[Added 10-26-1982 by Ord. No. 70:82[1]]
Editor's Note: This ordinance also repealed former Article XX, RM Residential Mixed Use District, as amended.
It is the intent to create a single balanced unit developed in concert with physical and environmental factors with particular consideration being given to the existing neighborhood development. The balanced unit shall be combined into one plan for the entire zone. This provision, however, will not prohibit the subsequent subdivision of the property in a manner consistent with the Township ordinances.
Subject to development regulations as set forth hereinafter, the following uses shall be permitted:
Office buildings for planning, management and administration and data processing uses.
Television and radio stations, but not including transmission facilities.
Research facilities, but not including uses or activities requiring outdoor apparatus such as tanks, pilot plants, towers, etc.
Editor's Note: Former Subsection D, regarding mobile food vendor establishments, added 2-24-1987 by Ord. No. 87:3, was repealed 12-19-2021 by Ord. No. 2021:26.
Off-premises signs, as defined per § 430-279, subject to the regulations of § 430-186E, except that no more than one face of an off-premises sign may be allowed as a light-emitting diode (LED) sign.
[Added 5-20-2014 by Ord. No. 2014:07]
It is specifically intended to prohibit the following uses (among others and not by way of limitation) in the POD District:
Accessory uses shall be uses customary and incidental and supportive of principal uses within the Planned Office District, including but not limited to the following, and subject to the further limitation that all accessory uses shall occupy no more than 10% of the floor area of the principal building in which located, and further provided that no one accessory use shall occupy more than 20,000 square feet of floor space:
Indoor health club facilities.
Child-care center, subject to the requirements of § 430-143 and located in a separate, freestanding building or otherwise.
[Added 12-12-1989 by Ord. No. 89:72]
Except that, light assembly and manufacturing of products from standardized parts shall be permitted to occupy up to 40% of the gross floor area of a building and shall operate in a manner that will not emit odor, noise, smoke, dust, particulate matter, radiation, gas, vibration, glare or heat beyond the boundaries of the building.
[Added 8-20-2024 by Ord. No. 2024:14]
The following conditional uses shall be permitted:
Hotel, provided that the structure is located a minimum of 1,000 feet from an existing residential zone boundary, except where such boundary coincides with a state or federal highway, and a minimum of 800 feet from the neighboring municipal boundary. Any hotel facility permitted hereunder shall contain a minimum of 200 rooms and a minimum floor area of 250,000 square feet. It is further provided that vehicular access and egress to such use shall be restricted to direct connections to Route 46, Route 202 and internal roadway(s) of the development within the POD District.
The regulations setting forth the intensity and density of development within the Planned Office District shall apply to the district in its entirety and the collective and cumulative number of buildings, parking areas and other site improvements. The regulations set forth hereinafter shall not prevent future subdivision of lots from the overall tract of land.
Minimum tract size: 132 acres (approximate). For purposes of this section, the word "tract" shall be synonymous with district itself.
Minimum lot size. No minimum lot size or dimension shall be required, except that no subdivision shall be granted final approval without preliminary site plan approval for the proposed lot, and such subdivision shall be null and void if development of the lot does not occur in accordance with site plan approval.
Minimum yard depth. No building shall be located within 100 feet of Route 46 or Route 202, nor within 200 feet of Intervale Road, nor within 150 feet of the buffer required by § 430-155H along the R-3 Zone boundary coinciding with the rear lots of homes fronting Forest Drive.
Maximum percentage building coverage: 12.5% of the tract. The total coverage shall be cumulative as to the total tract.
Maximum percentage tract coverage: 45% of the total tract. Coverage shall include parking lots, buildings, parking garages, driveways and streets. Coverage shall not include open plazas, courts, walking paths, sidewalks and the like.
Maximum floor area ratio: 0.176, except that this maximum ratio may be increased to 0.226 where a hotel is contemplated by the development plan. In no event shall the floor area ratio exceed 0.176 where the development of the tract does not include a hotel, except for the following provision. Either floor area ratio maximum may be increased by 0.005 for each increase of 1.0% in open space above 55%, provided that in no event shall the floor area ratio exceed 0.226 where the development of the tract does not include a hotel, nor shall the floor area ratio exceed 0.274 where a hotel is contemplated by the development plan. For purposes of this section, the "floor area ratio" shall mean the gross floor area of all structures, not including parking garages and canopies, divided by the total area of the tract.
Maximum building height. The building height adjacent to the required buffer setback shall not exceed 25 feet, measured at the grade along the wall of such structure adjacent to the buffer area, and further provided that the building height may be increased by one foot for each five-foot additional setback from the required buffer setback, but not to exceed 60 feet and further provided that no building shall exceed 375 feet elevation above mean sea level, including appurtenances, fixtures, rooftop mechanical equipment, etc.
Buffer requirement. A buffer width averaging 200 feet, with a minimum width of 150 feet shall be required along all Intervale Road frontage and any boundary of the tract which coincides with a residential zone boundary, except where such boundary coincides with a state or United States highway. To the extent feasible, the buffer area shall be designed to coincide with the area of the site located between the three-hundred-sixty-foot contour elevation and the adjacent residential zone boundary.
As a condition to preliminary approval of the development plan, the Planning Board may permit the implementation of the plan in whole or in sections or in stages consisting of one or more sections or stages in accord with the sequence of actions determined as part of the development plan. Such sections or stages shall be:
Substantially and functionally self-contained with regard to access, parking utilities, open spaces and similar physical features.
Provided with such temporary or permanent transitional features, buffers or protective areas as the Planning Board may require to prevent damage or detriment to any completed section or stage, to other sections or stages and to adjoining properties not in the development plan. Plans and specifications of such sections or stages are to be filed with the Planning Board and are to be of sufficient detail and at such scale as to fully demonstrate:
The arrangement and site locations of all structures, primary and accessory land uses, parking, landscaping and public and private utilities and service facilities and land ownership conditions.
The extent and sequence of traffic improvement both on- and off-site and any and all proposed agreements for implementation of such improvements.
Notwithstanding the aforementioned conditions and regulations, the following schedule for land development prevails. To encourage flexibility of intensity, design and type, in cases of staged development the Planning Board may allow for greater concentration of permitted intensity of land use within some section or sections of development, whether it is earlier or later in the development, than within others. The approval of the Planning Board of a greater concentration of intensity of land use within any section to be developed must be offset by a smaller concentration in any completed prior stage or by an appropriate reservation of open space on the remaining land. Such reservation shall, as far as practicable, defer the precise location of such open space until an application for preliminary approval is filed.
Streets, utilities and other public facilities. The authority granted to the Planning Board and the Township of Parsippany-Troy Hills to establish standards for the location, width, course and surfacing of public streets and highways, alleys, ways for public service facilities, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, streetlights, stormwater drainage, water supply and distribution, sanitary sewers and sewage collection and treatment shall be vested in the Planning Board for the purpose of this section. The Planning Board is hereby authorized to make such modifications of standards and requirements otherwise required of subdivisions as set forth in Chapter 225, Land Use, Subdivisions and Site Plans, as long as such modifications are consistent with the terms of this section, except that the following minimum standards shall apply:
The right-of-way and pavement widths for internal ways and roads serving developments shall be determined from sound planning and engineering standards in conformity to the estimated needs of the full development proposed and the traffic to be generated thereby and shall be adequate and sufficient in size, location and design to accommodate the maximum traffic, parking and loading needs and the access of fire-fighting equipment and police vehicles and shall be certified thereto by a competent expert or experts licensed under the laws of the State of New Jersey. In such instance, other provisions of this section shall not apply but may serve as general guides to the Planning Board in approving the development plans.
Internal private roads shall have a required minimum pavement width as follows:
One-way traffic roads: twenty-foot pavement width.
Two-way traffic roads: thirty-foot pavement width.
Sidewalks shall be at least three feet in width.
Serviceways for public service and emergency vehicles shall be no less than 15 feet in width.
All electric, gas and telephone utility lines shall be installed underground. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, written certification from each serving utility shall be required which shall evidence full compliance with the provisions of this requirement.
In addition to all other standards, conditions or requirements set forth in this section, all site and building plans shall be reviewed by the Planning Board in regard to safety and convenience of traffic access and parking, disposition and usability of open space, compatibility of building types, building construction, floor plans and other factors relating to site design. Said site review will also include site design as it fits in with the general development of the entire development plan area.
Access. No access of the tract shall be permitted along Intervale Road frontage.
Required off-street parking and loading requirements shall be as specified in Article XXXVII, except that in no event shall off-street parking spaces exceed 3.3 spaces per 1,000 square feet of floor area of all structures, excluding parking decks and basement floors.
Signs are subject to the sign regulations of Article XXXVIII.
An applicant shall initially submit a sketch plan for the entire tract. The sketch shall show all informational items as required for any major subdivision as set forth in Chapter 225, Land Use, Subdivisions and Site Plans, and further shall indicate the general location of buildings, parking areas and roadways, as well as any other significant site development features planned by the applicant. The purposes of the sketch development plan are to:
Establish the land use plan for the site.
Establish staging or phasing of site development.
Determine at the earliest possible time general off-site improvements required as a result of the development.
Determine design criteria for buffer areas, parking lot location, open space areas, etc., and as applicable.
Establish an architectural theme addressing color, texture, building siting, etc.
Provide an evaluation of the traffic generation of the proposed overall plan and determination of the basic improvements required of the existing roadway system to adequately provide for additional traffic. The evaluation shall also set forth proposed agreements to accomplish improvements and staging of same as a function of overall tract development.
The applicant after approval of the overall development plan shall proceed with formal site plan and subdivision applications for all phases of the development.
Preliminary application for development shall be made under and in accord with all the regulations and procedures for a major subdivision and major site plan as set forth in Chapter 225, Land Use, Subdivisions and Site Plans.