otherwise possess a firearm on Village property other than in conformity with state and federal law, and after having successfully completed such initial training and instruction, and any required in service of follow-up training and instruction, required for a peace officer authorized to carry a firearm under the laws of the State of New York.